203 research outputs found

    The Apprentices\u27 Tower of Hanoi

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    The Apprentices\u27 Tower of Hanoi is introduced in this thesis. Several bounds are found in regards to optimal algorithms which solve the puzzle. Graph theoretic properties of the associated state graphs are explored. A brief summary of other Tower of Hanoi variants is also presented

    Combining task and motion planning for mobile manipulators

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 31/12/2019Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThis thesis addresses the combination of task and motion planning which deals with different types of robotic manipulation problems. Manipulation problems are referred to as mobile manipulation, collaborative multiple mobile robots tasks, and even higher dimensional tasks (like bi-manual robots or mobile manipulators). Task and motion planning problems needs to obtain a geometrically feasible manipulation plan through symbolic and geometric search space. The combination of task and motion planning levels has emerged as a challenging issue as the failure leads robots to dead-end tasks due to geometric constraints. In addition, task planning is combined with physics-based motion planning and information to cope with manipulation tasks in which interactions between robots and objects are required, or also a low-cost feasible plan in terms of power is looked for. Moreover, combining task and motion planning frameworks is enriched by introducing manipulation knowledge. It facilitates the planning process and aids to provide the way of executing symbolic actions. Combining task and motion planning can be considered under uncertain information and with human-interaction. Uncertainty can be viewed in the initial state of the robot world or the result of symbolic actions. To deal with such issues, contingent-based task and motion planning is proposed using a perception system and human knowledge. Also, robots can ask human for those tasks which are difficult or infeasible for the purpose of collaboration. An implementation framework to combine different types of task and motion planning is presented. All the required modules and tools are also illustrated. As some task planning algorithms are implemented in Prolog or C++ languages and our geometric reasoner is developed in C++, the flow of information between different languages is explained.Aquesta tesis es centra en les eines de planificació combinada a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments per abordar diferents problemes de manipulació robòtica. Els problemes considerats són de navegació de robots mòbil enmig de obstacles no fixes, tasques de manipulació cooperativa entre varis robots mòbils, i tasques de manipulació de dimensió més elevada com les portades a terme amb robots bi-braç o manipuladors mòbils. La planificació combinada de tasques i de moviments ha de cercar un pla de manipulació que sigui geomètricament realitzable, a través de d'un espai de cerca simbòlic i geomètric. La combinació dels nivells de planificació de tasca i de moviments ha sorgit com un repte ja que les fallades degudes a les restriccions geomètriques poden portar a tasques sense solució. Addicionalment, la planificació a nivell de tasca es combina amb informació de la física de l'entorn i amb mètodes de planificació basats en la física, per abordar tasques de manipulació en les que la interacció entre el robot i els objectes és necessària, o també si es busca un pla realitzable i amb un baix cost en termes de potència. A més, el marc proposat per al combinació de la planificació a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments es millora mitjançant l'ús de coneixement, que facilita el procés de planificació i ajuda a trobar la forma d'executar accions simbòliques. La combinació de nivells de planificació també es pot considerar en casos d'informació incompleta i en la interacció humà-robot. La incertesa es considera en l'estat inicial i en el resultat de les accions simbòliques. Per abordar aquest problema, es proposa la planificació basada en contingències usant un sistema de percepció i el coneixement de l'operari humà. Igualment, els robots poden demanar col·laboració a l'operari humà per a que realitzi aquelles accions que són difícils o no realitzables pel robot. Es presenta també un marc d'implementació per a la combinació de nivells de planificació usant diferents mètodes, incloent tots els mòduls i eines necessàries. Com que alguns algorismes estan implementats en Prolog i d'altres en C++, i el mòdul de raonament geomètric proposat està desenvolupat en C++, es detalla el flux d'informació entre diferents llenguatges.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    A Conflict-driven Interface between Symbolic Planning and Nonlinear Constraint Solving

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    Robotic planning in real-world scenarios typically requires joint optimization of logic and continuous variables. A core challenge to combine the strengths of logic planners and continuous solvers is the design of an efficient interface that informs the logical search about continuous infeasibilities. In this paper we present a novel iterative algorithm that connects logic planning with nonlinear optimization through a bidirectional interface, achieved by the detection of minimal subsets of nonlinear constraints that are infeasible. The algorithm continuously builds a database of graphs that represent (in)feasible subsets of continuous variables and constraints, and encodes this knowledge in the logical description. As a foundation for this algorithm, we introduce Planning with Nonlinear Transition Constraints (PNTC), a novel planning formulation that clarifies the exact assumptions our algorithm requires and can be applied to model Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) efficiently. Our experimental results show that our framework significantly outperforms alternative optimization-based approaches for TAMP

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOne of the fundamental building blocks of many computational sciences is the construction and use of a discretized, geometric representation of a problem domain, often referred to as a mesh. Such a discretization enables an otherwise complex domain to be represented simply, and computation to be performed over that domain with a finite number of basis elements. As mesh generation techniques have become more sophisticated over the years, focus has largely shifted to quality mesh generation techniques that guarantee or empirically generate numerically well-behaved elements. In this dissertation, the two complementary meshing subproblems of vertex placement and element creation are analyzed, both separately and together. First, a dynamic particle system achieves adaptivity over domains by inferring feature size through a new information passing algorithm. Second, a new tetrahedral algorithm is constructed that carefully combines lattice-based stenciling and mesh warping to produce guaranteed quality meshes on multimaterial volumetric domains. Finally, the ideas of lattice cleaving and dynamic particle systems are merged into a unified framework for producing guaranteed quality, unstructured and adaptive meshing of multimaterial volumetric domains

    Artificial general intelligence: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 6-9, 2009

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    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI – to create broad human-like and transhuman intelligence, by exploring all available paths, including theoretical and experimental computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative interdisciplinary methodologies. Due to the difficulty of this task, for the last few decades the majority of AI researchers have focused on what has been called narrow AI – the production of AI systems displaying intelligence regarding specific, highly constrained tasks. In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field. Increasingly, there is a call for a transition back to confronting the more difficult issues of human level intelligence and more broadly artificial general intelligence