110 research outputs found

    Shooting permanent rays among disjoint polygons in the plane

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    We present a data structure for ray shooting-and-insertion in the free space among disjoint polygonal obstacles with a total of nn vertices in the plane, where each ray starts at the boundary of some obstacle. The portion of each query ray between the starting point and the first obstacle hit is inserted permanently as a new obstacle. Our data structure uses O(n log n) space and preprocessing time, and it supports m successive ray shooting-and-insertion queries in O(n log2 n + m log m) total time. We present two applications for our data structure: (1) Our data structure supports efficient implementation of auto-partitions in the plane i.e. binary space partitions where each partition is done along the supporting line of an input segment. If n input line segments are fragmented into m pieces by an auto-partition, then it can now be implemented in O(n log2n+m log m) time. This improves the expected runtime of Patersen and Yao's classical randomized auto-partition algorithm for n disjoint line segments to O(n log2 n). (2) If we are given disjoint polygonal obstacles with a total of n vertices in the plane, a permutation of the reflex vertices, and a half-line at each reflex vertex that partitions the reflex angle into two convex angles, then the folklore convex partitioning algorithm draws a ray emanating from each reflex vertex in the prescribed order in the given direction until it hits another obstacle, a previous ray, or infinity. The previously best implementation (with a semi-dynamic ray shooting data structure) requires O(n3/2-e/2) time using O(n1+e) space. Our data structure improves the runtime to O(n log2 n)

    Shortest path queries in rectilinear worlds

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    Feed-links for network extensions

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    Road network data is often incomplete, making it hard to perform network analysis. This paper discusses the problem of extending partial road networks with reasonable links, using the concept of dilation (also known as crow flight conversion coefficient). To this end, we study how to connect a point (relevant location) inside a polygon (face of the known part of the road network) to the boundary so that the dilation from that point to any point on the boundary is not too large. We provide algorithms and heuristics, and give a computational and experimental analysis
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