14 research outputs found

    Nouvelles méthodes de prédiction inter-images pour la compression d’images et de vidéos

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    Due to the large availability of video cameras and new social media practices, as well as the emergence of cloud services, images and videosconstitute today a significant amount of the total data that is transmitted over the internet. Video streaming applications account for more than 70% of the world internet bandwidth. Whereas billions of images are already stored in the cloud and millions are uploaded every day. The ever growing streaming and storage requirements of these media require the constant improvements of image and video coding tools. This thesis aims at exploring novel approaches for improving current inter-prediction methods. Such methods leverage redundancies between similar frames, and were originally developed in the context of video compression. In a first approach, novel global and local inter-prediction tools are associated to improve the efficiency of image sets compression schemes based on video codecs. By leveraging a global geometric and photometric compensation with a locally linear prediction, significant improvements can be obtained. A second approach is then proposed which introduces a region-based inter-prediction scheme. The proposed method is able to improve the coding performances compared to existing solutions by estimating and compensating geometric and photometric distortions on a semi-local level. This approach is then adapted and validated in the context of video compression. Bit-rate improvements are obtained, especially for sequences displaying complex real-world motions such as zooms and rotations. The last part of the thesis focuses on deep learning approaches for inter-prediction. Deep neural networks have shown striking results for a large number of computer vision tasks over the last years. Deep learning based methods proposed for frame interpolation applications are studied here in the context of video compression. Coding performance improvements over traditional motion estimation and compensation methods highlight the potential of these deep architectures.En raison de la grande disponibilité des dispositifs de capture vidéo et des nouvelles pratiques liées aux réseaux sociaux, ainsi qu’à l’émergence desservices en ligne, les images et les vidéos constituent aujourd’hui une partie importante de données transmises sur internet. Les applications de streaming vidéo représentent ainsi plus de 70% de la bande passante totale de l’internet. Des milliards d’images sont déjà stockées dans le cloud et des millions y sont téléchargés chaque jour. Les besoins toujours croissants en streaming et stockage nécessitent donc une amélioration constante des outils de compression d’image et de vidéo. Cette thèse vise à explorer des nouvelles approches pour améliorer les méthodes actuelles de prédiction inter-images. De telles méthodes tirent parti des redondances entre images similaires, et ont été développées à l’origine dans le contexte de la vidéo compression. Dans une première partie, de nouveaux outils de prédiction inter globaux et locaux sont associés pour améliorer l’efficacité des schémas de compression de bases de données d’image. En associant une compensation géométrique et photométrique globale avec une prédiction linéaire locale, des améliorations significatives peuvent être obtenues. Une seconde approche est ensuite proposée qui introduit un schéma deprédiction inter par régions. La méthode proposée est en mesure d’améliorer les performances de codage par rapport aux solutions existantes en estimant et en compensant les distorsions géométriques et photométriques à une échelle semi locale. Cette approche est ensuite adaptée et validée dans le cadre de la compression vidéo. Des améliorations en réduction de débit sont obtenues, en particulier pour les séquences présentant des mouvements complexes réels tels que des zooms et des rotations. La dernière partie de la thèse se concentre sur l’étude des méthodes d’apprentissage en profondeur dans le cadre de la prédiction inter. Ces dernières années, les réseaux de neurones profonds ont obtenu des résultats impressionnants pour un grand nombre de tâches de vision par ordinateur. Les méthodes basées sur l’apprentissage en profondeur proposéesà l’origine pour de l’interpolation d’images sont étudiées ici dans le contexte de la compression vidéo. Des améliorations en terme de performances de codage sont obtenues par rapport aux méthodes d’estimation et de compensation de mouvements traditionnelles. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le fort potentiel de ces architectures profondes dans le domaine de la compression vidéo

    Strategies for improving efficiency and efficacy of image quality assessment algorithms

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    Image quality assessment (IQA) research aims to predict the qualities of images in a manner that agrees with subjective quality ratings. Over the last several decades, the major impetus in IQA research has focused on improving prediction efficacy globally (across images) of distortion-specific types or general types; very few studies have explored local image quality (within images), or IQA algorithm for improved JPEG2000 coding. Even fewer studies have focused on analyzing and improving the runtime performance of IQA algorithms. Moreover, reduced-reference (RR) IQA is also a new field to be explored, when the transmitting bandwidth is limited, side information about original image was received with distorted image at the receiver. This report explored these four topics. For local image quality, we provided a local sharpness database, and we analyzed the database along with current sharpness metrics. We revealed that human highly agreed when rating sharpness of small blocks. Overall, this sharpness database is a true representation of human subjective ratings and current sharpness algorithms could reach 0.87 in terms of SROCC score. For JPEG2000 coding using IQA, we provided a new JPEG2000 image database, which includes only same total distortion images. Analysis of existing IQA algorithms on this database revealed that even though current algorithms perform reasonably well on JPEG2000-compressed images in popular image-quality databases, they often fail to predict the correct rankings on our database's images. Based on the framework of Most Apparent Distortion (MAD), a new algorithm, MADDWT is then proposed using local DWT coefficient statistics to predict the perceived distortion due to subband quantization. MADDWT outperforms all others algorithms on this database, and shows a promising use in JPEG2000 coding. For efficiency of IQA algorithms, this paper is the first to examine IQA algorithms from the perspective of their interaction with the underlying hardware and microarchitectural resources, and to perform a systematic performance analysis using state-of-the-art tools and techniques from other computing disciplines. We implemented four popular full-reference IQA algorithms and two no-reference algorithms in C++ based on the code provided by their respective authors. Hotspot analysis and microarchitectural analysis of each algorithm were performed and compared. Despite the fact that all six algorithms share common algorithmic operations (e.g., filterbanks and statistical computations), our results revealed that different IQA algorithms overwhelm different microarchitectural resources and give rise to different types of bottlenecks. For RR IQA, we also provide a new framework based on multiscale sharpness map. This framework employs multiscale sharpness maps as reduced information. As we will demonstrate, our framework with 2% reduced information can outperform other frameworks, which employ from 2% to 3% reduced information. Our framework is also competitive to current state-of-the-art FR algorithms

    Compression and visual quality assessment for light field contents

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    Since its invention in the 19th century, photography has allowed to create durable images of the world around us by capturing the intensity of light that flows through a scene, first analogically by using light-sensitive material, and then, with the advent of electronic image sensors, digitally. However, one main limitation of both analog and digital photography lays in its inability to capture any information about the direction of light rays. Through traditional photography, each three-dimensional scene is projected onto a 2D plane; consequently, no information about the position of the 3D objects in space is retained. Light field photography aims at overcoming these limitations by recording the direction of light along with its intensity. In the past, several acquisition technologies have been presented to properly capture light field information, and portable devices have been commercialized to the general public. However, a considerably larger volume of data is generated when compared to traditional photography. Thus, new solutions must be designed to face the challenges light field photography poses in terms of storage, representation, and visualization of the acquired data. In particular, new and efficient compression algorithms are needed to sensibly reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored and transmitted, while maintaining an adequate level of perceptual quality. In designing new solutions to address the unique challenges posed by light field photography, one cannot forgo the importance of having reliable, reproducible means of evaluating their performance, especially in relation to the scenario in which they will be consumed. To that end, subjective assessment of visual quality is of paramount importance to evaluate the impact of compression, representation, and rendering models on user experience. Yet, the standardized methodologies that are commonly used to evaluate the visual quality of traditional media content, such as images and videos, are not equipped to tackle the challenges posed by light field photography. New subjective methodologies must be tailored for the new possibilities this new type of imaging offers in terms of rendering and visual experience. In this work, we address the aforementioned problems by both designing new methodologies for visual quality evaluation of light field contents, and outlining a new compression solution to efficiently reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and stored. We first analyse how traditional methodologies for subjective evaluation of multimedia contents can be adapted to suit light field data, and, we propose new methodologies to reliably assess the visual quality while maintaining user engagement. Furthermore, we study how user behavior is affected by the visual quality of the data. We employ subjective quality assessment to compare several state-of-the-art solutions in light field coding, in order to find the most promising approaches to minimize the volume of data without compromising on the perceptual quality. To that means, we define and inspect several coding approaches for light field compression, and we investigate the impact of color subsampling on the final rendered content. Lastly, we propose a new coding approach to perform light field compression, showing significant improvement with respect to the state of the art