1,016 research outputs found

    Study of aerodynamic technology for single-cruise-engine V/STOL fighter/attack aircraft

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    A viable, single engine, supersonic V/STOL fighter/attack aircraft concept was defined. This vectored thrust, canard wing configuration utilizes an advanced technology separated flow engine with fan stream burning. The aerodynamic characteristics of this configuration were estimated and performance evaluated. Significant aerodynamic and aerodynamic propulsion interaction uncertainties requiring additional investigation were identified. A wind tunnel model concept and test program to resolve these uncertainties and validate the aerodynamic prediction methods were defined

    The case of TUI : sailing into a bright future or sinking like Thomas Cook?

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    In the rapidly changing environment of the tourism industry, it becomes crucial for its players to adapt to exogenous factors in order to stay competitive and profitable in the long run. As an increasing number of tourists were individually booking their holidays through online booking portals, the business model of pure tour operators was being undermined. While some players, like TUI, saw the digitalization as an opportunity to change its business model, others, like Thomas Cook, failed to adapt. The case of TUI, one of the largest tourism groups worldwide, serves as an example of a successful strategic change and fit to environmental and organizational contingencies. The case demonstrates how TUI transformed its business model from a traditional tour operator towards a fully vertically integrated provider of holiday experiences. The new management introduced a strategic initiative in 2013, which involved the important merger of the parent company TUI AG with its subsidiary TUI Travel to reach full vertical integration. Thereafter, TUI highly invested in assets in terms of hotels and cruise ships as well as destination experiences. It illustrates, that the management made use of Dynamic Capabilities and changed the company’s resource base through the corporate strategy of vertical integration, in particular in the form of taper integration. Although the strategic change had proven to be successful, the vertical integration exposed the group to enormous financial challenges, when the corona pandemic brought the world to a standstill in 2020.Num ambiente em rápida mudança, como o da indústria do turismo, torna-se crucial que as empresas se adaptem a fatores exógenos para permanecerem competitivas e lucrativas a longo prazo. Com um número crescente de turistas a reservar as suas férias individualmente on-line, o modelo de negócios dos operadores turísticos puros foi posto em causa. Enquanto alguns players, como a TUI, viram a digitalização como uma oportunidade para mudar o seu modelo de negócios, outros, como a Thomas Cook, não conseguiram adaptar-se. O caso da TUI, um dos maiores grupos turísticos do mundo, serve como exemplo de uma mudança estratégica bem-sucedida e adequada às contingências ambientais e organizacionais. O caso demonstra como a TUI transformou o seu modelo de negócios, de uma operadora de turismo tradicional para um fornecedor de experiências de férias totalmente integrado verticalmente. A nova administração introduziu, em 2013, uma iniciativa estratégica que envolveu a importante fusão da empresa-mãe TUI AG com a sua subsidiária TUI Travel para alcançar uma integração vertical completa. Posteriormente, a TUI investiu muito em ativos, tais como hotéis e navios de cruzeiro, bem como em experiências nos destinos de férias. O caso ilustra como a gestão de topo utilizou as dynamic capabilities para mudar a base de recursos da empresa por meio duma estratégia corporativa de integração vertical, em particular na forma duma ‘taper integration’. Embora a mudança estratégica tenha sido bem-sucedida, a integração vertical expôs o grupo a enormes desafios financeiros, quando a pandemia causada pelo coronavírus parou o mundo em 2020

    Scenario planning for the 2035 cruise industry: a blue ocean strategy to create new market space

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    Although the cruise industry has experienced high growth in recent years, consumer segmentation and industry concentration suggest that the long tail of the market may be underserved. Cruise lines can respond by driving business model innovation via Blue Ocean Strategy to identify white space market opportunities and create value innovation. The long-term strategic cycle of the cruise industry can be accommodated by envisioning contrasting future scenarios in which present-day business decisions will be executed. This work generates actionable options that cruise lines may adopt to maintain steady growth through 2035 via scenario planning and option planning. The business model of a mass market cruise line is first mapped in a causality tree and a value cycle to visualize key performance indicators across financial, customer, internal and learning objectives. Qualitative market research is subsequently conducted through interviews with industry experts and consumers to define consumer personas, identify impactful macro-trends and evaluate customer satisfaction. Next, morphological vectors of macro-trends are arranged to construct plausible and consistent future scenarios with narratives, implications and warning signals. Finally, a set of portfolio options is created using the Four Actions Framework and Strategy Canvas to explore business model innovation via customer impact, value proposition impact and cost impact

    Curacao: Building on the Power of the Past

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    Curaçao faces hard choices in the upcoming years. High unemployment (especially among the youth), a stagnant economy, and low confidence levels may spiral the island into dangerous socio-economic waters. These domestic challenges are occurring in the midst of the global economic uncertainties that have been triggered by a shaky Chinese economy, a weakened European Union and Euro, and the deepening economic travails and budget problems of Brazil and Venezuela. Yet, despite these challenges, Curaçao has made great strides in the tourism sector compared to other economic sectors on the island. The tourism sector demonstrated resilience against outside shocks and was able to steadily increase its prominence in Curaçao’s economy. In fact, today, its share of the island’s economy is nearly 18% of the total economy, impacting every economic sector on the island. In addition, the tourism sector has become a substantial source of employment on the island. Nearly 23% of jobs are created and sustained directly or indirectly by the tourism sector. With its buoyant growth, the tourism sector has mushroomed in the past fifteen years. It is more mature, more desired by tourists, and discloses more promise for the future. Curaçao’s tourism product has changed significantly over time with regard to the product portfolio, market segment mix, and the industry’s overall contribution to the economy. So, fittingly, the current tourism product seems to possess a composition of experiences that are evaluated by tourists as favorable. This favorable evaluation is shared by both actual tourists: those who have visited Curaçao within one year, and those potential tourists who have not visited Curaçao but have visited the Caribbean within the last five years

    Climate related air traffic management. Final report. Assessing the role of air traffic management in reducing environmental impacts of aviation

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    Climate related air traffic management. Final report. Assessing the role of air traffic management in reducing environmental impacts of aviatio

    NOSTROMO - D5.1 - ATM Performance Metamodels - Preliminary Release

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    This deliverable presents the results obtained with the meta-modelling process presented in D3.1 and D3.2 applied to the two micromodels (or simulators), Mercury and FLITAN, themselves implementing concepts from four SESAR solutions, PJ01.01, PJ07.02, PJ08-01, and PJ02.08. The objective of the meta-modelling process is explained briefly again in the introduction, in particular with respect to performance assessment. The rationale for the selection of the SESAR solutions implemented in the simulators are briefly explained too. The simulators are presented in two distinct chapters. First, a general presentation of each simulator is given, with past challenges and development, before explaining the development steps carried out to implement the concepts from the chosen solutions. Domain research questions that could be answered by these implementations are highlighted along the way. The meta-modelling process is then briefly explained again, followed by the results obtained with the two simulators, in distinct sections. The results highlight the performance of the meta-model with respect to approximating the output of the micromodels, but not the performance of the models themselves with respect to the research questions, which will be explored in WP7 instead. The deliverable closes with some considerations on the meta-modelling performance and next steps for this line of work

    Cost-based linear holding practice and collaborative air traffic flow management under trajectory based operations

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    The current air transportation system is reaching the capacity limit in many countries/regions across the world. It tends to be less efficient or even incapable sometimes to deal with the enormous air traffic demand that continues growing year by year. This has been evidenced by the record-breaking flight delays reported in various places in recent years, which, have resulted in notable economical loses. To mitigate this imbalance between demand and capacity, air traffic flow management (ATFM) is usually one of the most useful options. It regulates traffic flows according to air traffic control capacity while preserving safety and efficiency of flights. ATFM initiatives can be considered well in advance of the flight execution - more than one year earlier - based on air traffic forecasts and capacity plans, and continue in effect, with information updated, to eventually the day of operation. This long effective period will inevitably allow substantial collaboration among different stakeholders, including the ATFM authority, airspace users (AUs), air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airports, etc. Under the forthcoming paradigm of trajectory based operations (TBO), the flight 4-Dimensional trajectory has been anticipated to further enhance the connection between flight planning and execution phases, thus fostering such collaboration in ATFM. Moreover, under nowadays operations, ground holding is a typical measure undertaken in many widely-used ATFM programs. Even though holding on the ground, at the origin airport, has the advantage of fuel efficiency over the air holding, it turns out that its feature of low flexibility would, in some circumstances, affect the ATFM performance. Yet, with proper flight trajectory management, it is also possible to have delay airborne at no extra fuel cost than performing ground holding. This PhD thesis firstly focuses on this trajectory management, specifically on a cost-based linear holding practice. The linear holding is realized progressively along the planned trajectory through precise speed control which can be enabled by aircraft trajectory optimization techniques. Some typical short/mid haul flights are simulated for achieving the maximum airborne delay that can be yielded using same fuel consumption as initially scheduled. Based on this, its potential applicability is demonstrated. A network ATFM model is adapted from the well-studied Bertsimas Stock-Patterson (BSP) model, incorporating different types of delay (including the linear holding) to flexibly handle the traffic flow with a set of given (yet changeable) capacities. In order that the benefits of the model can be fully realized, AUs are required to participate in the decision-making process, submitting for instance the maximum linear holding bound per flight along the planned trajectory. Next, increased AUs' participation is expected for a proposed Collaborative ATFM framework, in which not only various delay initiatives are considered, but also alternative trajectories which allow flights to route out of the identified hotspot areas. A centralized linear programming optimization model then computes for the best trajectory selections and the optimal delay distributions across all concerned flights. Finally, ANSPs' involvement is additionally considered for the framework, through dynamic airspace reconfiguration, further enhancing the collaboration between ATFM stakeholders. As such, the traffic flow regulation and sector opening scheduling are bounded into an integrated optimization model, and thus are conducted in a synchronized way. Results indicate that the performance of demand and capacity balancing can be even improved if compared with the previous ATFM models presented in this PhD thesis.El sistema de transport aeri actual està arribant al seu límit de capacitat en molts països i regions del món. Una gestió del flux de trànsit aeri (ATFM) més adequada podria mitigar aquest desequilibri entre la demanda i la capacitat. La funció de l'ATFM és regular els fluxos de trànsit aeri segons la capacitat de control del trànsit aeri, i alhora assegurar que els vols siguin segurs i eficients. Les regulacions del sistema d'ATFM es poden aplicar molt abans de l'execució del vol més d'un any abans. Un cop aplicades, aquestes regulacions continuaran evolucionant, amb informació actualitzada, fins el dia de la seva execució. El llarg període entre la planificació del vol i la seva execució permetrà una important col·laboració entre els diferents membres implicats, inclosa l'autoritat de l'ATFM, els usuaris de l'espai aeri (AUs), els proveïdors de serveis de navegació aèria (ANSP), els aeroports, etc. En les operacions d'avui en dia l'espera a terra és una de les regulacions que més aplica el sistema d'ATFM per tal d'evitar congestions als aeroports o sectors de l'espai aeri. Tot i que esperar a terra, a l'aeroport d'origen, té l'avantatge de consumir menys combustible que esperar a l'aire a l'aeroport de destí, la seva poca flexibilitat podria afectar negativament al rendiment de l'ATFM en algunes circumstàncies. Tanmateix, amb una gestió adequada de la trajectòria de vol, també és possible efectuar cert retard a l'aire sense cap cost addicional de combustible respecte al que resultaria esperant a terra. Aquesta tesi doctoral s'enfoca en primer lloc en aquesta gestió de trajectòria de vol, específicament en una pràctica d'espera tenint en compte els costos per l'aerolínia. L'espera lineal s'efectua progressivament al llarg de la trajectòria planificada mitjançant un control precís de la velocitat. Les velocitats que generen l'espera desitjada durant el vol és calculen mitjançant tècniques d'optimització. Alguns vols típics de curt i mig abast es simulen per quantificar el màxim retard a l'aire que es podria generar utilitzant el mateix consum de combustible que el previst inicialment. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts, s'explora la seva aplicabilitat potencial. Es desenvolupa un model de la xarxa d'ATFM basat en el model de Bertsima Stock-Patterson. Com a novetat, el model desenvolupat en aquesta tesi incorpora diferents tipus de retard (incloent-hi l'espera lineal) per gestionar de forma més flexible el flux de trànsit donat un conjunt de capacitats pre-definides. Per tal d'explotar al màxim els beneficis del model proposat en aquesta tesi, les autoritats regionals estan obligades a participar en el procés de presa de decisions, declarant, per exemple, la màxima espera lineal associada a cada vol al llarg de la trajectòria planejada. Tot seguit, s'inclou la participació dels AUs en un sistema d'ATFM col·laboratiu, en el qual no només es consideren diverses tipus de retard per balancejar la capacitat i la demanda, sinó també trajectòries alternatives que permeten que els vols evitin de forma òptima els sectors de l?espai aeri congestionats. Un model d'optimització centralitzat basat en programació lineal calcula les millors seleccions de trajectòria i les distribucions òptimes de retard en tots els vols afectats per la regulació. Es demostra que incloure trajectòries alternatives pot reduir notablement la quantitat de retards. Finalment, es considera també la participació de l'ANSP en el sistema d'ATFM, a través de la configuració dinàmica de l'espai aeri, millorant encara més la col·laboració entre els membres implicats en el sistema. Com a tal, la regulació del flux de trànsit i la programació d'obertura dels diferents sectors de l'espai aeri s'inclouen en un model integrat d'optimització i, per tant, es programen de forma sincronitzada. Els resultats suggereixen que el rendiment del balanc¸ de la demanda i la capacitat es pot millorar encara m´es amb aquest sistema ATFM col·laboratiu complert. El nou model de balanc¸ de demanda i capacitat millora encara ées els resultats, si es compara amb els altres models d’ATFM presentats també en aquesta tesi doctoral.El sistema de transporte aéreo actual está llegando a su límite de capacidad en muchos países y regiones del mundo. Como consecuencia, éste tiende a ser menos eficiente e incluso en ocasiones incapaz de afrontar la enorme demanda de tráfico aéreo que incluso hoy en día crece rápidamente. Este hecho se ha visto evidenciado por los enormes retrasos registrados en diferentes lugares los últimos años, lo cual ha comportado enormes pérdidas económicas para la sociedad. Una gestión del flujo del tráfico aéreo (ATFM) más adecuada podría mitigar este desequilibrio entre la demanda y la capacidad. La función del ATFM es regular los flujos de tráfico aéreo según la capacidad de control del tráfico aéreo, siempre asegurando que los vuelos sean seguros y eficientes. Las regulaciones del sistema de ATFM se pueden aplicar mucho antes de la ejecución del vuelo –más de un año antes– en función de las previsiones de tráfico aéreo y de la capacidad esperada. Una vez aplicadas, estas regulaciones continuarán evolucionando, con información actualizada, hasta el día de su ejecución. El largo periodo entre la planificación del vuelo y su ejecución permitirá una importante colaboración entre los diferentes miembros implicados, incluida la autoridad del ATFM, los usuarios del espacio aéreo (AUs), los proveedores de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP), los aeropuertos, etc. En el marco del futuro paradigma de las operaciones basadas en trayectorias, la introducción de vuelos con control sobre la trayectoria en las 4 dimensiones espera mejorar aún más la conexión entre las fases de planificación del vuelo y su ejecución, fomentando así la colaboración en el proceso de toma de decisiones del sistema ATFM. En las operaciones de hoy en día la espera en tierra es una de las regulaciones que más se aplica en el sistema de ATFM con el fin de evitar congestiones en los aeropuertos o en los sectores del espacio aéreo. Aun teniendo en cuenta que esperar en tierra, en el aeropuerto de origen, tiene la ventaja de consumir menos combustible que esperar en el aire en el aeropuerto de destino, su poca flexibilidad podría afectar negativamente al rendimiento del ATFM en algunas circunstancias. Aun así, con una gestión adecuada de la trayectoria de vuelo, también es posible efectuar cierto retraso en el aire sin ningún coste adicional de combustible respecto a lo que resultaría esperando en tierra. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en primer lugar en esta gestión de la trayectoria de vuelo, específicamente en una práctica de espera lineal considerando los costes para la aerolínea. La espera lineal se efectúa progresivamente a lo largo de la trayectoria planificada mediante un control preciso de la velocidad. Las velocidades que generan la espera deseada durante el vuelo se calculan mediante técnicas de optimización. Algunos vuelos típicos de corto y medio alcance se simulan para cuantificar el máximo retraso en el aire que se podría generar utilizando el mismo consumo de combustible que el previsto inicialmente. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se investiga su potencial aplicabilidad, como por ejemplo mejorar la planificación de programas de flujo del espacio aéreo, y ayudar a neutralizar los retrasos no deseados adicionales debidos a la incertidumbre del sistema. Se desarrolla un modelo de la red de ATFM basado en el conocido modelo Bertsimas Stock-Patterson (BSP). Como novedad, el modelo desarrollado en esta tesis incorpora diferentes tipos de retraso (incluyendo la espera lineal) para gestionar de manera más flexible el flujo de tráfico dado un conjunto de capacidades predefinidas. Con el fin de explotar al máximo los beneficios del modelo propuesto en esta tesis, se asume que las aerolíneas participaran en el proceso de toma de decisiones, declarando, por ejemplo, la máxima espera lineal asociada a cada vuelo a lo largo de la trayectoria planeada. Este concepto se ilustra con un caso de estudio, donde se demuestra una reducción significativa de los retrasos, comparado con el modelo BSP. Seguidamente, se incluye la participación de las aerolíneas en un sistema de ATFM colaborativo, en el cual no tan sólo se consideran diferentes tipos de retrasos para balancear la capacidad y la demanda, sino también trayectorias alternativas que permiten que los vuelos eviten de forma óptima los sectores del espacio aéreo congestionados. Un modelo de optimización centralizado basado en programación lineal calcula las mejores selecciones de la trayectoria y las distribuciones óptimas de retraso en todos los vuelos afectado por la regulación. Se demuestra que incluir trayectorias alternativas puede reducir notablemente la cantidad de retrasos. Finalmente, se considera también la participación de los ANSP en el sistema de ATFM, a través de la configuración dinámica del espacio aéreo, mejorando aún más la colaboración entre los miembros implicados en el sistema. Como tales, la regulación del flujo de tráfico aéreo y la programación de apertura de los diferentes sectores del espacio aéreo se incluyen en un modelo integrado de optimización y, por lo tanto, se programan de manera sincronizada. El nuevo modelo de balance de demanda y capacidad mejora aún más los resultados, si se compara con los otros modelos ATFM presentados también en esta tesis doctoralPostprint (published version

    Aircraft System Analysis of Technology Benefits to Civil Transport Rotorcraft

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    An aircraft systems analysis was conducted to evaluate the net benefits of advanced technologies on two conceptual civil transport rotorcraft, to quantify the potential of future civil rotorcraft to become operationally viable and economically competitive, with the ultimate goal of alleviating congestion in our airways, runways and terminals. These questions are three of many that must be resolved for the successful introduction of civil transport rotorcraft: 1) Can civil transport rotorcraft actually relieve current airport congestion and improve overall air traffic and passenger throughput at busy hub airports? What is that operational scenario? 2) Can advanced technology make future civil rotorcraft economically competitive in scheduled passenger transport? What are those enabling technologies? 3) What level of investment is necessary to mature the key enabling technologies? This study addresses the first two questions, and several others, by applying a systems analysis approach to a broad spectrum of potential advanced technologies at a conceptual level of design. The method was to identify those advanced technologies that showed the most promise and to quantify their benefits to the design, development, production, and operation of future civil rotorcraft. Adjustments are made to sizing data by subject matter experts to reflect the introduction of new technologies that offer improved performance, reduced weight, reduced maintenance, or reduced cost. This study used projected benefits from new, advanced technologies, generally based on research results, analysis, or small-scale test data. The technologies are identified, categorized and quantified in the report. The net benefit of selected advanced technologies is quantified for two civil transport rotorcraft concepts, a Single Main Rotor Compound (SMRC) helicopter designed for 250 ktas cruise airspeed and a Civil Tilt Rotor (CTR) designed for 350 ktas cruise airspeed. A baseline design of each concept was sized for a representative civil passenger transport mission, using current technology. Individual advanced technologies are quantified and applied to resize the aircraft, thereby quantifying the net benefit of that technology to the rotorcraft. Estimates of development cost, production cost and operating and support costs are made with a commercial cost estimating program, calibrated to Boeing products with adjustments for future civil production processes. A cost metric of cash direct operating cost per available seat-mile (DOC ASM) is used to compare the cost benefit of the technologies. The same metric is used to compare results with turboprop operating costs. Reduced engine SFC was the most advantageous advanced technology for both rotorcraft concepts. Structural weight reduction was the second most beneficial technology, followed by advanced drive systems and then by technology for rotorcraft performance. Most of the technologies evaluated in this report should apply similarly to conventional helicopters. The implicit assumption is that resources will become available to mature the technologies for fullscale production aircraft. That assumption is certainly the weak link in any forecast of future possibilities. The analysis serves the purpose of identifying which technologies offer the most potential benefit, and thus the ones that should receive the highest priority for continued development. This study directly addressed the following NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing (SRW) subtopics: SR W.4.8.I.J Establish capability for rotorcraft system analysis and SRW. 4.8.I.4 Conduct limited technology benefit assessment on baseline rotorcraft configurations

    Advanced Free Flight Planner and Dispatcher's Workstation: Preliminary Design Specification

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has implemented the Advanced Air Transportation Technology (AATT) program to investigate future improvements to the national and international air traffic management systems. This research, as part of the AATT program, developed preliminary design requirements for an advanced Airline Operations Control (AOC) dispatcher's workstation, with emphasis on flight planning. This design will support the implementation of an experimental workstation in NASA laboratories that would emulate AOC dispatch operations. The work developed an airline flight plan data base and specified requirements for: a computer tool for generation and evaluation of free flight, user preferred trajectories (UPT); the kernel of an advanced flight planning system to be incorporated into the UPT-generation tool; and an AOC workstation to house the UPT-generation tool and to provide a real-time testing environment. A prototype for the advanced flight plan optimization kernel was developed and demonstrated. The flight planner uses dynamic programming to search a four-dimensional wind and temperature grid to identify the optimal route, altitude and speed for successive segments of a flight. An iterative process is employed in which a series of trajectories are successively refined until the LTPT is identified. The flight planner is designed to function in the current operational environment as well as in free flight. The free flight environment would enable greater flexibility in UPT selection based on alleviation of current procedural constraints. The prototype also takes advantage of advanced computer processing capabilities to implement more powerful optimization routines than would be possible with older computer systems
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