4 research outputs found

    HSMA_WOA: A hybrid novel Slime mould algorithm with whale optimization algorithm for tackling the image segmentation problem of chest X-ray images

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    Recently, a novel virus called COVID-19 has pervasive worldwide, starting from China and moving to all the world to eliminate a lot of persons. Many attempts have been experimented to identify the infection with COVID-19. The X-ray images were one of the attempts to detect the influence of COVID-19 on the infected persons from involving those experiments. According to the X-ray analysis, bilateral pulmonary parenchymal ground-glass and consolidative pulmonary opacities can be caused by COVID-19 — sometimes with a rounded morphology and a peripheral lung distribution. But unfortunately, the specification or if the person infected with COVID-19 or not is so hard under the X-ray images. X-ray images could be classified using the machine learning techniques to specify if the person infected severely, mild, or not infected. To improve the classification accuracy of the machine learning, the region of interest within the image that contains the features of COVID-19 must be extracted. This problem is called the image segmentation problem (ISP). Many techniques have been proposed to overcome ISP. The most commonly used technique due to its simplicity, speed, and accuracy are threshold-based segmentation. This paper proposes a new hybrid approach based on the thresholding technique to overcome ISP for COVID-19 chest X-ray images by integrating a novel meta-heuristic algorithm known as a slime mold algorithm (SMA) with the whale optimization algorithm to maximize the Kapur's entropy. The performance of integrated SMA has been evaluated on 12 chest X-ray images with threshold levels up to 30 and compared with five algorithms: Lshade algorithm, whale optimization algorithm (WOA), FireFly algorithm (FFA), Harris-hawks algorithm (HHA), salp swarm algorithms (SSA), and the standard SMA. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms SMA under Kapur's entropy for all the metrics used and the standard SMA could perform better than the other algorithms in the comparison under all the metrics

    A novel equilibrium optimization algorithm for multi-thresholding image segmentation problems

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    Image segmentation is considered a crucial step required for image analysis and research. Many techniques have been proposed to resolve the existing problems and improve the quality of research, such as region-based, threshold-based, edge-based, and feature-based clustering in the literature. The researchers have moved toward using the threshold technique due to the ease of use for image segmentation. To find the optimal threshold value for a grayscale image, we improved and used a novel meta-heuristic equilibrium algorithm to resolve this scientific problem. Additionally, our improved algorithm has the ability to enhance the accuracy of the segmented image for research analysis with a significant threshold level. The performance of our algorithm is compared with seven other algorithms like whale optimization algorithm, bat algorithm, sine–cosine algorithm, salp swarm algorithm, Harris hawks algorithm, crow search algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Based on a set of well-known test images taken from Berkeley Segmentation Dataset, the performance evaluation of our algorithm and well-known algorithms described above has been conducted and compared. According to the independent results and analysis of each algorithm, our algorithm can outperform all other algorithms in fitness values, peak signal-to-noise ratio metric, structured similarity index metric, maximum absolute error, and signal-to-noise ratio. However, our algorithm cannot outperform some algorithms in standard deviation values and central processing unit time with the large threshold levels observed

    Modern Methods of Image Segmentation with Using of Artificial Intelligence

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou zpracování medicínských snímků s aplikováním prvků umělé inteligence na obrazová data. Umělá inteligence je v dnešní době velmi účinným a nezbytným nástrojem nejen při optimalizaci segmentace obrazu. Genetické algoritmy (GA) se také osvědčily při řešení různých optimalizačních problémů v mnoha oblastech lidské činnosti. Segmentace obrazu slouží k extrahování objektů zájmu, pro diferenciaci jednotlivých tkání v obraze a následně k jejich klasifikaci. Největším problémem, se kterým se tento proces potýká, je chybné rozčlenění jednotlivých částí snímku, jenž by mohlo vést k nesprávné diagnostice a případným komplikacím při plánování či realizaci operačních zákroků. Studie se zaměřuje zejména na využití a porovnání optimalizačních evolučních a genetických algoritmů z hlediska regionální segmentace biomedicínských snímků, které dokáží řešit nedostatky konvenčních metod. Jedná se konkrétně o algoritmy ABC, PSO, DPSO a GA. Tato práce obsahuje mimo jiné také komparaci jednotlivých metod a testovací simulační prostředí pro vyhodnocení jednotlivých přístupů segmentace obrazu, ve které se jejich funkčnost porovnává a ověřuje na reálných medicínských datech.This thesis deals with the issue of medical images processing along with the application of artificial intelligence elements on image data. Today, artificial intelligence is a very effective and necessary tool not only in terms of optimizing image segmentation. Genetic algorithms (GA) have also proven themselves successful in solving various optimization problems in many areas of human activity. Image segmentation is used to extract objects of interest, to differentiate individual tissues in an image and their subsequent classification. The main problem this process is facing is incorrect distribution of individual parts of the image, which could lead to misdiagnosis and potential complications in the planning or realization of surgeries. The author mainly focuses on the usage and comparison of optimization evolutionary and genetic algorithms in terms of regional segmentation of biomedical images that can solve the shortcomings of conventional methods. In particular these include ABC, PSO, DPSO and GA algorithms. The thesis among others also includes the comparison of individual methods and testing simulation environment for evaluation of individual approaches of image segmentation, where their functionality is compared and verified on real medical images.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Value-Based Decision Making and Learning as Algorithms Computed by the Nervous System

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    How do we do what we do? Casting light on this essential question, the blossoming perspective of computational cognitive neuroscience gives rise to the present exposition of the nervous system and its phenomena of value-based decision making and learning. As justified herein by not only theory but also simulation against empirical data, human decision making and learning are framed mathematically in the explicit terms of two fundamental classes of algorithms--namely, sequential sampling and reinforcement learning. These counterparts are complementary in their coverage of the dynamics of unified neural, mental, and behavioral processes at different temporal scales. Novel variants of models based on such algorithms are introduced here to account for findings from experiments including measurements of both behavior and the brain in human participants. In principle, formal dynamical models of decision making hold the potential to represent fundamental computations underpinning value-based (i.e., preferential) decisions in addition to perceptual decisions. Sequential-sampling models such as the race model and the drift-diffusion model that are grounded in simplicity, analytical tractability, and optimality remain popular, but some of their more recent counterparts have instead been designed with an aim for more feasibility as architectures to be implemented by actual neural systems. In Chapter 2, connectionist models are proposed at an intermediate level of analysis that bridges mental phenomena and underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. Several such models drawing elements from the established race, drift-diffusion, feedforward-inhibition, divisive-normalization, and competing-accumulator models were tested with respect to fitting empirical data from human participants making choices between foods on the basis of hedonic value rather than a traditional perceptual attribute. Even when considering performance at emulating behavior alone, more neurally plausible models were set apart from more normative race or drift-diffusion models both quantitatively and qualitatively despite remaining parsimonious. To best capture the paradigm, a novel six-parameter computational model was formulated with features including hierarchical levels of competition via mutual inhibition as well as a static approximation of attentional modulation, which promotes "winner-take-all" processing. Moreover, a meta-analysis encompassing several related experiments validated the robustness of model-predicted trends in humans' value-based choices and concomitant reaction times. These findings have yet further implications for analysis of neurophysiological data in accordance with computational modeling, which is also discussed in this new light. Decision making in any brain is imperfect and costly in terms of time and energy. Operating under such constraints, an organism could be in a position to improve performance if an opportunity arose to exploit informative patterns in the environment being searched. Such an improvement of performance could entail both faster and more accurate (i.e., reward-maximizing) decisions. Chapter 3 investigated the extent to which human participants could learn to take advantage of immediate patterns in the spatial arrangement of serially presented foods such that a region of space would consistently be associated with greater subjective value. Eye movements leading up to choices demonstrated rapidly induced biases in the selective allocation of visual fixation and attention that were accompanied by both faster and more accurate choices of desired goods as implicit learning occurred. However, for the control condition with its spatially balanced reward environment, these subjects exhibited preexisting lateralized biases for eye and hand movements (i.e., leftward and rightward, respectively) that could act in opposition not only to each other but also to the orienting biases elicited by the experimental manipulation, producing an asymmetry between the left and right hemifields with respect to performance. Potentially owing at least in part to learned cultural conventions (e.g., reading from left to right), the findings herein particularly revealed an intrinsic leftward bias underlying initial saccades in the midst of more immediate feedback-directed processes for which spatial biases can be learned flexibly to optimize oculomotor and manual control in value-based decision making. The present study thus replicates general findings of learned attentional biases in a novel context with inherently rewarding stimuli and goes on to further elucidate the interactions between endogenous and exogenous biases. Prediction-error signals consistent with formal models of "reinforcement learning" (RL) have repeatedly been found within dopaminergic nuclei of the midbrain and dopaminoceptive areas of the striatum. However, the precise form of the RL algorithms implemented in the human brain is not yet well determined. For Chapter 4, we created a novel paradigm optimized to dissociate the subtypes of reward-prediction errors that function as the key computational signatures of two distinct classes of RL models--namely, "actor/critic" models and action-value-learning models (e.g., the Q-learning model). The state-value-prediction error (SVPE), which is independent of actions, is a hallmark of the actor/critic architecture, whereas the action-value-prediction error (AVPE) is the distinguishing feature of action-value-learning algorithms. To test for the presence of these prediction-error signals in the brain, we scanned human participants with a high-resolution functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) protocol optimized to enable measurement of neural activity in the dopaminergic midbrain as well as the striatal areas to which it projects. In keeping with the actor/critic model, the SVPE signal was detected in the substantia nigra. The SVPE was also clearly present in both the ventral striatum and the dorsal striatum. However, alongside these purely state-value-based computations we also found evidence for AVPE signals throughout the striatum. These high-resolution fMRI findings suggest that model-free aspects of reward learning in humans can be explained algorithmically with RL in terms of an actor/critic mechanism operating in parallel with a system for more direct action-value learning.</p