189 research outputs found

    Advanced DSP Techniques for High-Capacity and Energy-Efficient Optical Fiber Communications

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    The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well

    Joint Probabilistic-Nyquist Pulse Shaping for an LDPC-Coded 8-PAM Signal in DWDM Data Center Communications

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    M-ary pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) meets the requirements of data center communication because of its simplicity, but coarse entropy granularity cannot meet the dynamic bandwidth demands, and there is a large capacity gap between uniform formats and the Shannon limit. The dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system is widely used to increase the channel capacity, but low spectral efficiency of the intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) solution restricts the throughput of the modern DWDM data center networks. Probabilistic shaping distribution is a good candidate to offer us a fine entropy granularity and efficiently reduce the gap to the Shannon limit, and Nyquist pulse shaping is widely used to increase the spectral efficiency. We aim toward the joint usage of probabilistic shaping and Nyquist pulse shaping with low-density parity-check (LDPC) coding to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of 8-PAM signal transmission. We optimized the code rate of the LDPC code and compared different Nyquist pulse shaping parameters using simulations and experiments. We achieved a 0.43 dB gain using Nyquist pulse shaping, and a 1.1 dB gain using probabilistic shaping, while the joint use of probabilistic shaping and Nyquist pulse shaping achieved a 1.27 dB gain, which offers an excellent improvement without upgrading the transceivers.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Impact of in-band crosstalk in an optical network based on multi-degree CDC ROADMs

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    he most common optical networks nodes are known as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). The architecture and components of these nodes have evolved over the time to become more flexible and dynamic. Particularly, the wavelength add/drop structures of these nodes have become more complex and with new features such as colorless, directionless and contentionless (CDC). One of the main limitations of the optical networks physical layer, the in-band crosstalk, is mainly due to the imperfect isolation of the components inside these nodes. This crosstalk is enhanced, when an optical signal traverses a cascade of ROADM nodes. In this work, the impact of in-band crosstalk, optical filtering and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise on the performance of an optical communication network based on a cascade of CDC ROADMs with coherent detection and the modulation format quadrature phase-shift keying with polarization-division multiplexing (PDM-QPSK) at 100-Gb/s is studied through Monte-Carlo simulation. Two architectures, broadcast and select (B&S) and route and select (R&S), and two possible implementations for the add/drop structures, the multicast switches (MCSs) and the wavelength selective switches (WSSs), were considered. The degradation of the optical communication network performance due to in-band crosstalk is assessed through the optical-signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) calculation. In particular, an OSNR penalty of 1 dB due to in-band crosstalk is observed when the signal passes through a cascade of 19 CDC ROADMs with 16-degree, based on a R&S architecture and with add/drop structures implemented with WSSsOs nós das redes de comunicação ótica mais comuns são os multiplexadores óticos de inserção/extração reconfiguráveis (ROADMs – acrónimo anglo-saxónico de reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers). A arquitetura e componentes destes nós têm evoluído ao longo do tempo no sentido de se tornarem mais flexíveis e dinâmicos. Em particular, as estruturas de adição/extração destes nós, tornaram-se mais complexas e detêm novas características que oferecem as funcionalidades CDC (acrónimo anglo- -saxónico de colorless, directionless e contentionless). Uma das principais limitações do nível físico das redes óticas, o crosstalk homódino, deve-se principalmente ao isolamento imperfeito dos componentes presentes dentro destes nós. Este tipo de crosstalk tem um impacto ainda mais significativo quando o sinal ótico atravessa uma cadeia de nós baseados em ROADMs. Nesta dissertação, o impacto do crosstalk homódino, filtragem ótica e ruído ASE (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de amplified spontaneous emission) no desempenho de uma rede de comunicação ótica baseada numa cadeia de CDC ROADMs com deteção coerente e usando o formato de modulação PDM-QPSK (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de polarization-division multiplexing quadrature phase-shift keying) a um ritmo binário de 100-Gb/s é investigado através de simulação Monte-Carlo. Consideraram-se duas arquiteturas, B&S e R&S (acrónimos anglo-saxónicos para broadcast and select e route and select), e duas possíveis implementações para a estruturas de inserção/extração, os MCSs e os WSSs (acrónimos anglo-saxónicos de multicast switches e wavelengh selective switches). A degradação do desempenho da rede ótica devido ao crosstalk homódino foi obtida através do cálculo da relação sinal-ruído ótica. Em particular, obteve-se uma penalidade de 1 dB para esta relação devido ao crosstalk homódino quando o sinal percorre uma cadeia de 19 CDC ROADMs com grau 16, uma arquitetura R&S e estruturas de inserção/extração baseadas em WSSs

    Outage probability due to crosstalk from multiple interfering cores in PAM4 inter-datacenter connections

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    In this work, we propose to use four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) and multicore fibers (MCFs) to support very high capacity datacenter interconnect (DCI) links. The limitations imposed by inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on the performance of 112 Gb/s up to 80 km-long optically amplified PAM4 inter-DCI links with intensity-modulation and direct-detection and full chromatic dispersion compensation in the optical domain are analyzed through numerical simulation for high and low skew-symbol rate product (SSRP). With only one interfering core, we show that those PAM4 inter-DCI links achieve an outage probability (OP) of 10−4 with a maximum ICXT level of −13.9 dB for high SSRP and require an ICXT level reduction of about 8.1 dB to achieve the same OP for low SSRP. Due to using full dispersion compensation, for an OP of 10−4, the maximum acceptable ICXT level shows only a 1.4 dB variation with the MCF length increase from 10 km to 80 km. When considering the ICXT induced by several interfering cores, the maximum ICXT level per interfering core for an OP of 10−4 decreases around 3 dB when doubling the number of interfering cores. This conclusion holds for high and low SSRP regimes. For two interfering cores, we show that a single interfering core with low SSRP is enough to induce a severe reduction of the maximum acceptable ICXT level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Directly Phase Modulated Transmitters and Coherent Recivers for Future Passive Optical Networks (PON)

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    En los últimos años, el tráfico de dato transmitido en las redes ópticas de acceso ha crecido exponencialmente debido a nuevos servicios como pueden ser la computación en la nube, el video online, la realidad virtual y aumentada, el internet de las cosas (IoT) y la convergencia entre las redes ópticas y redes inalámbricas en el paradigma del 5G. Estos nuevos servicios endurecen los requerimientos de las redes ópticas de acceso, como pueden ser unas tasas de datos más altas, un mayor alcance y un mayor número de usuarios. Para abordar estos requerimientos, esta tesis ha investigado, desarrollado y analizado nuevas tecnologías para transmisores y receptores orientadas a los dos tipos de redes ópticas de acceso que la comunidad científica ha identificado como posibles candidatas. Estos dos tipos de redes ópticas son las redes uDWDM y las redes TWDM como las redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones.Las redes uDWDM están basadas en la transmisión de tasas de datos relativamente bajas, por debajo de 2.5 Gbps, que son dedicadas en su totalidad a los usuarios finales. Estas tasas de datos relativamente bajas son multiplexadas en longitud de onda usando intervalos frecuenciales estrechos, del orden de 12.5 GHz o 6.25 GHz. En esta tesis, los transmisores modulados directamente en fase se han propuesto como posibles candidatos para estas redes uDWDM. En concreto, se han propuesto un DFB modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; un RSOA bombeado por un VCSEL y modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; y un VCSEL modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1.25 Gbps y 2.5 Gbps. Estas señales moduladas directamente en fase son recibidas con un receptor heterodino con un único fotodiodo (PD) para mantener el coste tan bajo como sea posible. La combinación de estos transmisores modulados directamente en fase con el receptor heterodino con un único PD ha sido probada como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes ópticas de acceso basadas en redes uDWDM. Estas combinaciones proveen sensibilidades que varían entre -39.5 dBm y -52 dBm, que se traducen en balances de potencia que van desde 38.5 dB a 51 dB y por lo tanto en ratios de división o número de usuarios de entre 128 y 1024 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de fibra monomodo estándar (SSMF).Además, los links de 1 Gbps formados por la modulación directa de DFBs o de RSOAs bombeados por VCSELs y el receptor heterodino con un único PD son usados como enlace de subida en canales bidireccionales. Estos enlaces de subida son combinados con enlaces de bajada basados en Nyquist-DPSK generada con un MZM y recibidos con un receptor heterodino de un único PD. Como parte de análisis de los canales bidireccionales, se ha analizado el estudio de la viabilidad del uso de LOs de bajo coste, como DFBs o VCSELs, en los receptores heterodinos con un único PD. Estos canales bidireccionales son también unos candidatos prometedores para las futuras redes uDWDM, ya que en esta tesis se ha probado que pueden proveer enlaces full-duplex de 1 Gbps usando intervalos frecuenciales tan pequeños como 6.25 GHz o 5 GHz. Estos canales bidireccionales tienen balances de potencia que van desde 37 dB a 42 dB y tienen posibles ratios de división de 128 o 256 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de SSMF.Esta tesis también ha investigado y desarrollado receptores quasicoherentes para redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones. Este tipo de redes están basadas en altas tasas de datos, como 10 Gbps para redes NG-PON2 y 25 Gbps para las futuras evoluciones de NG-PON2, en entornos multi longitud de onda donde los usuarios son multiplexados en tiempo y longitud de onda (TWDM). El receptor quasicoherente usa la amplificación coherente gracias a la recepción heterodina y por tanto la sensibilidad del receptor es mejorada en comparación con los esquemas de detección directa. El receptor quasicoherente es independiente a la polarización, lo cual es una característica importante para los receptores coherentes. Además, el receptor quasicoherente permite seleccionar el canal de trabajo sin la necesidad de filtros ópticos y es un receptor independiente de la longitud de onda debido a que el canal de trabajo se puede elegir ajustando la longitud de onda del LO. El receptor quasicoherente de 10 Gbps muestra una sensibilidad -35.2 dBm y por tanto permite un balance de potencias de 35.64 dB y un ratio de división de 128 después de una transmisión de 40 km a través de SSMF.La combinación del receptor quasicoherente con un ecualizador FFE/DFE permite combatir la dispersión cromática de la banda C y conseguir un link de 25 Gbps con un alcance de 20 km a través de SSMF. El receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE muestra una mejor sensibilidad de -30.5 dBm con el llamado ecualizador de altas prestaciones, lo que lleva a un balance de potencias de25 dB. Si se utilizada el llamado ecualizador de baja complejidad, la sensibilidad cae a -27 dBm y el balance de potencias cae a 23 dBm. En ambos casos, el receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE permite un ratio de división de 32 después de una transmisión de 20 km a través de SSMF.En conclusión, esta tesis ha presentado transmisores (DFB, RSOA y VCSEL) modulados directamente en fase combinados con un receptor heterodino con un único PD como potenciales candidatos para las redes uDWDM. Esta tesis también ha presentados los receptores quasicoherentes como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes NG-PON2 y sus futuras evoluciones.<br /

    Statistical assessment of open optical networks

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    In order to cope with the increase of the final user traffic, operators and vendors are pushing towards physical layer aware networking as a way to maximize the network capacity. To this aim, optical networks are becoming more and more open by exposing physical parameters enabling fast and reliable estimation of the lightpath quality of transmission. This comes in handy not only from the point of view of the planning and managing of the optical paths but also on a more general picture of the whole optical network performance. In this work, the Statistical Network Assessment Process (SNAP) is presented. SNAP is an algorithm allowing for estimating different network metrics such as blocking probability or link saturation, by generating traffic requests on a graph abstraction of the physical layer. Being aware of the physical layer parameters and transceiver technologies enables assessing their impact on high level network figures of merit. Together with a detailed description of the algorithm, we present a comprehensive review of several results on the networking impact of multirate transceivers, flex-grid spectral allocation as a means to finely exploit lightpath capacity and of different Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) solutions

    Unrepeatered 240-km 64-QAM transmission using distributed raman amplification over SMF fiber

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    We present a theoretical and experimental investigation of unrepeatered transmission over standard single-mode fiber (SMF-28) using several schemes of distributed Raman amplification, including first, second, and dual order. In order to further extend the transmission distance, we utilize advanced bidirectional higher-order ultra-long Raman fiber laser-based amplification, where we use fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to reflect Stokes-shifted light from the secondary pumps. Our work demonstrates the possibility of transmission up to 240-km span length with a total span loss of 52.7 dB. Here, we use a 28-Gbaud signal using a 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulation format. Our results highlight the contribution of nonlinear compensation using digital back propagation in a digital signal processor (DSP) code at the receiver

    Applications of Kalman Filters for Coherent Optical Communication Systems

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    In this chapter, we review various applications of Kalman filtering for coherent optical communication systems. First, we briefly discuss the principles of Kalman filter and its variations including extended Kalman filter (EKF) and adaptive Kalman filter (AKF). Later on, we illustrate the applicability of Kalman filters for joint tracking of several optical transmission impairments, simultaneously, by formulating the state space model (SSM) and detailing the principles. A detailed methodology is presented for the joint tracking of linear and nonlinear phase noise along with amplitude noise using EKF. Also, approaches to enhance the performance obtained by EKF by combining with other existing digital signal processing (DSP) techniques are presented. Frequency and phase offset estimation using a two stage linear Kalman filter (LKF)/EKF is also discussed. A cascaded structure of LKF and EKF by splitting the SSM to jointly mitigate the effects of polarization, phase and amplitude noise is also presented. The numerical analysis concludes that the Kalman filter based approaches outperform the conventional methods with better tracking capability and faster convergence besides offering more feasibility for real-time implementations

    Unrepeatered 240-km 64-QAM transmission using distributed raman amplification over SMF fiber

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    We present a theoretical and experimental investigation of unrepeatered transmission over standard single-mode fiber (SMF-28) using several schemes of distributed Raman amplification, including first, second, and dual order. In order to further extend the transmission distance, we utilize advanced bidirectional higher-order ultra-long Raman fiber laser-based amplification, where we use fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to reflect Stokes-shifted light from the secondary pumps. Our work demonstrates the possibility of transmission up to 240-km span length with a total span loss of 52.7 dB. Here, we use a 28-Gbaud signal using a 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulation format. Our results highlight the contribution of nonlinear compensation using digital back propagation in a digital signal processor (DSP) code at the receiver

    High-Capacity Short-Range Optical Communication Links

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