1,868 research outputs found

    Chaotic-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal PID tuning in automatic voltage regulator systems

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    Introduction. In an electrical power system, the output of the synchronous generators varies due to disturbances or sudden load changes. These variations in output severely affect power system stability and power quality. The synchronous generator is equipped with an automatic voltage regulator to maintain its terminal voltage at rated voltage. Several control techniques utilized to improve the response of the automatic voltage regulator system, however, proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most frequently used controller but its parameters require optimization. Novelty. In this paper, the chaotic sequence based on the logistic map is hybridized with particle swarm optimization to find the optimal parameters of the PID for the automatic voltage regulator system. The logistic map chaotic sequence-based initialization and global best selection enable the algorithm to escape from local minima stagnation and improve its convergence rate resulting in best optimal parameters. Purpose. The main objective of the proposed approach is to improve the transient response of the automatic voltage regulator system by minimizing the maximum overshoot, settling time, rise time, and peak time values of the terminal voltage, and eliminating the steady-state error. Methods. In the process of parameter tuning, the Chaotic particle swarm optimization technique was run several times through the proposed hybrid objective function, which accommodates the advantages of the two most commonly used objective functions with a minimum number of iterations, and an optimal PID gain value was found. The proposed algorithm is compared with current metaheuristic algorithms including conventional particle swarm optimization, improved kidney algorithm, and others. Results. For performance evaluation, the characteristics of the integral of time multiplied squared error and Zwe-Lee Gaing objective functions are combined. Furthermore, the time-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, and robustness analysis are carried out to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The result shows that automatic voltage regulator tuned with the chaotic particle swarm optimization based PID yield improvement in overshoot, settling time, and function value of 14.41 %, 37.91 %, 1.73 % over recently proposed IKA, and 43.55 %, 44.5 %, 16.67 % over conventional particle swarm optimization algorithms. The improvement in transient response further improves the automatic voltage regulator system stability for electrical power systems.Вступ. В електроенергетичній системі потужність синхронних генераторів змінюється внаслідок збурень або різких змін навантаження. Ці зміни в потужності серйозно впливають на стабільність енергетичної системи та якість електроенергії. Синхронний генератор оснащений автоматичним регулятором напруги для підтримання напруги на його клемах на рівні номінальної напруги. Декілька методів управління використовуються для поліпшення реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги, однак пропорційний інтегральний похідний контролер (PID-контролер) є найбільш часто використовуваним контролером, але його параметри вимагають оптимізації. Новизна. У цій роботі хаотична послідовність, заснована на логістичній схемі, гібридизується за допомогою оптимізації рою частинок, щоб знайти оптимальні параметри PID для системи автоматичного регулятора напруги. Ініціалізація на основі хаотичної послідовності логістичної схеми та найкращий глобальний вибір дозволяють алгоритму вийти із локальної мінімальної стагнації та покращити швидкість збіжності, що дає найкращі оптимальні параметри. Мета. Основною метою запропонованого підходу є поліпшення перехідної реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги шляхом мінімізації максимального перевищення, часу встановлення, часу наростання та пікових значень напруги на клемах і усунення помилки у стаціонарного стані. Методи. У процесі настройки параметрів техніку оптимізації рою хаотичних частинок кілька разів пропускали через запропоновану гібридну цільову функцію, яка враховує переваги двох найбільш часто використовуваних цільових функцій з мінімальною кількістю ітерацій,і знайдено оптимальне значення коефіцієнту підсилення PID. Запропонований алгоритм порівнюється з сучасними метаевристичними алгоритмами, включаючи звичайну оптимізацію рою частинок, вдосконалений алгоритм нирок та інші. Результати. Для оцінки ефективності об'єднуються характеристики інтеграла у часі, помноженого на похибки у квадраті, та цільових функцій Цве-Лі Гейнга. Крім того, проводяться аналіз у часовій області, аналіз у частотної області та аналіз стійкості, щоб показати кращу ефективність запропонованого алгоритму. Результат показує, що автоматичний регулятор напруги, налаштований на хаотичну оптимізацію рою частинок, заснований на поліпшенні виходу PID в перевищеннях,часі налаштування та значенні функції перевищує на 14,41 %, 37,91 %, 1,73 % нещодавно запропонований нирковий алгоритм та на 43,55 %, 44,5 %, 16,67 % перевищує звичайні алгоритми оптимізації рою частинок. Поліпшення перехідної реакції ще більше покращує стабільність автоматичного регулятора напруги для систем електроенергетики

    Chaotic-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal PID tuning in automatic voltage regulator systems

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    Introduction. In an electrical power system, the output of the synchronous generators varies due to disturbances or sudden load changes. These variations in output severely affect power system stability and power quality. The synchronous generator is equipped with an automatic voltage regulator to maintain its terminal voltage at rated voltage. Several control techniques utilized to improve the response of the automatic voltage regulator system, however, proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most frequently used controller but its parameters require optimization. Novelty. In this paper, the chaotic sequence based on the logistic map is hybridized with particle swarm optimization to find the optimal parameters of the PID for the automatic voltage regulator system. The logistic map chaotic sequence-based initialization and global best selection enable the algorithm to escape from local minima stagnation and improve its convergence rate resulting in best optimal parameters. Purpose. The main objective of the proposed approach is to improve the transient response of the automatic voltage regulator system by minimizing the maximum overshoot, settling time, rise time, and peak time values of the terminal voltage, and eliminating the steady-state error. Methods. In the process of parameter tuning, the Chaotic particle swarm optimization technique was run several times through the proposed hybrid objective function, which accommodates the advantages of the two most commonly used objective functions with a minimum number of iterations, and an optimal PID gain value was found. The proposed algorithm is compared with current metaheuristic algorithms including conventional particle swarm optimization, improved kidney algorithm, and others. Results. For performance evaluation, the characteristics of the integral of time multiplied squared error and Zwe-Lee Gaing objective functions are combined. Furthermore, the time-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, and robustness analysis are carried out to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The result shows that automatic voltage regulator tuned with the chaotic particle swarm optimization based PID yield improvement in overshoot, settling time, and function value of 14.41 %, 37.91 %, 1.73 % over recently proposed IKA, and 43.55 %, 44.5 %, 16.67 % over conventional particle swarm optimization algorithms. The improvement in transient response further improves the automatic voltage regulator system stability for electrical power systems.Вступ. В електроенергетичній системі потужність синхронних генераторів змінюється внаслідок збурень або різких змін навантаження. Ці зміни в потужності серйозно впливають на стабільність енергетичної системи та якість електроенергії. Синхронний генератор оснащений автоматичним регулятором напруги для підтримання напруги на його клемах на рівні номінальної напруги. Декілька методів управління використовуються для поліпшення реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги, однак пропорційний інтегральний похідний контролер (PID-контролер) є найбільш часто використовуваним контролером, але його параметри вимагають оптимізації. Новизна. У цій роботі хаотична послідовність, заснована на логістичній схемі, гібридизується за допомогою оптимізації рою частинок, щоб знайти оптимальні параметри PID для системи автоматичного регулятора напруги. Ініціалізація на основі хаотичної послідовності логістичної схеми та найкращий глобальний вибір дозволяють алгоритму вийти із локальної мінімальної стагнації та покращити швидкість збіжності, що дає найкращі оптимальні параметри. Мета. Основною метою запропонованого підходу є поліпшення перехідної реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги шляхом мінімізації максимального перевищення, часу встановлення, часу наростання та пікових значень напруги на клемах і усунення помилки у стаціонарного стані. Методи. У процесі настройки параметрів техніку оптимізації рою хаотичних частинок кілька разів пропускали через запропоновану гібридну цільову функцію, яка враховує переваги двох найбільш часто використовуваних цільових функцій з мінімальною кількістю ітерацій,і знайдено оптимальне значення коефіцієнту підсилення PID. Запропонований алгоритм порівнюється з сучасними метаевристичними алгоритмами, включаючи звичайну оптимізацію рою частинок, вдосконалений алгоритм нирок та інші. Результати. Для оцінки ефективності об'єднуються характеристики інтеграла у часі, помноженого на похибки у квадраті, та цільових функцій Цве-Лі Гейнга. Крім того, проводяться аналіз у часовій області, аналіз у частотної області та аналіз стійкості, щоб показати кращу ефективність запропонованого алгоритму. Результат показує, що автоматичний регулятор напруги, налаштований на хаотичну оптимізацію рою частинок, заснований на поліпшенні виходу PID в перевищеннях,часі налаштування та значенні функції перевищує на 14,41 %, 37,91 %, 1,73 % нещодавно запропонований нирковий алгоритм та на 43,55 %, 44,5 %, 16,67 % перевищує звичайні алгоритми оптимізації рою частинок. Поліпшення перехідної реакції ще більше покращує стабільність автоматичного регулятора напруги для систем електроенергетики

    Centralized Airflow Control to Reduce Output Power Variation in a Complex OWC Ocean Energy Network

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    A centralized airflow control scheme for a complex ocean energy network (OEN) is proposed in this paper to reduce the output power variation (OPV). The OEN is an integrated network of multiple oscillating water columns (OWCs) that are located at different geographical sites connected to a common electrical grid. The complexity of the OWC-OEN increases manifolds due to the integration of several OWCs and design of controllers become very challenging task. So, the centralized airflow control scheme is designed in two stages. In control stage-1, a proportional-integral- (PI-) type controller is designed to provide a common reference command to control stage-2. In control stage-2, the antiwindup PID controllers are implemented for the airflow control of all the OWCs simultaneously. In order to tune the large number of control parameters of this complex system, a fitness function based on integral squared error (ISE) is minimized using the widely adopted particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. Next, the simulation results were obtained with random wave profiles created using the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) irregular wave model. The OPV of the proposed OWC-OEN was reduced significantly as compared to the individual OWC. It was further observed that the OPV of the proposed scheme was lower than that achieved with uncontrolled and MPPT controlled OWC-OEN. The effect of communication delay on the OPV of the proposed OWC-OEN scheme was also investigated with the proposed controller, which was found to be robust for a delay up to 100 ms.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government through project IT1207-19 and MCIU/MINECO through RTI2018-094902-B-C21/RTI2018-094902-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    The 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems

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    Computational engineering, artificial intelligence and smart systems constitute a hot multidisciplinary topic contrasting computer science, engineering and applied mathematics that created a variety of fascinating intelligent systems. Computational engineering encloses fundamental engineering and science blended with the advanced knowledge of mathematics, algorithms and computer languages. It is concerned with the modeling and simulation of complex systems and data processing methods. Computing and artificial intelligence lead to smart systems that are advanced machines designed to fulfill certain specifications. This proceedings book is a collection of papers presented at the first International Conference on Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICCEIS2021), held online in the period December 10-12, 2021. The collection offers a wide scope of engineering topics, including smart grids, intelligent control, artificial intelligence, optimization, microelectronics and telecommunication systems. The contributions included in this book are of high quality, present details concerning the topics in a succinct way, and can be used as excellent reference and support for readers regarding the field of computational engineering, artificial intelligence and smart system

    Optimal Controller Design for Speed Governors of Hydroelectric Power Plant

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    Speed governors have critical importance on hydroelectric power plants, which are adjusted to the rotating speed of hydroelectric generation based on load demand of the grid. The rotating speed is the main factor to balance power generation and load demand. The well-designed controller is needed to control speed governors with high accuracy. A well-defined model is needed to obtain desired control structure. Therefore, in this study, initially, the mathematical model of a hydroelectric power plant is obtained by using physical characteristics of a real-world. Then by using this model and corresponding real-world data, a set of controller parameters is designed by using tuning methodologies based on heuristic optimization algorithms, and their performances are compared with each other and with a classical tuning methodology. Evolutionary-based and nature-inspired-based heuristic optimization algorithms are selected as the tuning algorithms not only to compare the performance of these algorithms with a classical method but also with different origins. The performance of the optimized controller improves the performance of the overall system and helps to get desired performance. The results also indicate that as long as the desired performance criteria are defined as accurate as possible, the performance of the optimization algorithms is acceptable

    Control and Automation

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    Control and automation systems are at the heart of our every day lives. This book is a collection of novel ideas and findings in these fields, published as part of the Special Issue on Control and Automation. The core focus of this issue was original ideas and potential contributions for both theory and practice. It received a total number of 21 submissions, out of which 7 were accepted. These published manuscripts tackle some novel approaches in control, including fractional order control systems, with applications in robotics, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, vibratory systems, and wastewater treatment plants. This Special Issue has gathered a selection of novel research results regarding control systems in several distinct research areas. We hope that these papers will evoke new ideas, concepts, and further developments in the field

    Process Control Applications in Microbial Fuel Cells(MFC)

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    abstract: Microbial fuel cells(MFC) use micro-organisms called anode-respiring bacteria(ARB) to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. This process can not only treat wastewater but can also produce useful byproduct hydrogen peroxide(H2O2). Process variables like anode potential and pH play important role in the MFC operation and the focus of this dissertation are pH and potential control problems. Most of the adaptive pH control solutions use signal-based-norms as cost functions, but their strong dependency on excitation signal properties makes them sensitive to noise, disturbances, and modeling errors. System-based-norm( H-infinity) cost functions provide a viable alternative for the adaptation as they are less susceptible to the signal properties. Two variants of adaptive pH control algorithms that use approximate H-infinity frequency loop-shaping (FLS) cost metrics are proposed in this dissertation. A pH neutralization process with high retention time is studied using lab scale experiments and the experimental setup is used as a basis to develop a first-principles model. The analysis of such a model shows that only the gain of the process varies significantly with operating conditions and with buffering capacity. Consequently, the adaptation of the controller gain (single parameter) is sufficient to compensate for the variation in process gain and the focus of the proposed algorithms is the adaptation of the PI controller gain. Computer simulations and lab-scale experiments are used to study tracking, disturbance rejection and adaptation performance of these algorithms under different excitation conditions. Results show the proposed algorithm produces optimum that is less dependent on the excitation as compared to a commonly used L2 cost function based algorithm and tracks set-points reasonably well under practical conditions. The proposed direct pH control algorithm is integrated with the combined activated sludge anaerobic digestion model (CASADM) of an MFC and it is shown pH control improves its performance. Analytical grade potentiostats are commonly used in MFC potential control, but, their high cost (>6000)andlargesize,makethemnonviableforthefieldusage.Thisdissertationproposesanalternatelowcost(6000) and large size, make them nonviable for the field usage. This dissertation proposes an alternate low-cost(200) portable potentiostat solution. This potentiostat is tested using a ferricyanide reactor and results show it produces performance close to an analytical grade potentiostat.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Evolutionary swarm algorithm for modelling and control of horizontal flexible plate structures

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    Numerous advantages offered by the horizontal flexible structure have attracted increasing industrial applications in many engineering fields particularly in the airport baggage conveyor system, micro hand surgery and semiconductor manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, the horizontal flexible structure is often subjected to disturbance forces as vibration is easily induced in the system. The vibration reduces the performance of the system, thus leading to the structure failure when excessive stress and noise prevail. Following this, it is crucial to minimize unwanted vibration so that the effectiveness and the lifetime of the structure can be preserved. In this thesis, an intelligent proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been developed for vibration suppression of a horizontal flexible plate structure. Initially, a flexible plate experimental rig was designed and fabricated with all clamped edges boundary conditions at horizontal position. Then, the data acquisition and instrumentation systems were integrated into the experimental rig. Several experimental procedures were conducted to acquire the input-output vibration data of the system. Next, the dynamics of the system was modeled using linear auto regressive with exogenous, which is optimized with three types of evolutionary swarm algorithm, namely, the particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony (ABC) and bat algorithm (BAT) model structure. Their effectiveness was then validated using mean squared error, correlation tests and pole zero diagram stability. Results showed that the PSO algorithm has superior performance compared to the other algorithms in modeling the system by achieving lowest mean squared error of 6103947.4 , correlation of up to 95 % confidence level and good stability. Next, five types of PID based controllers were chosen to suppress the unwanted vibration, namely, PID-Ziegler Nichols (ZN), PID-PSO, PID-ABC, Fuzzy-PID and PID-Iterative Learning Algorithm (ILA). The robustness of the controllers was validated by exerting different types of disturbances on the system. Amongst all controllers, the simulation results showed that PID tuned by ABC outperformed other controllers with 47.60 dB of attenuation level at the first mode (the dominant mode) of vibration, which is equivalent to 45.99 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. By implementing the controllers experimentally, the superiority of PID-ABC based controller was further verified by achieving an attenuation of 23.83 dB at the first mode of vibration and 21.62 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. This research proved that the PID controller tuned by ABC is superior compared to other tuning algorithms for vibration suppression of the horizontal flexible plate structure

    Enhacement of microgrid technologies using various algorithms

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    The electric power systems around the globe are gradually shifting from conventional fossil fuel-based generating units to green renewable energy sources. The motivation behind this change is the environmental and economic concerns. Furthermore, the existing power systems are being overloaded day by day due to the continuously increasing population, which consequently led to the overloading of transformers, transmission, and distribution lines. Despite the overwhelming advantages of renewable energy sources, there are few major issues associated with them. For example, the injection and detachment of DGs into the current power system causes disparity among produced power along with connected load, thus distracting system’s equilibrium and causes unwanted voltage and frequency oscillations and overshoots. These oscillations and overshoots may cause the failure of connected equipment or power system if not properly controlled. The investigation as such challenges to improve the frequency and voltage, the islanded’s power regulation and connected MG under source and load changes, which contain classic and artificial intelligence techniques. Moreover, these techniques are used also for economic analysis. To evaluate the exhibitions of microgrid (MG) operations and sizing economic analysis acts as a significant tool. Optimization method is obligatory for sizing and operating an MG as reasonably as feasible. Diverse optimization advances remain pertained to microgrid to get optimal power flow and management

    Chip Based Optical Nanoscopy: System Integration and Automation

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    An integrated photonic chip based nanoscopy system has previously been developed at UiT, which allows for several advantages over conventional total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and nanoscopy (i.e. super-resolutionnanoscopy). While the proof-of-concept has been demonstrated, there were several important system optimization tasks that were needed for making the system practical and more usable. This thesis tackles three major system optimization tasks, namely efficient and automatic coupling of light into waveguide in the photonic chip, precise control and stablization of feed point into the waveguide, and synchronization of illumination and collection arms of the photonic chip based microscope. For a novel and more flexible light feed setup designed at the department, a new mechanism for measuring the coupling efficiency was designed, an initial coupling and parasitic interaxis cross-talk compensation mechanism was designed, and two optimiztion algorithms were explored for the final fine coupling. Testing of the implementation showed promising results with close to optimal coupling efficiency achieved in a reasonable amount of time. A piezoelectric stage with large travel range was tuned to provide the best possible performance for controlling illumination. This was used to adapt a nanoscopy algorithm named multiple signal classification algorithm (MUSICAL) for exploiting the variable illumination property of multimode waveguides on the photonic chip. Lastly, imaging and illumination control was inplemented in software allowing the capture of datasets suitable for use with MUSICAL. Thus, the goals of this thesis were achieved successfully and the practical use ofthe photonic-chip for microscopy and nanoscopy was greatly enhanced