323 research outputs found

    Reliability Improvement of Autonomous Microgrids through Interconnection and Storage

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    This thesis deals with reliability and power quality improvement in autonomous microgrids. The reliability is improved through the interconnection of storage, intertying two neighbouring microgrids and interlinking of microgrids cluster through a common power exchange highway. The power quality is improved by interconnecting distributed static compensator (DSTATCOM) in the microgrid. All the proposed methods are verified through extensive digital computer simulation using PSCAD

    Modeling and control of stand-alone AC microgrids: centralized and distributed storage, energy management and distributed photovoltaic and wind generation

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    El aumento de la penetración de energías renovables en la red eléctrica es necesario para el desarrollo de un sistema sostenible. Para hacerlo posible técnicamente, se ha planteado el uso de microrredes, definidas como una combinación de cargas, generadores distribuidos y elementos de almacenamiento controlados gracias a una estrategia global de gestión energética. Además, las microrredes aumentan la fiabilidad del sistema puesto que pueden funcionar en modo aislado en caso de fallo de red. Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de microrredes AC en funcionamiento aislado. El objetivo principal es el diseño y la implementación de estrategias de gestión energéticas sin utilizar cables de comunicación entre los distintos elementos, lo que permite reducir los costes del sistema y aumentar su fiabilidad. Para ello, se abordan los siguientes aspectos: • Gestión energética de una microrred AC con generador diesel, almacenamiento centralizado y generación renovable distribuida • Diseño de técnicas de control “droop” para repartir la corriente entre inversores conectados en paralelo • Gestión energética de una microrred AC con almacenamiento distribuido y generación renovable distribuida • Control de la etapa DC/DC de inversores fotovoltaicos con pequeño condensador de entrada en el seno de una microrred • Control de extracción de máxima potencia sin sensores mecánicos para sistemas minieólicos en el seno de una microrred.The introduction of distributed renewable generators into the electrical grid is required for a sustainable system. In order to increase the penetration of renewable energies, microgrids are usually proposed as one of the most promising technologies. A microgrid is a combination of loads, distributed generators and storage elements which behaves as a single controllable unit for the grid operator. Furthermore, microgrids make it possible to improve the system reliability because they are capable of standalone operation in case of grid failure. This thesis is focused on the development of AC microgrids under stand-alone operation. Its main objective is to design and implement overall control strategies which do not require the use of communication cables, thereby reducing costs and improving reliability. For this purpose, the following aspects are tackled: • Energy management of an AC microgrid with diesel generator, centralized storage and distributed renewable generation • Design of droop methods so that the current is shared among parallel-connected inverters • Energy management of an AC microgrid with distributed storage and distributed renewable generation • Control of the DC/DC stage in photovoltaic inverters with small input capacitors within a microgrid • Sensorless MPPT control for small wind turbines within a microgrid.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Energías Renovables (RD 1393/2007)Energia Berriztagarrietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Frequency participation by using virtual inertia in wind turbines including energy storage

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