481 research outputs found

    Open-addressing hashing with unequal-probability keys

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    This paper describes the use of a drone in collecting data for mapping discontinuities within a marble quarry. A topographic survey was carried out in order to guarantee high spatial accuracy in the exterior orientation of images. Photos were taken close to the slopes and at different angles, depending on the orientation of the quarry walls. This approach was used to overcome the problem of shadow areas and to obtain detailed information on any feature desired. Dense three-dimensional (3D) point clouds obtained through image processing were used to rebuild the quarry geometry. Discontinuities were then mapped deterministically in detail. Joint attitude interpretation was not always possible due to the regular shape of the cut walls; for every discontinuity set we therefore also mapped the uncertainty. This, together with additional fracture characteristics, was used to build 3D discrete fracture network models. Preliminary results reveal the advantage of modern photogrammetric systems in producing detailed orthophotos; the latter allow accurate mapping in areas difficult to access (one of the main limitations of traditional techniques). The results highlight the benefits of integrating photogrammetric data with those collected through classical methods: the resulting knowledge of the site is crucially important in instability analyses involving numerical modelling.Part of the present study was undertaken within the framework of the Italian National Research Project PRIN2009, funded by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, which involves the collaboration between the University of Siena, ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome, and USL1 of Massa and Carrara (Mining Engineering Operative Unit – Department of Prevention). The authors acknowledge M. Pellegri and D. Gullì (USL1, Mining Engineering Operative Unit – Department of Prevention), M. Ferrari, M. Profeti and V. Carnicelli (Cooperativa Cavatori Lorano), X. Chaoshui and P.A. Dowd (School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Adelaide, South Australia) and M. Bocci (Geographike) for their support of this research

    Signature file access methodologies for text retrieval: a literature review with additional test cases

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    Signature files are extremely compressed versions of text files which can be used as access or index files to facilitate searching documents for text strings. These access files, or signatures, are generated by storing hashed codes for individual words. Given the possible generation of similar codes in the hashing or storing process, the primary concern in researching signature files is to determine the accuracy of retrieving information. Inaccuracy is always represented by the false signaling of the presence of a text string. Two suggested ways to alter false drop rates are: 1) to determine if either of the two methologies for storing hashed codes, by superimposing them or by concatenating them, is more efficient; and 2) to determine if a particular hashing algorithm has any impact. To assess these issues, the history of suprimposed coding is traced from its development as a tool for compressing information onto punched cards in the 1950s to its incorporation into proposed signature file methodologies in the mid-1980\u27 s. Likewise, the concept of compressing individual words by various algorithms, or by hashing them is traced through the research literature. Following this literature review, benchmark trials are performed using both superimposed and concatenated methodologies while varying hashing algorithms. It is determined that while one combination of hashing algorithm and storage methodology is better, all signature file mehods can be considered viable

    Distribuição de conteúdos over-the-top multimédia em redes sem fios

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    mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesHoje em dia a Internet é considerada um bem essencial devido ao facto de haver uma constante necessidade de comunicar, mas também de aceder e partilhar conteúdos. Com a crescente utilização da Internet, aliada ao aumento da largura de banda fornecida pelos operadores de telecomunicações, criaram-se assim excelentes condições para o aumento dos serviços multimédia Over-The-Top (OTT), demonstrado pelo o sucesso apresentado pelos os serviços Netflix e Youtube. O serviço OTT engloba a entrega de vídeo e áudio através da Internet sem um controlo direto dos operadores de telecomunicações, apresentando uma proposta atractiva de baixo custo e lucrativa. Embora a entrega OTT seja cativante, esta padece de algumas limitações. Para que a proposta se mantenha em crescimento e com elevados padrões de Qualidade-de-Experiência (QoE) para os consumidores, é necessário investir na arquitetura da rede de distribuição de conteúdos, para que esta seja capaz de se adaptar aos diversos tipos de conteúdo e obter um modelo otimizado com um uso cauteloso dos recursos, tendo como objectivo fornecer serviços OTT com uma boa qualidade para o utilizador, de uma forma eficiente e escalável indo de encontro aos requisitos impostos pelas redes móveis atuais e futuras. Esta dissertação foca-se na distribuição de conteúdos em redes sem fios, através de um modelo de cache distribuída entre os diferentes pontos de acesso, aumentando assim o tamanho da cache e diminuindo o tráfego necessário para os servidores ou caches da camada de agregação acima. Assim, permite-se uma maior escalabilidade e aumento da largura de banda disponível para os servidores de camada de agregação acima. Testou-se o modelo de cache distribuída em três cenários: o consumidor está em casa em que se considera que tem um acesso fixo, o consumidor tem um comportamento móvel entre vários pontos de acesso na rua, e o consumidor está dentro de um comboio em alta velocidade. Testaram-se várias soluções como Redis2, Cachelot e Memcached para servir de cache, bem como se avaliaram vários proxies para ir de encontro ás características necessárias. Mais ainda, na distribuição de conteúdos testaram-se dois algoritmos, nomeadamente o Consistent e o Rendezvouz Hashing. Ainda nesta dissertação utilizou-se uma proposta já existente baseada na previsão de conteúdos (prefetching ), que consiste em colocar o conteúdo nas caches antes de este ser requerido pelos consumidores. No final, verificou-se que o modelo distribuído com a integração com prefecthing melhorou a qualidade de experiência dos consumidores, bem como reduziu a carga nos servidores de camada de agregação acima.Nowadays, the Internet is considered an essential good, due to the fact that there is a need to communicate, but also to access and share information. With the increasing use of the Internet, allied with the increased bandwidth provided by telecommunication operators, it has created conditions for the increase of Over-the-Top (OTT) Multimedia Services, demonstrated by the huge success of Net ix and Youtube. The OTT service encompasses the delivery of video and audio through the Internet without direct control of telecommunication operators, presenting an attractive low-cost and pro table proposal. Although the OTT delivery is captivating, it has some limitations. In order to increase the number of clients and keep the high Quality of Experience (QoE) standards, an enhanced architecture for content distribution network is needed. Thus, the enhanced architecture needs to provide a good quality for the user, in an e cient and scalable way, supporting the requirements imposed by future mobile networks. This dissertation aims to approach the content distribution in wireless networks, through a distributed cache model among the several access points, thus increasing the cache size and decreasing the load on the upstream servers. The proposed architecture was tested in three di erent scenarios: the consumer is at home and it is considered that it has a xed access, the consumer is mobile between several access points in the street, the consumer is in a high speed train. Several solutions were evaluated, such as Redis2, Cachelot and Memcached to serve as caches, along with the evaluation of several proxies server in order to ful ll the required features. Also, it was tested two distributed algorithms, namely the Consistent and Rendezvous Hashing. Moreover, in this dissertation it was integrated a prefetching mechanism, which consists of inserting the content in caches before being requested by the consumers. At the end, it was veri ed that the distributed model with prefetching improved the consumers QoE as well as it reduced the load on the upstream servers

    An algorithm for processing stem analysis data and sampling intensities for immature jack pine growth

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    This study examined two topics. In the first, a computer algorithm was developed to process stem analysis data produced by Tree Ring Increment Measure (TRIM) system. The algorithm developed not only processed TRIM data for cumulative increment of volume, height, and dbh by one-year intervals for individual trees, but also calculated annual volume increment per unit area (vol./ha) by one-year intervals for stands. A hashing technique with a linked list data structure was used in the algorithm. The advantages of the algorithm are to process stem analysis and manage outputs efficiently and to provide a user with quick access to any processed stem analysis tree records. In the second, sampling intensities on both plot and tree levels were investigated. Two forms of two-stage sampling strategies were employed. The study indicated that subsampling using Probabilities Proportional to Size (PPS) could produce reliable estimates for an annual growth. The study suggested that over 91 percent of precision of mean growth estimate can be obtained with the sample plot intensities of 66 percent at the first stage and with the sample tree intensities of 2.1 percent at the second stage at the 95 percent confidence level. The study also showed that subsampling with PPS was superior to that with simple random subsampling

    Random hypergraphs for hashing-based data structures

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    This thesis concerns dictionaries and related data structures that rely on providing several random possibilities for storing each key. Imagine information on a set S of m = |S| keys should be stored in n memory locations, indexed by [n] = {1,…,n}. Each object x [ELEMENT OF] S is assigned a small set e(x) [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] [n] of locations by a random hash function, independent of other objects. Information on x must then be stored in the locations from e(x) only. It is possible that too many objects compete for the same locations, in particular if the load c = m/n is high. Successfully storing all information may then be impossible. For most distributions of e(x), however, success or failure can be predicted very reliably, since the success probability is close to 1 for loads c less than a certain load threshold c^* and close to 0 for loads greater than this load threshold. We mainly consider two types of data structures: • A cuckoo hash table is a dictionary data structure where each key x [ELEMENT OF] S is stored together with an associated value f(x) in one of the memory locations with an index from e(x). The distribution of e(x) is controlled by the hashing scheme. We analyse three known hashing schemes, and determine their exact load thresholds. The schemes are unaligned blocks, double hashing and a scheme for dynamically growing key sets. • A retrieval data structure also stores a value f(x) for each x [ELEMENT OF] S. This time, the values stored in the memory locations from e(x) must satisfy a linear equation that characterises the value f(x). The resulting data structure is extremely compact, but unusual. It cannot answer questions of the form “is y [ELEMENT OF] S?”. Given a key y it returns a value z. If y [ELEMENT OF] S, then z = f(y) is guaranteed, otherwise z may be an arbitrary value. We consider two new hashing schemes, where the elements of e(x) are contained in one or two contiguous blocks. This yields good access times on a word RAM and high cache efficiency. An important question is whether these types of data structures can be constructed in linear time. The success probability of a natural linear time greedy algorithm exhibits, once again, threshold behaviour with respect to the load c. We identify a hashing scheme that leads to a particularly high threshold value in this regard. In the mathematical model, the memory locations [n] correspond to vertices, and the sets e(x) for x [ELEMENT OF] S correspond to hyperedges. Three properties of the resulting hypergraphs turn out to be important: peelability, solvability and orientability. Therefore, large parts of this thesis examine how hyperedge distribution and load affects the probabilities with which these properties hold and derive corresponding thresholds. Translated back into the world of data structures, we achieve low access times, high memory efficiency and low construction times. We complement and support the theoretical results by experiments.Diese Arbeit behandelt Wörterbücher und verwandte Datenstrukturen, die darauf aufbauen, mehrere zufällige Möglichkeiten zur Speicherung jedes Schlüssels vorzusehen. Man stelle sich vor, Information über eine Menge S von m = |S| Schlüsseln soll in n Speicherplätzen abgelegt werden, die durch [n] = {1,…,n} indiziert sind. Jeder Schlüssel x [ELEMENT OF] S bekommt eine kleine Menge e(x) [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] [n] von Speicherplätzen durch eine zufällige Hashfunktion unabhängig von anderen Schlüsseln zugewiesen. Die Information über x darf nun ausschließlich in den Plätzen aus e(x) untergebracht werden. Es kann hierbei passieren, dass zu viele Schlüssel um dieselben Speicherplätze konkurrieren, insbesondere bei hoher Auslastung c = m/n. Eine erfolgreiche Speicherung der Gesamtinformation ist dann eventuell unmöglich. Für die meisten Verteilungen von e(x) lässt sich Erfolg oder Misserfolg allerdings sehr zuverlässig vorhersagen, da für Auslastung c unterhalb eines gewissen Auslastungsschwellwertes c* die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit nahezu 1 ist und für c jenseits dieses Auslastungsschwellwertes nahezu 0 ist. Hauptsächlich werden wir zwei Arten von Datenstrukturen betrachten: • Eine Kuckucks-Hashtabelle ist eine Wörterbuchdatenstruktur, bei der jeder Schlüssel x [ELEMENT OF] S zusammen mit einem assoziierten Wert f(x) in einem der Speicherplätze mit Index aus e(x) gespeichert wird. Die Verteilung von e(x) wird hierbei vom Hashing-Schema festgelegt. Wir analysieren drei bekannte Hashing-Schemata und bestimmen erstmals deren exakte Auslastungsschwellwerte im obigen Sinne. Die Schemata sind unausgerichtete Blöcke, Doppel-Hashing sowie ein Schema für dynamisch wachsenden Schlüsselmengen. • Auch eine Retrieval-Datenstruktur speichert einen Wert f(x) für alle x [ELEMENT OF] S. Diesmal sollen die Werte in den Speicherplätzen aus e(x) eine lineare Gleichung erfüllen, die den Wert f(x) charakterisiert. Die entstehende Datenstruktur ist extrem platzsparend, aber ungewöhnlich: Sie ist ungeeignet um Fragen der Form „ist y [ELEMENT OF] S?“ zu beantworten. Bei Anfrage eines Schlüssels y wird ein Ergebnis z zurückgegeben. Falls y [ELEMENT OF] S ist, so ist z = f(y) garantiert, andernfalls darf z ein beliebiger Wert sein. Wir betrachten zwei neue Hashing-Schemata, bei denen die Elemente von e(x) in einem oder in zwei zusammenhängenden Blöcken liegen. So werden gute Zugriffszeiten auf Word-RAMs und eine hohe Cache-Effizienz erzielt. Eine wichtige Frage ist, ob Datenstrukturen obiger Art in Linearzeit konstruiert werden können. Die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit eines naheliegenden Greedy-Algorithmus weist abermals ein Schwellwertverhalten in Bezug auf die Auslastung c auf. Wir identifizieren ein Hashing-Schema, das diesbezüglich einen besonders hohen Schwellwert mit sich bringt. In der mathematischen Modellierung werden die Speicherpositionen [n] als Knoten und die Mengen e(x) für x [ELEMENT OF] S als Hyperkanten aufgefasst. Drei Eigenschaften der entstehenden Hypergraphen stellen sich dann als zentral heraus: Schälbarkeit, Lösbarkeit und Orientierbarkeit. Weite Teile dieser Arbeit beschäftigen sich daher mit den Wahrscheinlichkeiten für das Vorliegen dieser Eigenschaften abhängig von Hashing Schema und Auslastung, sowie mit entsprechenden Schwellwerten. Eine Rückübersetzung der Ergebnisse liefert dann Datenstrukturen mit geringen Anfragezeiten, hoher Speichereffizienz und geringen Konstruktionszeiten. Die theoretischen Überlegungen werden dabei durch experimentelle Ergebnisse ergänzt und gestützt

    Hashing Garbled Circuits for Free

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    We introduce {\em Free Hash}, a new approach to generating Garbled Circuit (GC) hash at no extra cost during GC generation. This is in contrast with state-of-the-art approaches, which hash GCs at computational cost of up to 6×6\times of GC generation. GC hashing is at the core of the cut-and-choose technique of GC-based secure function evaluation (SFE). Our main idea is to intertwine hash generation/verification with GC generation and evaluation. While we {\em allow} an adversary to generate a GC \widehat{\GC} whose hash collides with an honestly generated \GC, such a \widehat{\GC} w.h.p. will fail evaluation and cheating will be discovered. Our GC hash is simply a (slightly modified) XOR of all the gate table rows of GC. It is compatible with Free XOR and half-gates garbling, and can be made to work with many cut-and-choose SFE protocols. With today\u27s network speeds being not far behind hardware-assisted fixed-key garbling throughput, eliminating the GC hashing cost will significantly improve SFE performance. Our estimates show substantial cost reduction in typical settings, and up to factor 66 in specialized applications relying on GC hashes. We implemented GC hashing algorithm and report on its performance

    Communication-Efficient Probabilistic Algorithms: Selection, Sampling, and Checking

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    Diese Dissertation behandelt drei grundlegende Klassen von Problemen in Big-Data-Systemen, für die wir kommunikationseffiziente probabilistische Algorithmen entwickeln. Im ersten Teil betrachten wir verschiedene Selektionsprobleme, im zweiten Teil das Ziehen gewichteter Stichproben (Weighted Sampling) und im dritten Teil die probabilistische Korrektheitsprüfung von Basisoperationen in Big-Data-Frameworks (Checking). Diese Arbeit ist durch einen wachsenden Bedarf an Kommunikationseffizienz motiviert, der daher rührt, dass der auf das Netzwerk und seine Nutzung zurückzuführende Anteil sowohl der Anschaffungskosten als auch des Energieverbrauchs von Supercomputern und der Laufzeit verteilter Anwendungen immer weiter wächst. Überraschend wenige kommunikationseffiziente Algorithmen sind für grundlegende Big-Data-Probleme bekannt. In dieser Arbeit schließen wir einige dieser Lücken. Zunächst betrachten wir verschiedene Selektionsprobleme, beginnend mit der verteilten Version des klassischen Selektionsproblems, d. h. dem Auffinden des Elements von Rang kk in einer großen verteilten Eingabe. Wir zeigen, wie dieses Problem kommunikationseffizient gelöst werden kann, ohne anzunehmen, dass die Elemente der Eingabe zufällig verteilt seien. Hierzu ersetzen wir die Methode zur Pivotwahl in einem schon lange bekannten Algorithmus und zeigen, dass dies hinreichend ist. Anschließend zeigen wir, dass die Selektion aus lokal sortierten Folgen – multisequence selection – wesentlich schneller lösbar ist, wenn der genaue Rang des Ausgabeelements in einem gewissen Bereich variieren darf. Dies benutzen wir anschließend, um eine verteilte Prioritätswarteschlange mit Bulk-Operationen zu konstruieren. Später werden wir diese verwenden, um gewichtete Stichproben aus Datenströmen zu ziehen (Reservoir Sampling). Schließlich betrachten wir das Problem, die global häufigsten Objekte sowie die, deren zugehörige Werte die größten Summen ergeben, mit einem stichprobenbasierten Ansatz zu identifizieren. Im Kapitel über gewichtete Stichproben werden zunächst neue Konstruktionsalgorithmen für eine klassische Datenstruktur für dieses Problem, sogenannte Alias-Tabellen, vorgestellt. Zu Beginn stellen wir den ersten Linearzeit-Konstruktionsalgorithmus für diese Datenstruktur vor, der mit konstant viel Zusatzspeicher auskommt. Anschließend parallelisieren wir diesen Algorithmus für Shared Memory und erhalten so den ersten parallelen Konstruktionsalgorithmus für Aliastabellen. Hiernach zeigen wir, wie das Problem für verteilte Systeme mit einem zweistufigen Algorithmus angegangen werden kann. Anschließend stellen wir einen ausgabesensitiven Algorithmus für gewichtete Stichproben mit Zurücklegen vor. Ausgabesensitiv bedeutet, dass die Laufzeit des Algorithmus sich auf die Anzahl der eindeutigen Elemente in der Ausgabe bezieht und nicht auf die Größe der Stichprobe. Dieser Algorithmus kann sowohl sequentiell als auch auf Shared-Memory-Maschinen und verteilten Systemen eingesetzt werden und ist der erste derartige Algorithmus in allen drei Kategorien. Wir passen ihn anschließend an das Ziehen gewichteter Stichproben ohne Zurücklegen an, indem wir ihn mit einem Schätzer für die Anzahl der eindeutigen Elemente in einer Stichprobe mit Zurücklegen kombinieren. Poisson-Sampling, eine Verallgemeinerung des Bernoulli-Sampling auf gewichtete Elemente, kann auf ganzzahlige Sortierung zurückgeführt werden, und wir zeigen, wie ein bestehender Ansatz parallelisiert werden kann. Für das Sampling aus Datenströmen passen wir einen sequentiellen Algorithmus an und zeigen, wie er in einem Mini-Batch-Modell unter Verwendung unserer im Selektionskapitel eingeführten Bulk-Prioritätswarteschlange parallelisiert werden kann. Das Kapitel endet mit einer ausführlichen Evaluierung unserer Aliastabellen-Konstruktionsalgorithmen, unseres ausgabesensitiven Algorithmus für gewichtete Stichproben mit Zurücklegen und unseres Algorithmus für gewichtetes Reservoir-Sampling. Um die Korrektheit verteilter Algorithmen probabilistisch zu verifizieren, schlagen wir Checker für grundlegende Operationen von Big-Data-Frameworks vor. Wir zeigen, dass die Überprüfung zahlreicher Operationen auf zwei „Kern“-Checker reduziert werden kann, nämlich die Prüfung von Aggregationen und ob eine Folge eine Permutation einer anderen Folge ist. Während mehrere Ansätze für letzteres Problem seit geraumer Zeit bekannt sind und sich auch einfach parallelisieren lassen, ist unser Summenaggregations-Checker eine neuartige Anwendung der gleichen Datenstruktur, die auch zählenden Bloom-Filtern und dem Count-Min-Sketch zugrunde liegt. Wir haben beide Checker in Thrill, einem Big-Data-Framework, implementiert. Experimente mit absichtlich herbeigeführten Fehlern bestätigen die von unserer theoretischen Analyse vorhergesagte Erkennungsgenauigkeit. Dies gilt selbst dann, wenn wir häufig verwendete schnelle Hash-Funktionen mit in der Theorie suboptimalen Eigenschaften verwenden. Skalierungsexperimente auf einem Supercomputer zeigen, dass unsere Checker nur sehr geringen Laufzeit-Overhead haben, welcher im Bereich von 2%2\,\% liegt und dabei die Korrektheit des Ergebnisses nahezu garantiert wird

    Scalable and Adaptive Load Balancing on IBM PowerNP

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    Web and other Internet-based server farms are a critical company resource. A solution to the increased complexity of server farms and to the need to improve the server performance in terms of scalability, fault tolerance and management is to implement a load balancing technique. It consists of a front-end machine which intelligently redirects the traffic to several Real Servers. We discuss the feasibility of implementing adaptive load balancing with minimal flow disruption on the IBM PowerNP Network Processor. We focus our attention on the steady-state part of the algorithm and propose a PowerNP-tailored mapping algorithm derived from Robust Hash Mapping. We propose and show a fast algorithm solution (despite the simple arithmetical logic of the PowerNP), as well as a scalable approach (aiming at minimizing the packet processing time) and, finally, we present some initial performance results

    Private Computation On Set Intersection With Sublinear Communication

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    In this paper, we propose a new protocol for private computation on set intersection (PCI) which is an extension of private set intersection (PSI). In PSI, each party has a private set and both want to securely compute the intersection of their sets such that only the result is revealed and nothing else. In PCI, we want to additionally apply a private computation on the result. The goal is to reveal only the result of such a secure evaluation on the intersection and nothing else. We particularly focus on a client-server setting where the server\u27s set is significantly larger than the client\u27s set and the result of the computation should be revealed only to the client. The protocol aims at a low communication overhead which is sublinear in the server\u27s set size. Such PSI protocols have already been realized using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). However, they do not allow for private post-processing to enable PCI. There are also protocols enabling PCI which are in addition very fast with respect to the computational overhead. Their drawback is that they have a communication overhead which is at least linear in the larger set. We present a PSI protocol which can be used for arbitrary post-processing without creating a new protocol for every special-purpose PCI functionality. Our construction relies on the evaluation of a branching program using an FHE scheme. Using the properties of an FHE scheme, we build a non-interactive protocol with extendable functionalities. That means, we can not only securely compute the intersection but use the encrypted result to apply further computations without revealing the intersection itself. To the best of our knowledge, this results in the first PCI protocol with communication cost sublinear in the larger set. Compared to previous work, we can reduce the communication by factor 47

    Securing Multi-Layer Communications: A Signal Processing Approach

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    Security is becoming a major concern in this information era. The development in wireless communications, networking technology, personal computing devices, and software engineering has led to numerous emerging applications whose security requirements are beyond the framework of conventional cryptography. The primary motivation of this dissertation research is to develop new approaches to the security problems in secure communication systems, without unduly increasing the complexity and cost of the entire system. Signal processing techniques have been widely applied in communication systems. In this dissertation, we investigate the potential, the mechanism, and the performance of incorporating signal processing techniques into various layers along the chain of secure information processing. For example, for application-layer data confidentiality, we have proposed atomic encryption operations for multimedia data that can preserve standard compliance and are friendly to communications and delegate processing. For multimedia authentication, we have discovered the potential key disclosure problem for popular image hashing schemes, and proposed mitigation solutions. In physical-layer wireless communications, we have discovered the threat of signal garbling attack from compromised relay nodes in the emerging cooperative communication paradigm, and proposed a countermeasure to trace and pinpoint the adversarial relay. For the design and deployment of secure sensor communications, we have proposed two sensor location adjustment algorithms for mobility-assisted sensor deployment that can jointly optimize sensing coverage and secure communication connectivity. Furthermore, for general scenarios of group key management, we have proposed a time-efficient key management scheme that can improve the scalability of contributory key management from O(log n) to O(log(log n)) using scheduling and optimization techniques. This dissertation demonstrates that signal processing techniques, along with optimization, scheduling, and beneficial techniques from other related fields of study, can be successfully integrated into security solutions in practical communication systems. The fusion of different technical disciplines can take place at every layer of a secure communication system to strengthen communication security and improve performance-security tradeoff