204 research outputs found

    Design of a Specialized UAV Platform for the Discharge of a Fire Extinguishing Capsule

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem systému specializovaného pro autonomní detekci a lokalizaci požárů z palubních senzorů bezpilotních helikoptér. Hašení požárů je zajištěno automatickým vystřelením ampule s hasící kapalinou do zdroje požáru z palubního vystřelovače. Hlavní část této práce se soustředí na detekci požárů v datech termální kamery a jejich následnou lokalizaci ve světě za pomoci palubní hloubkové kamery. Bezpilotní helikoptéra je poté optimálně navigována na pozici pro zajištění průletu ampule s hasící kapalinou do zdroje požáru. Vyvinuté metody jsou detailně analyzovány a jejich chování je testováno jak v simulaci, tak současně i při reálných experimentech. Kvalitativní a kvantitativní analýza ukazuje na použitelnost a robustnost celého systému.This thesis deals with the design of an unmanned multirotor aircraft system specialized for autonomous detection and localization of fires from onboard sensors, and the task of fast and effective fire extinguishment. The main part of this thesis focuses on the detection of fires in thermal images and their localization in the world using an onboard depth camera. The localized fires are used to optimally position the unmanned aircraft in order to effectively discharge an ampoule filled with a fire extinguishant from an onboard launcher. The developed methods are analyzed in detail and their performance is evaluated in simulation scenarios as well as in real-world experiments. The included quantitative and qualitative analysis verifies the feasibility and robustness of the system

    Optimized YOLOv7-tiny model for smoke detection in power transmission lines

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    Fire incidents near power transmission lines pose significant safety hazards to the regular operation of the power system. Therefore, achieving fast and accurate smoke detection around power transmission lines is crucial. Due to the complexity and variability of smoke scenarios, existing smoke detection models suffer from low detection accuracy and slow detection speed. This paper proposes an improved model for smoke detection in high-voltage power transmission lines based on the improved YOLOv7-tiny. First, we construct a dataset for smoke detection in high-voltage power transmission lines. Due to the limited number of real samples, we employ a particle system to randomly generate smoke and composite it into randomly selected real scenes, effectively expanding the dataset with high quality. Next, we introduce multiple parameter-free attention modules into the YOLOv7-tiny model and replace regular convolutions in the Neck of the model with Spd-Conv (Space-to-depth Conv) to improve detection accuracy and speed. Finally, we utilize the synthesized smoke dataset as the source domain for model transfer learning. We pre-train the improved model and fine-tune it on a dataset consisting of real scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed improved YOLOv7-tiny model achieves a 2.61% increase in mean Average Precision (mAP) for smoke detection on power transmission lines compared to the original model. The precision is improved by 2.26%, and the recall is improved by 7.25%. Compared to other object detection models, the smoke detection proposed in this paper achieves high detection accuracy and speed. Our model also improved detection accuracy on the already publicly available wildfire smoke dataset Figlib (Fire Ignition Library)

    Multi-modal video analysis for early fire detection

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    In dit proefschrift worden verschillende aspecten van een intelligent videogebaseerd branddetectiesysteem onderzocht. In een eerste luik ligt de nadruk op de multimodale verwerking van visuele, infrarood en time-of-flight videobeelden, die de louter visuele detectie verbetert. Om de verwerkingskost zo minimaal mogelijk te houden, met het oog op real-time detectie, is er voor elk van het type sensoren een set ’low-cost’ brandkarakteristieken geselecteerd die vuur en vlammen uniek beschrijven. Door het samenvoegen van de verschillende typen informatie kunnen het aantal gemiste detecties en valse alarmen worden gereduceerd, wat resulteert in een significante verbetering van videogebaseerde branddetectie. Om de multimodale detectieresultaten te kunnen combineren, dienen de multimodale beelden wel geregistreerd (~gealigneerd) te zijn. Het tweede luik van dit proefschrift focust zich hoofdzakelijk op dit samenvoegen van multimodale data en behandelt een nieuwe silhouet gebaseerde registratiemethode. In het derde en tevens laatste luik van dit proefschrift worden methodes voorgesteld om videogebaseerde brandanalyse, en in een latere fase ook brandmodellering, uit te voeren. Elk van de voorgestelde technieken voor multimodale detectie en multi-view lokalisatie zijn uitvoerig getest in de praktijk. Zo werden onder andere succesvolle testen uitgevoerd voor de vroegtijdige detectie van wagenbranden in ondergrondse parkeergarages

    Design and Field Test of a WSN Platform Prototype for Long-Term Environmental Monitoring

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    Long-term wildfire monitoring using distributed in situ temperature sensors is an accurate, yet demanding environmental monitoring application, which requires long-life, low-maintenance, low-cost sensors and a simple, fast, error-proof deployment procedure. We present in this paper the most important design considerations and optimizations of all elements of a low-cost WSN platform prototype for long-term, low-maintenance pervasive wildfire monitoring, its preparation for a nearly three-month field test, the analysis of the causes of failure during the test and the lessons learned for platform improvement. The main components of the total cost of the platform (nodes, deployment and maintenance) are carefully analyzed and optimized for this application. The gateways are designed to operate with resources that are generally used for sensor nodes, while the requirements and cost of the sensor nodes are significantly lower. We define and test in simulation and in the field experiment a simple, but effective communication protocol for this application. It helps to lower the cost of the nodes and field deployment procedure, while extending the theoretical lifetime of the sensor nodes to over 16 years on a single 1 Ah lithium battery

    Multi-teacher knowledge distillation as an effective method for compressing ensembles of neural networks

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    Deep learning has contributed greatly to many successes in artificial intelligence in recent years. Today, it is possible to train models that have thousands of layers and hundreds of billions of parameters. Large-scale deep models have achieved great success, but the enormous computational complexity and gigantic storage requirements make it extremely difficult to implement them in real-time applications. On the other hand, the size of the dataset is still a real problem in many domains. Data are often missing, too expensive, or impossible to obtain for other reasons. Ensemble learning is partially a solution to the problem of small datasets and overfitting. However, ensemble learning in its basic version is associated with a linear increase in computational complexity. We analyzed the impact of the ensemble decision-fusion mechanism and checked various methods of sharing the decisions including voting algorithms. We used the modified knowledge distillation framework as a decision-fusion mechanism which allows in addition compressing of the entire ensemble model into a weight space of a single model. We showed that knowledge distillation can aggregate knowledge from multiple teachers in only one student model and, with the same computational complexity, obtain a better-performing model compared to a model trained in the standard manner. We have developed our own method for mimicking the responses of all teachers at the same time, simultaneously. We tested these solutions on several benchmark datasets. In the end, we presented a wide application use of the efficient multi-teacher knowledge distillation framework. In the first example, we used knowledge distillation to develop models that could automate corrosion detection on aircraft fuselage. The second example describes detection of smoke on observation cameras in order to counteract wildfires in forests.Comment: Doctoral dissertation in the field of computer science, machine learning. Application of knowledge distillation as aggregation of ensemble models. Along with several uses. 140 pages, 67 figures, 13 table

    Machine Learning in Sensors and Imaging

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    Machine learning is extending its applications in various fields, such as image processing, the Internet of Things, user interface, big data, manufacturing, management, etc. As data are required to build machine learning networks, sensors are one of the most important technologies. In addition, machine learning networks can contribute to the improvement in sensor performance and the creation of new sensor applications. This Special Issue addresses all types of machine learning applications related to sensors and imaging. It covers computer vision-based control, activity recognition, fuzzy label classification, failure classification, motor temperature estimation, the camera calibration of intelligent vehicles, error detection, color prior model, compressive sensing, wildfire risk assessment, shelf auditing, forest-growing stem volume estimation, road management, image denoising, and touchscreens

    Architecture and Applications of IoT Devices in Socially Relevant Fields

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    Number of IoT enabled devices are being tried and introduced every year and there is a healthy competition among researched and businesses to capitalize the space created by IoT, as these devices have a great market potential. Depending on the type of task involved and sensitive nature of data that the device handles, various IoT architectures, communication protocols and components are chosen and their performance is evaluated. This paper reviews such IoT enabled devices based on their architecture, communication protocols and functions in few key socially relevant fields like health care, farming, firefighting, women/individual safety/call for help/harm alert, home surveillance and mapping as these fields involve majority of the general public. It can be seen, to one's amazement, that already significant number of devices are being reported on these fields and their performance is promising. This paper also outlines the challenges involved in each of these fields that require solutions to make these devices reliableComment: 1

    Aerial Drone-based System for Wildfire Monitoring and Suppression

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    Wildfire, also known as forest fire or bushfire, being an uncontrolled fire crossing an area of combustible vegetation, has become an inherent natural feature of the landscape in many regions of the world. From local to global scales, wildfire has caused substantial social, economic and environmental consequences. Given the hazardous nature of wildfire, developing automated and safe means to monitor and fight the wildfire is of special interest. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with appropriate sensors and fire retardants, are available to remotely monitor and fight the area undergoing wildfires, thus helping fire brigades in mitigating the influence of wildfires. This thesis is dedicated to utilizing UAVs to provide automated surveillance, tracking and fire suppression services on an active wildfire event. Considering the requirement of collecting the latest information of a region prone to wildfires, we presented a strategy to deploy the estimated minimum number of UAVs over the target space with nonuniform importance, such that they can persistently monitor the target space to provide a complete area coverage whilst keeping a desired frequency of visits to areas of interest within a predefined time period. Considering the existence of occlusions on partial segments of the sensed wildfire boundary, we processed both contour and flame surface features of wildfires with a proposed numerical algorithm to quickly estimate the occluded wildfire boundary. To provide real-time situational awareness of the propagated wildfire boundary, according to the prior knowledge of the whole wildfire boundary is available or not, we used the principle of vector field to design a model-based guidance law and a model-free guidance law. The former is derived from the radial basis function approximated wildfire boundary while the later is based on the distance between the UAV and the sensed wildfire boundary. Both vector field based guidance laws can drive the UAV to converge to and patrol along the dynamic wildfire boundary. To effectively mitigate the impacts of wildfires, we analyzed the advancement based activeness of the wildfire boundary with a signal prominence based algorithm, and designed a preferential firefighting strategy to guide the UAV to suppress fires along the highly active segments of the wildfire boundary