336 research outputs found

    In Search of the DomoNovus: Speculative Designs for the Computationally-Enhanced Domestic Environment

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    Edited version embargoed until 01.02.2018 Full version: Access restricted permanently due to 3rd party copyright restrictions. Restriction set on 01.02.2017 by SC, Graduate schoolThe home is a physical place that provides isolation, comfort, access to essential needs on a daily basis, and it has a strong impact on a person’s life. Computational and media technologies (digital and electronic objects, devices, protocols, virtual spaces, telematics, interaction, social media, and cyberspace) become an important and vital part of the home ecology, although they have the ability to transform the domestic experience and the understanding of what a personal space is. For this reason, this work investigates the domestication of computational media technology; how objects, systems, and devices become part of the personal and intimate space of the inhabitants. To better understand the taming process, the home is studied and analysed from a range of perspectives (philosophy, sociology, architecture, art, and technology), and a methodological process is proposed for critically exploring the topic with the development of artworks, designs, and computational systems. The methodology of this research, which consists of five points (Context, Media Layers, Invisible Matter, Diffusion, and Symbiosis), suggests a procedure that is fundamental to the development and critical integration of the computationally enhanced home. Accordingly, the home is observed as an ecological system that contains numerous properties (organic, inorganic, hybrid, virtual, augmented), and is viewed on a range of scales (micro, meso and macro). To identify the “choreographies” that are formed between these properties and scales, case studies have been developed to suggest, provoke, and speculate concepts, ideas, and alternative realities of the home. Part of the speculation proposes the concept of DomoNovus (the “New Home”), where technological ubiquity supports the inhabitants’ awareness, perception, and imagination. DomoNovus intends to challenge our understanding of the domestic environment, and demonstrates a range of possibilities, threats, and limitations in relation to the future of home. This thesis, thus, presents methods, experiments, and speculations that intend to inform and inspire, as well as define creative and imaginative dimensions of the computationally-enhanced home, suggesting directions for the further understanding of the domestic life.Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundatio

    Approach to identify product and process state drivers in manufacturing systems using supervised machine learning

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    The developed concept allows identifying relevant state drivers of complex, multi-stage manufacturing systems holistically. It is able to utilize complex, diverse and high-dimensional data sets which often occur in manufacturing applications and integrate the important process intra- and inter-relations. The evaluation was conducted by using three different scenarios from distinctive manufacturing domains (aviation, chemical and semiconductor). The evaluation confirmed that it is possible to incorporate implicit process intra- and inter-relations on process as well as programme level through applying SVM based feature ranking. The analysis outcome presents a direct benefit for practitioners in form of the most important process parameters and state characteristics, so-called state drivers, of a manufacturing system. Given the increasing availability of data and information, this selection support can be directly utilized in, e.g., quality monitoring and advanced process control

    Real-time simulator of collaborative and autonomous vehicles

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    Durant ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, l’apparition des systĂšmes d’aide Ă  la conduite a essentiellement Ă©tĂ© favorisĂ©e par le dĂ©veloppement des diffĂ©rentes technologies ainsi que par celui des outils mathĂ©matiques associĂ©s. Cela a profondĂ©ment affectĂ© les systĂšmes de transport et a donnĂ© naissance au domaine des systĂšmes de transport intelligents (STI). Nous assistons de nos jours au dĂ©veloppement du marchĂ© des vĂ©hicules intelligents dotĂ©s de systĂšmes d’aide Ă  la conduite et de moyens de communication inter-vĂ©hiculaire. Les vĂ©hicules et les infrastructures intelligents changeront le mode de conduite sur les routes. Ils pourront rĂ©soudre une grande partie des problĂšmes engendrĂ©s par le trafic routier comme les accidents, les embouteillages, la pollution, etc. Cependant, le bon fonctionnement et la fiabilitĂ© des nouvelles gĂ©nĂ©rations des systĂšmes de transport nĂ©cessitent une parfaite maitrise des diffĂ©rents processus de leur conception, en particulier en ce qui concerne les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s. Il est clair que l’identification et la correction des dĂ©fauts des systĂšmes embarquĂ©s sont deux tĂąches primordiales Ă  la fois pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine, Ă  la fois pour la prĂ©servation de l’intĂ©gritĂ© des vĂ©hicules et des infrastructures urbaines. Pour ce faire, la simulation numĂ©rique en temps rĂ©el est la dĂ©marche la plus adĂ©quate pour tester et valider les systĂšmes de conduite et les vĂ©hicules intelligents. Elle prĂ©sente de nombreux avantages qui la rendent incontournable pour la conception des systĂšmes embarquĂ©s. Par consĂ©quent, dans ce projet, nous prĂ©sentons une nouvelle plateforme de simulation temps-rĂ©el des vĂ©hicules intelligents et autonomes en conduite collaborative. Le projet se base sur deux principaux composants. Le premier Ă©tant les produits d’OPAL-RT Technologies notamment le logiciel RT-LAB « en : Real Time LABoratory », l’application Orchestra et les machines de simulation dĂ©diĂ©es Ă  la simulation en temps rĂ©el et aux calculs parallĂšles, le second composant est Pro-SiVIC pour la simulation de la dynamique des vĂ©hicules, du comportement des capteurs embarquĂ©s et de l’infrastructure. Cette nouvelle plateforme (Pro-SiVIC/RT-LAB) permettra notamment de tester les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s (capteurs, actionneurs, algorithmes), ainsi que les moyens de communication inter-vĂ©hiculaire. Elle permettra aussi d’identifier et de corriger les problĂšmes et les erreurs logicielles, et enfin de valider les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s avant mĂȘme le prototypage

    Dziecko z rodziny niepeƂnej w ƛrodowisku przedszkolnym – zarys teoretyczny i wskazówki praktyczne

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    Nowadays, the subject of a family is often mentioned and researched. It’s needs, transformations, crisis, roles and functioning are widely discussed. It is indeed a very complex issue. The article present the theoretical background and mention diverse sources concerning issues such as: single families, preschool environment, child development, single parenting – definitionsand models, pre-school environment, child development, challenges and support for a child from single parent family in a kindergarten. The great role of teacher-educator and other specialists, but also working with institutions in the process of supporting the family. In the text the organization of comprehensive assistance for the child was also highlighted. In conclusion, the author referred to the results of her mini-resources and pointed to the need to support the child in the area of emotional and social functioning, which in case of children from single parent family is particularly vulnerable and shaky.3633752

    A contextual ontology to provide location-aware services and interfaces in smart environments

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    Context-aware computing is about gathering user information and their environment such as user location and\ud preferences, service status, and nearby devices. Such context information is used to adjust enviroment settings to suit user\ud needs and preferences. As environments can change rapidly, applications must be aware of it and adapt their behaviour in\ud real time. We describe an application that introduces intelligent agents in smart homes to provide location-aware services\ud and interfaces. This application must keep an eye on some context information to carry out user preferences. Our\ud approach is based on a contextual ontology that is a key component to enable context sharing and representation

    Towards the Development of a Biogas Database System in Kenya – A Multi-objective Study on Biogas Usage and Potency of Various Agricultural Residues in Kenya

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    Kenya being an agricultural based economy produces vast amounts of agricultural bio-waste such as maize/corn stalks, rice and wheat straws, tea and coffee waste, sugarcane, banana and barley residues, sisal and cotton wastes as well as other forest residues. Most of these residues are regarded as of no immediate value hence they are wasted in the farms through burning or uncontrolled decay thus leading to nutrient leakage and eutrophication to the surrounding water bodies as well as contributing to odour and green-house gas emission through release of volatile and un-burnt hydrocarbons.  The main objective of the present research was to identify and develop biogas data variables in Kenya through a structured use of anaerobic digestion as a means of producing biogas from agricultural bio-waste including animal manure and crop residues. The short-term target of the research project was a phased development of well defined/structured data variables suitable for a multilayered database system on biogas energy in Kenya, which could later form a basis for the development of a real time biogas information dissemination platform that can be replicated in other regions across Africa. Literature review was done by means of desk study while field surveys were conducted to gather qualitative as well as quantitative data for analysis and uploading onto a Geographic Information System (GIS) based data mapping. Direct interviews were based on a schedule that employed a combination of direct site visits, emails and phone calls. Laboratory-based physical/bio-chemical characterization of biogas feedstock was also conducted. Discussions with diverse biogas stake holders elicited 100% support from respondents in addition to yielding an array of recommendations. The bio‐methane results further demonstrated the suitability of coffee pulp residue, cotton residue and maize stover as complementary biogas feedstock. The biogas quality in terms of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and methane (CH4) content was quite promising. The biogas H2S content (ppmv) for all the substrates ranged from as low as 105 (for maize stover) to 1100 (sugarcane leaves) whereas the CH4 content varied from 40% (sugar cane leaves) to 62% (cotton residue). Generally CH4 content is required to be above 50% whereas the presence of contaminants such as H2S is supposed to be less than 1000ppmv. From the results, biogas from coffee pulp residue, sugarcane bagasse, maize stover, cotton residue and banana stalks can be recommended as suitable alternatives for domestic biogas production. Keywords: Biogas database, residue potency, energy, Kenya

    Sinatra Living: Team Las Vegas Proposal (Full Packet)

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    This packet is the final proposal for the Team Las Vegas project, containing a number of project overview documents

    Cooperative home light: assessment of a security function for the automotive field

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    Crime and feeling of security are omnipresent and can be influenced by lighting conditions. However, lighting improvements are generally concentrated on street lighting. Meanwhile, a vast variety of new technologies, including innovative lighting systems and connected mobility, are entering into the automotive field. Hence, opportunities are not limited only to provide traffic improvements, entertainment features or driver assistance functions but also measures to tackle (vehicle-related) crime and to increase feeling of security. In this paper, we suggest a security function, namely the cooperative home light (CHL), which makes use of new technologies and has the potential to tackle crime as well as to increase drivers’ feeling of security. We also provide an overview of an implementation. However, because of the underlying challenges, the main focus of this paper is to assess the CHL. Therefore, we introduce our three-steps approach consisting of a transfer of related work, a customer survey and results from our proprietary simulation environment in order to assess the CHL


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    Despite the intensive globalization and an attractive idea of human cosmopolitism the world is still divided into rival nations and religions, with confronting ethics and many war conflicts across the globe producing and perpetuating huge mental health problems. Radicalism, malignant nationalism, pathological religiosity and violent extremism and terrorism are important issues from the public and global mental health perspective. Public and global mental health research can inform preventive strategies and interventions against malignant nationalism, pathological religiosity and violent extremism. Healthy spirituality, sound religiosity and normal nationalism may contribute significantly to public and global mental health and promotion of empathic civilization. The aim of this paper is to address, stress and support mutual understanding and creative cooperation between religions and nations in promotion of public and global mental health, research, patient care and education

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems WILGA 2018

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    WILGA annual symposium on advanced photonic and electronic systems has been organized by young scientist for young scientists since two decades. It traditionally gathers around 400 young researchers and their tutors. Ph.D students and graduates present their recent achievements during well attended oral sessions. Wilga is a very good digest of Ph.D. works carried out at technical universities in electronics and photonics, as well as information sciences throughout Poland and some neighboring countries. Publishing patronage over Wilga keep Elektronika technical journal by SEP, IJET and Proceedings of SPIE. The latter world editorial series publishes annually more than 200 papers from Wilga. Wilga 2018 was the XLII edition of this meeting. The following topical tracks were distinguished: photonics, electronics, information technologies and system research. The article is a digest of some chosen works presented during Wilga 2018 symposium. WILGA 2017 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10445. WILGA 2018 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10808
