1,235 research outputs found

    On the Historical Process of the Institutionalizing Technical Education: The Case of Weaving Districts in the Meiji Japan

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    This paper explores the process of the institutionalizing technical education in modern Japan. In particular, this research attempts to elucidate why people in local weaving districts needed such educational institutions and how it is related with the introduction of western technology. This process is found to be much different from the government-led introduction of modern industries through establishment of technical high schools and universities to nurture engineers. In the case of traditional Japanese weaving districts, it was trade associations that voluntarily and actively established institutes for training, which were later supported by prefectural governments and the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and finally institutionalized as public technical schools by the Ministry of Education.

    Pharmaceutical research in Wilhelmine Germany: The case of E. Merck

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    In this paper, we describe the emergence and evolution of pharmaceutical research at the German company E. Merck during the late 19th and early 20th century. Revolutionary changes in the scientific knowledge base, especially the rise of bacteriological research, and the market entry of dyestuff producers into pharmaceuticals made the re-organisation of pharmaceutical research during the 1890s a necessary corporate strategy. Consequently, Merck restructured its in-house research between 1895 and 1898. Moreover, the firm deepened its co-operation with universities and other outside inventors. Jointly and severally, the firm depended on outside inventors for the generation of new products, whereas in-house scientists improved the productive efficiency. Moreover, we show that a significant number of new products were launched between the late 1890s and 1905. During the following years, however, resource constraints restricted Merck’s innovative capacity.Business history, pharmaceutical research, case study

    The hybrid spatialities of post-industrial Beijing: communism, neoliberalism, and brownfield redevelopment

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    While the redevelopment of urban brownfield sites in China has received much attention, the role of political ideology in this process is usually downplayed or sidelined to a set of stylized assumptions. This paper invites giving a greater analytical focus to the evolving and nonorthodox nature of China’s politico-ideological model as a factor shaping urban change and redevelopment. The paper provides an analytical framework integrating multi-level and evolutionary perspectives while exploring the experiences of the formation and post-industrial redevelopment of brownfield sites in Beijing. The analysis demonstrates that neoliberal economic policies and the communist political doctrine are co-constitutive in the production of China’s post-industrial urban space. This produces a sense of spatial hybridity that combines and co-embeds what may be assumed to be mutually exclusive

    Incentives and Innovation? R&D Management in Germany’s High-Tech Industries During the Second Industrial Revolution

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    The allocation of intellectual property rights between firms and employed researchers causes a principal-agent problem between the two parties. We investigate the working contracts of inventors employed by German chemical, pharmaceutical, and electrical engineering firms at the turn of the 20th century and show that some firms were aware of the principal-agent problem and offered performance-related compensation schemes to their scientists. However, neither a higher total compensation nor a higher share of variable compensation in total compensation is correlated with a higher innovative output. Thus, incentives techniques were already used during the early history of industrial research laboratories, but their impact on innovative output was unsystematic.Compensation packages; incentives; innovation; economic history; Germany, pre-1913

    The Bobbin and Beaker Vol. 21 No. 1

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    Improvement of polyester dyeing at low temperature

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    In this thesis the polyester dyeing at low temperatures has been assessed with two different methods: exhaustion method and thermosol method. Exhaustion dyeing process was performed with high and low molecular-weight disperse dyes in presence of small proportion of two non-toxic and biobased aromatic auxiliaries, namely o-vanillin and coumarin with an organic co-solvent (n-butylacetate) in a micro-emulsion system. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of this process were analysed. The values of entropy and activation diffusion coefficients were obtained from the theory of absolute rates of dyeing. Moreover, color fastness to washing and ironing were determined. The study proved that color strength and dyestuff absorption on the polyester with this new micro-emulsion formulation at low temperature (95ºC) are similar to those achieved with high temperature exhaustion system at 135 ºC. Moreover, this new micro-emulsion system has the advantage of using eco-friendly auxiliaries being the dyeing system favorable from both economic and environmental points of view. Comparing both auxiliaries, it was found that, in general, polyester samples dyed with o-vanillin/n-butylacetate system yielded higher colour strength (K/S) and exhaustion percentage than the ones dyed with coumarin/n-butylacetate. Higher activated energies, activated entropy and diffusion coefficient were found for polyester samples dyed with o-vanillin/n-butylacetate. Thermosol process was carried out with a low molecular disperse dye using two different impregnation padding baths (with or without lecithin) at two different impregnation times at 20º C (one minute or twenty four hours). The study demonstrated that values of K/S, dyeing efficiency, and dyestuff concentration into the fiber (mg dye/ g fiber) of dyed polyester samples increased due to action of lecithin. This reveals that if the padding solution contains lecithin less quantity of dyestuff will be required to reach same color shade. Moreover, samples dyed with twenty four hours of impregnation lead to higher color strength, efficiency and dyestuff concentration in the fiber than thermosolated polyester samples treated during one minute of impregnation time.En aquesta tesi, s'ha estudiat la tintura de polièster a baixes temperatures amb dos mètodes diferents: el mètode d'esgotament i el mètode de termosol. El procés de tintura per esgotament es va realitzar amb colorants dispersos d'alt i baix pes molecular en presència d'una petita proporció de dos auxiliars aromàtics no tòxics i d¿origen natural (o-vanil·lina o cumarina) en un co-dissolvent orgànic (acetat de n-butil) en un sistema de micro-emulsió. D'aquest procés de tintura es van analitzar els paràmetres cinètics i termodinàmics. Els valors d'entropia i els coeficients de difusió d'activació es van obtenir a partir de la teoria de les velocitats absolutes de tintura. També es van determinar les solideses de la tintura a la rentada i a la planxada. L'estudi va demostrar que la intensitat del color i l'absorció del colorant en el polièster amb aquesta nova formulació de micro-emulsió a baixa temperatura (95ºC) és similar a l'aconseguida amb un sistema d'alta temperatura a 135 ºC. A més, aquest nou sistema de micro-emulsió té l'avantatge d'utilitzar auxiliars biodegradables i no tòxics, sent el sistema de tintura favorable des del punt de vista econòmic i mediambiental. Al comparar els dos auxiliars, es va veure que, en general, les mostres de polièster tenyides amb el sistema d'acetat de n-butil/o-vanil·lina van produir una major intensitat de color (K/S) i un major percentatge d'esgotament que les tenyides amb acetat de n-butil/cumarina. Es van obtenir valors d'energia d'activació, entropia d'activació i coeficient de difusió més alts per a les mostres de polièster tenyides amb acetat de n-butil/o-vanil·lina respecte a les de cumarina/n-butil. El procés de termosol es va dur a terme amb un colorant dispers de baix pes molecular utilitzant banys d'impregnació diferents (amb o sense lecitina) introduint la variable de dos temps d'impregnació diferents (un minut o quatre hores). L'estudi va demostrar que els valors de K/S, l'eficiència de la tintura i la concentració de colorant a la fibra (mg de colorant/g de la fibra) de les mostres de polièster tenyit van augmentar a causa de l'acció de la lecitina. Això revela que si la solució d'impregnació conté lecitina es requerirà menys quantitat de colorant per aconseguir la mateixa intensitat de color en el teixit de polièster. A més, les mostres tenyides amb quatre hores d'impregnació a temperatura ambient condueixen a una major intensitat de color, eficiència i concentració de colorant a la fibra que les mostres de polièster termosolades després d'un minut de temps d'impregnacióEn esta tesis, se ha estudiado la tintura de poliéster a bajas temperaturas con dos métodos diferentes: el método de agotamiento y el método de termosol. El proceso de tintura por agotamiento se realizó con colorantes dispersos de alto y bajo peso molecular en presencia de una pequeña proporción de dos auxiliares aromáticos alternativos biobasados y no tóxicos (o-vainillina o cumarina) en un codisolvente orgánico (acetato de n-butilo) en un sistema de micro-emulsión. De dicho proceso de tintura se analizaron los parámetros cinéticos y termodinámicos. Los valores de entropía y los coeficientes de difusión de activación se obtuvieron a partir de la teoría de las velocidades absolutas de tintura. También se determinaron las solideces de la tintura al lavado y al planchado. El estudio demostró que la intensidad del color y la absorción del colorante en el poliéster con esta nueva formulación de micro-emulsión a baja temperatura (95ºC) es similar a la lograda con un sistema de alta temperatura a 135 ºC. Además, este nuevo sistema de micro-emulsión tiene la ventaja de utilizar auxiliares biodegradables y no tóxicos, siendo el sistema de tintura favorable desde el punto de vista económico y medioambiental. Al comparar ambos auxiliares, se vio que, en general, las muestras de poliéster teñidas con el sistema de acetato de n-butilo/o-vainillina produjeron una mayor intensidad de color (K/S) y un mayor porcentaje de agotamiento que las teñidas con acetato de nbutilo/ cumarina. Se obtuvieron valores de energía de activación, entropía de activación y coeficiente de difusión más altos para las muestras de poliéster teñidas con acetato de n-butilo/o-vainillina con respecto a las de cumarina/n-butilo. El proceso de termosol se llevó a cabo con un colorante disperso de bajo peso molecular utilizando baños de impregnación diferentes (con o sin lecitina) introduciendo la variable de dos tiempos de impregnación diferentes (un minuto o veinticuatro horas). El estudio demostró que los valores de K/S, la eficiencia de la tintura y la concentración de colorante en la fibra (mg de colorante/g de la fibra) de las muestras de poliéster teñido aumentaron debido a la acción de la lecitina. Esto revela que si la solución de impregnación contiene lecitina se requerirá menos cantidad de colorante para alcanzar la misma intensidad de color en el tejido de poliéster. Además, las muestras teñidas con veinticuatro horas de impregnación a temperatura ambiente conducen a una mayor intensidad de color, eficiencia y concentración de colorante en la fibra que las muestras de poliéster termosoladas después de un minuto de tiempo de impregnació

    Nahua Perspectives on Natural Resources, Labor, and Social Well-Being

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    This dissertation analyses how indigenous communities from the Tlaxcala and Chalco regions of central Mexico responded to the exploitation of their knowledge, natural resources, and labor in the sixteenth century. In proposing social models that focused on natural resources and specialized labor, the Nahua directly influenced colonial economic policy and promoted a more ecologically sustainable model of colonization. In developing strategies for incorporating the indigenous populations into the colonial society of New Spain, the Spanish monarchy relied on agriculture, mechanical arts, and commerce. This reliance led to the exploitation of resources, the adaptation of local industries and transatlantic commerce, as well as the displacement and depopulation of local inhabitants. As Spaniards and indigenous participants engaged with each other and the natural environment, they brought about dramatic changes to pre-Hispanic and Spanish sociopolitical frameworks. The Nahua influenced colonial agriculture and crafts, and the formulation of policies with concrete effects on the common welfare of their communities. My dissertation analyzes the way that local populations, in responding to the exploitation of natural and human resources, were influenced by Nahua traditions around natural products. I explain how the Tlaxcalan and the Chalca made Nahua concerns a part of the colonial agenda. Both Nahua and Spanish writers used discussions of natural commodities as points of engagement between European and indigenous participants. I recognize the cochineal dyestuff and timber industries as conduits for natural and social exploitation, but also as sites where indigenous agency safeguarded natural products, laborers, and patrimonial territories

    Special Libraries, February 1962

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    Volume 53, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1962/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Technological Progress and Market Growth : An Empirical Study Based on the Quality-Ladder Approach

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    This paper develops an extended version of the quality-ladder model by allowing for heterogeneous markets. Based on this model, it presents an empirical analysis of innovation-based growth at the market level using a technometric measurement concept. It can be shown that a growth-promoting effect due to technological progress in a particular, single year is observed after between two and up to seven years. This is true not only for highly innovative markets, but also for those in which fewer R&D resources are invested. --Innovative Activities,Quality Ladders,Endogenous Market Growth,Technometrics

    From Smithian Growth to Schumpeterian Development: An Inquiry into the Development of the Kiryu Weaving District in the Early 20th Century Japan

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    This study finds that the process of evolutionary development of the Kiryu weaving district in Japan from 1895 to 1930 can be divided into the two phases, i.e., Smithian growth based on the inter-firm division of labor using hand looms and Schumpeterian development based on factory system using power looms. Weaving manufacturers-cum-contractors led Smithian growth by organizing sub-contracts with out-weavers in rural villages among others, thereby contributing to the steady growth in production. Newly emerged joint stock firms played a role of genuine entrepreneurs by realizing significant scale economies and transforming the traditional weaving district into a cluster of large modern factories.industrial district, Smithian growth, Schumpeterian development, weaving industry, 20th century Japan