23,382 research outputs found

    A domain-theoretic investigation of posets of sub-sigma-algebras (extended abstract)

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    Given a measurable space (X, M) there is a (Galois) connection between sub-sigma-algebras of M and equivalence relations on X. On the other hand equivalence relations on X are closely related to congruences on stochastic relations. In recent work, Doberkat has examined lattice properties of posets of congruences on a stochastic relation and motivated a domain-theoretic investigation of these ordered sets. Here we show that the posets of sub-sigma-algebras of a measurable space do not enjoy desired domain-theoretic properties and that our counterexamples can be applied to the set of smooth equivalence relations on an analytic space, thus giving a rather unsatisfactory answer to Doberkat's question

    De Vries powers: a generalization of Boolean powers for compact Hausdorff spaces

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    We generalize the Boolean power construction to the setting of compact Hausdorff spaces. This is done by replacing Boolean algebras with de Vries algebras (complete Boolean algebras enriched with proximity) and Stone duality with de Vries duality. For a compact Hausdorff space XX and a totally ordered algebra AA, we introduce the concept of a finitely valued normal function f:XAf:X\to A. We show that the operations of AA lift to the set FN(X,A)FN(X,A) of all finitely valued normal functions, and that there is a canonical proximity relation \prec on FN(X,A)FN(X,A). This gives rise to the de Vries power construction, which when restricted to Stone spaces, yields the Boolean power construction. We prove that de Vries powers of a totally ordered integral domain AA are axiomatized as proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras, those pairs (S,)(S,\prec), where SS is a torsion-free AA-algebra generated by its idempotents that is a Baer ring, and \prec is a proximity relation on SS. We introduce the category of proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras and proximity morphisms between them, and prove that this category is dually equivalent to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps. This provides an analogue of de Vries duality for proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras.Comment: 34 page

    More on PT-Symmetry in (Generalized) Effect Algebras and Partial Groups

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    We continue in the direction of our paper on PT-Symmetry in (Generalized) Effect Algebras and Partial Groups. Namely we extend our considerations to the setting of weakly ordered partial groups. In this setting, any operator weakly ordered partial group is a pasting of its partially ordered commutative subgroups of linear operators with a fixed dense domain over bounded operators. Moreover, applications of our approach for generalized effect algebras are mentioned

    Meet-completions and representations of ordered domain algebras

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    We apply the well known equivalence between meet-completions of posets and standard closure operators to construct a meet-completion for ordered domain algebras which simultaneously serves as the base of a representation for such algebras, thereby proving that ordered domain algebras have the finite representation property. We show that many of the equations defining ordered domain algebras are preserved in this completion but associativity, (D2) and (D6) can fail in the completion

    Idempotent generated algebras and Boolean powers of commutative rings

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    A Boolean power S of a commutative ring R has the structure of a commutative R-algebra, and with respect to this structure, each element of S can be written uniquely as an R-linear combination of orthogonal idempotents so that the sum of the idempotents is 1 and their coefficients are distinct. In order to formalize this decomposition property, we introduce the concept of a Specker R-algebra, and we prove that the Boolean powers of R are up to isomorphism precisely the Specker R-algebras. We also show that these algebras are characterized in terms of a functorial construction having roots in the work of Bergman and Rota. When R is indecomposable, we prove that S is a Specker R-algebra iff S is a projective R-module, thus strengthening a theorem of Bergman, and when R is a domain, we show that S is a Specker R-algebra iff S is a torsion-free R-module. For an indecomposable R, we prove that the category of Specker R-algebras is equivalent to the category of Boolean algebras, and hence is dually equivalent to the category of Stone spaces. In addition, when R is a domain, we show that the category of Baer Specker R-algebras is equivalent to the category of complete Boolean algebras, and hence is dually equivalent to the category of extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces. For a totally ordered R, we prove that there is a unique partial order on a Specker R-algebra S for which it is an f-algebra over R, and show that S is equivalent to the R-algebra of piecewise constant continuous functions from a Stone space X to R equipped with the interval topology.Comment: 18 page

    De Vries powers and proximity Specker algebras

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    By de Vries duality [9], the category KHaus{\sf KHaus} of compact Hausdorff spaces is dually equivalent to the category DeV{\sf DeV} of de Vries algebras. In [5] an alternate duality for KHaus{\sf KHaus} was developed, where de Vries algebras were replaced by proximity Baer-Specker algebras. The functor associating with each compact Hausdorff space a proximity Baer-Specker algebra was described by generalizing the notion of a boolean power of a totally ordered domain to that of a de Vries power. It follows that DeV{\sf DeV} is equivalent to the category PBSp{\sf PBSp} of proximity Baer-Specker algebras. The equivalence is obtained by passing through KHaus{\sf KHaus}, and hence is not choice-free. In this paper we give a direct algebraic proof of this equivalence, which is choice-free. To do so, we give an alternate choice-free description of de Vries powers of a totally ordered domain.Comment: 23 page

    On the K-theory of crossed products by automorphic semigroup actions

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    Let P be a semigroup that admits an embedding into a group G. Assume that the embedding satisfies a certain Toeplitz condition and that the Baum-Connes conjecture holds for G. We prove a formula describing the K- theory of the reduced crossed product A \rtimes{\alpha},r P by any automorphic action of P. This formula is obtained as a consequence of a result on the K-theory of crossed products for special actions of G on totally disconnected spaces. We apply our result to various examples including left Ore semigroups and quasi-lattice ordered semigroups. We also use the results to show that for certain semigroups P, including the ax + b-semigroup for a Dedekind domain R, the K-theory of the left and right regular semigroup C*-algebras of P coincide, although the structure of these algebras can be very different

    Completely positive maps of order zero

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    We say a completely positive contractive map between two C*-algebras has order zero, if it sends orthogonal elements to orthogonal elements. We prove a structure theorem for such maps. As a consequence, order zero maps are in one-to-one correspondence with *-homomorphisms from the cone over the domain into the target algebra. Moreover, we conclude that tensor products of order zero maps are again order zero, that the composition of an order zero map with a tracial functional is again a tracial functional, and that order zero maps respect the Cuntz relation, hence induce ordered semigroup morphisms between Cuntz semigroups.Comment: 13 page