437 research outputs found

    Wavelet Wiener filter of ECG signals

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    Cílem práce je seznámení s metodou filtrace EKG signálů pomocí vlnkové transformace a její využití k filtraci signálů zarušených myopotenciály. Práce nejprve pojednává o obecných vlastnostech a vzniku EKG signálu a popisuje EKG křivku. Dále se zaměřuje na vlnkovou transformaci, její typy a různé druhy výpočtu prahu a rozdílné metody prahování. Návrhová část práce je zaměřena na návrh wienerovského vlnkového filtru pro odstranění myopotenciálů z EKG signálu a nalezení optimálních parametrů tohoto filtru pomocí optimalizačního algoritmu. Pro optimalizaci je použita simplexová metoda. Nalezené optimální parametry jsou zhodnoceny na databázích CSE a MIT-BIH Arrhythmia a porovnány s výsledky jiných autorů.The aim of this work is introduction with method of filtering the ECG signals using wavelet transformation and use of this method for filtering of signal disturbed with myopotencials. The work deals with general properties and with genesis of ECG signals and describes ECG curve. Next part of work is focused on wavelet transformation, types of wavelet transformation and different methods calculation thresholds and thresholding. Design part of work is focused on design Wiener filter for remove myopotencials from ECG signals and finding optimal parameters of this filter using optimization algorithm. For optimization is used simplex method. Discovered optimal parameters are assessed on CSE and MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database and compared with results of other authors.

    Optimal ECG Signal Denoising Using DWT with Enhanced African Vulture Optimization

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the world's leading cause of death; therefore cardiac health of the human heart has been a fascinating topic for decades. The electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a comprehensive non-invasive method for determining cardiac health. Various health practitioners use the ECG signal to ascertain critical information about the human heart. In this paper, the noisy ECG signal is denoised based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) optimized with the Enhanced African Vulture Optimization (AVO) algorithm and adaptive switching mean filter (ASMF) is proposed. Initially, the input ECG signals are obtained from the MIT-BIH ARR dataset and white Gaussian noise is added to the obtained ECG signals. Then the corrupted ECG signals are denoised using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in which the threshold is optimized with an Enhanced African Vulture Optimization (AVO) algorithm to obtain the optimum threshold. The AVO algorithm is enhanced by Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA). Additionally, ASMF is tuned by the Enhanced AVO algorithm. The experiments are conducted on the MIT-BIH dataset and the proposed filter built using the EAVO algorithm, attains a significant enhancement in reliable parameters, according to the testing results in terms of SNR, mean difference (MD), mean square error (MSE), normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE), peak reconstruction error (PRE), maximum error (ME), and normalized root mean error (NRME) with existing algorithms namely, PSO, AOA, MVO, etc

    Denoising ECG Signal Using DWT with EAVO

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death across the world, and traditional methods for determining cardiac health are highly invasive and expensive. Detecting CVDs early is critical for effective treatment, yet traditional detection methods lack accessibility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness – leaving patients with little hope of taking control of their own cardiac health. Noisy ECG signals make it difficult for health practitioners to accurately read and determine heart health. Unreliable readings can lead to misdiagnosis and needless expense. Despite the importance of ECG analysis, traditional methods of signal denoising are inefficient and can produce inaccurate results. This means that medical practitioners are struggling to obtain reliable readings, leaving them unable to accurately treat their patients and leading to a lack of confidence in the medical field. The Enhanced African Vulture Optimization (AVO) algorithm with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) optimized by adaptive switching mean filtration (SMF) is proven to provide accurate denoising of the ECG signal. With this reliable method, medical professionals can quickly and accurately diagnose patients. Obtaining accurate ECG signals and interpreting them quickly is a challenge for healthcare professionals. Not only it takes a lot of time and skill but also requires specialized software to interpret the signals accurately. Healthcare professionals are facing a serious challenge when it comes to obtaining accurate ECG signals and interpreting them quickly. It requires them to spend extra time and effort, as well as specialize in the field with expensive software. Time is of the essence in healthcare and ECG readings can mean the difference between life and death. Specialized software can be expensive and time-consuming for those who don't have the resources or expertise. Our easy-to-use platform allows healthcare professionals to quickly interpret ECG signals, saving time, money, and lives! Get accurate readings. The EAVO algorithm and MIT-BIH dataset provide an effective solution to this problem. With the proposed filter built using EAVO, businesses can attain significant enhancements in reliable parameters and obtain accurate testing results in terms of SNR, MD, MSE and NRMSE

    Adaptive Filtering for the Maternal Respiration Signal Attenuation in the Uterine Electromyogram

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    Funding Information: For Arnaldo Batista and Manuel Ortigueira, this work was supported by the Portuguese National Funds, through the FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, within the scope of the CTS Research Unit, Center of Technology and Systems, UNINOVA, under the project UIDB/00066/2020 (FCT). Helena Mouriño was financed by national funds through FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under the project UIDB/00006/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.The electrohysterogram (EHG) is the uterine muscle electromyogram recorded at the abdominal surface of pregnant or non-pregnant woman. The maternal respiration electromyographic signal (MR-EMG) is one of the most relevant interferences present in an EHG. Alvarez (Alv) waves are components of the EHG that have been indicated as having the potential for preterm and term birth prediction. The MR-EMG component in the EHG represents an issue, regarding Alv wave application for pregnancy monitoring, for instance, in preterm birth prediction, a subject of great research interest. Therefore, the Alv waves denoising method should be designed to include the interference MR-EMG attenuation, without compromising the original waves. Adaptive filter properties make them suitable for this task. However, selecting the optimal adaptive filter and its parameters is an important task for the success of the filtering operation. In this work, an algorithm is presented for the automatic adaptive filter and parameter selection using synthetic data. The filter selection pool comprised sixteen candidates, from which, the Wiener, recursive least squares (RLS), householder recursive least squares (HRLS), and QR-decomposition recursive least squares (QRD-RLS) were the best performers. The optimized parameters were L = 2 (filter length) for all of them and λ = 1 (forgetting factor) for the last three. The developed optimization algorithm may be of interest to other applications. The optimized filters were applied to real data. The result was the attenuation of the MR-EMG in Alv waves power. For the Wiener filter, power reductions for quartile 1, median, and quartile 3 were found to be −16.74%, −20.32%, and −15.78%, respectively (p-value = 1.31 × 10−12).publishersversionpublishe

    ICA and Sparse ICA for Biomedical Signals

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    Biomedical signs or bio signals are a wide range of signals obtained from the human body that can be at the cell organ or sub-atomic level Electromyogram refers to electrical activity from muscle sound signals electroencephalogram refers to electrical activity from the encephalon electrocardiogram refers to electrical activity from the heart electroretinogram refers to electrical activity from the eye and so on Monitoring and observing changes in these signals assist physicians whose work is related to this branch of medicine in covering predicting and curing various diseases It can also assist physicians in examining prognosticating and curing numerous condition

    Wavelet Based Filtering of Electrocardiograms

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    Tato dizertační práce pojednává o možnostech využití vlnkových transformací pro odstranění širokopásmového svalového rušení v signálech EKG. V práci jsou nejprve rozebrány vlastnosti signálů EKG a především nejčastěji vyskytující se typy rušení. Dále je představena teorie vlnkových transformací a ukázány návrhy jednoduchého vlnkového filtru i sofistikovanější varianty využívající wienerovské filtrace vlnkových koeficientů. Další část práce je věnována návrhu vlastního filtru, který vychází právě z wienerovské vlnkové filtrace a je doplněn algoritmy zajišťujícími plnou adaptibilitu jeho parametrů při změně vlastností vstupního signálu. Vhodné parametry navrženého systému jsou hledány automatickým způsobem a algoritmus je testován na kompletní standardní databázi elektrokardiogramů CSE, kde dosahuje výrazně lepších výsledků než další srovnávané publikované metody.This dissertation deals with possibilities of using wavelet transforms for elimination of broadband muscle noise in ECG signals. In this work, the characteristics of ECG signals and particularly the most frequently occurring type of interference are discussed firstly. The theory of wavelet transforms is also introduced and followed by design of the simple wavelet filter and the more sophisticated version with wiener filtering of wavelet coefficients. Next part is devoted to the design of our filter, which is based on wavelet wiener filtering and is complemented by algorithms that ensure full adaptability of its parameters when the properties of the input signal are changing. Suitable parameters of the proposed system are searched automatically and the algorithm is tested on the complete standard electrocardiograms database CSE, where it achieves significantly better results than other published methods.

    VPNet: Variable Projection Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce VPNet, a novel model-driven neural network architecture based on variable projections (VP). The application of VP operators in neural networks implies learnable features, interpretable parameters, and compact network structures. This paper discusses the motivation and mathematical background of VPNet as well as experiments. The concept was evaluated in the context of signal processing. We performed classification tasks on a synthetic dataset, and real electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Compared to fully-connected and 1D convolutional networks, VPNet features fast learning ability and good accuracy at a low computational cost in both of the training and inference. Based on the promising results and mentioned advantages, we expect broader impact in signal processing, including classification, regression, and even clustering problems