49 research outputs found

    D2.1 - Report on Selected TRNG and PUF Principles

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    This report represents the final version of Deliverable 2.1 of the HECTOR work package WP2. It is a result of discussions and work on Task 2.1 of all HECTOR partners involved in WP2. The aim of the Deliverable 2.1 is to select principles of random number generators (RNGs) and physical unclonable functions (PUFs) that fulfill strict technology, design and security criteria. For example, the selected RNGs must be suitable for implementation in logic devices according to the German AIS20/31 standard. Correspondingly, the selected PUFs must be suitable for applying similar security approach. A standard PUF evaluation approach does not exist, yet, but it should be proposed in the framework of the project. Selected RNGs and PUFs should be then thoroughly evaluated from the point of view of security and the most suitable principles should be implemented in logic devices, such as Field Programmable Logic Arrays (FPGAs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) during the next phases of the project

    True random number generator on FPGA

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    Tato práce se zabývá implementací hardwarového generátoru náhodných čísel na FPGA vývojové desce, který staví na páru kruhových oscilátorů a zahrnuje testování vlivu změn teploty a napájecího napětí na generovaný výstup. Vyhodnocení staví na NIST testech. Výsledky ukazují, že změny prostředí neovlivňují výstup generátoru žádným významným způsobem.This thesis deals with the implementation of a true random number generator on FPGA development board building on pair of ring oscillators and explores the influence of temperature and power supply changes on generated output, evaluated by NIST-inspired tests. The results show that environmental changes does not impact the ouput in any significant way

    Crypto-processeur architecture, programmation et évaluation de la sécurité

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    Les architectures des processeurs et coprocesseurs cryptographiques se montrent fréquemment vulnérables aux différents types d attaques ; en particulier, celles qui ciblent une révélation des clés chiffrées. Il est bien connu qu une manipulation des clés confidentielles comme des données standards par un processeur peut être considérée comme une menace. Ceci a lieu par exemple lors d un changement du code logiciel (malintentionné ou involontaire) qui peut provoquer que la clé confidentielle sorte en clair de la zone sécurisée. En conséquence, la sécurité de tout le système serait irréparablement menacée. L objectif que nous nous sommes fixé dans le travail présenté, était la recherche d architectures matérielles reconfigurables qui peuvent fournir une sécurité élevée des clés confidentielles pendant leur génération, leur enregistrement et leur échanges en implantant des modes cryptographiques de clés symétriques et des protocoles. La première partie de ce travail est destinée à introduire les connaissances de base de la cryptographie appliquée ainsi que de l électronique pour assurer une bonne compréhension des chapitres suivants. Deuxièmement, nous présentons un état de l art des menaces sur la confidentialité des clés secrètes dans le cas où ces dernières sont stockées et traitées dans un système embarqué. Pour lutter contre les menaces mentionnées, nous proposons alors de nouvelles règles au niveau du design de l architecture qui peuvent augmenter la résistance des processeurs et coprocesseurs cryptographiques contre les attaques logicielles. Ces règles prévoient une séparation des registres dédiés à l enregistrement de clés et ceux dédiés à l enregistrement de données : nous proposons de diviser le système en zones : de données, du chiffreur et des clés et à isoler ces zones les unes des autres au niveau du protocole, du système, de l architecture et au niveau physique. Ensuite, nous présentons un nouveau crypto-processeur intitulé HCrypt, qui intègre ces règles de séparation et qui assure ainsi une gestion sécurisée des clés. Mises à part les instructions relatives à la gestion sécurisée de clés, quelques instructions supplémentaires sont dédiées à une réalisation simple des modes de chiffrement et des protocoles cryptographiques. Dans les chapitres suivants, nous explicitons le fait que les règles de séparation suggérées, peuvent également être étendues à l architecture d un processeur généraliste et coprocesseur. Nous proposons ainsi un crypto-coprocesseur sécurisé qui est en mesure d être utilisé en relation avec d autres processeurs généralistes. Afin de démontrer sa flexibilité, le crypto-coprocesseur est interconnecté avec les processeurs soft-cores de NIOS II, de MicroBlaze et de Cortex M1. Par la suite, la résistance du crypto-processeur par rapport aux attaques DPA est testée. Sur la base de ces analyses, l architecture du processeur HCrypt est modifiée afin de simplifier sa protection contre les attaques par canaux cachés (SCA) et les attaques par injection de fautes (FIA). Nous expliquons aussi le fait qu une réorganisation des blocs au niveau macroarchitecture du processeur HCrypt, augmente la résistance du nouveau processeur HCrypt2 par rapport aux attaques de type DPA et FIA. Nous étudions ensuite les possibilités pour pouvoir reconfigurer dynamiquement les parties sélectionnées de l architecture du processeur crypto-coprocesseur. La reconfiguration dynamique peut être très utile lorsque l algorithme de chiffrement ou ses implantations doivent être changés en raison de l apparition d une vulnérabilité Finalement, la dernière partie de ces travaux de thèse, est destinée à l exécution des tests de fonctionnalité et des optimisations stricts des deux versions du cryptoprocesseur HCryptArchitectures of cryptographic processors and coprocessors are often vulnerable to different kinds of attacks, especially those targeting the disclosure of encryption keys. It is well known that manipulating confidential keys by the processor as ordinary data can represent a threat: a change in the program code (malicious or unintentional) can cause the unencrypted confidential key to leave the security area. This way, the security of the whole system would be irrecoverably compromised. The aim of our work was to search for flexible and reconfigurable hardware architectures, which can provide high security of confidential keys during their generation, storage and exchange while implementing common symmetric key cryptographic modes and protocols. In the first part of the manuscript, we introduce the bases of applied cryptography and of reconfigurable computing that are necessary for better understanding of the work. Second, we present threats to security of confidential keys when stored and processed within an embedded system. To counteract these threats, novel design rules increasing robustness of cryptographic processors and coprocessors against software attacks are presented. The rules suggest separating registers dedicated to key storage from those dedicated to data storage: we propose to partition the system into the data, cipher and key zone and to isolate the zones from each other at protocol, system, architectural and physical levels. Next, we present a novel HCrypt crypto-processor complying with the separation rules and thus ensuring secure key management. Besides instructions dedicated to secure key management, some additional instructions are dedicated to easy realization of block cipher modes and cryptographic protocols in general. In the next part of the manuscript, we show that the proposed separation principles can be extended also to a processor-coprocessor architecture. We propose a secure crypto-coprocessor, which can be used in conjunction with any general-purpose processor. To demonstrate its flexibility, the crypto-coprocessor is interconnected with the NIOS II, MicroBlaze and Cortex M1 soft-core processors. In the following part of the work, we examine the resistance of the HCrypt cryptoprocessor to differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. Following this analysis, we modify the architecture of the HCrypt processor in order to simplify its protection against side channel attacks (SCA) and fault injection attacks (FIA). We show that by rearranging blocks of the HCrypt processor at macroarchitecture level, the new HCrypt2 processor becomes natively more robust to DPA and FIA. Next, we study possibilities of dynamically reconfiguring selected parts of the processor - crypto-coprocessor architecture. The dynamic reconfiguration feature can be very useful when the cipher algorithm or its implementation must be changed in response to appearance of some vulnerability. Finally, the last part of the manuscript is dedicated to thorough testing and optimizations of both versions of the HCrypt crypto-processor. Architectures of crypto-processors and crypto-coprocessors are often vulnerable to software attacks targeting the disclosure of encryption keys. The thesis introduces separation rules enabling crypto-processor/coprocessors to support secure key management. Separation rules are implemented on novel HCrypt crypto-processor resistant to software attacks targetting the disclosure of encryption keysST ETIENNE-Bib. électronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Very High Speed True Random Number Generator with Entropy Assessment

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    International audienceThe proposed true random number generator (TRNG) exploits the jitter of events propagating in a self-timed ring (STR) to generate random bit sequences at a very high bit rate. It takes advantage of a special feature of STRs that allows the time elapsed between successive events to be set as short as needed, even in the order of picoseconds. If the time interval between the events is set in concordance with the clock jitter magnitude, a simple entropy extraction scheme can be applied to generate random numbers. The proposed STR-based TRNG (STRNG) follows AIS31 recommendations: by using the proposed stochastic model, designers can compute a lower entropy bound as a function of the STR characteristics (number of stages, oscillation period and jitter magnitude). Using the resulting entropy assessment, they can then set the compression rate in the arithmetic post-processing block to reach the required security level determined by the entropy per output bit. Implementation of the generator in two FPGA families confirmed its feasibility in digital technologies and also confirmed it can provide high quality random bit sequences that pass the statistical tests required by AIS31 at rates as high as 200 Mbit/s

    Hardware design of cryptographic algorithms for low-cost RFID tags

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless technology for automatic identification that has experienced a notable growth in the last years. RFID is an important part of the new trend named Internet of Things (IoT), which describes a near future where all the objects are connected to the Internet and can interact between them. The massive deployment of RFID technology depends on device costs and dependability. In order to make these systems dependable, security needs to be added to RFID implementations, as RF communications can be accessed by an attacker who could extract or manipulate private information from the objects. On the other hand, reduced costs usually imply resource-constrained environments. Due to these resource limitations necessary to low-cost implementations, typical cryptographic primitives cannot be used to secure low-cost RFID systems. A new concept emerged due to this necessity, Lightweight Cryptography. This term was used for the first time in 2003 by Vajda et al. and research on this topic has been done widely in the last decade. Several proposals oriented to low-cost RFID systems have been reported in the literature. Many of these proposals do not tackle in a realistic way the multiple restrictions required by the technology or the specifications imposed by the different standards that have arose for these technologies. The objective of this thesis is to contribute in the field of lightweight cryptography oriented to low-cost RFID tags from the microelectronics point of view. First, a study about the implementation of lightweight cryptographic primitives is presented . Specifically, the area used in the implementation, which is one of the most important requirements of the technology as it is directly related to the cost. After this analysis, a footprint area estimator of lightweight algorithms has been developed. This estimator calculates an upper-bound of the area used in the implementation. This estimator will help in making some choices at the algorithmic level, even for designers without hardware design skills. Second, two pseudo-random number generators have been proposed. Pseudorandom number generators are essential cryptographic blocks in RFID systems. According to the most extended RFID standard, EPC Class-1 Gen-2, it is mandatory to include a generator in RFID tags. Several architectures for the two proposed generators have been presented in this thesis and they have been integrated in two authentication protocols, and the main metrics (area, throughput and power consumption) have been analysed. Finally, the topic of True Random Number Generators is studied. These generators are also very important in secure RFID, and are currently a trending research line. A novel generator, presented by Cherkaoui et al., has been evaluated under different attack scenarios. A new true random number generator based on coherent sampling and suitable for low-cost RFID systems has been proposed.La tecnología de Identificación por Radio Frecuencia, más conocida por sus siglas en inglés RFID, se ha convertido en una de las tecnologías de autoidentificación más importantes dentro de la nueva corriente de identificación conocida como Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Esta nueva tendencia describe un futuro donde todos los objetos están conectados a internet y son capaces de identificarse ante otros objetos. La implantación masiva de los sistemas RFID está hoy en día limitada por el coste de los dispositivos y la fiabilidad. Para que este tipo de sistemas sea fiable, es necesario añadir seguridad a las implementaciones RFID, ya que las comunicaciones por radio frecuencia pueden ser fácilmente atacadas y la información sobre objetos comprometida. Por otro lado, para que todos los objetos estén conectados es necesario que el coste de la tecnología de identificación sea muy reducido, lo que significa una gran limitación de recursos en diferentes ámbitos. Dada la limitación de recursos necesaria en implementaciones de bajo coste, las primitivas criptográficas típicas no pueden ser usadas para dotar de seguridad a un sistema RFID de bajo coste. El concepto de primitiva criptográfica ligera fue introducido por primera vez 2003 por Vajda et al. y ha sido desarrollado ampliamente en los últimos años, dando como resultados una serie de algoritmos criptográficos ligeros adecuados para su uso en tecnología RFID de bajo coste. El principal problema de muchos de los algoritmos presentados es que no abordan de forma realista las múltiples limitaciones de la tecnología. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de contribuir en el campo de la criptografía ligera orientada a etiquetas RFID de bajo coste desde el punto de vista de la microelectrónica. En primer lugar se presenta un estudio de la implementación de las primitivas criptográficas ligeras más utilizadas, concretamente analizando el área ocupado por dichas primitivas, ya que es uno de los parámetros críticos considerados a la hora de incluir dichas primitivas criptográficas en los dispositivos RFID de bajo coste. Tras el análisis de estas primitivas se ha desarrollado un estimador de área para algoritmos criptográficos ultraligeros que trata de dar una cota superior del área total ocupada por el algoritmo (incluyendo registros y lógica de control). Este estimador permite al diseñador, en etapas tempranas del diseño y sin tener ningún conocimiento sobre implementaciones, saber si el algoritmo está dentro de los límites de área mpuestos por la tecnología RFID. También se proponen 2 generadores de números pseudo-aleatorios. Estos generadores son uno de los bloques criptográficos más importantes en un sistema RFID. El estándar RFID más extendido entre la industria, EPC Class-1 Gen-2, establece el uso obligatorio de dicho tipo de generadores en las etiquetas RFID. Los generadores propuestos han sido implementados e integrados en 2 protocolos de comunicación orientados a RFID, obteniendo buenos resultados en las principales características del sistema. Por último, se ha estudiado el tema de los generadores de números aleatorios. Este tipo de generadores son frecuentemente usados en seguridad RFID. Actualmente esta línea de investigación es muy popular. En esta tesis, se ha evaluado la seguridad de un novedoso TRNG, presentado por Cherkaoui et al., frente ataques típicos considerados en la literatura. Además, se ha presentado un nuevo TRNG de bajo coste basado en la técnica de muestreo por pares.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Teresa Riesgo Alcaide.- Secretario: Emilio Olías Ruiz.- Vocal: Giorgio di Natal

    A Very High Speed True Random Number Generator with Entropy Assessment

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    International audienceThe proposed true random number generator (TRNG) exploits the jitter of events propagating in a self-timed ring (STR) to generate random bit sequences at a very high bit rate. It takes advantage of a special feature of STRs that allows the time elapsed between successive events to be set as short as needed, even in the order of picoseconds. If the time interval between the events is set in concordance with the clock jitter magnitude, a simple entropy extraction scheme can be applied to generate random numbers. The proposed STR-based TRNG (STRNG) follows AIS31 recommendations: by using the proposed stochastic model, designers can compute a lower entropy bound as a function of the STR characteristics (number of stages, oscillation period and jitter magnitude). Using the resulting entropy assessment, they can then set the compression rate in the arithmetic post-processing block to reach the required security level determined by the entropy per output bit. Implementation of the generator in two FPGA families confirmed its feasibility in digital technologies and also confirmed it can provide high quality random bit sequences that pass the statistical tests required by AIS31 at rates as high as 200 Mbit/s

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2019-20 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Side-Channel Attack Countermeasures Based On Clock Randomization Have a Fundamental Flaw

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    Clock randomization is one of the oldest countermeasures against side-channel attacks. Various implementations have been presented in the past, along with positive security evaluations. However, in this paper we show that it is possible to break countermeasures based on a randomized clock by sampling side-channel measurements at a frequency much higher than the encryption clock, synchronizing the traces with pre-processing, and targeting the beginning of the encryption. We demonstrate a deep learning-based side-channel attack on a protected FPGA implementation of AES which can recover a subkey from less than 500 power traces. In contrast to previous attacks on FPGA implementations of AES which targeted the last round, the presented attack uses the first round as the attack point. Any randomized clock countermeasure is significantly weakened by an attack on the first round because the effect of randomness accumulated over multiple encryption rounds is lost

    Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society

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    This book features the manuscripts accepted for the Special Issue “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society—Sensing Systems and Pervasive Intelligence” of the MDPI journal Sensors. Most of the papers come from a selection of the best papers of the 2019 edition of the “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society” (APPLEPIES) Conference, which was held in November 2019. All these papers have been significantly enhanced with novel experimental results. The papers give an overview of the trends in research and development activities concerning the pervasive application of electronics in industry, the environment, and society. The focus of these papers is on cyber physical systems (CPS), with research proposals for new sensor acquisition and ADC (analog to digital converter) methods, high-speed communication systems, cybersecurity, big data management, and data processing including emerging machine learning techniques. Physical implementation aspects are discussed as well as the trade-off found between functional performance and hardware/system costs