282 research outputs found

    Optimal Design of a Cam Mechanism with Translating Flat-Face Follower using Genetic Algorithm

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    The optimum design of a cam mechanism is a time consuming task, due to the numerous alternatives considerations. In the present work, the problem of design parameters optimization of a cam mechanism with translating flat - face follower is investigated from a multi - objective point of view. The design parameters, just like the cam base circle radius, the follower face width and the follower offset can be determined considering as the optimization criteria minimization of the cam size, of the input torque and of the contact stress. During the optimization procedure, a number of constraints regarding the pressure angle, the contact stress, etcare taken into account. The optimization approach, based on genetic algorithm, is applied to find the optimal solutions with respect to the a fore - mentioned objective function and to Ensure the kinematic requirements. Finally, the dynamic behavior of the designed cam mechanism is investigated considering the frictional forces

    A constraint-based approach for assessing the capabilities of existing designs to handle product variation

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    All production machinery is designed with an inherent capability to handle slight variations in product. This is initially achieved by simply providing adjustments to allow, for example, changes that occur in pack sizes to be accommodated, through user settings or complete sets of change parts. By the appropriate use of these abilities most variations in product can be handled. However when extreme conditions of setups, major changes in product size and configuration, are considered there is no guarantee that the existing machines are able to cope. The problem is even more difficult to deal with when completely new product families are proposed to be made on an existing product line. Such changes in product range are becoming more common as producers respond to demands for ever increasing customization and product differentiation. An issue exists due to the lack of knowledge on the capabilities of the machines being employed. This often forces the producer to undertake a series of practical product trials. These however can only be undertaken once the product form has been decided and produced in sufficient numbers. There is then little opportunity to make changes that could greatly improve the potential output of the line and reduce waste. There is thus a need for a supportive modelling approach that allows the effect of variation in products to be analyzed together with an understanding of the manufacturing machine capability. Only through their analysis and interaction can the capabilities be fully understood and refined to make production possible. This thesis presents a constraint-based approach that offers a solution to the problems above. While employing this approach it has been shown that, a generic process can be formed to identify the limiting factors (constraints) of variant products to be processed. These identified constraints can be mapped to form the potential limits of performance for the machine. The limits of performance of a system (performance envelopes) can be employed to assess the design capability to cope with product variation. The approach is successfully demonstrated on three industrial case studies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A constraint-based approach for assessing the capabilities of existing designs to handle product variation

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    All production machinery is designed with an inherent capability to handle slight variations in product. This is initially achieved by simply providing adjustments to allow, for example, changes that occur in pack sizes to be accommodated, through user settings or complete sets of change parts. By the appropriate use of these abilities most variations in product can be handled. However when extreme conditions of setups, major changes in product size and configuration, are considered there is no guarantee that the existing machines are able to cope. The problem is even more difficult to deal with when completely new product families are proposed to be made on an existing product line. Such changes in product range are becoming more common as producers respond to demands for ever increasing customization and product differentiation. An issue exists due to the lack of knowledge on the capabilities of the machines being employed. This often forces the producer to undertake a series of practical product trials. These however can only be undertaken once the product form has been decided and produced in sufficient numbers. There is then little opportunity to make changes that could greatly improve the potential output of the line and reduce waste. There is thus a need for a supportive modelling approach that allows the effect of variation in products to be analyzed together with an understanding of the manufacturing machine capability. Only through their analysis and interaction can the capabilities be fully understood and refined to make production possible. This thesis presents a constraint-based approach that offers a solution to the problems above. While employing this approach it has been shown that, a generic process can be formed to identify the limiting factors (constraints) of variant products to be processed. These identified constraints can be mapped to form the potential limits of performance for the machine. The limits of performance of a system (performance envelopes) can be employed to assess the design capability to cope with product variation. The approach is successfully demonstrated on three industrial case studies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Aerial Vehicles

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    This book contains 35 chapters written by experts in developing techniques for making aerial vehicles more intelligent, more reliable, more flexible in use, and safer in operation.It will also serve as an inspiration for further improvement of the design and application of aeral vehicles. The advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other high-tech areas such as robotics, avionics, vetronics, and space

    Algorithms for multi-robot systems on the cooperative exploration & last-mile delivery problems

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    La aparición de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs) y de los vehículos terrestres no tripulados (UGVs) ha llevado a la comunidad científica a enfrentarse a problemas ideando paradigmas de cooperación con UGVs y UAVs. Sin embargo, no suele ser trivial determinar si la cooperación entre UGVs y UAVs es adecuada para un determinado problema. Por esta razón, en esta tesis, investigamos un paradigma particular de cooperación UGV-UAV en dos problemas de la literatura, y proponemos un controlador autónomo para probarlo en escenarios simulados. Primero, formulamos un problema particular de exploración cooperativa que consiste en alcanzar un conjunto de puntos de destino en un área de exploración a gran escala. Este problema define al UGV como una estación de carga móvil para transportar el UAV a través de diferentes lugares desde donde el UAV puede alcanzar los puntos de destino. Por consiguiente, proponemos el algoritmo TERRA para resolverlo. Este algoritmo se destaca por dividir el problema de exploración en cinco subproblemas, en los que cada subproblema se resuelve en una etapa particular del algoritmo. Debido a la explosión de la entrega de paquetes en las empresas de comercio electrónico, formulamos también una generalización del conocido problema de la entrega en la última milla. En este caso, el UGV actúa como una estación de carga móvil que transporta a los paquetes y a los UAVs, y estos se encargan de entregarlos. De esta manera, seguimos la estrategia de división descrita por TERRA, y proponemos el algoritmo COURIER. Este algoritmo replica las cuatro primeras etapas de TERRA, pero construye una nueva quinta etapa para producir un plan de tareas que resuelva el problema. Para evaluar el paradigma de cooperación UGV-UAV en escenarios simulados, proponemos el controlador autónomo ARIES. Este controlador sigue un enfoque jerárquico descentralizado de líder-seguidor para integrar cualquier paradigma de cooperación de manera distribuida. Ambos algoritmos han sido caracterizados para identificar los aspectos relevantes del paradigma de cooperación en los problemas relacionados. Además, ambos demuestran un gran rendimiento del paradigma de cooperación en tales problemas, y al igual que el controlador autónomo, revelan un gran potencial para futuras aplicaciones reales.The emergence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) has conducted the research community to face historical complex problems by devising UGV-UAV cooperation paradigms. However, it is usually not a trivial task to determine whether or not a UGV-UAV cooperation is suitable for a particular problem. For this reason, in this thesis, we investigate a particular UGV-UAV cooperation paradigm over two problems in the literature, and we propose an autonomous controller to test it on simulated scenarios. Driven by the planetary exploration, we formulate a particular cooperative exploration problem consisting of reaching a set of target points in a large-scale exploration area. This problem defines the UGV as a moving charging station to carry the UAV through different locations from where the UAV can reach the target points. Consequently, we propose the cooperaTive ExploRation Routing Algorithm (TERRA) to solve it. This algorithm stands out for splitting up the exploration problem into five sub-problems, in which each sub-problem is solved in a particular stage of the algorithm. In the same way, driven by the explosion of parcels delivery in e-commerce companies, we formulate a generalization of the well-known last-mile delivery problem. This generalization defines the same UGV’s and UAV’s rol as the exploration problem. That is, the UGV acts as a moving charging station which carries the parcels along several UAVs to deliver them. In this way, we follow the split strategy depicted by TERRA to propose the COoperative Unmanned deliveRIEs planning algoRithm (COURIER). This algorithm replicates the first four TERRA’s stages, but it builds a new fifth stage to produce a task plan solving the problem. In order to evaluate the UGV-UAV cooperation paradigm on simulated scenarios, we propose the Autonomous coopeRatIve Execution System (ARIES). This controller follows a hierarchical decentralized leader-follower approach to integrate any cooperation paradigm in a distributed manner. Both algorithms have been characterized to identify the relevant aspects of the cooperation paradigm in the related problems. Also, both of them demonstrate a great performance of the cooperation paradigm in such problems, and as well as the autonomous controller, reveal a great potential for future real applications

    Computational Tools and Experimental Methods for the Development of Passive Prosthetic Feet

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    Modern prosthetic foot designs are incredibly diverse in comparison to what was o↵ered to amputees at the turn of the millennium. Powered ankles can supply natural levels of joint torque, whilst passive feet continue to optimise for kinematic goals. However, most passive feet still do not solve the issue of unhealthy loads, and an argument can be made that optimisation methods have neglected the less active and elderly amputee. This thesis creates a framework for a novel approach to prosthetic foot optimisation by focusing on the transitionary motor tasks of gait initiation and termination.An advanced FEA model has been created in ANSYS® using boundary con-ditions derived from an ISO testing standard that replicates stance phase loading. This model can output standard results found in the literature and goes beyond by parameterising the roll-over shape within the software using custom APDL code. Extensive contact exploration and an experimental study have ensured the robustness of the model. Subject force and kinematic data can be used for specific boundary conditions, which would allow for easy adaptation to the transitionary motor tasks.This FEA model has been used in the development of prosthetic experiment tool, which can exchange helical springs to assess e↵ects of small changes in sti↵-ness on gait metrics. A rigorous design methodology was employed for all compo-nents, including parametric design studies, response surface optimisation, and ISO level calculations. The design has been manufactured into a working prototype and is ready for clinical trials to determine its efficacy.The conclusion of this framework is in the development of an experimental method to collect subject data for use in the models. A pilot study uncovered reliable protocols, which were then verified with ANOVA statistics. Proportional ratios were defined as additions to metric peak analyses already found in the liter-ature. These tools are ready for deployment in full clinical trials with amputees, so that a new prosthetic optimisation pathway can be discovered for the benefit of less active or elderly amputees

    Mathematical analysis of scheduling policies in peer-to-peer video streaming networks

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    Las redes de pares son comunidades virtuales autogestionadas, desarrolladas en la capa de aplicación sobre la infraestructura de Internet, donde los usuarios (denominados pares) comparten recursos (ancho de banda, memoria, procesamiento) para alcanzar un fin común. La distribución de video representa la aplicación más desafiante, dadas las limitaciones de ancho de banda. Existen básicamente tres servicios de video. El más simple es la descarga, donde un conjunto de servidores posee el contenido original, y los usuarios deben descargar completamente este contenido previo a su reproducción. Un segundo servicio se denomina video bajo demanda, donde los pares se unen a una red virtual siempre que inicien una solicitud de un contenido de video, e inician una descarga progresiva en línea. El último servicio es video en vivo, donde el contenido de video es generado, distribuido y visualizado simultáneamente. En esta tesis se estudian aspectos de diseño para la distribución de video en vivo y bajo demanda. Se presenta un análisis matemático de estabilidad y capacidad de arquitecturas de distribución bajo demanda híbridas, asistidas por pares. Los pares inician descargas concurrentes de múltiples contenidos, y se desconectan cuando lo desean. Se predice la evolución esperada del sistema asumiendo proceso Poisson de arribos y egresos exponenciales, mediante un modelo determinístico de fluidos. Un sub-modelo de descargas secuenciales (no simultáneas) es globalmente y estructuralmente estable, independientemente de los parámetros de la red. Mediante la Ley de Little se determina el tiempo medio de residencia de usuarios en un sistema bajo demanda secuencial estacionario. Se demuestra teóricamente que la filosofía híbrida de cooperación entre pares siempre desempeña mejor que la tecnología pura basada en cliente-servidor