41 research outputs found

    Optimality conditions, approximate stationarity, and applications 'a story beyond lipschitzness

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    Approximate necessary optimality conditions in terms of Frechet subgradients and normals for a rather general optimization problem with a potentially non-Lipschitzian objective function are established with the aid of Ekeland's variational principle, the fuzzy Frechet subdifferential sum rule, and a novel notion of lower semicontinuity relative to a set-valued mapping or set. Feasible points satisfying these optimality conditions are referred to as approximately stationary. As applications, we derive a new general version of the extremal principle. Furthermore, we study approximate stationarity conditions for an optimization problem with a composite objective function and geometric constraints, a qualification condition guaranteeing that approximately stationary points of such a problem are M-stationary, and a multiplier-penalty-method which naturally computes approximately stationary points of the underlying problem. Finally, necessary optimality conditions for an optimal control problem with a non-Lipschitzian sparsity-promoting term in the objective function are established. © The authors

    Suboptimality Conditions for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

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    In this paper we study mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) described by generalized equations in the extended form 0 is an element of the set G(x,y) + Q(x,y), where both mappings G and Q are set-valued. Such models arise, in particular, from certain optimization-related problems governed by variational inequalities and first-order optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming. We establish new weak and strong suboptimality conditions for the general MPEC problems under consideration in finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces that do not assume the existence of optimal solutions. This issue is particularly important for infinite-dimensional optimization problems, where the existence of optimal solutions requires quite restrictive assumptions. Our techriiques are mainly based on modern tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation revolving around the fundamental extremal principle in variational analysis and its analytic counterpart known as the subdifferential variational principle


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    In this paper we propose a new technique for the solution of the image segmentation problem which is based on the concept of a piecewise smooth approximation of some target functional. We discuss in details the consistency of the new statement of segmentation problem and its solvability. We focus our main intension on the rigor mathematical substantiation of the proposed approach, deriving the corresponding optimality conditions, and show that the new optimization problem is rather flexible and powerful model to the study of variational image segmentation problems. We illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm by numerical experiences

    Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: a hatchery for modern mathematics

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    The second MFO Oberwolfach Workshop on Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) took place between 2nd and 8th June 2019. MINLP refers to one of the hardest Mathematical Programming (MP) problem classes, involving both nonlinear functions as well as continuous and integer decision variables. MP is a formal language for describing optimization problems, and is traditionally part of Operations Research (OR), which is itself at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, engineering and econometrics. The scientific program has covered the three announced areas (hierarchies of approximation, mixed-integer nonlinear optimal control, and dealing with uncertainties) with a variety of tutorials, talks, short research announcements, and a special "open problems'' session

    Lagrangian Duality and Image Space Analysis

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    Many duality theories of optimization problem arised in last decades were born as independent theories. Instead we will show that some of them are special cases of a new generalized Lagrangian duality. This new duality developed studying the so called Image Space, were the images of object and constrain functions run

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Penalty alternating direction methods for mixed-integer optimal control with combinatorial constraints

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    We consider mixed-integer optimal control problems with combinatorial constraints that couple over time such as minimum dwell times. We analyze a lifting and decom- position approach into a mixed-integer optimal control problem without combinatorial constraints and a mixed-integer problem for the combinatorial constraints in the control space. Both problems can be solved very efficiently with existing methods such as outer convexification with sum-up-rounding strategies and mixed-integer linear programming techniques. The coupling is handled using a penalty-approach. We provide an exactness result for the penalty which yields a solution approach that convergences to partial minima. We compare the quality of these dedicated points with those of other heuristics amongst an academic example and also for the optimization of electric transmission lines with switching of the network topology for flow reallocation in order to satisfy demands

    ISIPTA'07: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications

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