350 research outputs found

    Online Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper present a technique based on genetic algorithms for generating online adaptive services. Online adaptive systems provide flexible services to a mass of clients/users for maximising some system goals, they dynamically adapt the form and the content of the issued services while the population of clients evolve over time. The idea of online genetic algorithms (online GAs) is to use the online clients response behaviour as a fitness function in order to produce the next generation of services. The principle implemented in online GAs, “the application environment is the fitness”, allow modelling highly evolutionary domains where both services providers and clients change and evolve over time. The flexibility and the adaptive behaviour of this approach seems to be very relevant and promising for applications characterised by highly dynamical features such as in the web domain (online newspapers, e- markets, websites and advertising engines). Nevertheless the proposed technique has a more general aim for application environments characterised by a massive number of anonymous clients/users which require personalised services, such as in the case of many new IT applications

    Algoritmo Luciérnaga para optimización de layout de distribución en planta

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    This paper shows the result of a research about the applications of bio-inspired algorithms in the field of production engineering in the Distrital University Francisco José de Caldas, covering the topics of industrial layout distribution in manufacturing plant layout. It is intended to seek the optimization of some problems of those fields, using artificial intelligence from the implementation of a firefly algorithm as metaheuristic planning tool and optimization of layout problem. With the goal of finding the best spatial allocation of work stations or cells. Theoretical concepts explored and results are presented. First, a state-of-the-art review on the subject was made, and then the possible solution algorithms were evaluated to identify the objective function to be optimized, to finally apply the firefly algorithm, and evaluate the results of performance against the Initial layout as the plant.Este trabajo muestra el resultado de una investigación sobre las aplicaciones de los algoritmos bioinspirados en el campo de la ingeniería de producción en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, abarcando los temas de distribución de layout industrial en planta de fabricación. Se pretende buscar la optimización de algunos problemas de dichos campos, utilizando la inteligencia artificial a partir de la implementación de un algoritmo de luciérnaga como herramienta metaheurística de planificación y optimización del problema de layout. Con el objetivo de encontrar la mejor asignación espacial de los puestos de trabajo o celdas. Se presentan los conceptos teóricos explorados y los resultados obtenidos. Primero se hizo una revisión del estado del arte sobre el tema, y luego se evaluaron los posibles algoritmos de solución para identificar la función objetivo a optimizar, para finalmente aplicar el algoritmo de la luciérnaga, y evaluar los resultados de desempeño frente al layout Inicial como la planta

    Crossword Construction using Constraint Satisfaction and Simulated Annealing

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    Selle töö eesmärk on luua programm, mis koostab ristsõnu, kasutades kahte meetodit: kitsenduste rahuldamist (KR) ahne algoritmiga ja libalõõmutamist (LL), ning võrrelda nende meetodite efektiivsust. Tööd hakatakse kasutama õppematerjalina aine Tehisintellekt I õpetamisel. Ristsõna koostamine on üks tehisintellekti probleemidest, mis kuulub NP-täielike klassi. Seega hea lahenduse leidmine nõuab palju ressursse ja aega. Aga eksisteerivad meetodid, mis võimaldavad lahenduse leidmise aega vähendada. Nende hulgas on ka KR ja LL. KR kasutades seatakse antud ülesandele kitsendusi, mis teevad lahendamise lihtsamaks. Ristsõna koostamisel kehtivad järgmised kitsendused: 1.Sõna ei saa olla lühem, kui ruutude järjend, kuhu seda pannakse. 2.Sõna ei saa olla pikem, kui ruutude järjend, kuhu seda pannakse. 3.Kui järjendis on mõned tähed juba olemas, siis sõna, mis pannakse sellesse järjendisse, peab neid tähti sisaldama täpselt nendel samadel positsioonidel ja ei saa sisaldada mingeid teisi tähti nendel positsioonidel. Kui sõna rahuldab neid tingimusi, siis teda võetakse vastu ning ahne algoritm otsustab, kasutades heuristilist funktsiooni, kas see sõna on parim lahendus selles olukorras.Niiviisi püüab programm lõpliku sammude hulgaga optimaalse lahenduseni jõuda. LL töötab nii: antud on suvaline algseisund s, leida tema naaberseisund s', kui uus seisund on jooksvast seisundist parem, siis valida see, aga kui leitud seisund on jooksvast seisundist halvem, siis kasutada tõenäosus funktsiooni P, et otsustada, kas valida seda seisundit või mitte. Sellist operatsiooni korratakse kuni rahuldav lahendus on leitud või algoritm on juba teinud lubatud arvu samme. Tõenäosus, et algoritm valib uueks seisundiks halvema seisundi väheneb aja jooksul (kooskõlas nn temperatuuri alanemisega). Meetodeid on testitud ja võrreldid, kasutades erinevaid heuristikuid.The main goal of this thesis is to create a program that allows constructing crosswords, using two different algorithms. Given a grid and a text file with words (dictionary), the program should search for suitable words from a dictionary to fill the grid. The program should be able to complete this task in two different ways, in this case using constraint satisfaction method (CSM) with greedy algorithm and simulated annealing. Afore-mentioned algorithms were chosen mainly for educational purposes, since construction of the fastest algorithm is not a goal of this work. Along with other similar Artificial Intelligence problems, like N queens problem, map colouring and Sudoku solving (which is also NP-complete problem), crossword construction is a good example of simple, yet nontrivial task. The choice of CSM with greedy algorithm is obvious. If there are no constraints, the program will simply try to fill each entry by placing up to all, and that means also the words that are of inappropriate length, words in vocabulary until it finds first suitable or runs out of words. For example, by putting constraints on words length and already filled letters, the construction time can be drastically reduced. The simulated annealing was chosen with intention to show that the same problem can be solved in different ways and also to illustrate the difference in algorithm processing and its effectiveness. In addition, simulated annealing is quite similar to greedy algorithm, thus making their comparison a bit easier, but more interesting

    Optimization of Airfield Parking and Fuel Asset Dispersal to Maximize Survivability and Mission Capability Level

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    While the US focus for the majority of the past two decades has been on combatting insurgency and promoting stability in Southwest Asia, strategic focus is beginning to shift toward concerns of conflict with a near-peer state. Such conflict brings with it the risk of ballistic missile attack on air bases. With 26 conflicts worldwide in the past 100 years including attacks on air bases, new doctrine and modeling capacity are needed to enable the Department of Defense to continue use of vulnerable bases during conflict involving ballistic missiles. Several models have been developed to date for Air Force strategic planning use, but these models have limited use on a tactical level or for civil engineer use. This thesis presents the development of a novel model capable of identifying base layout characteristics for aprons and fuel depots to maximize dispersal and minimize impact on sortie generation times during normal operations. This model is implemented using multi-objective genetic algorithms to identify solutions that provide optimal tradeoffs between competing objectives and is assessed using an application example. These capabilities are expected to assist military engineers in the layout of parking plans and fuel depots that ensure maximum resilience while providing minimal impact to the user while enabling continued sortie generation in a contested region

    MetroSets: Visualizing Sets as Metro Maps

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    We propose MetroSets, a new, flexible online tool for visualizing set systems using the metro map metaphor. We model a given set system as a hypergraph H=(V,S)\mathcal{H} = (V, \mathcal{S}), consisting of a set VV of vertices and a set S\mathcal{S}, which contains subsets of VV called hyperedges. Our system then computes a metro map representation of H\mathcal{H}, where each hyperedge EE in S\mathcal{S} corresponds to a metro line and each vertex corresponds to a metro station. Vertices that appear in two or more hyperedges are drawn as interchanges in the metro map, connecting the different sets. MetroSets is based on a modular 4-step pipeline which constructs and optimizes a path-based hypergraph support, which is then drawn and schematized using metro map layout algorithms. We propose and implement multiple algorithms for each step of the MetroSet pipeline and provide a functional prototype with \new{easy-to-use preset configurations.} % many real-world datasets. Furthermore, \new{using several real-world datasets}, we perform an extensive quantitative evaluation of the impact of different pipeline stages on desirable properties of the generated maps, such as octolinearity, monotonicity, and edge uniformity.Comment: 19 pages; accepted for IEEE INFOVIS 2020; for associated live system, see http://metrosets.ac.tuwien.ac.a

    The SNS logistics network design : location and vehicle routing.

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    Large-scale emergencies caused by earthquake, tornado, pandemic flu, terrorism attacks and so on can wreak havoc to communities. In order to mitigate the impact of the events, emergency stockpiles of food, water, medicine and other materials have been set up around the US to be delivered to the affected areas during relief operations. One type of stockpile is called the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). The SNS logistics network is designed to have multiple stages of facilities, each of which is managed by different levels of governmental authorities - federal, state and local authorities. The design of a logistics network for delivery of the SNS materials within a state are explored in this dissertation. There are three major areas of focus in this dissertation: (1) the SNS facility location model, which is used to determine sites for locating Receiving, Staging and Storage (RSS) and Regional Distribution Nodes (RDNs) to form a logistics network to deliver relief material to Points of Demand (PODs), where the materials are directly delivered to the affected population; (2) the SNS Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which is used to assist the SNS staff in determining the numbers of various types of trucks, and the routing schedules of each truck to develop an operational plan for delivering the required relief materials to the assigned PODs within the required duration; (3) the location-routing analysis of emergency scenarios, in which the facility location model and the VRP solution are integrated through the use of a computer program to run on several assumed emergency scenarios. Using real data from the department of public health in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, a transshipment and location model is formulated to determine the facility locations and the transshipment quantities of materials; a multiple-vehicle routing model allowing split deliveries and multiple routes per vehicle that must be completed within a required duration is formulated to determine the routing and scheduling of trucks. The facility location model is implemented using Microsoft Solver Foundation and C#. An algorithm combining the Clark and Wright saving algorithm and Simulated Annealing is designed and implemented in C# to solve the VRP. The algorithm can determine whether there is shortage of transportation capacity, and if so, how many of various types of trucks should be added for optimal performance. All the solution algorithms are integrated into a web-based SNS planning tool. In the location-routing analysis of emergency scenarios, a binary location model and an algorithm for solving VRP solution are integrated as a computer program to forecast the feasibility of distribution plans and the numbers of required trucks of various types. The model also compares the costs and benefits of direct and indirect shipment. A large-scale emergency scenario in which a specific type of vaccine is required to be delivered to the entire state of Kentucky is considered. The experiments are designed based on the real data provided by the Kentucky state government. Thus the experimental results provide valuable suggestions for future SNS preparedness planning


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    For certain settings in which system performance cannot be evaluated by analytical methods, simulation models are widely utilized. This is especially for complex systems. To try to optimize these models, simulation optimization techniques have been developed. These attempt to identify the system designs and parameters that result in (near) optimal system performance. Although more realistic results can be provided by simulation, the computational time for simulator execution, and consequently, simulation optimization may be very long. Hence, the major challenge in determining improved system designs by incorporating simulation and search methodologies is to develop more efficient simulation optimization heuristics or algorithms. This dissertation develops a new approach, Surrogate Search, to determine near optimal system designs for large-scale simulation problems that contain combinatorial decision variables. First, surrogate objective functions are identified by analyzing simulation results to observe system behavior. Multiple linear regression is utilized to examine simulation results and construct surrogate objective functions. The identified surrogate objective functions, which can be quickly executed, are then utilized as simulator replacements in the search methodologies. For multiple problems containing different settings of the same simulation model, only one surrogate objective function needs to be identified. The development of surrogate objective functions benefits the optimization process by reducing the number of simulation iterations. Surrogate Search approaches are developed for two combinatorial problems, operator assignment and task sequencing, using a large-scale sortation system simulation model. The experimental results demonstrate that Surrogate Search can be applied to such large-scale simulation problems and outperform recognized simulation optimization methodology, Scatter Search (SS). This dissertation provides a systematic methodology to perform simulation optimization for complex operations research problems and contributes to the simulation optimization field

    Advanced techniques for visual analysis of temporal networks

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    Temporal networks represent interactions among entities of a given domain with additional information about when such interactions occur. The visualization of temporal networks plays a key role in the recognition of properties that would be difficult to perceive without an adequate visualization strategy. Due to a large amount of information provided by these networks, more attention has been given to issues related to the visual scalability associated with the produced layouts, but this still represents an unsolved problem and lacks effective techniques. We propose in this thesis novel techniques to enhance the visualization of temporal networks. Specifically, a scalable node reordering technique for temporal network visualization, named Community-based Node Ordering (CNO), combining static community detection with node reordering techniques, along with a taxonomy to categorize activity patterns. In addition, a visualization method that allows the comparison of two community detection algorithms is presented in order to decide which one is better for visual analysis of communities. Another contribution is the analysis of dynamic processes, as spreading rumors, diseases, applied in the visualization of temporal networks. Furthermore, we conducted a user experiment consisting of the application of different tasks in temporal networks, in order to find the relation of the layouts with the most appropriate tasks. Finally, the Dynamic Network Visualization (DyNetVis) system demonstrates the software specifications, examples, functionalities, and impact in the study field. We performed experiments with qualitative and quantitative analyses using real networks in several fields to show that the proposed layouts and categorization helped in the identification of patterns that would otherwise be difficult to see.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTese (Doutorado)Redes temporais representam interações entre entidades do domínio com a informação adicional de quando essas comunicações ocorrem. A visualização de redes temporais tem um importante papel no reconhecimento de propriedades das redes que seriam difíceis de serem percebidas sem uma estratégia de visualização adequada. Devido à grande quantidade de informação nessas redes, mais atenção tem sido dada em relação a escalabilidade visual associada com visualizações produzidas, mas ainda representa um problema não resolvido e com falta de abordagens específicas. Neste trabalho são propostas novas estratégias para melhorar a visualização de redes temporais. Especificamente, é proposta uma técnica de ordenação de nós escalável para a visualização de redes temporais, chamada de Community-based Node Ordering (CNO), que combina detecção de comunidade estática com técnicas de ordenação de nós, juntamente com uma taxonomia para categorizar os padrões das atividades. É apresentado também um método de visualização que permite a comparação entre dois algoritmos de detecção de comunidades para ajudar a decidir qual deles é melhor para a análise visual de comunidades. Também são abordados estratégias para a visualização de processos dinâmicos em redes, como espalhamento de rumores e doenças. Além disso, é conduzido um experimento com usuário com a definição de diferentes tarefas em redes temporais, a fim de identificar quais são as melhores formas de visualizar de acordo com diferentes tarefas. Por fim, é descrito o sistema Dynamic Network Visualization (DyNetVis), mostrado suas especificações, requisitos, funcionalidades e impacto na área. Os experimentos foram gerados com análises quantitativas e qualitativas utilizando redes reais em diferentes contextos, para mostrar que as visualizações propostas e suas categorizações ajudaram na identificação de padrões que seriam difíceis de serem vistos sem o uso dessas técnicas de visualização