74 research outputs found

    Technologies to improve the performance of wireless sensor networks in high-traffic applications

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    The expansion of wireless sensor networks to advanced areas, including structure health monitoring, multimedia surveillance, and health care monitoring applications, has resulted in new and complex problems. Traditional sensor systems are designed and optimised for extremely low traffic loads. However, it has been witnessed that network performance drops rapidly with the higher traffic loads common in advanced applications. In this thesis, we examine the system characteristics and new system requirements of these advanced sensor network applications. Based on this analysis, we propose an improved architecture for wireless sensor systems to increase the network performance while maintaining compatibility with the essential WSN requirements: low power, low cost, and distributed scalability. We propose a modified architecture deriving from the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is shown to significantly increase the network performance in applications generating increased data loads. This is achieved by introducing the possibility of independently allocating the sub-carriers in a distributed manner. As a result, the overall efficiency of the channel contention mechanism will be increased to deliver higher throughput with lower energy consumption. Additionally, we develop the concept of increasing the data transmission efficiency by adapting the spreading code length to the wireless environment. Such a modification will not only be able to deliver higher throughput but also maintain a reliable wireless link in the harsh RF environment. Finally, we propose the use of the battery recovery effect to increase the power efficiency of the system under heavy traffic load conditions. These three innovations minimise the contention window period while maximising the capacity of the available channel, which is shown to increase network performance in terms of energy efficiency, throughput and latency. The proposed system is shown to be backwards compatible and able to satisfy both traditional and advanced applications and is particularly suitable for deployment in harsh RF environments. Experiments and analytic techniques have been described and developed to produce performance metrics for all the proposed techniques

    An ultra-low duty cycle sleep scheduling protocol stack for wireless sensor networks

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    A wireless sensor network is a distributed network system consisting of miniature spatially distributed autonomous devices designed for using sensors to sense the environment and cooperatively perform a specific goal. Each sensor node contains a limited power source, a sensor and a radio through which it can communicate with other sensor nodes within its communication radius. Since these sensor nodes may be deployed in inaccessible terrains, it might not be possible to replace their power sources. The radio transceiver is the hardware component that uses the most power in a sensor node and the optimisation of this element is necessary to reduce the overall energy consumption. In the data link layer there are several major sources of energy waste which should be minimised to achieve greater energy efficiency: idle listening, overhearing, over-emitting, network signalling overhead, and collisions. Sleep scheduling utilises the low-power sleep state of a transceiver and aims to reduce energy wastage caused by idle listening. Idle listening occurs when the radio is on, even though there is no data to transmit or receive. Collisions are reduced by using medium reservation and carrier sensing; collisions occur when there are simultaneous transmissions from several nodes that are within the interference range of the receiver node. The medium reservation packets include a network allocation vector field which is used for virtual carrier sensing which reduces overhearing. Overhearing occurs when a node receives and decodes packets that are not destined to it. Proper scheduling can avoid energy wastage due to over-emitting; over-emitting occurs when a transmitter node transmits a packet while the receiver node is not ready to receive packets. A protocol stack is proposed that achieves an ultra-low duty cycle sleep schedule. The protocol stack is aimed at large nodal populations, densely deployed, with periodic sampling applications. It uses the IEEE 802.15.4 Physical Layer (PHY) standard in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. A novel hybrid data-link/network cross-layer solution is proposed using the following features: a global sleep schedule, geographical data gathering tree, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) slotted architecture, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) with a randomised contention window, adaptive listening using a conservative timeout activation mechanism, virtual carrier sensing, clock drift compensation, and error control. AFRIKAANS : 'n Draadlose sensor-netwerk is 'n verspreide netwerk stelsel wat bestaan uit miniatuur ruimtelik verspreide outonome toestelle wat ontwerp is om in harmonie saam die omgewing te meet. Elke sensor nodus besit 'n beperkte bron van energie, 'n sensor en 'n radio waardeur dit met ander sensor nodusse binne hulle kommunikasie radius kan kommunikeer. Aangesien hierdie sensor nodusse in ontoeganklike terreine kan ontplooi word, is dit nie moontlik om hulle kragbronne te vervang nie. Die radio is die hardeware komponent wat van die meeste krag gebruik in 'n sensor nodus en die optimalisering van hierdie element is noodsaaklik vir die verminder die totale energieverbruik. In die data-koppelvlak laag is daar verskeie bronne van energie vermorsing wat minimaliseer moet word: ydele luister, a uistering, oor-uitstraling, oorhoofse netwerk seine, en botsings. Slaap-skedulering maak gebruik van die lae-krag slaap toestand van 'n radio met die doel om energie vermorsing wat veroorsaak word deur ydele luister, te verminder. Ydele luister vind plaas wanneer die radio aan is selfs al is daar geen data om te stuur of ontvang nie. Botsings word verminder deur medium bespreking en draer deteksie; botsings vind plaas wanneer verskeie nodusse gelyktydig data stuur. Die medium bespreking pakkies sluit 'n netwerk aanwysing vektor veld in wat gebruik word vir virtuele draer deteksie om a uistering te verminder. Afluistering vind plaas wanneer 'n nodus 'n pakkie ontvang en dekodeer maar dit was vir 'n ander nodus bedoel. Behoorlike skedulering kan energie verkwisting as gevolg van oor-uistraling verminder; oor-uistraling gebeur wanneer 'n sender nodus 'n pakkie stuur terwyl die ontvang nog nie gereed is nie. 'n Protokol stapel is voorgestel wat 'n ultra-lae slaap-skedule dienssiklus het. Die protokol is gemik op draadlose sensor-netwerke wat dig ontplooi, groot hoeveelhede nodusse bevat, en met periodiese toetsing toepassings. Dit maak gebruik van die IEEE 802.15.4 Fisiese-Laag standaard in die 2.4 GHz frekwensie band. 'n Nuwe baster datakoppelvlak/netwerk laag oplossing is voorgestel met die volgende kenmerke: globale slaap-skedulering, geogra ese data rapportering, Tyd-Verdeling-Veelvuldige-Toegang (TVVT) gegleufde argitektuur, Draer-Deteksie-Veelvuldige-Toegang met Botsing-Vermyding (DDVT/BV), Skoon-Kanaal-Assessering (SKA) met 'n wisselvallige twis-tydperk, aanpasbare slaap-skedulering met 'n konserwatiewe aktiverings meganisme, virtuele draer-deteksie, klok-wegdrywing kompensasie, en fout beheer. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Cross-layer energy optimisation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Recent technological developments in embedded systems have led to the emergence of a new class of networks, known asWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where individual nodes cooperate wirelessly with each other with the goal of sensing and interacting with the environment.Many routing protocols have been developed tomeet the unique and challenging characteristics of WSNs (notably very limited power resources to sustain an expected lifetime of perhaps years, and the restricted computation, storage and communication capabilities of nodes that are nonetheless required to support large networks and diverse applications). No standards for routing have been developed yet for WSNs, nor has any protocol gained a dominant position among the research community. Routing has a significant influence on the overall WSN lifetime, and providing an energy efficient routing protocol remains an open problem. This thesis addresses the issue of designing WSN routing methods that feature energy efficiency. A common time reference across nodes is required in mostWSN applications. It is needed, for example, to time-stamp sensor samples and for duty cycling of nodes. Alsomany routing protocols require that nodes communicate according to some predefined schedule. However, independent distribution of the time information, without considering the routing algorithm schedule or network topology may lead to a failure of the synchronisation protocol. This was confirmed empirically, and was shown to result in loss of connectivity. This can be avoided by integrating the synchronisation service into the network layer with a so-called cross-layer approach. This approach introduces interactions between the layers of a conventional layered network stack, so that the routing layer may share information with other layers. I explore whether energy efficiency can be enhanced through the use of cross-layer optimisations and present three novel cross-layer routing algorithms. The first protocol, designed for hierarchical, cluster based networks and called CLEAR (Cross Layer Efficient Architecture for Routing), uses the routing algorithm to distribute time information which can be used for efficient duty cycling of nodes. The second method - called RISS (Routing Integrated Synchronization Service) - integrates time synchronization into the network layer and is designed to work well in flat, non-hierarchical network topologies. The third method - called SCALE (Smart Clustering Adapted LEACH) - addresses the influence of the intra-cluster topology on the energy dissipation of nodes. I also investigate the impact of the hop distance on network lifetime and propose a method of determining the optimal location of the relay node (the node through which data is routed in a two-hop network). I also address the problem of predicting the transition region (the zone separating the region where all packets can be received and that where no data can be received) and I describe a way of preventing the forwarding of packets through relays belonging in this transition region. I implemented and tested the performance of these solutions in simulations and also deployed these routing techniques on sensor nodes using TinyOS. I compared the average power consumption of the nodes and the precision of time synchronization with the corresponding parameters of a number of existing algorithms. All proposed schemes extend the network lifetime and due to their lightweight architecture they are very efficient on WSN nodes with constrained resources. Hence it is recommended that a cross-layer approach should be a feature of any routing algorithm for WSNs

    A study into prolonging Wireless Sensor Network lifetime during disaster scenarios

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    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has wide potential for many applications. It can be employed for normal monitoring applications, for example, the monitoring of environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, light intensity and pressure. A WSN is deployed in an area to sense these environmental conditions and send information about them to a sink. In certain locations, disasters such as forest fires, floods, volcanic eruptions and earth-quakes can happen in the monitoring area. During the disaster, the events being monitored have the potential to destroy the sensing devices; for example, they can be sunk in a flood, burnt in a fire, damaged in harmful chemicals, and burnt in volcano lava etc. There is an opportunity to exploit the energy of these nodes before they are totally destroyed to save the energy of the other nodes in the safe area. This can prolong WSN lifetime during the critical phase. In order to investigate this idea, this research proposes a new routing protocol called Maximise Unsafe Path (MUP) routing using Ipv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN). The routing protocol aims to exploit the energy of the nodes that are going to be destroyed soon due to the environment, by concentrating packets through these nodes. MUP adapts with the environmental conditions. This is achieved by classifying four different levels of threat based on the sensor reading information and neighbour node condition, and represents this as the node health status, which is included as one parameter in the routing decision. High priority is given to a node in an unsafe condition compared to another node in a safer condition. MUP does not allow packet routing through a node that is almost failed in order to avoid packet loss when the node fails. To avoid the energy wastage caused by selecting a route that requires a higher energy cost to deliver a packet to the sink, MUP always forwards packets through a node that has the minimum total path cost. MUP is designed as an extension of RPL, an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard routing protocol in a WSN, and is implemented in the Contiki Operating System (OS). The performance of MUP is evaluated using simulations and test-bed experiments. The results demonstrate that MUP provides a longer network lifetime during a critical phase of typically about 20\% when compared to RPL, but with a trade-off lower packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay performances. This network lifetime improvement is crucial for the WSN to operate for as long as possible to detect and monitor the environment during a critical phase in order to save human life, minimise loss of property and save wildlife

    Mitigating interference coexistence issues in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) comprise a collection of portable, wireless, interconnected sensors deployed over an area to monitor and report a variable of interest; example applications include wildlife monitoring and home automation systems. In order to cater for long network lifetimes without the need for regular maintenance, energy efficiency is paramount, alongside link reliability. To minimise energy consumption, WSN MAC protocols employ Clear Channel Assessment (CCA), to transmit and receive packets. For transmitting, CCA is used beforehand to determine if the channel is clear. For receiving, CCA is used to decide if the radio should wake up to receive an incoming transmission, or be left in a power efficient sleep state. Current CCA implementations cannot determine the device type occupying the media, leaving nodes unable to differentiate between WSN traffic and arbitrary interference from other devices, such as WiFi. This affects link performance as packet loss increases, and energy efficiency as the radio is idly kept in receive mode. To permit WSN deployments in these environments, it is necessary to be able to gauge the effect of interference. While tools exist to model and predict packet loss in these conditions, it is currently not possible to do the same for energy consumption. This would be beneficial, as parameters of the network could be tuned to meet lifetime and energy requirements. In this thesis, methods to predict energy consumption of WSN MAC protocols are presented. These are shown to accurately estimate the idle listening from environmental interference measurements. Further, in order to mitigate the effects of interference, it would be beneficial for a CCA check to determine the device type occupying the media. For example, transmitters may select back-off strategies depending on the observed channel occupier. Receivers could be made more efficient by ignoring all non-WSN traffic, staying awake only after detecting an incoming WSN transmission. P-DCCA is a novel method presented in this thesis to achieve this. Transmitters vary the output power of the radio while the packet is being sent. Receivers are able to identify signals with this characteristic power variation, enabling a P-DCCA check to reveal if the medium is currently occupied by WSN traffic or other interference. P-DCCA is implemented in a common WSN MAC protocol, and is shown to achieve high detection accuracy, and to improve energy efficiency and packet delivery in interference environments

    Joint Scheduling and Duty Cycle Control Framework for Hierarchical Machine-to-Machine Communication Networks.

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    PhDThis thesis presents a novel distributed optimisation framework for machine-tomachine (M2M) communication networks with dynamic traffic generation, heterogeneous applications and different device capabilities. The aim of the framework is to effectively manage the massive access of energy constrained M2M devices while satisfying different application requirements. The proposed framework has three control blocks which run at cluster heads and M2M gateways: i) The distributed duty cycle control that adapts to dynamic network traffics for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer protocol with stop-and-wait automatic repeat request (ARQ) and Go-Back-N ARQ schemes. ii) The cluster head control that applies dynamic programming (DP) and approximate dynamic programming (ADP) techniques to maximise single cluster utility while balancing the tradeoff between system performance and algorithm complexity. iii) The gateway control that applies network utility optimisation (NUM) and mixed integer programming (MIP) techniques to maximise the aggregated long-term network utility while satisfying different application requirements among clusters. Both theoretical and practical concerns are addressed by the proposed control framework. Simulation results show that the proposed framework effectively improve the overall network performance in terms of network throughput, energy efficiency, end-to-end delay and packet drop ratio.Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)

    Practical packet combining for use with cooperative and non-cooperative ARQ schemes in wireless sensor networks

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    Although it is envisaged that advances in technology will follow a "Moores Law" trend for many years to come, one of the aims of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is to reduce the size of the nodes as much as possible. The issue of limited resources on current devices may therefore not improve much with future designs as a result. There is a pressing need, therefore, for simple, efficient protocols and algorithms that can maximise the use of available resources in an energy efficient manner. In this thesis an improved packet combining scheme useful on low power, resource-constrained sensor networks is developed. The algorithm is applicable in areas where currently only more complex combining approaches are used. These include cooperative communications and hybrid-ARQ schemes which have been shown to be of major benefit for wireless communications. Using the packet combining scheme developed in this thesis more than an 85% reduction in energy costs are possible over previous, similar approaches. Both simulated and practical experiments are developed in which the algorithm is shown to offer up to approximately 2.5 dB reduction in the required Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) for a particular Packet Error Rate (PER). This is a welcome result as complex schemes, such as maximal-ratio combining, are not implementable on many of the resource constrained devices under consideration. A motivational side study on the transitional region is also carried out in this thesis. This region has been shown to be somewhat of a problem for WSNs. It is characterised by variable packet reception rate caused by a combination of fading and manufacturing variances in the radio receivers. Experiments are carried out to determine whether or not a spread-spectrum architecture has any effect on the size of this region, as has been suggested in previous work. It is shown that, for the particular setup tested, the transitional region still has significant extent even when employing a spread-spectrum architecture. This result further motivates the need for the packet combining scheme developed as it is precisely in zones such as the transitional region that packet combining will be of most benefit

    Modélisation et évaluation des délais de bout-en-bout dans les réseaux de capteurs

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    In this thesis, we propose an approach that combines both measurements and analytical approaches for infering a Markov chain model from the MAC protocol execution traces in order to be able to estimate the end to end delay in multi-hop transmission scenarios. This approach allows capturing the main features of WSN. Hence, a suitable Markov chain for modellingthe WSN is infered. By means of an approach based on frequency domain analysis, end to end delay distribution for multi-hop scenarios is found.This is an important contribution of our approach with regard to existing analytical approaches where the extension of these models for considering multi-hop scenarios is not possible due to the fact that the arrival distribution to intermediate nodes is not known. Since local delay distribution for each node is obtained by analysing the MAC protocol execution traces for a given traffic scenario, the obtained model (and therefore, the whole end to end delay distribution) is traffic-dependant. In order to overcome this problem, we have proposed an approach based on non-linear regression techniques for generalising our approach in terms of the traffic rate. Results were validated for different MAC protocols (X-MAC, ContikiMAC, IEEE 802.15.4) as well as a well-known routing protocol (RPL) over real test-beds (IOT-LAB).Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une novelle approche pour modĂ©liser et estimer les dĂ©lais de bout-en-bout dans les rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans-fil (WSN). Notre approche combine les approches analytiqueet expĂ©rimentale pour infĂ©rer un modĂšle Markovien modĂ©lisant le comportement d'un protocole de contrĂŽle d'accĂšs au mĂ©dium (MAC) exĂ©cutĂ© sur les noeuds d'un rĂ©seau de capteurs.A partir de ce modĂšle Markovien, le dĂ©lai de bout en bout est ensuite obtenu par une approche analytique basĂ©e sur une analyse dans le domaine frĂ©quentiel pour calculer la probabilitĂ© de distribution de dĂ©lais pour un taux d'arrivĂ©e spĂ©cifique. Afin d’obtenir une estimation du dĂ©lai de bout en bout, indĂ©pendamment du trafic en entrĂ©e, la technique de rĂ©gression non-linĂ©aire est utilisĂ©e Ă  un ensembled’échantillons limitĂ©s. Cette approche nous a permis de contourner deux problĂšmes: 1) la difficultĂ© d'obtenir un modĂšle Markovien du comportement d’un protocole MAC en tenant compte son implĂ©mentation rĂ©elle, 2) l'estimation du dĂ©lai de bout-en-bout d’un WSN multi-sauts. L'approche a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e sur un testbed rĂ©el (IOT-LAB) et pour plusieurs protocoles (X-MAC, ContikiMAC, IEEE 802.15.4) ainsi que pour un protocole de routage (RPL)

    Provision of adaptive and context-aware service discovery for the Internet of Things

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    The IoT concept has revolutionised the vision of the future Internet with the advent of standards such as 6LoWPAN making it feasible to extend the Internet into previously isolated environments, e.g., WSNs. The abstraction of resources as services, has opened these environments to a new plethora of potential applications. Moreover, the web service paradigm can be used to provide interoperability by offering a standard interface to interact with these services to enable WoT paradigm. However, these networks pose many challenges, in terms of limited resources, that make the adaptability of existing IP-based solutions infeasible. As traditional service discovery and selection solutions demand heavy communication and use bulky formats, which are unsuitable for these resource-constrained devices incorporating sleep cycles to save energy. Even a registry based approach exhibits burdensome traffic in maintaining the availability status of the devices. The feasible solution for service discovery and selection is instrumental to enable the wide application coverage of these networks in the future. This research project proposes, TRENDY, a new compact and adaptive registry-based SDP with context awareness for the IoT, with more emphasis given to constrained networks, e.g., 6LoWPAN It uses CoAP-based light-weight and RESTful web services to provide standard interoperable interfaces, which can be easily translated from HTTP. TRENDY's service selection mechanism collects and intelligently uses the context information to select appropriate services for user applications based on the available context information of users and services. In addition, TRENDY introduces an adaptive timer algorithm to minimise control overhead for status maintenance, which also reduces energy consumption. Its context-aware grouping technique divides the network at the application layer, by creating location-based groups. This grouping of nodes localises the control overhead and provides the base for service composition, localised aggregation and processing of data. Different grouping roles enable the resource-awareness by offering profiles with varied responsibilities, where high capability devices can implement powerful profiles to share the load of other low capability devices. Thus, it allows the productive usage of network resources. Furthermore, this research project proposes APPUB, an adaptive caching technique, that has the following benefits: it allows service hosts to share their load with the resource directory and also decreases the service invocation delay. The performance of TRENDY and its mechanisms is evaluated using an extensive number of experiments performed using emulated Tmote sky nodes in the COOJA environment. The analysis of the results validates the benefit of performance gain for all techniques. The service selection and APPUB mechanisms improve the service invocation delay considerably that, consequently, reduces the traffic in the network. The timer technique consistently achieved the lowest control overhead, which eventually decreased the energy consumption of the nodes to prolong the network lifetime. Moreover, the low traffic in dense networks decreases the service invocations delay, and makes the solution more scalable. The grouping mechanism localises the traffic, which increases the energy efficiency while improving the scalability. In summary, the experiments demonstrate the benefit of using TRENDY and its techniques in terms of increased energy efficiency and network lifetime, reduced control overhead, better scalability and optimised service invocation time

    Use of Inferential Statistics to Design Effective Communication Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis explores the issues and techniques associated with employing the principles of inferential statistics to design effective Medium Access Control (MAC), routing and duty cycle management strategies for multihop Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The main objective of these protocols are to maximise the throughput of the network, to prolong the lifetime of nodes and to reduce the end-to-end delay of packets over a general network scenario without particular considerations for specific topology configurations, traffic patterns or routing policies. WSNs represent one of the leading-edge technologies that have received substantial research efforts due to their prominent roles in many applications. However, to design effective communication protocols for WSNs is particularly challenging due to the scarce resources of these networks and the requirement for large-scale deployment. The MAC, routing and duty cycle management protocols are amongst the important strategies that are required to ensure correct operations of WSNs. This thesis makes use of the inferential statistics field to design these protocols; inferential statistics was selected as it provides a rich design space with powerful approaches and methods. The MAC protocol proposed in this thesis exploits the statistical characteristics of the Gamma distribution to enable each node to adjust its contention parameters dynamically based on its inference for the channel occupancy. This technique reduces the service time of packets and leverages the throughput by improving the channel utilisation. Reducing the service time minimises the energy consumed in contention to access the channel which in turn prolongs the lifetime of nodes. The proposed duty cycle management scheme uses non-parametric Bayesian inference to enable each node to determine the best times and durations for its sleeping durations without posing overheads on the network. Hence the lifetime of node is prolonged by mitigating the amount of energy wasted in overhearing and idle listening. Prolonging the lifetime of nodes increases the throughput of the network and reduces the end-to-end delay as it allows nodes to route their packets over optimal paths for longer periods. The proposed routing protocol uses one of the state-of-the-art inference techniques dubbed spatial reasoning that enables each node to figure out the spatial relationships between nodes without overwhelming the network with control packets. As a result, the end-to-end delay is reduced while the throughput and lifetime are increased. Besides the proposed protocols, this thesis utilises the analytical aspects of statistics to develop rigorous analytical models that can accurately predict the queuing and medium access delay and energy consumption over multihop networks. Moreover, this thesis provides a broader perspective for design of communication protocols for WSNs by casting the operations of these networks in the domains of the artificial chemistry discipline and the harmony search optimisation algorithm
