380 research outputs found

    Optimal Schedules in Multitask Motor Learning

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    Although scheduling multiple tasks in motor learning to maximize long-term retention of performance is of great practical importance in sports training and motor rehabilitation after brain injury, it is unclear how to do so. We propose here a novel theoretical approach that uses optimal control theory and computational models of motor adaptation to determine schedules that maximize long-term retention predictively. Using Pontryagin’s maximum principle, we derived a control law that determines the trial-by-trial task choice that maximizes overall delayed retention for all tasks, as predicted by the state-space model. Simulations of a single session of adaptation with two tasks show that when task interference is high, there exists a threshold in relative task difficulty below which the alternating schedule is optimal. Only for large differences in task difficulties do optimal schedules assign more trials to the harder task. However, over the parameter range tested, alternating schedules yield long-term retention performance that is only slightly inferior to performance given by the true optimal schedules. Our results thus predict that in a large number of learning situations wherein tasks interfere, intermixing tasks with an equal number of trials is an effective strategy in enhancing long-term retention

    ADHD Study Utopia

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    This thesis describes how educators and students alike can physically alter a learning environment to increase attention of students with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a brain disorder in which there is a pattern of inattention and or hyperactivity and impulsivity that interferes with functioning. These symptoms frequently present themselves in childhood and continue into adulthood. Despite ADHD often being a lifelong disorder, the majority of research done to understand and support those with ADHD is focused on elementary-aged children. By focusing on such a young group, research has neglected students in high school and college who would be in greater need of learning strategies, symptom regulation, as well as environment and time management. Additionally, few studies are directed for adults with ADHD to manage their own behavior and symptoms. The goal of this thesis is to provide practical environment interventions to create a functional study environment that promotes attention. To accomplish this, various research has been compiled on environment factors that affect attention, productivity, and physical health. The research addressed symptoms of ADHD, how those symptoms affect school performance, and how teenagers and adults with ADHD are in need of solutions/ interventions to increase attention. To spread awareness of issues faced and solutions, compiled research was applied to create a utopian study environment for college students with ADHD
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