361 research outputs found


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    The world has witnessed the development of many wireless systems and applications. In addition to the large number of existing devices, such development of new and advanced wireless systems increases rapidly the demand for more radio spectrum. The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource; however, it has been observed that it is not efficiently utilized. Consequently, different dynamic spectrum access techniques have been proposed as solutions for such an inefficient use of the spectrum. Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising intelligent technology that can identify the unoccupied portions of spectrum and opportunistically uses those portions with satisfyingly high capacity and low interference to the primary users (i.e., licensed users). The CR can be distinguished from the classical radio systems mainly by its awareness about its surrounding radio frequency environment. The spectrum sensing task is the main key for such awareness. Due to many advantages, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system (OFDM) has been proposed as a potential candidate for the CR‟s physical layer. Additionally, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in an OFDM receiver supports the performance of a wide band spectrum analysis. Multitaper spectrum estimation method (MTM) is a non-coherent promising spectrum sensing technique. It tolerates problems related to bad biasing and large variance of power estimates. This thesis focuses, generally, on the local, multi antenna based, and global cooperative spectrum sensing techniques at physical layer in OFDM-based CR systems. It starts with an investigation on the performance of using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in CR networks using simulation. The Optimal MTM parameters are then found. The optimal MTM based detector theoretical formulae are derived. Different optimal and suboptimal multi antenna based spectrum sensing techniques are proposed to improve the local spectrum sensing performance. Finally, a new concept of cooperative spectrum sensing is introduced, and new strategies are proposed to optimize the hard cooperative spectrum sensing in CR networks. The MTM performance is controlled by the half time bandwidth product and number of tapers. In this thesis, such parameters have been optimized using Monte Carlo simulation. The binary hypothesis test, here, is developed to ensure that the effect of choosing optimum MTM parameters is based upon performance evaluation. The results show how these optimal parameters give the highest performance with minimum complexity when MTM is used locally at CR. The optimal MTM based detector has been derived using Neyman-Pearson criterion. That includes probabilities of detection, false alarm and misses detection approximate derivations in different wireless environments. The threshold and number of sensed samples controlling is based on this theoretical work. In order to improve the local spectrum sensing performance at each CR, in the CR network, multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques are proposed using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in this thesis. The statistical theoretical formulae of the proposed techniques are derived including the different probabilities. ii The proposed techniques include optimal, that requires prior information about the primary user signal, and two suboptimal multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques having similar performances with different computation complexity; these do not need prior information about the primary user signalling. The work here includes derivations for the periodogram multi antenna case. Finally, in hard cooperative spectrum sensing, the cooperation optimization is necessary to improve the overall performance, and/or minimize the number of data to be sent to the main CR-base station. In this thesis, a new optimization method based on optimizing the number of locally sensed samples at each CR is proposed with two different strategies. Furthermore, the different factors that affect the hard cooperative spectrum sensing optimization are investigated and analysed and a new cooperation scheme in spectrum sensing, the master node, is proposed.Ministry of Interior-Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    A comparative investigation on performance and which is the preferred methodology for spectrum management; geo-location spectrum database or spetrum sensing

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    A Research Report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Witwatersrand, in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Johannesburg, 2015.Due to the enormous demand for multimedia services which relies hugely on the availability of spectrum, service providers and technologist are devising a means or method which is able to fully satisfy these growing demands. The availability of spectrum to meet these demands has been a lingering issue for the past couple of years. Many would have it tagged as spectrum scarcity but really the main problem is not how scarce the spectrum is but how efficiently allocated to use is the spectrum. Once such inefficiency is tackled effectively, then we are a step closer in meeting the enormous demands for uninterrupted services. However, to do so, there are techniques or methodologies being developed to aid in the efficient management of spectrum. In this research project, two methodologies were considered and the efficiency of these methodologies in the areas of spectrum management. The Geo-location Spectrum Database (GLSD) which is the most adopted technique and the Cognitive radio spectrum sensing technique are currently the available techniques in place. The TV whitespaces (TVWS) was explored using both techniques and certain comparison based on performances; implementation, practicability, cost and flexibility were used as an evaluation parameter in arriving at a conclusion. After accessing both methodologies, conclusions were deduced on the preferred methodology and how its use would efficiently solve the issues encountered in spectrum managemen

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    Novel Aspects of Interference Alignment in Wireless Communications

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    Interference alignment (IA) is a promising joint-transmission technology that essentially enables the maximum achievable degrees-of-freedom (DoF) in K-user interference channels. Fundamentally, wireless networks are interference-limited since the spectral efficiency of each user in the network is degraded with the increase of users. IA breaks through this barrier, that is caused by the traditional interference management techniques, and promises large gains in spectral efficiency and DoF, notably in interference limited environments. This dissertation concentrates on overcoming the challenges as well as exploiting the opportunities of IA in K-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channels. In particular, we consider IA in K-user MIMO interference channels in three novel aspects. In the first aspect, we develop a new IA solution by designing transmit precoding and interference suppression matrices through a novel iterative algorithm based on Min-Maxing strategy. Min-Maxing IA optimization problem is formulated such that each receiver maximizes the power of the desired signal, whereas it preserves the minimum leakage interference as a constraint. This optimization problem is solved by relaxing it into a standard semidefinite programming form, and additionally its convergence is proved. Furthermore, we propose a simplified Min-Maxing IA algorithm for rank-deficient interference channels to achieve the targeted performance with less complexity. Our numerical results show that Min-Maxing IA algorithm proffers significant sum-rate improvement in K-user MIMO interference channels compared to the existing algorithms in the literature at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Moreover, the simplified algorithm matches the optimal performance in the systems of rank-deficient channels. In the second aspect, we deal with the practical challenges of IA under realistic channels, where IA is highly affected by the spatial correlation. Data sum-rate and symbol error-rate of IA are dramatically degraded in real-world scenarios since the correlation between channels decreases the SNR of the received signal after alignment. For this reason, an acceptable sum-rate of IA in MIMO orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) interference channels was obtained in the literature by modifying the locations of network nodes and the separation between the antennas within each node in order to minimize the correlation between channels. In this regard, we apply transmit antenna selection to MIMO-OFDM IA systems either through bulk or per-subcarrier selection aiming at improving the sum-rate and/or error-rate performance under real-world channel circumstances while keeping the minimum spatial antenna separation of half-wavelengths. A constrained per-subcarrier antenna selection is performed to avoid subcarrier imbalance across the antennas of each user that is caused by per-subcarrier selection. Furthermore, we propose a sub-optimal antenna selection algorithm to reduce the computational complexity of the exhaustive search. An experimental testbed of MIMO-OFDM IA with antenna selection in indoor wireless network scenarios is implemented to collect measured channels. The performance of antenna selection in MIMO IA systems is evaluated using measured and deterministic channels, where antenna selection achieves considerable improvements in sum-rate and error-rate under real-world channels. Third aspect of this work is exploiting the opportunity of IA in resource management problem in OFDM based MIMO cognitive radio systems that coexist with primary systems. We propose to perform IA based resource allocation to improve the spectral efficiency of cognitive systems without affecting the quality of service (QoS) of the primary system. IA plays a vital role in the proposed algorithm enabling the secondary users (SUs) to cooperate and share the available spectrum aiming at increasing the DoF of the cognitive system. Nevertheless, the number of SUs that can share a given subcarrier is restricted to the IA feasibility conditions, where this limitation is considered in problem formulation. As the optimal solution for resource allocation problem is mixed-integer, we propose a two-phases efficient sub-optimal algorithm to handle this problem. In the first phase, frequency-clustering with throughput fairness consideration among SUs is performed to tackle the IA feasibility conditions, where each subcarrier is assigned to a feasible number of SUs. In the second phase, the power is allocated among subcarriers and SUs without violating the interference constraint to the primary system. Simulation results show that IA with frequency-clustering achieves a significant sum-rate increase compared to cognitive radio systems with orthogonal multiple access transmission techniques. The considered aspects with the corresponding achievements bring IA to have a powerful role in the future wireless communication systems. The contributions lead to significant improvements in the spectral efficiency of IA based wireless systems and the reliability of IA under real-world channels.Interference Alignment (IA) ist eine vielversprechende kooperative Übertragungstechnik, die die meisten Freiheitsgrade (engl. degrees-of-freedom, DoF) in Bezug auf Zeit, Frequenz und Ort in einem Mehrnutzer Überlagerungskanal bietet. Im Grunde sind Funksysteme Interferenz begrenzt, da die Spektraleffizienz jedes einzelnen Nutzers mit zunehmender Nutzerzahl sinkt. IA durchbricht die Schranke, die herkömmliches Interferenzmanagement errichtet und verspricht große Steigerungen der Spektraleffizienz und der Freiheitsgrade, besonders in Interferenzbegrenzter Umgebung. Die vorliegende Dissertation betrachtet bisher noch unerforschte Möglichkeiten von IA in Mehrnutzerszenarien fĂŒr Mehrantennen- (MIMO) KanĂ€le sowie deren Anwendung in einem kognitiven Kommunikationssystem. Als erstes werden mit Hilfe eines effizienten iterativen Algorithmus, basierend auf der Min-Maxing Strategie, senderseitige Vorkodierungs- und InterferenzunterdrĂŒckungs Matrizen entwickelt. Das Min-Maxing Optimierungsproblem ist dadurch beschreiben, dass jeder EmpfĂ€nger seine gewĂŒnschte Signalleistung maximiert, wĂ€hrend das Minimum der Leck-Interferenz als Randbedingung beibehalten wird. Zur Lösung des Problems wird es in eine semidefinite Form ĂŒberfĂŒhrt, zusĂ€tzlich wird deren Konvergenz nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wird ein vereinfachter Algorithmus fĂŒr nicht vollrangige Kanalmatrizen vorgeschlagen, um die RechenkomplexitĂ€t zu verringern. Wie numerische Ergebnisse belegen, bedeutet die Min-Maxing Strategie eine wesentliche Verbesserung des Systemdurchsatzes gegenĂŒber den bisher in der Literatur beschriebenen Algorithmen fĂŒr Mehrnutzer MIMO Szenarien im hohen Signal-Rausch-VerhĂ€ltnis (engl. signal-to-noise ratio, SNR). Mehr noch, der vereinfachte Algorithmus zeigt das optimale Verhalten in einem System mit nicht vollrangigen Kanalmatrizen. Als zweites werden die IA Herausforderungen an Hand von realistischen/realen KanĂ€len in der Praxis untersucht. Hierbei wird das System stark durch rĂ€umliche Korrelation beeintrĂ€chtigt. Der Datendurchsatz sinkt und die Symbolfehlerrate steigt dramatisch unter diesen Bedingungen, da korrelierte KanĂ€le den SNR des empfangenen Signals nach dem Alignment verschlechtern. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der Literatur fĂŒr IA in MIMO-OFDM ÜberlagerungskanĂ€len sowohl die Position der einzelnen Netzwerkknoten als auch die Trennung zwischen den Antennen eines Knotens variiert, um so die Korrelierung der verschiedenen KanĂ€le zu minimieren. Das vorgeschlagene MIMO-OFDM IA System wĂ€hlt unter mehreren Sendeantennen, entweder pro UntertrĂ€ger oder fĂŒr das komplette Signal, um so die Symbolfehlerrate und/oder die gesamt Datenrate zu verbessern, wĂ€hrend die rĂ€umliche Trennung der Antennen auf die halbe WellenlĂ€nge beschrĂ€nkt bleiben soll. Bei der Auswahl pro UntertrĂ€ger ist darauf zu achten, dass die Antennen gleichmĂ€ĂŸig ausgelastet werden. Um die RechenkomplexitĂ€t fĂŒr die vollstĂ€ndige Durchsuchung gering zu halten, wird ein suboptimaler Auswahlalgorithmus verwendet. Mit Hilfe einer Innenraummessanordnung werden reale Kanaldaten fĂŒr die Simulationen gewonnen. Die Evaluierung des MIMO IA Systems mit Antennenauswahl fĂŒr deterministische und gemessene KanĂ€le hat eine Verbesserung bei der Daten- und Fehlerrate unter realen Bedingungen ergeben. Als drittes beschĂ€ftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit den Möglichkeiten, die sich durch MIMO IA Systeme fĂŒr das Ressourcenmanagementproblem bei kognitiven Funksystemen ergeben. In kognitiven Funksystemen mĂŒssen MIMO IA Systeme mit primĂ€ren koexistieren. Es wird eine IA basierte Ressourcenzuteilung vorgeschlagen, um so die spektrale Effizienz des kognitiven Systems zu erhöhen ohne die QualitĂ€t (QoS) des primĂ€ren Systems zu beeintrĂ€chtigen. Der vorgeschlagenen IA Algorithmus sorgt dafĂŒr, dass die Zweitnutzer (engl. secondary user, SU) untereinander kooperieren und sich das zur VerfĂŒgung stehende Spektrum teilen, um so die DoF des kognitiven Systems zu erhöhen. Die Anzahl der SUs, die sich eine UntertrĂ€gerfrequenz teilen, ist durch die IA Randbedingungen begrenzt. Die Suche nach der optimalen Ressourcenverteilung stellt ein gemischt-ganzzahliges Problem dar, zu dessen Lösung ein effizienter zweistufiger suboptimaler Algorithmus vorgeschlagen wird. Im ersten Schritt wird durch Frequenzzusammenlegung (Clusterbildung), unter BerĂŒcksichtigung einer fairen Durchsatzverteilung unter den SUs, die IA Anforderung erfĂŒllt. Dazu wird jede UntertrĂ€gerfrequenz einer praktikablen Anzahl an SUs zugeteilt. Im zweiten Schritt wird die Sendeleistung fĂŒr die einzelnen UntertrĂ€gerfrequenzen und SUs so festgelegt, dass die Interferenzbedingungen des PrimĂ€rsystems nicht verletzt werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse fĂŒr IA mit Frequenzzusammenlegung zeigen eine wesentliche Verbesserung der Datenrate verglichen mit kognitiven Systemen, die auf orthogonalen Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren beruhen. Die in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Punkte und erzielten Lösungen fĂŒhren zu einer wesentlichen Steigerung der spektralen Effizienz von IA Systemen und zeigen deren ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit unter realen Bedingungen
