462 research outputs found

    Enhancing EEG-based emotion recognition using PSD-Grouped Deep Echo State Network

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    Emotions are a crucial aspect of daily life and play a vital role in shaping human inter-actions. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel approach to recognize human emotions through the use of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. To recognize these signals for emotion prediction, we employ a paradigm of Reservoir Computing (RC), called Echo State Network (ESN). In our analysis, we focus on two specific classes of emotion recognition: H/L Arousal and H/L Valence. We suggest using the Deep ESN model in conjunction with the Welch Power Spectral Density (Wlech PSD) method for emotion classification and feature extraction. Furthermore, we feed the selected features to a grouped ESN for recognizing emotions. Our approach is validated on the well-known DEAP benchmark, which includes the EEG data from 32 participants. The proposed model achieved 89.32% accuracy for H/L Arousal and 91.21% accuracy for H/L Valence on the DEAP dataset. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which yields good performance compared to existing models of emotion analysis based on EEG

    Brain Computer Interfaces and Emotional Involvement: Theory, Research, and Applications

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    This reprint is dedicated to the study of brain activity related to emotional and attentional involvement as measured by Brain–computer interface (BCI) systems designed for different purposes. A BCI system can translate brain signals (e.g., electric or hemodynamic brain activity indicators) into a command to execute an action in the BCI application (e.g., a wheelchair, the cursor on the screen, a spelling device or a game). These tools have the advantage of having real-time access to the ongoing brain activity of the individual, which can provide insight into the user’s emotional and attentional states by training a classification algorithm to recognize mental states. The success of BCI systems in contemporary neuroscientific research relies on the fact that they allow one to “think outside the lab”. The integration of technological solutions, artificial intelligence and cognitive science allowed and will allow researchers to envision more and more applications for the future. The clinical and everyday uses are described with the aim to invite readers to open their minds to imagine potential further developments

    Auditory mismatch impairments are characterized by core neural dysfunctions in schizophrenia

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    Reduced mismatch negativity is a well-established phenomenon in schizophrenia, but its underlying mechanisms are unclear. Using fMRI, Gaebler et al. reveal that auditory mismatch stimuli trigger multiple neural dysfunctions associated with schizophrenia. The fMRI response enables diagnostic separation of patients and controls with high accuracy, suggesting biomarker potentia

    Ovarian hormones shape brain structure, function, and chemistry: A neuropsychiatric framework for female brain health

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    There are robust sex differences in brain anatomy, function, as well as neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disease risk (1-6), with women approximately twice as likely to suffer from a depressive illness as well as Alzheimer’s Disease. Disruptions in ovarian hormones likely play a role in such disproportionate disease prevalence, given that ovarian hormones serve as key regulators of brain functional and structural plasticity and undergo major fluctuations across the female lifespan (7-9). From a clinical perspective, there is a wellreported increase in depression susceptibility and initial evidence for cognitive impairment or decline during hormonal transition states, such as the postpartum period and perimenopause (9-14). What remains unknown, however, is the underlying mechanism of how fluctuations in ovarian hormones interact with other biological factors to influence brain structure, function, and chemistry. While this line of research has translational relevance for over half the population, neuroscience is notably guilty of female participant exclusion in research studies, with the male brain implicitly treated as the default model and only a minority of basic and clinical neuroscience studies including a female sample (15-18). Female underrepresentation in neuroscience directly limits opportunities for basic scientific discovery; and without basic knowledge of the biological underpinnings of sex differences, we cannot address critical sexdriven differences in pathology. Thus, my doctoral thesis aims to deliberately investigate the influence of sex and ovarian hormones on brain states in health as well as in vulnerability to depression and cognitive impairment:Table of Contents List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... i List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ii Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................................iii 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Lifespan approach: Sex, hormones, and metabolic risk factors for cognitive health .......3 1.2 Reproductive years: Healthy models of ovarian hormones, serotonin, and the brain ......4 1.2.1 Ovarian hormones and brain structure across the menstrual cycle ........................4 1.2.2 Serotonergic modulation and brain function in oral contraceptive users .................6 1.3 Neuropsychiatric risk models: Reproductive subtypes of depression ...............................8 1.3.1 Hormonal transition states and brain chemistry measured by PET imaging ...........8 1.3.2 Serotonin transporter binding across the menstrual cycle in PMDD patients .......10 2 PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................12 2.1 Publication 1: Association of estradiol and visceral fat with structural brain networks and memory performance in adults .................................................................................13 2.2 Publication 2: Longitudinal 7T MRI reveals volumetric changes in subregions of human medial temporal lobe to sex hormone fluctuations ..............................................28 2.3 Publication 3: One-week escitalopram intake alters the excitation-inhibition balance in the healthy female brain ...............................................................................................51 2.4 Publication 4: Using positron emission tomography to investigate hormone-mediated neurochemical changes across the female lifespan: implications for depression ..........65 2.5 Publication 5: Increase in serotonin transporter binding across the menstrual cycle in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a case-control longitudinal neuro- receptor ligand PET imaging study ..................................................................................82 3 SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................100 References ..............................................................................................................................107 Supplementary Publications ...................................................................................................114 Author Contributions to Publication 1 .....................................................................................184 Author Contributions to Publication 2 .....................................................................................186 Author Contributions to Publication 3 .....................................................................................188 Author Contributions to Publication 4 .....................................................................................190 Author Contributions to Publication 5 .....................................................................................191 Declaration of Authenticity ......................................................................................................193 Curriculum Vitae ......................................................................................................................194 List of Publications ................................................................................................................195 List of Talks and Posters ......................................................................................................19

    Recent Applications in Graph Theory

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    Graph theory, being a rigorously investigated field of combinatorial mathematics, is adopted by a wide variety of disciplines addressing a plethora of real-world applications. Advances in graph algorithms and software implementations have made graph theory accessible to a larger community of interest. Ever-increasing interest in machine learning and model deployments for network data demands a coherent selection of topics rewarding a fresh, up-to-date summary of the theory and fruitful applications to probe further. This volume is a small yet unique contribution to graph theory applications and modeling with graphs. The subjects discussed include information hiding using graphs, dynamic graph-based systems to model and control cyber-physical systems, graph reconstruction, average distance neighborhood graphs, and pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations to cluster networks
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