761 research outputs found

    Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned

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    The article delineates some of the challenges in implementing of one of the global trends among universities - increased cooperation and collaboration to create and transfer intellectual property. Universities all over the world are increasing cooperation and collaboration in different fields. In addition to the traditional student and faculty exchanges, more and more universities are exploring deeper collaborations ranging from replication of degree programs to creation of dual degree programs. The article presents a case study of an extended collaboration to replicate a program founded by the University of Texas at Austin at the University of Lodz in Lodz, Poland. The transferred program is the year long executive MS in Science and Technology Commercialization (MSSTC) Program which focuses on wealth creation associated with intellectual property by transforming ideas based on science and technology into new products, new services, and new ventures to create jobs. The MSSTC program was transferred successfully from the University of Texas at Austin to the University of Lodz in Poland. However, one of the most significant challenges associated with the program replication across countries and cultures is how to best address a program’s intellectual property issues. This paper examines some of the intellectual property issues involved in transferring the MSSTC program like from a US to a Polish university. Some of the lessons learned re: intellectual property are delineated, examined, explored, and recommendations offered.Globalne trendy i międzynarodowy charakter komercjalizacji technologii sprawia, że pojawiły się globalne trendy do zacieśnienia współpracy pomiędzy uczelniami. Uniwersytety Trzeciego wieku oprócz misji edukacyjnej i naukowej włączają się w nurt przedsiębiorczości nazwanej akademickiej, współpracy z przemysłem i instytucjami rządowymi. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na istotną rolę transferu własności intelektualnej zawartej w programach edukacyjnych, szkoleniowych wymiany kadry i studentów. Współpraca rodzi wartość dodaną jako uzyskują uczelnie w postaci wspólnych programów lub transferu wiedzy z jednej uczelni do drugiej. Prezentowany artykuł zawiera również studium przypadku oparte na współpracy dwóch uczelni amerykańskiej i polskiej oraz transferze programu magisterskiego Komercjalizacji Nauki i Technologii z Austin do Łodzi. Udostępnienie wiedzy i najlepszych praktyk Instytutu IC2 w Austin obejmowało wyzwania związane z prawidłowym transferem własności intelektualnej wielu podmiotów jak wykładowców, uczelni, instytutu, doradców oraz innych osób pracujących przez wiele lat przy tworzeniu najlepszego w USA programu magisterskiego do zarządzania technologią. Autorzy zebrali najbardziej istotne problemy występujące podczas ich pracy w programie i przedstawili je w rozdziale Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned AbstractDruk materiałów sfinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach projektu „Kreator innowacyjności – wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”

    The capital barrier to innovation in the small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The article discusses SMEs' situation with reference to the process of creating an innovative economy. The presented discussion covers both non-material and financial barriers impeding the development of innovations. The examined range of new solutions designed to finance innovation includes types of capital support such as leasing, franchising, venture capital, Business Angels, NewConnect

    Good governance and territorial marketing – two sides of the same coin? Development of market orientation through governance mechanisms in local government.

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    The scope of the paper is to discuss the role of good governance in improving responsiveness of local government to the needs of the selected target markets (investors, tourists, students). The criteria of good governance and governance indicators are analysed with regard of their applicability in building customer orientation of local authorities i.e. increasing market intelligence, disseminating knowledge about current and prospect users of the territory and fostering organizational culture conducive of gathering, sharing and applying market information for satisfying local demand. The objective is to assess usefulness of governance mechanisms in improving marketing management process (i.e. analysis, planning, implementation and control) of the local authorities towards selected groups of target customers (investors, tourists, students). The paper will create the analytical framework for the future research in selected Polish cities. The main good governance rules will be tested both from the governors’ perspectives and from the customer one. The issues below should be taken into consideration n terms of governors’ performance: • focusing on the organisation’s purpose and on outcomes for citizens and service users • performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles • promoting values for the whole organisation and demonstrating the values of good governance through behaviour • taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk • developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective • engaging stakeholders and making accountability real Different approaches to public service quality at the operational level and territorial marketing at the strategic level as well as methodologies of measuring governance will be taken into account as a theoretical background.

    Cooperation of science with the business as a trend in hiring staff

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    The article focuses on cooperation between business and science, considered as a means of achieving mutual benefits, in particular, supporting business innovation and ensuring their access to potential employees. The authors suggest steps towards closer cooperation between the university and local entrepreneurs on the example of the initiatives of the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz

    The challenge of employee well-being in small businesses: The G&T 2007 Fontanería y Construcciones S.L. case

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses i Dret. Codi: DA0249. Curs 2022/202

    A Comparative Analysis of Initiatives and Adaptation Measures to Climate Change Undertaken in Poland and Western Europe

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    The analysis of the main initiatives for adaptation to climate change in selected countries of Western Europe and Poland relate to key issues mentioned in the strategic documents of the European Commission. In the United Kingdom the main emphasis is on the reduction of greenhouse gases as a form of preventive action, rather than adaptation to climate change. All strategies recognize the importance of raising public awareness about the negative effects of climate change and the importance of preparing adaptation measures, and stress the need to support the critical and most sensitive sectors of the European economy – forestry, agriculture and fisheries. The Polish strategy of adaptation to climate change does not deviate from the strategy of these countries of Western Europe, but it must be emphasized that this is only a document listing recommendations on the scope of operations of adaptation to climate change. Its realization is a separate issue

    Selected Aspects in The Creation of The University’s Knowledge Transfer Capacity

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    The paper is devoted to the analysis of the creation of university's potential for knowledge transfer to the business environment. The analysis will be presented in the system inspired by the model proposed by Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt [2005] which is as follows: (i) generating knowledge (ii) searching for and identifying knowledge, (iii) evaluating and selecting ides, (iv) implementing in practice. Each stage creates different challenges for the university's operations (also the final stage, which is not generally carried out by the university), which will be included in the analysis. The results of the theoretical analysis are referred to the results of the research concerning knowledge transfer practices among universities in Lodz. A total of thirty-five cases of knowledge transfer practices were included in the analysis. The analysis conducted in 2010 and 2011 covered types of practices, the initiative of carrying out practices, their duration, the nature of practices, their subject scope and impact as well as risks and benefits associated with implementing knowledge transfer practices. The preliminary exploration, interviews and innovation studies conducted indicate that the analysis covered a vast majority of such practices, which means that it is representative of the Lodz region.Paweł Głodek: [email protected] Stawaszl: [email protected]ł Głodek, Ph.D. – Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy, Faculty of Management, University of LodzDr hab. Edward Stawasz, prof. UŁ – Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy, Faculty of Management, University of LodzBessant J., Oberg C., Trifilova A. 2014 Framing Problems in Radical Innovation, “Industrial Marketing Management”, Vol. 43.Bogdanienko J. 2004, Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń.Cieślik J. 2014 Przedsiębiorczość, polityka, rozwój, Wydawnictwo Akademickie SEDNO, Warszawa.D’Este P., Patel P. 2007 University – Industry Linkage in the UK: What Are the Factors Underlying the Variety of Interactions with Industry?, “Research Policy”, No. 36.Drucker J., Goldstain H. 2007 Assessing the Regional Economic Development Impacts of Universities: A Review of Current Approaches, “International Regional Science Review”, 30 (1).Etzkowitz H., Webster A., Gebhardt Ch., Cantisano Terra B. R. 2000 The Future of the University and the University of the Future: Evolution of Ivory Tower to Entrepreneurial Paradigm, “Research Policy”, Vol. 29, No. 2.Głodek P., Wiśniewska M. 2015 Uczelniany scouting wiedzy, jako element systemu komercjalizacji wiedzy w ramach uczelni wyższej, Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin, (in print).Grimpe Ch., Fier H. 2010 Informal University Technology Transfer: A Comparison between the United States and Germany, “Journal of Technology Transfer”, No. 35.Handoko F., Smith A., Burvill C. 2014 The Role of Government, Universities, and Businesses in Advancing, Technology for SMEs’ Innovativeness, “Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies”, Vol. 12, No. 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14765284.2014.900968.Hewitt-Dundas N. 2012 Research Intensity and Knowledge Transfer Activity in UK Universities, “Research Policy”, 41 (2).Hughes A., Kitson M. 2012 Pathways to Impact and the Strategic Role of Universities: New Evidence on the Breadth and Depth of University Knowledge Exchange in the UK and the Factors Constraining its Development, “Cambridge Journal of Economics”, Vol. 36, DOI: 10.1093/cje/bes017.Jasiński A. H. 2006 Innowacje i transfer techniki w procesie transformacji, Difin, Warszawa.Jewtuchowicz A. 2005 Terytorium i współczesne dylematy jego rozwoju, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Krogh G. von 1998 Care in Knowledge Creation, “California Management Review”. Vol. 40.Lawton Smith H., Ho K. 2006 Measuring the Performance of Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University and the Government Laboratories’ Spin-off Companies. “Research Policy”, 35 (10).Łącka I. 2011 Współpraca technologiczna polskich instytucji naukowych i badawczych z przedsiębiorstwami jako czynnik wzrostu polskiej gospodarki, Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego, Szczecin.Łobacz K., Niedzielski P. 2015 Uczelnie wyższe, jako element procesu komercjalizacji wiedzy w Polsce – wyzwania i bariery, [in:] Budowa potencjału uczelni wyższej do współpracy z przedsiębiorstwami. Rola scoutingu wiedzy, P. Głodek, M. Wiśniewska (ed.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź, pp. 81-103.Matusiak K. B. 2010 Budowa powiązań nauki z biznesem w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. Rola uniwersytetu w procesach innowacyjnych, Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, Warszawa.Morawski M. 2005 Problematyka upowszechniania wiedzy między jednostkami organizacyjnymi uczelni, [in:] Uczelnia oparta na wiedzy. Organizacja procesu dydaktycznego oraz zarządzanie wiedzą w ekonomicznym szkolnictwie wyższym, T. Gołębiowski, M. Dąbrowski, B. Mierzejewska (eds.), Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych, Warszawa.Niedzielski P., Łobacz K. 2012 Diagnoza i analiza problemów komercjalizacji wiedzy i transferu technologii na uczelni wyższej pod kątem barier natury organizacyjnej, ekspertyza przygotowana w ramach projektu “SCOUTING – aktywny system monitoringu i oceny potencjału rynkowego prac badawczych kluczem do współpracy nauki i przedsiębiorców, maszynopis powielony, Szczecin.Nowakowska A. 2011 Regionalny wymiar procesów innowacji, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Poznańska K., Zarzecki M., Matuszewski P., Rudowski A. 2012 Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw na Mazowszu oraz współpraca ze szkołami wyższymi, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa.Probst G. 1998 Practical Knowledge Management: A Model That Works, Prism, Second Quarter, Arthur D. Little.Rossi F., Rosli A. 2014 Indicators of University–Industry Knowledge Transfer Performance and their Implications for Universities: Evidence from the United Kingdom, “Studies in Higher Education”, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2014.914914Santarek K., Bagiński J., Buczacki A., Sobczyk D., Szerenos A. 2008 Transfer technologii z uczelni do biznesu. Tworzenie mechanizmów transferu technologii, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, Warszawa.Shane S. 2005 Government Policies for Encourage Economic Development through Entrepreneurship: The Case of Technology Transfer, [in:] Economic Development through Entrepreneurship. Government, University and Business Linkages, S. Shane (ed.), Elgar, Cheltenham.Stawasz E. 2009 Realizacja i integracja polityki innowacyjnej i przedsiębiorczości (wybrane problemy na przykładzie regionu łódzkiego), [in:] Budowanie zdolności innowacyjnych regionów, (ed.) A. Nowakowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Tidd J., Bessant J., Pavitt K. 2005 Managing Innovation. Integrating Technological Market and Organizational Change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Trzmielak D. 2013 Komercjalizacja wiedzy i technologii – determinanty i strategie, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Wiśniewska M., Głodek P., Trzmielak D. 2015 Wdrażanie scoutingu wiedzy w polskiej uczelni wyższej. Aspekty praktyczne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Woźniak P. 2015 Podejście procesowe w systemie zarządzania uczelnią, the paper presented at the XVIII Conference entitled “Innowacje w zarządzaniu i inżynierii produkcji”, Zakopane, 01-03 March.5(77)274

    Patterns of industrial upgrading in the clothing industry in Poland and Romania

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    This paper aims at understanding the impact of industrial networks with foreign and other domestic organizations on industrial upgrading of the clothing companies in Poland and Romania over the past decade. The research presented in this paper is based on interviews carried out in ten large clothing companies in Poland and Romania. The paper shows that there are differing structural influences of buyer-driven global networks on the industrial upgrading of Polish and Romanian clothing firms. Taking these global buyers as exemplars to themselves, Polish and Romanian clothing firms follow relatively different upgrading patterns, experiencing more or less the same network relationships with foreign buyers whereas differing networks with other organizations in their countries. As the level of accumulation of knowledge and skills differs among the firms, the pace and level of upgrading differs too. This paper has proposed a stylized pattern but it should not be taken as inevitable since it also tries to show that some firms might skip some sequences. As a consequence, it is not a question of the positioning of the countries on a single upgrading ladder, but more accurately it is different upgrading ladders that have been climbed in each country. There is no single pattern for all of them

    Design of engineering systems in Polish mines in the third quarter of the 20th century

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    Participation of mathematicians in the implementation of economic projects in Poland, in which mathematics-based methods played an important role, happened sporadically in the past. Usually methods known from publications and verified were adapted to solving related problems. The subject of this paper is the cooperation between mathematicians and engineers in Wroc{\l}aw in the second half of the twentieth century established in the form of an analysis of the effectiveness of engineering systems used in mining. The results of this cooperation showed that at the design stage of technical systems it is necessary to take into account factors that could not have been rationally controlled before. The need to explain various aspects of future exploitation was a strong motivation for the development of mathematical modeling methods. These methods also opened research topics in the theory of stochastic processes and graph theory. The social aspects of this cooperation are also interesting.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figures, 116 reference