1,847 research outputs found

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation

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    During the last few years, information technology and transportation industries, along with automotive manufacturers and academia, are focusing on leveraging intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve services related to driver experience, connected cars, Internet data plans for vehicles, traffic infrastructure, urban transportation systems, traffic collaborative management, road traffic accidents analysis, road traffic flow prediction, public transportation service plan, personal travel route plans, and the development of an effective ecosystem for vehicles, drivers, traffic controllers, city planners, and transportation applications. Moreover, the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development and realization of innovative intelligent transportation systems where sensors and mobile devices can gather information and cloud computing, allowing knowledge discovery, information sharing, and supported decision making. However, the development of such data-driven ITS requires the integration, processing, and analysis of plentiful information obtained from millions of vehicles, traffic infrastructures, smartphones, and other collaborative systems like weather stations and road safety and early warning systems. The huge amount of data generated by ITS devices is only of value if utilized in data analytics for decision-making such as accident prevention and detection, controlling road risks, reducing traffic carbon emissions, and other applications which bring big data analytics into the picture


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    With the rapid development of economic globalization and information technology, rapid changes have taken place in all fields of society. The status of modern logistics industry in the process of the flow of social means of production and commodities has become increasingly prominent, accompanied by profound changes in production and manufacturing, material circulation, commodity transactions and management methods. Logistics cost accounts for a large share of national GDP, which can reflect the quality and scale of a country\u27s national economy, reduce the logistics cost of enterprises, and greatly improve the profit space. Especially under the background of economic globalization, the competition among enterprises is increasingly fierce, and the impact of logistics on the competitiveness of enterprises is increasingly obvious. In the modern e-commerce environment, with the rapid development of science and technology, the space for enterprises to obtain profits from the products themselves has been greatly reduced. In order to reduce costs and improve profits as much as possible, enterprises focus on logistics. In the whole logistics system, transportation is a very important link. Therefore, efforts to reduce the cost of logistics and transportation can greatly reduce the cost of the entire logistics system. This paper starts from the main factors involved in the transportation logistics, optimizes the main factors affecting the logistics, reduces costs and improves profits.Firstly, this paper discusses and studies the distribution personnel, mainly including the logistics distribution under the limitation of personnel fatigue and the delivery distribution mode under the new mode of personnel allocation - "crowdsourcing logistics". Aiming at the research on the limitation of fatigue, aiming at the maximization of customer satisfaction and the minimization of total cost, this paper constructs a model of path optimization for driver\u27s fatigue driving, and designs a single Partheno-genetic algorithm for the model, which is verified by the distribution case of Japan\u27s otaku. On the research of crowdsourcing delivery, taking the delivery network as the research object, this paper analyzes the distribution process, mode and existing problems of crowdsourcing delivery mode. Based on the purpose of optimizing the distribution network, taking the shortest distribution path and the least time delay as the objective function, the basic optimization model and dynamic optimization model of crowdsourcing distribution path with time window are established, and the rationality of the model is evaluated.Secondly, from the perspective of vehicle research and analysis, mainly study the two-tier node logistics distribution mode based on heterogeneous vehicles. This paper analyzes the common transportation vehicle selection problem in the existing transportation. Based on the genetic algorithm, taking the transportation cost of the double-layer logistics node of a city\u27s seafood products as the optimization goal, and comprehensively considering the problem of taking delivery vehicle route and vehicle configuration strategy of different routes at the same time, the mathematical model of vehicle scheduling and transportation route problem in the double-layer node transportation route is established. In this paper, MATLAB software is used to solve the model based on traditional genetic algorithm and Partheno-genetic algorithm, and the correctness and effectiveness of the model and Partheno-genetic algorithm are verified.Then, from the perspective of transportation path mode, the research mainly involves the current hot "multimodal transport" problem. In this paper, the coal transportation in a country is taken as the research object. Under the mode of "iron water combined transportation", how to reasonably distribute the transportation capacity and correctly select the transportation mode can realize the enterprise to control the logistics cost and ensure the maximum profit. At the same time, based on the traditional genetic algorithm mechanism, aiming at the premature and local search ability of the traditional genetic algorithm in solving the logistics transportation path optimization problem are analyzed Due to the shortage of power, a hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the model.Finally, the optimization algorithm of logistics distribution is discussed. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm based on information entropy and game theory. First, the initial population is generated by calculating population diversity with information entropy. Combined with parallel genetic algorithm, standard genetic algorithm (SGA), Partheno-genetic algorithm (PGA) and hybrid genetic algorithm (sga-pga) which integrates standard genetic algorithm and Partheno-genetic algorithm (sga-pga) are used to perform evolutionary operations. At the parallel node, information entropy and fitness value of each sub population are used Finally, three programs checking functions Rosenbrock function, Rastrigin function and Schaffer function are introduced to analyze the performance superiority of the algorithm.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Leveraging Academic Partnerships to Improve Logistics at Nonprofit Organizations

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    This article presents the results of a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a team of academic researchers that developed a low-cost spreadsheet-based tool that allows organizations to effectively schedule vehicle operations. Specifically, the tool (1) handles the real-world constraints present in moderately complex logistics environments; and (2) uses general computing hardware and software that is already deployed in most organizations, thereby rendering the solution radically low cost (effectively free). We deployed this tool to a humanitarian organization, the Idaho Foodbank, which realized a substantial improvement in its fleet efficiency and a corresponding reduction in route-planning time. The methodology used to manage this collaboration with academia can be leveraged by other nonprofit organizations attempting to overcome the financial barriers that commonly prevent budget-constrained organizations from accessing advanced technologies

    Applications of Genetic Algorithm and Its Variants in Rail Vehicle Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review

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    Railway systems are time-varying and complex systems with nonlinear behaviors that require effective optimization techniques to achieve optimal performance. Evolutionary algorithms methods have emerged as a popular optimization technique in recent years due to their ability to handle complex, multi-objective issues of such systems. In this context, genetic algorithm (GA) as one of the powerful optimization techniques has been extensively used in the railway sector, and applied to various problems such as scheduling, routing, forecasting, design, maintenance, and allocation. This paper presents a review of the applications of GAs and their variants in the railway domain together with bibliometric analysis. The paper covers highly cited and recent studies that have employed GAs in the railway sector and discuss the challenges and opportunities of using GAs in railway optimization problems. Meanwhile, the most popular hybrid GAs as the combination of GA and other evolutionary algorithms methods such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), neural network (NN), fuzzy-logic control, etc with their dedicated application in the railway domain are discussed too. More than 250 publications are listed and classified to provide a comprehensive analysis and road map for experts and researchers in the field helping them to identify research gaps and opportunities


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    Agricultural producers consider utilizing multiple machines to reduce field completion times for improving effective field capacity. Using a number of smaller machines rather than a single big machine also has benefits such as sustainability via less compaction risk, redundancy in the event of an equipment failure, and more flexibility in machinery management. However, machinery management is complicated due to logistics issues. In this work, the allocation and ordering of field paths among a number of available machines have been transformed into a solvable Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). A basic heuristic algorithm (a modified form of the Clarke-Wright algorithm) and a meta-heuristic algorithm, Tabu Search, were employed to solve the VRP. The solution considered optimization of field completion time as well as improving the field efficiency. Both techniques were evaluated through computer simulations with 2, 3, 5, or 10 vehicles working simultaneously to complete the same operation. Furthermore, the parameters of the VRP were changed into a dynamic, multi-depot representation to enable the re-route of vehicles while the operation is ongoing. The results proved both the Clarke-Wright and Tabu Search algorithms always generated feasible solutions. The Tabu Search solutions outperformed the solutions provided by the Clarke-Wright algorithm. As the number of the vehicles increased, or the field shape became more complex, the Tabu Search generated better results in terms of reducing the field completion times. With 10 vehicles working together in a real-world field, the benefit provided by the Tabu Search over the Modified Clarke-Wright solution was 32% reduction in completion time. In addition, changes in the parameters of the VRP resulted in a Dynamic, Multi-Depot VRP (DMDVRP) to reset the routes allocated to each vehicle even as the operation was in progress. In all the scenarios tested, the DMDVRP was able to produce new optimized routes, but the impact of these routes varied for each scenario. The ability of this optimization procedure to reduce field work times were verified through real-world experiments using three tractors during a rotary mowing operation. The time to complete the field work was reduced by 17.3% and the total operating time for all tractors was reduced by 11.5%. The task of a single large machine was also simulated as a task for 2 or 3 smaller machines through computer simulations. Results revealed up to 11% reduction in completion time using three smaller machines. This time reduction improved the effective field capacity

    Methodologies for Solving Integrated Transportation and Scheduling Problems

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    This research proposes novel solution techniques to optimize two real-world problems in the area of scheduling and transportation. We first consider a model for optimizing the operations of dredges. In this problem, scheduling and assignment decisions are integrated across a finite planning horizon. Additional constraints and problem elements explicitly considered include, but are not limited, to environmental work window restrictions, budget limitations, dredge operation rates and schedule-dependent dredge availability. Our approach makes use of Constraint Programming (CP) to obtain quality and robust solutions within an amount of time small enough to be useful to practitioners. The expanded feature set of the methodology presented makes our solution tool the most comprehensive and flexible decision-making framework for dredge scheduling in existence. The second transportation and logistics problem considered in this dissertation considers a unified variation of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). This work offers a powerful yet flexible tool to model and solve real-world problems, each with their specifications, constraints, and requirements. We review existing VRP problems from the literature and propose new VRP variants that differ from the existing ones by the consideration of hours of service regulation on the active and drive hours of drivers in a single or multiple shifts. Real-world instances of these problems consist of thousands of customer locations and hundreds of vehicles. To ensure the quality of the solutions, we compare the performance of our approach with CPLEX on several benchmark instances from the literature. Finally, the third chapter of this work focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the methodology presented in Chapter 4. Specifically, sensitivity analysis regarding the parameters driving the performance of the heuristics is performed. Also, we propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the VRP variants in Chapter 3 and provide a computational study of its performance against CPLEX and the approaches in Chapter 3

    Approches générales de résolution pour les problèmes multi-attributs de tournées de véhicules et confection d'horaires

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    Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de TroyesLe problème de tournées de véhicules (VRP) implique de planifier les itinéraires d'une flotte de véhicules afin de desservir un ensemble de clients à moindre coût. Ce problème d'optimisation combinatoire NP-difficile apparait dans de nombreux domaines d'application, notamment en logistique, télécommunications, robotique ou gestion de crise dans des contextes militaires et humanitaires. Ces applications amènent différents contraintes, objectifs et décisions supplémentaires ; des "attributs" qui viennent compléter les formulations classiques du problème. Les nombreux VRP Multi-Attributs (MAVRP) qui s'ensuivent sont le support d'une littérature considérable, mais qui manque de méthodes généralistes capables de traiter efficacement un éventail significatif de variantes. Par ailleurs, la résolution de problèmes "riches", combinant de nombreux attributs, pose d'importantes difficultés méthodologiques. Cette thèse contribue à relever ces défis par le biais d'analyses structurelles des problèmes, de développements de stratégies métaheuristiques, et de méthodes unifiées. Nous présentons tout d'abord une étude transversale des concepts à succès de 64 méta-heuristiques pour 15 MAVRP afin d'en cerner les "stratégies gagnantes". Puis, nous analysons les problèmes et algorithmes d'ajustement d'horaires en présence d'une séquence de tâches fixée, appelés problèmes de "timing". Ces méthodes, développées indépendamment dans différents domaines de recherche liés au transport, ordonnancement, allocation de ressource et même régression isotonique, sont unifiés dans une revue multidisciplinaire. Un algorithme génétique hybride efficace est ensuite proposé, combinant l'exploration large des méthodes évolutionnaires, les capacités d'amélioration agressive des métaheuristiques à voisinage, et une évaluation bi-critère des solutions considérant coût et contribution à la diversité de la population. Les meilleures solutions connues de la littérature sont retrouvées ou améliorées pour le VRP classique ainsi que des variantes avec multiples dépôts et périodes. La méthode est étendue aux VRP avec contraintes de fenêtres de temps, durée de route, et horaires de conducteurs. Ces applications mettent en jeu de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation efficaces de contraintes temporelles relaxées, des phases de décomposition, et des recherches arborescentes pour l'insertion des pauses des conducteurs. Un algorithme de gestion implicite du placement des dépôts au cours de recherches locales, par programmation dynamique, est aussi proposé. Des études expérimentales approfondies démontrent la contribution notable des nouvelles stratégies au sein de plusieurs cadres méta-heuristiques. Afin de traiter la variété des attributs, un cadre de résolution heuristique modulaire est présenté ainsi qu'un algorithme génétique hybride unifié (UHGS). Les attributs sont gérés par des composants élémentaires adaptatifs. Des expérimentations sur 26 variantes du VRP et 39 groupes d'instances démontrent la performance remarquable de UHGS qui, avec une unique implémentation et paramétrage, égalise ou surpasse les nombreux algorithmes dédiés, issus de plus de 180 articles, révélant ainsi que la généralité ne s'obtient pas forcément aux dépends de l'efficacité pour cette classe de problèmes. Enfin, pour traiter les problèmes riches, UHGS est étendu au sein d'un cadre de résolution parallèle coopératif à base de décomposition, d'intégration de solutions partielles, et de recherche guidée. L'ensemble de ces travaux permet de jeter un nouveau regard sur les MAVRP et les problèmes de timing, leur résolution par des méthodes méta-heuristiques, ainsi que les méthodes généralistes pour l'optimisation combinatoire.The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) involves designing least cost delivery routes to service a geographically-dispersed set of customers while taking into account vehicle-capacity constraints. This NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem is linked with multiple applications in logistics, telecommunications, robotics, crisis management in military and humanitarian frameworks, among others. Practical routing applications are usually quite distinct from the academic cases, encompassing additional sets of specific constraints, objectives and decisions which breed further new problem variants. The resulting "Multi-Attribute" Vehicle Routing Problems (MAVRP) are the support of a vast literature which, however, lacks unified methods capable of addressing multiple MAVRP. In addition, some "rich" VRPs, i.e. those that involve several attributes, may be difficult to address because of the wide array of combined and possibly antagonistic decisions they require. This thesis contributes to address these challenges by means of problem structure analysis, new metaheuristics and unified method developments. The "winning strategies" of 64 state-of-the-art algorithms for 15 different MAVRP are scrutinized in a unifying review. Another analysis is targeted on "timing" problems and algorithms for adjusting the execution dates of a given sequence of tasks. Such methods, independently studied in different research domains related to routing, scheduling, resource allocation, and even isotonic regression are here surveyed in a multidisciplinary review. A Hybrid Genetic Search with Advanced Diversity Control (HGSADC) is then introduced, which combines the exploration breadth of population-based evolutionary search, the aggressive-improvement capabilities of neighborhood-based metaheuristics, and a bi-criteria evaluation of solutions based on cost and diversity measures. Results of remarkable quality are achieved on classic benchmark instances of the capacitated VRP, the multi-depot VRP, and the periodic VRP. Further extensions of the method to VRP variants with constraints on time windows, limited route duration, and truck drivers' statutory pauses are also proposed. New route and neighborhood evaluation procedures are introduced to manage penalized infeasible solutions w.r.t. to time-window and duration constraints. Tree-search procedures are used for drivers' rest scheduling, as well as advanced search limitation strategies, memories and decomposition phases. A dynamic programming-based neighborhood search is introduced to optimally select the depot, vehicle type, and first customer visited in the route during local searches. The notable contribution of these new methodological elements is assessed within two different metaheuristic frameworks. To further advance general-purpose MAVRP methods, we introduce a new component-based heuristic resolution framework and a Unified Hybrid Genetic Search (UHGS), which relies on modular self-adaptive components for addressing problem specifics. Computational experiments demonstrate the groundbreaking performance of UHGS. With a single implementation, unique parameter setting and termination criterion, this algorithm matches or outperforms all current problem-tailored methods from more than 180 articles, on 26 vehicle routing variants and 39 benchmark sets. To address rich problems, UHGS was included in a new parallel cooperative solution framework called "Integrative Cooperative Search (ICS)", based on problem decompositions, partial solutions integration, and global search guidance. This compendium of results provides a novel view on a wide range of MAVRP and timing problems, on efficient heuristic searches, and on general-purpose solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems