109 research outputs found

    Optimizing Majority-Inverter Graphs with Functional Hashing

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    A Majority-Inverter Graph (MIG) is a recently introduced logic representation form whose algebraic and Boolean properties allow for efficient logic optimization. In particular, when considering logic depth reduction, MIG algorithms obtained significantly superior synthesis results as compared to the state-of-the-art approaches based on AND-inverter graphs and commercial tools. In this paper, we present a new MIG optimization algorithm targeting size minimization based on functional hashing. The proposed algorithm makes use of minimum MIG representations which are precomputed for functions up to 4 variables using an approach based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). Experimental results show that heavily-optimized MIGs can be further minimized also in size, thanks to our proposed methodology. When using the optimized MIGs as starting point for technology mapping, we were able to improve both depth and area for the arithmetic instances of the EPFL benchmarks beyond the current results achievable by state-of- the-art logic synthesis algorithms

    Verilog-to-PyG -- A Framework for Graph Learning and Augmentation on RTL Designs

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    The complexity of modern hardware designs necessitates advanced methodologies for optimizing and analyzing modern digital systems. In recent times, machine learning (ML) methodologies have emerged as potent instruments for assessing design quality-of-results at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL) or Boolean level, aiming to expedite design exploration of advanced RTL configurations. In this presentation, we introduce an innovative open-source framework that translates RTL designs into graph representation foundations, which can be seamlessly integrated with the PyTorch Geometric graph learning platform. Furthermore, the Verilog-to-PyG (V2PYG) framework is compatible with the open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) toolchain OpenROAD, facilitating the collection of labeled datasets in an utterly open-source manner. Additionally, we will present novel RTL data augmentation methods (incorporated in our framework) that enable functional equivalent design augmentation for the construction of an extensive graph-based RTL design database. Lastly, we will showcase several using cases of V2PYG with detailed scripting examples. V2PYG can be found at \url{https://yu-maryland.github.io/Verilog-to-PyG/}.Comment: 8 pages, International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD'23

    Logic Synthesis as an Efficient Means of Minimal Model Discovery from Multivariable Medical Datasets

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    In this paper we review the application of logic synthesis methods for uncovering minimal structures in observational/medical datasets. Traditionally used in digital circuit design, logic synthesis has taken major strides in the past few decades and forms the foundation of some of the most powerful concepts in computer science and data mining. Here we provide a review of current state of research in application of logic synthesis methods for data analysis and provide a demonstrative example for systematic application and reasoning based on these methods

    A Novel Basis for Logic Rewriting

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    Given a set of logic primitives and a Boolean function, exact synthesis finds the optimum representation (e.g., depth or size) of the function in terms of the primitives. Due to its high computational complexity, the use of exact synthesis is limited to small networks. Some logic rewriting algorithms use exact synthesis to replace small subnetworks by their optimum representations. However, conventional approaches have two major drawbacks. First, their scalability is limited, as Boolean functions are enumerated to precompute their optimum representations. Second, the strategies used to replace subnetworks are not satisfactory. We show how the use of exact synthesis for logic rewriting can be improved. To this end, we propose a novel method that includes various improvements over conventional approaches: (i) we improve the subnetwork selection strategy, (ii) we show how enumeration can be avoided, allowing our method to scale to larger subnetworks, and (iii) we introduce XOR Majority Graphs (XMGs) as compact logic representations that make exact synthesis more efficient. We show a 45.8% geometric mean reduction (taken over size, depth, and switching activity), a 6.5% size reduction, and depth · size reductions of 8.6%, compared to the academic state-of-the-art. Finally, we outperform 3 over 9 of the best known size results for the EPFL benchmark suite, reducing size by up to 11.5% and depth up to 46.7%

    Inversion Minimization in Majority-Inverter Graphs

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    In this paper, we present new optimization techniques for the recently introduced Majority-Inverter Graph (MIG). Our optimizations exploit intrinsic algebraic properties of MIGs and aim at rewriting the complemented edges of the graph without changing its shape. Two exact algorithms are proposed to minimize the number of complemented edges in the graph. The former is a dynamic programming method for trees; the latter finds the exact solution with a minimum number of inversions using Boolean satisfiability (SAT). We also describe a heuristic rule based algorithm to minimize complemented edges using local transformations. Experimental results for the exact algorithm to fanout-free regions show an average reduction of 12.8% on the EPFL benchmark suite. Applying the heuristic method on the same instances leads to a total improvement of 60.2%

    Functional Decomposition Using Majority

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    Typical operators for the decomposition of Boolean functions in state-of-the-art algorithms are AND, exclusive-OR (XOR), and a 2-to-1 multiplexer (MUX). We propose a logic decomposition algorithm that uses the majority-of-three (MAJ) operation. Such decomposition can extend the capabilities of current logic decomposition, but only found limited attention in previous work. Our algorithm makes use of a decomposition rule based on MAJ. Combined with disjoint-support decomposition, the algorithm can factorize XOR-Majority Graphs (XMGs), a recently proposed data structure which has XOR, MAJ, and inverters as only logic primitives. XMGs have been applied in various applications, including (i) exact synthesis aware rewriting, (ii) pre-optimization for 6-LUT mapping, and (iii) synthesis of quantum networks. An experimental evaluation shows that our algorithm leads to better XMGs compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, which positively affect all these three applications. As one example, our experiments show that the proposed method achieves up to 37.1% with an average of 9.6% reduction on the look-up tables (LUT) size/depth product applied to the EPFL arithmetic benchmarks after technology mapping

    Multi-level Logic Benchmarks: An Exactness Study

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    In this paper, we study exact multi-level logic benchmarks. We refer to an exact logic benchmark, or exact benchmark in short, as the optimal implementation of a given Boolean function, in terms of minimum number of logic levels and/or nodes. Exact benchmarks are of paramount importance to design automation because they allow engineers to test the efficiency of heuristic techniques used in practice. When dealing with two-level logic circuits, tools to generate exact benchmarks are available, e.g., espresso-exact, and scale up to relatively large size. However, when moving to modern multi-level logic circuits, the problem of deriving exact benchmarks is inherently more complex. Indeed, few solutions are known. In this paper, we present a scalable method to generate exact multi-level benchmarks with the optimum, or provably close to the optimum, number of logic levels. Our technique involves concepts from graph theory and joint support decomposition. Experimental results show an asymptotic exponential gap between state-of- the-art synthesis techniques and our exact results. Our findings underline the need for strong new research in logic synthesis

    Exact Synthesis for Logic Synthesis Applications with Complex Constraints

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    Exact synthesis is the problem of finding logic networks that represent given Boolean functions and respect given constraints. With exact synthesis it is possible to find optimum networks, e.g., in size or depth; consequently, it primarily finds application in logic optimization. However, exact synthesis is also very helpful in logic synthesis applications necessitating complex constraints that are present in the hardware primitives or the logic representations for which the synthesis has to be performed. Conventional heuristic logic synthesis algorithms are not considering such constraints. They still can be employed to optimize networks, but they cannot guarantee that optimized networks meets all requirements. Being faced with a logic synthesis application that seeks for low-depth majority-based networks with limited fan-out for small functions, we demonstrate how state-of-the-art exact synthesis algorithms can be adapted and used to find logic networks that match these constraints. To emphasize the need for exact synthesis, we also demonstrate how conventional logic synthesis either fails to find constraint-satisfying logic networks or yields networks of inferior quality
