230 research outputs found

    Performance optimization of wireless sensor networks for remote monitoring

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained worldwide attention in recent years because of their great potential for a variety of applications such as hazardous environment exploration, military surveillance, habitat monitoring, seismic sensing, and so on. In this thesis we study the use of WSNs for remote monitoring, where a wireless sensor network is deployed in a remote region for sensing phenomena of interest while its data monitoring center is located in a metropolitan area that is geographically distant from the monitored region. This application scenario poses great challenges since such kind of monitoring is typically large scale and expected to be operational for a prolonged period without human involvement. Also, the long distance between the monitored region and the data monitoring center requires that the sensed data must be transferred by the employment of a third-party communication service, which incurs service costs. Existing methodologies for performance optimization of WSNs base on that both the sensor network and its data monitoring center are co-located, and therefore are no longer applicable to the remote monitoring scenario. Thus, developing new techniques and approaches for severely resource-constrained WSNs is desperately needed to maintain sustainable, unattended remote monitoring with low cost. Specifically, this thesis addresses the key issues and tackles problems in the deployment of WSNs for remote monitoring from the following aspects. To maximize the lifetime of large-scale monitoring, we deal with the energy consumption imbalance issue by exploring multiple sinks. We develop scalable algorithms which determine the optimal number of sinks needed and their locations, thereby dynamically identifying the energy bottlenecks and balancing the data relay workload throughout the network. We conduct experiments and the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms significantly prolong the network lifetime. To eliminate imbalance of energy consumption among sensor nodes, a complementary strategy is to introduce a mobile sink for data gathering. However, the limited communication time between the mobile sink and nodes results in that only part of sensed data will be collected and the rest will be lost, for which we propose the concept of monitoring quality with the exploration of sensed data correlation among nodes. We devise a heuristic for monitoring quality maximization, which schedules the sink to collect data from selected nodes, and uses the collected data to recover the missing ones. We study the performance of the proposed heuristic and validate its effectiveness in improving the monitoring quality. To strive for the fine trade-off between two performance metrics: throughput and cost, we investigate novel problems of minimizing cost with guaranteed throughput, and maximizing throughput with minimal cost. We develop approximation algorithms which find reliable data routing in the WSN and strategically balance workload on the sinks. We prove that the delivered solutions are fractional of the optimum. We finally conclude our work and discuss potential research topics which derive from the studies of this thesis

    Routing protocol optimization in challenged multihop wireless networks

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    Durant ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherches ont été menés dans le domaine des réseaux multi-sauts sans fil à contraintes (MWNs: Multihop Wireless Networks). Grâce à l'évolution de la technologie des systèmes mico-electro-méchaniques (MEMS) et, depuis peu, les nanotechnologies, les MWNs sont une solution de choix pour une variété de problèmes. Le principal avantage de ces réseaux est leur faible coût de production qui permet de développer des applications ayant un unique cycle de vie. Cependant, si le coût de fabrication des nœuds constituant ce type de réseaux est assez faible, ces nœuds sont aussi limités en capacité en termes de: rayon de transmission radio, bande passante, puissance de calcul, mémoire, énergie, etc. Ainsi, les applications qui visent l'utilisation des MWNs doivent être conçues avec une grande précaution, et plus spécialement la conception de la fonction de routage, vu que les communications radio constituent la tâche la plus consommatrice d'énergie.Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser les différents défis et contraintes qui régissent la conception d'applications utilisant les MWNs. Ces contraintes se répartissent tout le long de la pile protocolaire. On trouve au niveau application des contraintes comme: la qualité de service, la tolérance aux pannes, le modèle de livraison de données au niveau application, etc. Au niveau réseau, on peut citer les problèmes de la dynamicité de la topologie réseau, la présence de trous, la mobilité, etc. Nos contributions dans cette thèse sont centrées sur l'optimisation de la fonction de routage en considérant les besoins de l'application et les contraintes du réseau. Premièrement, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage multi-chemin "en ligne" pour les applications orientées QoS utilisant des réseaux de capteurs multimédia. Ce protocole repose sur la construction de multiples chemins durant la transmission des paquets vers leur destination, c'est-à-dire sans découverte et construction des routes préalables. En permettant des transmissions parallèles, ce protocole améliore la transmission de bout-en-bout en maximisant la bande passante du chemin agrégé et en minimisant les délais. Ainsi, il permet de répondre aux exigences des applications orientées QoS.Deuxièmement, nous avons traité le problème du routage dans les réseaux mobiles tolérants aux délais. Nous avons commencé par étudier la connectivité intermittente entre les différents et nous avons extrait un modèle pour les contacts dans le but pouvoir prédire les future contacts entre les nœuds. En se basant sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage, qui met à profit la position géographique des nœuds, leurs trajectoires, et la prédiction des futurs contacts dans le but d'améliorer les décisions de routage. Le protocole proposé permet la réduction des délais de bout-en-bout tout en utilisant d'une manière efficace les ressources limitées des nœuds que ce soit en termes de mémoire (pour le stockage des messages dans les files d'attentes) ou la puissance de calcul (pour l'exécution de l'algorithme de prédiction).Finalement, nous avons proposé un mécanisme de contrôle de la topologie avec un algorithme de routage des paquets pour les applications orientés évènement et qui utilisent des réseaux de capteurs sans fil statiques. Le contrôle de la topologie est réalisé à travers l'utilisation d'un algorithme distribué pour l'ordonnancement du cycle de service (sleep/awake). Les paramètres de l'algorithme proposé peuvent être réglés et ajustés en fonction de la taille du voisinage actif désiré (le nombre moyen de voisin actifs pour chaque nœud). Le mécanisme proposé assure un compromis entre le délai pour la notification d'un événement et la consommation d'énergie globale dans le réseau.Great research efforts have been carried out in the field of challenged multihop wireless networks (MWNs). Thanks to the evolution of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and nanotechnologies, multihop wireless networks have been the solution of choice for a plethora of problems. The main advantage of these networks is their low manufacturing cost that permits one-time application lifecycle. However, if nodes are low-costly to produce, they are also less capable in terms of radio range, bandwidth, processing power, memory, energy, etc. Thus, applications need to be carefully designed and especially the routing task because radio communication is the most energy-consuming functionality and energy is the main issue for challenged multihop wireless networks.The aim of this thesis is to analyse the different challenges that govern the design of challenged multihop wireless networks such as applications challenges in terms of quality of service (QoS), fault-tolerance, data delivery model, etc., but also networking challenges in terms of dynamic network topology, topology voids, etc. Our contributions in this thesis focus on the optimization of routing under different application requirements and network constraints. First, we propose an online multipath routing protocol for QoS-based applications using wireless multimedia sensor networks. The proposed protocol relies on the construction of multiple paths while transmitting data packets to their destination, i.e. without prior topology discovery and path establishment. This protocol achieves parallel transmissions and enhances the end-to-end transmission by maximizing path bandwidth and minimizing the delays, and thus meets the requirements of QoS-based applications. Second, we tackle the problem of routing in mobile delay-tolerant networks by studying the intermittent connectivity of nodes and deriving a contact model in order to forecast future nodes' contacts. Based upon this contact model, we propose a routing protocol that makes use of nodes' locations, nodes' trajectories, and inter-node contact prediction in order to perform forwarding decisions. The proposed routing protocol achieves low end-to-end delays while using efficiently constrained nodes' resources in terms of memory (packet queue occupancy) and processing power (forecasting algorithm). Finally, we present a topology control mechanism along a packet forwarding algorithm for event-driven applications using stationary wireless sensor networks. Topology control is achieved by using a distributed duty-cycle scheduling algorithm. Algorithm parameters can be tuned according to the desired node's awake neighbourhood size. The proposed topology control mechanism ensures trade-off between event-reporting delay and energy consumption.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quality of Service in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Methodical Evaluation and Enhancements for ITS-G5

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    After many formative years, the ad hoc wireless communication between vehicles has become a vehicular technology available in mass production cars in 2020. Vehicles form spontaneous Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), which enable communication whenever vehicles are nearby without need for supportive infrastructure. In Europe, this communication is standardised comprehensively as Intelligent Transport Systems in the 5.9 GHz band (ITS-G5). This thesis centres around Quality of Service (QoS) in these VANETs based on ITS-G5 technology. Whilst only a few vehicles communicate, radio resources are plenty, and channel congestion is a minor issue. With progressing deployment, congestion control becomes crucial to preserve QoS by preventing high latencies or foiled information dissemination. The developed VANET simulation model, featuring an elaborated ITS-G5 protocol stack, allows investigation of QoS methodically. It also considers the characteristics of ITS-G5 radios such as the signal attenuation in vehicular environments and the capture effect by receivers. Backed by this simulation model, several enhancements for ITS-G5 are proposed to control congestion reliably and thus ensure QoS for its applications. Modifications at the GeoNetworking (GN) protocol prevent massive packet occurrences in a short time and hence congestion. Glow Forwarding is introduced as GN extension to distribute delay-tolerant information. The revised Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) cross-layer supports low-latency transmission of event-triggered, periodic and relayed packets. DCC triggers periodic services and manages a shared duty cycle budget dedicated to packet forwarding for this purpose. Evaluation in large-scale networks reveals that this enhanced ITS-G5 system can reliably reduce the information age of periodically sent messages. The forwarding budget virtually eliminates the starvation of multi-hop packets and still avoids congestion caused by excessive forwarding. The presented enhancements thus pave the way to scale up VANETs for wide-spread deployment and future applications

    Encaminhamento oportunista baseado em aspectos sociais

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    Doutoramento conjunto MAP-Tele, Engenharia Eletrotécnica TelecomunicaçõeThe increased capabilities (e.g., processing, storage) of portable devices along with the constant need of users to retrieve and send information have introduced a new form of communication. Users can seamlessly exchange data by means of opportunistic contacts among them and this is what characterizes the opportunistic networks (OppNets). OppNets allow users to communicate even when an end-to-end path may not exist between them. Since 2007, there has been a trend to improve the exchange of data by considering social similarity metrics. Social relationships, shared interests, and popularity are examples of such metrics that have been employed successfully: as users interact based on relationships and interests, this information can be used to decide on the best next forwarders of information. This Thesis work combines the features of today's devices found in the regular urban environment with the current social-awareness trend in the context of opportunistic routing. To achieve this goal, this work was divided into di erent tasks that map to a set of speci c objectives, leading to the following contributions: i) an up-to-date opportunistic routing taxonomy; ii) a universal evaluation framework that aids in devising and testing new routing proposals; iii) three social-aware utility functions that consider the dynamic user behavior and can be easily incorporated to other routing proposals; iv) two opportunistic routing proposals based on the users' daily routines and on the content traversing the network and interest of users in such content; and v) a structure analysis of the social-based network formed based on the approaches devised in this work.A maior capacidade (e.g., processamento, armazenamento) dos dispositivos portáteis, juntamente com a necessidade constante dos utilizadores de poder obter e enviar informação, introduz uma nova forma de comunicação. Os utilizadores podem trocar dados de uma forma transparente através de contatos oportunistas entre eles, o que caracteriza as Redes Oportunistas. Este tipo de rede permite a comunicação entre utilizadores mesmo quando não existe um caminho m-a- m entre eles. Uma tendência observada nos últimos anos do encaminhamento oportunista refere-se a levar em conta métricas de similaridade social para melhorar a troca de informação. Os relacionamentos sociais, interesses em comum e popularidade são exemplos deste tipo de métrica que tem sido empregue com sucesso no âmbito do encaminhamento oportunista: como os utilizadores interagem com base nos seus relacionamentos e interesses, esta informação pode ser utilizada para decidir sobre quando encaminhar dados. Esta Tese combina as características dos dispositivos pessoais e que são facilmente encontrados no ambiente urbano com a tendência para uso de similaridade social no contexto de encaminhamento oportunista. Para alcancar este objetivo principal, este trabalho foi dividido em diferentes tarefas mapeadas em objetivos especí cos, o que resulta nas seguintes contribuições: i) uma taxonomia atualizada sobre encaminhamento oportunista; ii) um modelo de avaliação universal de encaminhamento oportunista que permite a implementação e teste de novas propostas; iii) três funções sociais que consideram o comportamento dinâmico dos utilizadores e podem ser facilmente utilizadas em outras propostas de encaminhamento; iv) duas propostas de encaminhamento oportunista baseadas nas rotinas diárias dos utilizadores e no conteúdo e interesse dos utilizadores neste conteúdo; e v) uma análise estrutural da rede social formada a partir das abordagens desenvolvidas neste trabalho

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing

    An Object-Based Software Distribution Network

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    Steen, M.R. [Promotor]van Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor

    A Peer-to-Peer Network Framework Utilising the Public Mobile Telephone Network

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    P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technologies are well established and have now become accepted as a mainstream networking approach. However, the explosion of participating users has not been replicated within the mobile networking domain. Until recently the lack of suitable hardware and wireless network infrastructure to support P2P activities was perceived as contributing to the problem. This has changed with ready availability of handsets having ample processing resources utilising an almost ubiquitous mobile telephone network. Coupled with this has been a proliferation of software applications written for the more capable `smartphone' handsets. P2P systems have not naturally integrated and evolved into the mobile telephone ecosystem in a way that `client-server' operating techniques have. However as the number of clients for a particular mobile application increase, providing the `server side' data storage infrastructure becomes more onerous. P2P systems offer mobile telephone applications a way to circumvent this data storage issue by dispersing it across a network of the participating users handsets. The main goal of this work was to produce a P2P Application Framework that supports developers in creating mobile telephone applications that use distributed storage. Effort was assigned to determining appropriate design requirements for a mobile handset based P2P system. Some of these requirements are related to the limitations of the host hardware, such as power consumption. Others relate to the network upon which the handsets operate, such as connectivity. The thesis reviews current P2P technologies to assess which was viable to form the technology foundations for the framework. The aim was not to re-invent a P2P system design, rather to adopt an existing one for mobile operation. Built upon the foundations of a prototype application, the P2P framework resulting from modifications and enhancements grants access via a simple API (Applications Programmer Interface) to a subset of Nokia `smartphone' devices. Unhindered operation across all mobile telephone networks is possible through a proprietary application implementing NAT (Network Address Translation) traversal techniques. Recognising that handsets operate with limited resources, further optimisation of the P2P framework was also investigated. Energy consumption was a parameter chosen for further examination because of its impact on handset participation time. This work has proven that operating applications in conjunction with a P2P data storage framework, connected via the mobile telephone network, is technically feasible. It also shows that opportunity remains for further research to realise the full potential of this data storage technique
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