30 research outputs found

    SoS: self-organizing substrates

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    Large-scale networked systems often, both by design or chance exhibit self-organizing properties. Understanding self-organization using tools from cybernetics, particularly modeling them as Markov processes is a first step towards a formal framework which can be used in (decentralized) systems research and design.Interesting aspects to look for include the time evolution of a system and to investigate if and when a system converges to some absorbing states or stabilizes into a dynamic (and stable) equilibrium and how it performs under such an equilibrium state. Such a formal framework brings in objectivity in systems research, helping discern facts from artefacts as well as providing tools for quantitative evaluation of such systems. This thesis introduces such formalism in analyzing and evaluating peer-to-peer (P2P) systems in order to better understand the dynamics of such systems which in turn helps in better designs. In particular this thesis develops and studies the fundamental building blocks for a P2P storage system. In the process the design and evaluation methodology we pursue illustrate the typical methodological approaches in studying and designing self-organizing systems, and how the analysis methodology influences the design of the algorithms themselves to meet system design goals (preferably with quantifiable guarantees). These goals include efficiency, availability and durability, load-balance, high fault-tolerance and self-maintenance even in adversarial conditions like arbitrarily skewed and dynamic load and high membership dynamics (churn), apart of-course the specific functionalities that the system is supposed to provide. The functionalities we study here are some of the fundamental building blocks for various P2P applications and systems including P2P storage systems, and hence we call them substrates or base infrastructure. These elemental functionalities include: (i) Reliable and efficient discovery of resources distributed over the network in a decentralized manner; (ii) Communication among participants in an address independent manner, i.e., even when peers change their physical addresses; (iii) Availability and persistence of stored objects in the network, irrespective of availability or departure of individual participants from the system at any time; and (iv) Freshness of the objects/resources' (up-to-date replicas). Internet-scale distributed index structures (often termed as structured overlays) are used for discovery and access of resources in a decentralized setting. We propose a rapid construction from scratch and maintenance of the P-Grid overlay network in a self-organized manner so as to provide efficient search of both individual keys as well as a whole range of keys, doing so providing good load-balancing characteristics for diverse kind of arbitrarily skewed loads - storage and replication, query forwarding and query answering loads. For fast overlay construction we employ recursive partitioning of the key-space so that the resulting partitions are balanced with respect to storage load and replication. The proper algorithmic parameters for such partitioning is derived from a transient analysis of the partitioning process which has Markov property. Preservation of ordering information in P-Grid such that queries other than exact queries, like range queries can be efficiently and rather trivially handled makes P-Grid suitable for data-oriented applications. Fast overlay construction is analogous to building an index on a new set of keys making P-Grid suitable as the underlying indexing mechanism for peer-to-peer information retrieval applications among other potential applications which may require frequent indexing of new attributes apart regular updates to an existing index. In order to deal with membership dynamics, in particular changing physical address of peers across sessions, the overlay itself is used as a (self-referential) directory service for maintaining the participating peers' physical addresses across sessions. Exploiting this self-referential directory, a family of overlay maintenance scheme has been designed with lower communication overhead than other overlay maintenance strategies. The notion of dynamic equilibrium study for overlays under continuous churn and repairs, modeled as a Markov process, was introduced in order to evaluate and compare the overlay maintenance schemes. While the self-referential directory was originally invented to realize overlay maintenance schemes with lower overheads than existing overlay maintenance schemes, the self-referential directory is generic in nature and can be used for various other purposes, e.g., as a decentralized public key infrastructure. Persistence of peer identity across sessions, in spite of changes in physical address, provides a logical independence of the overlay network from the underlying physical network. This has many other potential usages, for example, efficient maintenance mechanisms for P2P storage systems and P2P trust and reputation management. We specifically look into the dynamics of maintaining redundancy for storage systems and design a novel lazy maintenance strategy. This strategy is algorithmically a simple variant of existing maintenance strategies which adapts to the system dynamics. This randomized lazy maintenance strategy thus explores the cost-performance trade-offs of the storage maintenance operations in a self-organizing manner. We model the storage system (redundancy), under churn and maintenance, as a Markov process. We perform an equilibrium study to show that the system operates in a more stable dynamic equilibrium with our strategy than for the existing maintenance scheme for comparable overheads. Particularly, we show that our maintenance scheme provides substantial performance gains in terms of maintenance overhead and system's resilience in presence of churn and correlated failures. Finally, we propose a gossip mechanism which works with lower communication overhead than existing approaches for communication among a relatively large set of unreliable peers without assuming any specific structure for their mutual connectivity. We use such a communication primitive for propagating replica updates in P2P systems, facilitating management of mutable content in P2P systems. The peer population affected by a gossip can be modeled as a Markov process. Studying the transient spread of gossips help in choosing proper algorithm parameters to reduce communication overhead while guaranteeing coverage of online peers. Each of these substrates in themselves were developed to find practical solutions for real problems. Put together, these can be used in other applications, including a P2P storage system with support for efficient lookup and inserts, membership dynamics, content mutation and updates, persistence and availability. Many of the ideas have already been implemented in real systems and several others are in the way to be integrated into the implementations. There are two principal contributions of this dissertation. It provides design of the P2P systems which are useful for end-users as well as other application developers who can build upon these existing systems. Secondly, it adapts and introduces the methodology of analysis of a system's time-evolution (tools typically used in diverse domains including physics and cybernetics) to study the long run behavior of P2P systems, and uses this methodology to (re-)design appropriate algorithms and evaluate them. We observed that studying P2P systems from the perspective of complex systems reveals their inner dynamics and hence ways to exploit such dynamics for suitable or better algorithms. In other words, the analysis methodology in itself strongly influences and inspires the way we design such systems. We believe that such an approach of orchestrating self-organization in internet-scale systems, where the algorithms and the analysis methodology have strong mutual influence will significantly change the way future such systems are developed and evaluated. We envision that such an approach will particularly serve as an important tool for the nascent but fast moving P2P systems research and development community

    Error-Correcting Codes for Networks, Storage and Computation

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    The advent of the information age has bestowed upon us three challenges related to the way we deal with data. Firstly, there is an unprecedented demand for transmitting data at high rates. Secondly, the massive amounts of data being collected from various sources needs to be stored across time. Thirdly, there is a need to process the data collected and perform computations on it in order to extract meaningful information out of it. The interconnected nature of modern systems designed to perform these tasks has unraveled new difficulties when it comes to ensuring their resilience against sources of performance degradation. In the context of network communication and distributed data storage, system-level noise and adversarial errors have to be combated with efficient error correction schemes. In the case of distributed computation, the heterogeneous nature of computing clusters can potentially diminish the speedups promised by parallel algorithms, calling for schemes that mitigate the effect of slow machines and communication delay. This thesis addresses the problem of designing efficient fault tolerance schemes for the three scenarios just described. In the network communication setting, a family of multiple-source multicast networks that employ linear network coding is considered for which capacity-achieving distributed error-correcting codes, based on classical algebraic constructions, are designed. The codes require no coordination between the source nodes and are end to end: except for the source nodes and the destination node, the operation of the network remains unchanged. In the context of data storage, balanced error-correcting codes are constructed so that the encoding effort required is balanced out across the storage nodes. In particular, it is shown that for a fixed row weight, any cyclic Reed-Solomon code possesses a generator matrix in which the number of nonzeros is the same across the columns. In the balanced and sparsest case, where each row of the generator matrix is a minimum distance codeword, the maximal encoding time over the storage nodes is minimized, a property that is appealing in write-intensive settings. Analogous constructions are presented for a locally recoverable code construction due to Tamo and Barg. Lastly, the problem of mitigating stragglers in a distributed computation setup is addressed, where a function of some dataset is computed in parallel. Using Reed-Solomon coding techniques, a scheme is proposed that allows for the recovery of the function under consideration from the minimum number of machines possible. The only assumption made on the function is that it is additively separable, which renders the scheme useful in distributed gradient descent implementations. Furthermore, a theoretical model for the run time of the scheme is presented. When the return time of the machines is modeled probabilistically, the model can be used to optimally pick the scheme's parameters so that the expected computation time is minimized. The recovery is performed using an algorithm that runs in quadratic time and linear space, a notable improvement compared to state-of-the-art schemes. The unifying theme of the three scenarios is the construction of error-correcting codes whose encoding functions adhere to certain constraints. It is shown that in many cases, these constraints can be satisfied by classical constructions. As a result, the schemes presented are deterministic, operate over small finite fields and can be decoded using efficient algorithms.</p

    From online social network analysis to a user-centric private sharing system

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    Online social networks (OSNs) have become a massive repository of data constructed from individuals’ inputs: posts, photos, feedbacks, locations, etc. By analyzing such data, meaningful knowledge is generated that can affect individuals’ beliefs, desires, happiness and choices—a data circulation started from individuals and ended in individuals! The OSN owners, as the one authority having full control over the stored data, make the data available for research, advertisement and other purposes. However, the individuals are missed in this circle while they generate the data and shape the OSN structure. In this thesis, we started by introducing approximation algorithms for finding the most influential individuals in a social graph and modeling the spread of information. To do so, we considered the communities of individuals that are shaped in a social graph. The social graph is extracted from the data stored and controlled centrally, which can cause privacy breaches and lead to individuals’ concerns. Therefore, we introduced UPSS: the user-centric private sharing system, in which the individuals are considered as the real data owners and provides secure and private data sharing on untrusted servers. The UPSS’s public API allows the application developers to implement applications as diverse as OSNs, document redaction systems with integrity properties, censorship-resistant systems, health care auditing systems, distributed version control systems with flexible access controls and a filesystem in userspace. Accessing users’ data is possible only with explicit user consent. We implemented the two later cases to show the applicability of UPSS. Supporting different storage models by UPSS enables us to have a local, remote and global filesystem in userspace with one unique core filesystem implementation and having it mounted with different block stores. By designing and implementing UPSS, we show that security and privacy can be addressed at the same time in the systems that need selective, secure and collaborative information sharing without requiring complete trust

    Sonic heritage: listening to the past

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    History is so often told through objects, images and photographs, but the potential of sounds to reveal place and space is often neglected. Our research project ‘Sonic Palimpsest’1 explores the potential of sound to evoke impressions and new understandings of the past, to embrace the sonic as a tool to understand what was, in a way that can complement and add to our predominant visual understandings. Our work includes the expansion of the Oral History archives held at Chatham Dockyard to include women’s voices and experiences, and the creation of sonic works to engage the public with their heritage. Our research highlights the social and cultural value of oral history and field recordings in the transmission of knowledge to both researchers and the public. Together these recordings document how buildings and spaces within the dockyard were used and experienced by those who worked there. We can begin to understand the social and cultural roles of these buildings within the community, both past and present

    The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

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    This open access handbook presents a multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods. The volume makes a timely intervention in our understanding of the changing field of Russian Studies and is an essential guide for scholars, advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Russia today