5 research outputs found

    A novel architecture for large windows processors

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    Several processor architectures with large instruction windows have been proposed. They improve performance by maintaining hundreds of instructions in flight to increase the level of instruction parallelism (ILP). Such architectures replace a re-order buffer (ROB) with a check-pointing mechanism and an out-of-order release of the processor resources. Check-pointing, however, leads to an imprecise state recovery on mispredicted branches and exceptions and frequent re-execution of current-path instructions during the state recovery. It also requires large register files complicating renaming, allocation and release of physical registers. This technical report proposes a new processor architecture that does not use either a traditional ROB or check-pointing, avoids the above-mentioned problems, and has a fast, distributed state recovery mechanism. Its novel register management architecture allows implementation of large register files with simpler and more scalable, register renaming and commit. It is also key to the precise recovery mechanism.Postprint (published version

    A distributed processor state management architecture for large-window processors

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    Processor architectures with large instruction windows have been proposed to expose more instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and increase performance. Some of the proposed architectures replace a re-order buffer (ROB) with a check-pointing mechanism and an out-of-order release of processor resources. Check-pointing, however, leads to an imprecise processor state recovery on mis-predicted branches and exceptions and re-execution of correct-path instructions after state recovery. It also requires large register files complicating renaming, allocation and release of physical registers. This paper proposes a new processor architecture called a Multi-State Processor (MSP). The MSP does not use check-pointing, avoids the above-mentioned problems, and has a fast, distributed state recovery mechanism. The MSP uses a novel register management architecture allowing implementation of large register files with simpler and more scalable register allocation, renaming, and release. It is also key to precise processor state recovery mechanism. The MSP is shown to improve IPC by 14%, on average, for integer SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks compared to a check-pointing based mechanism ([2]) when a fast and simple branch predictor is used. With a very aggressive branch predictor the IPC improvement is 1%, on average, and 3% if some of the programs are optimized for the MSP. The MSP also reduces the average number of executed instructions by 16.5% (12% for the aggressive branch predictor), mostly due to precise state recovery. This improves the MSP processor energy efficiency even though it uses a larger register file.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Runahead threads

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    Los temas de investigación sobre multithreading han ganado mucho interés en la arquitectura de computadores con la aparición de procesadores multihilo y multinucleo. Los procesadores SMT (Simultaneous Multithreading) son uno de estos nuevos paradigmas, combinando la capacidad de emisión de múltiples instrucciones de los procesadores superscalares con la habilidad de explotar el paralelismo a nivel de hilos (TLP). Así, la principal característica de los procesadores SMT es ejecutar varios hilos al mismo tiempo para incrementar la utilización de las etapas del procesador mediante la compartición de recursos.Los recursos compartidos son el factor clave de los procesadores SMT, ya que esta característica conlleva tratar con importantes cuestiones pues los hilos también compiten por estos recursos en el núcleo del procesador. Si bien distintos grupos de aplicaciones se benefician de disponer de SMT, las diferentes propiedades de los hilos ejecutados pueden desbalancear la asignación de recursos entre los mismos, disminuyendo los beneficios de la ejecución multihilo. Por otro lado, el problema con la memoria está aún presente en los procesadores SMT. Estos procesadores alivian algunos de los problemas de latencia provocados por la lentitud de la memoria con respecto a la CPU. Sin embargo, hilos con grandes cargas de trabajo y con altas tasas de fallos en las caches son unas de las mayores dificultades de los procesadores SMT. Estos hilos intensivos en memoria tienden a crear importantes problemas por la contención de recursos. Por ejemplo, pueden llegar a bloquear recursos críticos debido a operaciones de larga latencia impidiendo no solo su ejecución, sino el progreso de la ejecución de los otros hilos y, por tanto, degradando el rendimiento general del sistema.El principal objetivo de esta tesis es aportar soluciones novedosas a estos problemas y que mejoren el rendimiento de los procesadores SMT. Para conseguirlo, proponemos los Runahead Threads (RaT) aplicando una ejecución especulativa basada en runahead. RaT es un mecanismo alternativo a las políticas previas de gestión de recursos las cuales usualmente restringían a los hilos intensivos en memoria para conseguir más productividad.La idea clave de RaT es transformar un hilo intensivo en memoria en un hilo ligero en el uso de recursos que progrese especulativamente. Así, cuando un hilo sufre de un acceso de larga latencia, RaT transforma dicho hilo en un hilo de runahead mientras dicho fallo está pendiente. Los principales beneficios de esta simple acción son varios. Mientras un hilo está en runahead, éste usa los diferentes recursos compartidos sin monopolizarlos o limitarlos con respecto a los otros hilos. Al mismo tiempo, esta ejecución especulativa realiza prebúsquedas a memoria que se solapan con el fallo principal, por tanto explotando el paralelismo a nivel de memoria y mejorando el rendimiento.RaT añade muy poco hardware extra y complejidad en los procesadores SMT con respecto a su implementación. A través de un mecanismo de checkpoint y lógica de control adicional, podemos dotar a los contextos hardware con la capacidad de ejecución en runahead. Por medio de RaT, contribuímos a aliviar simultaneamente dos problemas en el contexto de los procesadores SMT. Primero, RaT reduce el problema de los accesos de larga latencia en los SMT mediante el paralelismo a nivel de memoria (MLP). Un hilo prebusca datos en paralelo en vez de estar parado debido a un fallo de L2 mejorando su rendimiento individual. Segundo, RaT evita que los hilos bloqueen recursos bajo fallos de larga latencia. RaT asegura que el hilo intensivo en memoria recicle más rápido los recursos compartidos que usa debido a la naturaleza de la ejecución especulativa.La principal limitación de RaT es que los hilos especulativos pueden ejecutar instrucciones extras cuando no realizan prebúsqueda e innecesariamente consumir recursos de ejecución en el procesador SMT. Este inconveniente resulta en hilos de runahead ineficientes pues no contribuyen a la ganancia de rendimiento e incrementan el consumo de energía debido al número extra de instrucciones especulativas. Por consiguiente, en esta tesis también estudiamos diferentes soluciones dirigidas a solventar esta desventaja del mecanismo RaT. El resultado es un conjunto de soluciones complementarias para mejorar la eficiencia de RaT en términos de consumo de potencia y gasto energético.Por un lado, mejoramos la eficiencia de RaT aplicando ciertas técnicas basadas en el análisis semántico del código ejecutado por los hilos en runahead. Proponemos diferentes técnicas que analizan y controlan la utilidad de ciertos patrones de código durante la ejecución en runahead. Por medio de un análisis dinámico, los hilos en runahead supervisan la utilidad de ejecutar los bucles y subrutinas dependiendo de las oportunidades de prebúsqueda. Así, RaT decide cual de estas estructuras de programa ejecutar dependiendo de la información de utilidad obtenida, decidiendo entre parar o saltar el bucle o la subrutina para reducir el número de las instrucciones no útiles. Entre las técnicas propuestas, conseguimos reducir las instrucciones especulativas y la energía gastada mientras obtenemos rendimientos similares a la técnica RaT original.Por otro lado, también proponemos lo que denominamos hilos de runahead eficientes. Esta propuesta se basa en una técnica más fina que cubre todo el rango de ejecución en runahead, independientemente de las características del programa ejecutado. La idea principal es averiguar "cuando" y "durante cuanto" un hilo en runahead debe ser ejecutado prediciendo lo que denominamos distancia útil de runahead. Los resultados muestran que la mejor de estas propuestas basadas en la predicción de la distancia de runahead reducen significativamente el número de instrucciones extras así como también el consumo de potencia. Asimismo, conseguimos mantener los beneficios de rendimiento de los hilos en runahead, mejorando de esta forma la eficiencia energética de los procesadores SMT usando el mecanismo RaT.La evolución de RaT desarrollada durante toda esta investigación nos proporciona no sólo una propuesta orientada a un mayor rendimiento sino también una forma eficiente de usar los recursos compartidos en los procesadores SMT en presencia de operaciones de memoria de larga latencia.Dado que los diseños SMT en el futuro estarán orientados a optimizar una combinación de rendimiento individual en las aplicaciones, la productividad y el consumo de energía, los mecanismos basados en RaT aquí propuestos son interesantes opciones que proporcionan un mejor balance de rendimiento y energía que las propuestas previas en esta área.Research on multithreading topics has gained a lot of interest in the computer architecture community due to new commercial multithreaded and multicore processors. Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is one of these relatively new paradigms, which combines the multiple instruction issue features of superscalar processors with the ability of multithreaded architectures to exploit thread level parallelism (TLP). The main feature of SMT processors is to execute multiple threads that increase the utilization of the pipeline by sharing many more resources than in other types of processors.Shared resources are the key of simultaneous multithreading, what makes the technique worthwhile.This feature also entails important challenges to deal with because threads also compete for resources in the processor core. On the one hand, although certain types and mixes of applications truly benefit from SMT, the different features of threads can unbalance the resource allocation among threads, diminishing the benefit of multithreaded execution. On the other hand, the memory wall problem is still present in these processors. SMT processors alleviate some of the latency problems arisen by main memory's slowness relative to the CPUs. Nevertheless, threads with high cache miss rates that use large working sets are one of the major pitfalls of SMT processors. These memory intensive threads tend to use processor and memory resources poorly creating the highest resource contention problems. Memory intensive threads can clog up shared resources due to long latency memory operations without making progress on a SMT processor, thereby hindering overall system performance.The main goal of this thesis is to alleviate these shortcomings on SMT scenarios. To accomplish this, the key contribution of this thesis is the application of the paradigm of Runahead execution in the design of multithreaded processors by Runahead Threads (RaT). RaT shows to be a promising alternative to prior SMT resource management mechanisms which usually restrict memory bound threads in order to get higher throughputs.The idea of RaT is to transform a memory intensive thread into a light-consumer resource thread by allowing that thread to progress speculatively. Therefore, as soon as a thread undergoes a long latency load, RaT transforms the thread to a runahead thread while it has that long latency miss outstanding. The main benefits of this simple action performed by RaT are twofold. While being a runahead thread, this thread uses the different shared resources without monopolizing or limiting the available resources for other threads. At the same time, this fast speculative thread issues prefetches that overlap other memory accesses with the main miss, thereby exploiting the memory level parallelism.Regarding implementation issues, RaT adds very little extra hardware cost and complexity to an existing SMT processor. Through a simple checkpoint mechanism and little additional control logic, we can equip the hardware contexts with the runahead thread capability. Therefore, by means of runahead threads, we contribute to alleviate simultaneously the two shortcomings in the context of SMT processor improving the performance. First, RaT alleviates the long latency load problem on SMT processors by exposing memory level parallelism (MLP). A thread prefetches data in parallel (if MLP is available) improving its individual performance rather than be stalled on an L2 miss. Second, RaT prevents threads from clogging resources on long latency loads. RaT ensures that the L2-missing thread recycles faster the shared resources it uses by the nature of runahead speculative execution. This avoids memory intensive threads clogging the important processor resources up.The main limitation of RaT though is that runahead threads can execute useless instructions and unnecessarily consume execution resources on the SMT processor when there is no prefetching to be exploited. This drawback results in inefficient runahead threads which do not contribute to the performance gain and increase dynamic energy consumption due to the number of extra speculatively executed instructions. Therefore, we also propose different solutions aimed at this major disadvantage of the Runahead Threads mechanism. The result of the research on this line is a set of complementary solutions to enhance RaT in terms of power consumption and energy efficiency.On the one hand, code semantic-aware Runahead threads improve the efficiency of RaT using coarse-grain code semantic analysis at runtime. We provide different techniques that analyze the usefulness of certain code patterns during runahead thread execution. The code patterns selected to perform that analysis are loops and subroutines. By means of the proposed coarse grain analysis, runahead threads oversee the usefulness of loops or subroutines depending on the prefetches opportunities during their executions. Thus, runahead threads decide which of these particular program structures execute depending on the obtained usefulness information, deciding either stall or skip the loop or subroutine executions to reduce the number of useless runahead instructions. Some of the proposed techniques reduce the speculative instruction and wasted energy while achieving similar performance to RaT.On the other hand, the efficient Runahead thread proposal is another contribution focused on improving RaT efficiency. This approach is based on a generic technique which covers all runahead thread executions, independently of the executed program characteristics as code semantic-aware runahead threads are. The key idea behind this new scheme is to find out --when' and --how long' a thread should be executed in runahead mode by predicting the useful runahead distance. The results show that the best of these approaches based on the runahead distance prediction significantly reduces the number of extra speculative instructions executed in runahead threads, as well as the power consumption. Likewise, it maintains the performance benefits of the runahead threads, thereby improving the energy-efficiency of SMT processors using the RaT mechanism.The evolution of Runahead Threads developed in this research provides not only a high performance but also an efficient way of using shared resources in SMT processors in the presence of long latency memory operations. As designers of future SMT systems will be increasingly required to optimize for a combination of single thread performance, total throughput, and energy consumption, RaT-based mechanisms are promising options that provide better performance and energy balance than previous proposals in the field

    Design of a distributed memory unit for clustered microarchitectures

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    Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which characterized the semiconductor industry for many years. Single–chip multiprocessors allowed the performance growth to continue so far. Yet, Amdahl’s law asserts that the overall performance of future single–chip multiprocessors will depend crucially on single–processor performance. In a multiprocessor a small growth in single–processor performance can justify the use of significant resources. Partitioning the layout of critical components can improve the energy–efficiency and ultimately the performance of a single processor. In a clustered microarchitecture parts of these components form clusters. Instructions are processed locally in the clusters and benefit from the smaller size and complexity of the clusters components. Because the clusters together process a single instruction stream communications between clusters are necessary and introduce an additional cost. This thesis proposes the design of a distributed memory unit and first level cache in the context of a clustered microarchitecture. While the partitioning of other parts of the microarchitecture has been well studied the distribution of the memory unit and the cache has received comparatively little attention. The first proposal consists of a set of cache bank predictors. Eight different predictor designs are compared based on cost and accuracy. The second proposal is the distributed memory unit. The load and store queues are split into smaller queues for distributed disambiguation. The mapping of memory instructions to cache banks is delayed until addresses have been calculated. We show how disambiguation can be implemented efficiently with unordered queues. A bank predictor is used to map instructions that consume memory data near the data origin. We show that this organization significantly reduces both energy usage and latency. The third proposal introduces Dispatch Throttling and Pre-Access Queues. These mechanisms avoid load/store queue overflows that are a result of the late allocation of entries. The fourth proposal introduces Memory Issue Queues, which add functionality to select instructions for execution and re-execution to the memory unit. The fifth proposal introduces Conservative Deadlock Aware Entry Allocation. This mechanism is a deadlock safe issue policy for the Memory Issue Queues. Deadlocks can result from certain queue allocations because entries are allocated out-of-order instead of in-order like in traditional architectures. The sixth proposal is the Early Release of Load Queue Entries. Architectures with weak memory ordering such as Alpha, PowerPC or ARMv7 can take advantage of this mechanism to release load queue entries before the commit stage. Together, these proposals allow significantly smaller and more energy efficient load queues without the need of energy hungry recovery mechanisms and without performance penalties. Finally, we present a detailed study that compares the proposed distributed memory unit to a centralized memory unit and confirms its advantages of reduced energy usage and of improved performance

    A Structured Design Methodology for High Performance VLSI Arrays

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    abstract: The geometric growth in the integrated circuit technology due to transistor scaling also with system-on-chip design strategy, the complexity of the integrated circuit has increased manifold. Short time to market with high reliability and performance is one of the most competitive challenges. Both custom and ASIC design methodologies have evolved over the time to cope with this but the high manual labor in custom and statistic design in ASIC are still causes of concern. This work proposes a new circuit design strategy that focuses mostly on arrayed structures like TLB, RF, Cache, IPCAM etc. that reduces the manual effort to a great extent and also makes the design regular, repetitive still achieving high performance. The method proposes making the complete design custom schematic but using the standard cells. This requires adding some custom cells to the already exhaustive library to optimize the design for performance. Once schematic is finalized, the designer places these standard cells in a spreadsheet, placing closely the cells in the critical paths. A Perl script then generates Cadence Encounter compatible placement file. The design is then routed in Encounter. Since designer is the best judge of the circuit architecture, placement by the designer will allow achieve most optimal design. Several designs like IPCAM, issue logic, TLB, RF and Cache designs were carried out and the performance were compared against the fully custom and ASIC flow. The TLB, RF and Cache were the part of the HEMES microprocessor.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201