2,810 research outputs found

    Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Networks for the Maritime Internet of Things: Key Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    With the rapid development of marine activities, there has been an increasing number of maritime mobile terminals, as well as a growing demand for high-speed and ultra-reliable maritime communications to keep them connected. Traditionally, the maritime Internet of Things (IoT) is enabled by maritime satellites. However, satellites are seriously restricted by their high latency and relatively low data rate. As an alternative, shore & island-based base stations (BSs) can be built to extend the coverage of terrestrial networks using fourth-generation (4G), fifth-generation (5G), and beyond 5G services. Unmanned aerial vehicles can also be exploited to serve as aerial maritime BSs. Despite of all these approaches, there are still open issues for an efficient maritime communication network (MCN). For example, due to the complicated electromagnetic propagation environment, the limited geometrically available BS sites, and rigorous service demands from mission-critical applications, conventional communication and networking theories and methods should be tailored for maritime scenarios. Towards this end, we provide a survey on the demand for maritime communications, the state-of-the-art MCNs, and key technologies for enhancing transmission efficiency, extending network coverage, and provisioning maritime-specific services. Future challenges in developing an environment-aware, service-driven, and integrated satellite-air-ground MCN to be smart enough to utilize external auxiliary information, e.g., sea state and atmosphere conditions, are also discussed

    Research on intelligent cruise regulatory mode of Huangpu River

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    Vessel Traffic Services, towards e-Navigation : the role of Oceanic VTS in global maritime surveillance

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    This thesis presents the study and analysis of the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), from its origins to the present, with further evaluation of future trends. Examining the current trend in terms of technologies that are being applied in the maritime sector, the dissertation focuses on the future to draw a new paradigm. This envisages a scenario at a planetary level, following a single global traffic management system, which would create a model of the global VTS Operator. A new assignment is proposed, according to this third dimension, with Port VTS being the first level, the Coastal VTS second, and with the Oceanic VTS projected into the future, which is a substantial proposal. The foundation is based on EU projects, the most ambitious of which, currently underway, being Sea Traffic Management (STM), with a scope greater than Europe, and also on IALA VTS and ENAV Committee Working Groups, concerning the future of VTS. The study includes the reference documentation from the IMO, in resolution format, and that of the IALA, under Standards, Recommendations and Guidelines. From the first recognition of the IMO to the present, the guidelines for VTS have undergone three updates, which are analysed and compared. VTS are considered aids to navigation, AtoN, which contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation and protection of the marine environment, and are linked to ship traffic activity. Both their attributions and the implementation of VTS centres have increased over time. In addition to this, the evolution of the tools used by the VTS is examined, from its earliest stages with only two pieces of equipment, the VHF radio, and the radar. The VTS system began by looking at the air traffic model but, later, the maritime nature created necessary differentiation in terms of management and procedures. Digital technologies applied to the maritime sector take air traffic controllers’ models as a reference, and the current VTS Operator profession will acquire analogies, such as sharing route plans and checking digital inputs. This highly specialised profession is facing the challenges of satellite technology, global interconnection, and the arrival of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). New technologies bring the possibility of sharing information and controlling traffic on a global scale, beyond the territorial sea, and this scenario will make standardisation increasingly necessary throughout the maritime sector. The identification of various models of traffic management, examination of systems operating specifically in the Spanish State and reflection on the diversity that prevails is also included. Based on fieldwork, the thesis determines that the future complexities that will emerge from maritime traffic will require exhaustive risk assessment and analysis. The challenges to be faced involve maritime communications via satellite and digital technology, in the context of ‘e-Navigation’ (coined by the IMO), which will provide emerging tools, such as VDES (next generation of AIS), and a planetary-scale information exchange framework for VTS worldwide.Aquesta tesi presenta l'estudi i l'anàlisi dels Serveis de Tràfic Marítim (VTS) des dels seus orígens fins al present, avaluant tendències futures. Examinant el corrent actual en referència a les tecnologies que s'estan aplicant al sector marítim, la tesi s’orienta al futur per delinear un nou paradigma. Un escenari a nivell planetari, que segueix un únic sistema de gestió de tràfic global, i que crearà un model d'operador VTS global. Es proposa una nova assignació acord a aquesta tercera dimensió, sent el VTS Port, el primer, el VTS Costaner, el segon, i es projecta a futur el VTS Oceànic, que és la proposta substancial. La fundació es basa en projectes de la UE, on és el més ambiciós i actualment en marxa el Sea Traffic Management (STM), amb un abast superior a l'europeu i amb els grups de treball del Comitè VTS i ENAV de la IALA sobre l’esdevenidor del VTS. L’estudi inclou documentació de referència procedent de la IMO, en format resolucions; i la procedent de la IALA, sota estàndards, recomanacions i directrius. Des del primer reconeixement de la IMO fins ara, les directrius per als VTS han passat per tres actualitzacions, que s'analitzen i es comparen. Els VTS es consideren ajuts a la navegació, AtoN, que contribueixen a la seguretat de la vida humana al mar, la seguretat i l'eficiència de la navegació i la protecció del medi marí i estan vinculats a l'activitat del trànsit de vaixells, i tant les seves atribucions com la implantació de centres VTS han augmentat al llarg de temps. A més a més d'això, s'examina l'evolució de les eines utilitzades pel VTS, des de les seves primeres etapes amb només dos equips, la ràdio VHF i el radar. El sistema VTS es va iniciar fixant-se en el model aeri, però posteriorment la naturalesa marítima els va diferenciar pel que fa a gestió i procediments. Les tecnologies digitals aplicades al sector marítim prenen com a referència models similars als controladors aeris, i l'actual professió d'Operador VTS assolirà analogies com ara compartir plans de ruta amb els vaixells i comprovació d'inputs digitals. Una professió altament especialitzada que s'enfronta als reptes de la tecnologia satel·litària, la interconnexió mundial i l'arribada dels vaixells marítims autònoms de superfície (MASS). Les noves tecnologies porten la possibilitat de compartir informació i controlar el tràfic a escala global, més enllà del mar territorial, i aquest escenari farà que l'estandardització sigui cada cop més necessària a tot el sector marítim. Es considera la identificació de diversos models de gestió del tràfic, els sistemes que operen específicament a l'Estat espanyol i la reflexió sobre la diversitat que preval. A partir d'un treball de camp, la tesi determina que les complexitats que emergiran del tràfic marítim requeriran avaluació i anàlisi de riscos exhaustius. Els reptes que cal afrontar són aquells que inclouen les comunicacions marítimes via satèl·lit i la tecnologia digital en el context de l'e-Navegació, encunyat per la IMO, que proporcionaran eines emergents, com els VDES (propera generació de l’AIS), i un marc d’intercanvi d’informació a escala planetària per als VTS de tot el món.Postprint (published version

    Maritime safety supervision and navigation service of offshore wind farms in China

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    A Large Scale Simulation of Satellites Tracking Vessels and Other Targets

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    This research outlines the design of a large scale simulation of satellites tracking large amounts of dynamic targets. The use of such a simulation is presented and current solutions available are presented. The research sets out a list of objectives to meet by creating an application programming interface (API) that have the requirements of being efficient, scalable, flexible, and easy to use for the implementer. Methods of creating sections of the simulation such as the attitude motion of a satellite based on the physical characteristics of nanosatellites is explored and developed. The creation of targets that are contained only on certain land features are also developed and tested. The objectives set out are tested by creating a simulation using the API developed and the results are presented

    Study of the research status on e-navigation

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    ESABALT - Improvement of Situational Awareness in the Baltic with the Use of Crowdsourcing

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    This paper presents the key assumptions and preliminary research on an integrated system called ESABALT, for enhancing maritime safety, which incorporates the latest technological advances in positioning, e-Navigation, Earth observation systems and multi-channel cooperative communications. The most novel part of the ESABALT concept, however, is a focus on user-driven crowdsourcing techniques for information gathering and integration. The system will consist of a situational awareness solution for real-time maritime traffic monitoring via utilizing various positioning technologies; an observation system of the marine environment relevant to transportation and accidents including assessing the sea ice, oil spread, waves, wind etc.; and a methodology for context-aware maritime communication with cooperative, multi-channel capabilities. The paper presents the intelligent, novel, user-driven solution and associated services developed in ESABALT for enhancing the maritime safety in the whole Baltic area
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