14 research outputs found

    Trends in optical burst switching

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    Effective preemptive scheduling scheme for optical burst-switched networks with cascaded wavelength conversion consideration

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    We introduce a new preemptive scheduling technique for next-generation optical burst switching (OBS) networks considering the impact of cascaded wavelength conversions. It has been shown that when optical bursts are transmitted all optically from source to destination, each wavelength conversion performed along the lightpath may cause certain signal-to-noise deterioration. If the distortion of the signal quality becomes significant enough, the receiver would not be able to recover the original data. Accordingly, subject to this practical impediment, we improve a recently proposed fair channel scheduling algorithm to deal with the fairness problem and aim at burst loss reduction simultaneously in OBS environments. In our scheme, the dynamic priority associated with each burst is based on a constraint threshold and the number of already conducted wavelength conversions among other factors for this burst. When contention occurs, a new arriving superior burst may preempt another scheduled one according to their priorities. Extensive simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme further improves fairness and achieves burst loss reduction as well

    Analytic modelling and resource dimensioning of optical burst switched networks

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    The realisation of optical network architectures may hold the key to delivering the enormous bandwidth demands of next generation Internet applications and services. Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a potentially cost-effective switching technique that can satisfy these demands by offering a high bit rate transport service that is bandwidth-efficient under dynamic Internet traffic loads. Although various aspects of OBS performance have been extensively investigated, there remains a need to systematically assess the cost/performance trade-offs involved in dimensioning OBS switch resources in a network. This goal is essential in enabling the future deployment of OBS but poses a significant challenge due to the complexity of obtaining tractable mathematical models applicable to OBS network optimisation. The overall aim of this thesis lies within this challenge. This thesis firstly develops a novel analytic performance model of an OBS node where burst contention is resolved by combined use of Tuneable Wavelength Converters (TWCs) and Fibre Delay Lines (FDLs) connected in an efficient share-per-node configuration. The model uses a two-moment traffic representation that gives a good trade-off between accuracy and complexity, and is suitable for extension to use in network modelling. The OBS node model is then used to derive an approximate analytic model of an OBS network of switches equipped with TWCs and FDLs, again maintaining a two-moment traffic model for each end-to-end traffic path in the network. This allows evaluation of link/route loss rates under different offered traffic characteristics, whereas most OBS network models assume only a single-moment traffic representation. In the last part of this thesis, resource dimensioning of OBS networks is performed by solving single and multi-objective optimisation problems based on the analytic network model. The optimisation objectives relate to equipment cost minimisation and throughput maximisation under end-to-end loss rate constraints. Due to non-convexity of the network performance constraint equations, a search heuristic approach has been taken using a constraint-handling genetic algorithm

    Offset time-emulated architecture for optical burst switching-modelling and performance evaluation

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    L'evoluci贸 de les xarxes publiques de transport de dades destaca per el continu augment de la demanda de tr脿fic a la que estan sotmeses. La causa 茅s la imparable popularitzaci贸 d'Internet i del seu 煤s per a tot tipus d'aplicacions. Les xarxes de commutaci贸 de r脿fegues 貌ptiques (OBS: Optical Bursts Switching) s贸n una soluci贸 extraordin脿riament prometedora per la pr貌xima generaci贸 de xarxes, tant per la flexibilitat que ofereixen com per el seu alt rendiment fruit de l'explotaci贸 de la multiplexaci贸 estad铆stica en el domini 貌ptic.Aquesta tesi presenta l'an脿lisi, modelitzaci贸 i avaluaci贸 de les xarxes de commutaci贸 de r脿fegues 貌ptiques basades en l'emulaci贸 del temps de compensaci贸 (emulated offset time: E-OBS). El concepte d'E-OBS defineix una arquitectura de xarxa OBS per al transportar i commutar r脿fegues 貌ptiques en una xarxa troncal en la que, al contrari de l'arquitectura convencional (C-OBS) en la que el temps de compensaci贸 s'introdueix des dels nodes d'acc茅s, el temps de compensaci贸 s'introdueix en cadascun dels nodes de la xarxa per mitj脿 d'un retardador de fibra addicional. L'arquitectura E-OBS permet superar algunes de les desavantatges inherents a arquitectures C-OBS, per貌 la seva gran virtut 茅s la compatibilitat amb les xarxes de commutaci贸 de circuits 貌ptics (OCS: Optical Circuit Switching) actuals i les futures xarxes de commutaci贸 de paquets 貌ptics (OPS: Optical Packet Switching), de manera que les xarxes OBS basades en una arquitectura E-OBS) poden facilitat enormement la transici贸 de unes a les altres.A ala vista dels principals requeriments de disseny de les xarxes OBS, que s贸n la resoluci贸 de contencions en el domini 貌ptic, la provisi贸 de qualitat de servei (QoS) i l'貌ptim encaminament de les r脿fegues per tal de minimitzar la congesti贸 de la xarxa, . en aquesta tesi es proposa un disseny de l'arquitectura E-OBS basada en (i) un m猫tode viable per a la provisi贸 del temps de compensaci贸, (ii) una qualitat alta global de servei, i (iii) un mecanisme d'encaminament que minimitzi congesti贸 de xarxa.- La primera part d'aquesta tesi proporciona la informaci贸 documental necess脿ria per al disseny d'E-OBS.- La segona part se centra en l'estudi de la funcionalitat i viabilitat de l'arquitectura E-OBS. S'introdueixen els principis d'operaci贸 d'E-OBS i s'identifiquen els principals esculls que presenten les arquitectures C-OBS i que deixen de ser-ho en una arquitectura E-OBS. Alguns d'aquests esculls s贸n la dificultat d'utilitzar un algorisme d'encaminament amb rutes alternatives, la complexitat dels algoritmes de reserva de recursos i la seva falta d'equitat, la complexitat en la provisi贸 de la QoS, etc. En aquesta segona part es constata que l'arquitectura E-OBS redueix la complexitat dels de reserva de recursos i es verifica la viabilitat d'operaci贸 i de funcionament de la provisi贸 del tremps de compensaci贸 en aquesta arquitectura a partir de figures de comportament obtingudes amb retardadors de fibra comercialment disponibles.- La tercera part encara el problema de la provisi贸 de la QoS. Primer s'hi revisen els conceptes b脿sics de QoS aix铆 com els mecanismes de tractament de la QoS per a xarxes OBS fent-ne una comparaci贸 qualitativa i de rendiment de tots ells. Com a resultat s'obt茅 que el mecanisme que presenta un millor comportament 茅s el d'avortament de la transmissi贸 de les r脿fegues de m茅s baixa prioritat quan aquestes col路lisionen amb una de prioritat m茅s alta (es l'anomenat Burst Preemption mechanism), el qual en alguns casos presenta un problema de senyalitzaci贸 innecess脿ria. Aquesta tercera part es conclou amb la proposta d'un mecanisme de finestra a afegir al esquema de Burst Preemption que nom茅s funciona sobre una arquitectura E-OBS i que soluciona aquest problema.- En la quarta part s'afronta el problema de l'encaminament en xarxes OBS. S'estudia el comportament dels algoritmes d'encaminament adaptatius, els a茂llats amb rutes alternatives i els multicam铆 distribu茂ts, sobre xarxes E-OBS. A la vista dels resultats no massa satisfactoris que s'obtenen, es planteja una soluci贸 alternativa que es basa en model d'optimitzaci贸 no lineal. Es formulen i resolen dos models d'optimitzaci贸 per als algoritmes encaminament de font multicam铆 que redueixen notablement la congesti贸 en les xarxes OBS.Finalment, aquesta tesi conclou que l'arquitectura E-OBS 茅s factible, que 茅s m茅s eficient que la C-OBS, que proveeix efica莽ment QoS, i que 茅s capa莽 d'operar amb diverses estrat猫gies d'encaminament i de reduir efica莽ment la congesti贸 de xarxa.The fact that the Internet is a packet-based connection-less network is the main driver to develop a data-centric transport network. In this context, the optical burst switching (OBS) technology is considered as a promising solution for reducing the gap between transmission and switching speeds in future networks.This thesis presents the analysis, modelling, and evaluation of the OBS network with Emulated offset-time provisioning (E-OBS). E-OBS defines an OBS network architecture to transport and switch optical data bursts in a core network. On the contrary to a conventional offset-time provisioning OBS (C-OBS) architecture, where a transmission offset time is introduced in the edge node, in an E-OBS network the offset time is provided in the core node by means of an additional fibre delay element. The architecture is motivated by several drawbacks inherent to C-OBS architectures. It should be pointed out that the E-OBS has not been studied intensively in the literature and this concept has been considered rather occasionally.Due to the limitations in optical processing and queuing, OBS networks need a special treatment so that they could solve problems typical of data-centric networks. Contention resolution in optical domain together with quality of service (QoS) provisioning for quality demanding services are, among other things, the main designing issues when developing OBS networks. Another important aspect is routing problem, which concerns effective balancing of traffic load so that to reduce burst congestion at overloaded links. Accounting for these requirements, the design objectives for the E-OBS architecture are (i) feasibility of offset-time provisioning, (ii) an overall high quality of service, and (iii) reduction of network congestion. These objectives are achieved by combining selected concepts and strategies, together with appropriate system design as well as network traffic engineering.The contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows.- At the beginning, we introduce the principles of E-OBS operation and we demonstrate that C-OBS possesses many drawbacks that can be easily avoided in E-OBS. Some of the discussed issues are the problem of unfairness in resources reservation, difficulty with alternative routing, complexity of resources reservation algorithms, efficiency of burst scheduling, and complexity in QoS provisioning. The feasibility of E-OBS operation is investigated as well; in this context, the impact of congestion in control plane on OBS operation is studied. As a result, we confirm the feasibility of E-OBS operation with commercially available fibre delay elements.- Then, we provide both qualitative and quantitative comparison of the selected, most addressed in the literature, QoS mechanisms. As an outcome a burst preemption mechanism, which is characterized by the highest overall performance, is qualified for operating in E-OBS. Since the preemptive mechanism may produce the overbooking of resources in an OBS network we address this issue as well. We propose the preemption window mechanism to solve the problem. An analytical model of the mechanism legitimates correctness of our solution.- Finally, we concern with a routing problem - our routing objective is to help the contention resolution algorithms in the reduction of burst losses. We propose and evaluate two isolated alternative routing algorithms designed for labelled E-OBS networks. Then we study multi-path source routing and we use network optimization theory to improve it. The presented formulae for partial derivatives, to be used in a non-linear optimization problem, are straightforward and very fast to compute. It makes the proposed non-linear optimization method a viable alternative for linear programming formulations based on piecewise linear approximations.Concluding, E-OBS is shown to be a feasible OBS network architecture of profitable functionality, to support efficiently the QoS provisioning, and to be able to operate with different routing strategies and effectively reduce the network congestion

    Stochastic modeling of optical buffers

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    Quality of service analysis for slotted optical burst switching networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 70-76.Optical burst switching (OBS) is proposed as the switching paradigm of nextgeneration optical Internet. In OBS, IP packets from access networks are assembled into longer units of bursts allowing a lower level of switching granularity offered by the readily available optical technology. Although OBS was asynchronous in the earlier work, slotted OBS (SOBS) has recently caught the attention of the researchers due to performance gains achievable with synchronous infrastructures. In this thesis, we study the blocking probabilities in a slotted optical burst switching node fed with independent and identically distributed Poisson burst traffic and for which the burst sizes are a fixed integer multiple of the slot length. We develop a discrete time Markov chain based framework to obtain the blocking probabilities in systems with and without QoS differentiation. In particular, we study priority scheduling and offset-based QoS differentiation mechanisms for SOBS networks. The latter problem suffers from the curse of dimensionality, which we address by a discrete phase type approximation for the discrete Poisson distribution. The results obtained by using the moment-matched phase type distribution are shown to provide a very accurate approximation for the blocking probabilities. Finally, we extend our framework to analyze the hybrid priority scheduling with unity-offset based differentiation scheme which proves to outperform the others in the degree of class isolation. We show that increasing burst length has an adverse affect on the attained QoS level. We also give a quantitative discussion of the trade off between the burst blocking probability and the slot granularity. As the slot duration is decreased, burst transmissions can be initiated in an earlier time decreasing the end-to-end delay in an SOBS network with a penalty of increased burst loss probability. We evaluate the burst blocking probabilities of a classless and two-class SOBS nodes as a function of the slot length, number of wavelengths and traffic load.脰zt眉rk, OnurM.S

    Quality of service in optical burst switching networks

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    Tese dout., Engenharia Electr贸nica e Computa莽茫o, Universidade do Algarve, 2009Funda莽茫o para e Ci锚ncia e a Tecnologi

    Cross-layer modeling and optimization of next-generation internet networks

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    Scaling traditional telecommunication networks so that they are able to cope with the volume of future traffic demands and the stringent European Commission (EC) regulations on emissions would entail unaffordable investments. For this very reason, the design of an innovative ultra-high bandwidth power-efficient network architecture is nowadays a bold topic within the research community. So far, the independent evolution of network layers has resulted in isolated, and hence, far-from-optimal contributions, which have eventually led to the issues today's networks are facing such as inefficient energy strategy, limited network scalability and flexibility, reduced network manageability and increased overall network and customer services costs. Consequently, there is currently large consensus among network operators and the research community that cross-layer interaction and coordination is fundamental for the proper architectural design of next-generation Internet networks. This thesis actively contributes to the this goal by addressing the modeling, optimization and performance analysis of a set of potential technologies to be deployed in future cross-layer network architectures. By applying a transversal design approach (i.e., joint consideration of several network layers), we aim for achieving the maximization of the integration of the different network layers involved in each specific problem. To this end, Part I provides a comprehensive evaluation of optical transport networks (OTNs) based on layer 2 (L2) sub-wavelength switching (SWS) technologies, also taking into consideration the impact of physical layer impairments (PLIs) (L0 phenomena). Indeed, the recent and relevant advances in optical technologies have dramatically increased the impact that PLIs have on the optical signal quality, particularly in the context of SWS networks. Then, in Part II of the thesis, we present a set of case studies where it is shown that the application of operations research (OR) methodologies in the desing/planning stage of future cross-layer Internet network architectures leads to the successful joint optimization of key network performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost (i.e., CAPEX/OPEX), resources usage and energy consumption. OR can definitely play an important role by allowing network designers/architects to obtain good near-optimal solutions to real-sized problems within practical running times