60,718 research outputs found

    Semantic model-driven development of web service architectures.

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    Building service-based architectures has become a major area of interest since the advent of Web services. Modelling these architectures is a central activity. Model-driven development is a recent approach to developing software systems based on the idea of making models the central artefacts for design representation, analysis, and code generation. We propose an ontology-based engineering methodology for semantic model-driven composition and transformation of Web service architectures. Ontology technology as a logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning framework can provide answers to the needs of sharable and reusable semantic models and descriptions needed for service engineering. Based on modelling, composition and code generation techniques for service architectures, our approach provides a methodological framework for ontology-based semantic service architecture

    A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantics

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    This paper presents a novel ontology-driven software engineering approach for the development of industrial robotics control software. It introduces the ReApp architecture that synthesizes model-driven engineering with semantic technologies to facilitate the development and reuse of ROS-based components and applications. In ReApp, we show how different ontological classification systems for hardware, software, and capabilities help developers in discovering suitable software components for their tasks and in applying them correctly. The proposed model-driven tooling enables developers to work at higher abstraction levels and fosters automatic code generation. It is underpinned by ontologies to minimize discontinuities in the development workflow, with an integrated development environment presenting a seamless interface to the user. First results show the viability and synergy of the selected approach when searching for or developing software with reuse in mind.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2015 (arXiv:1601.00877), Stefan Zander, Georg Heppner, Georg Neugschwandtner, Ramez Awad, Marc Essinger and Nadia Ahmed: A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantic

    Фабрика онтолого-керованих інформаційно-пошукових систем

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    У роботі запропоновано використання методології компонентно-орієнтованої програмної інженерії при розробці онтолого-керованих інформаційно-пошукових систем. У якості інструментального засобу наведено реалізацію фабрики програмного забезпечення, яка орієнтована на дослідження та розробку онтолого-керованих інформаційно-пошукових систем.This paper proposes application of component-based software engineering methodologies to ontology-driven information retrieval systems development. Implementation of software factory of ontology-driven information retrieval systems is described

    The consistent representation of scientific knowledge : investigations into the ontology of karyotypes and mitochondria

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    PhD ThesisOntologies are widely used in life sciences to model scienti c knowledge. The engineering of these ontologies is well-studied and there are a variety of methodologies and techniques, some of which have been re-purposed from software engineering methodologies and techniques. However, due to the complex nature of bio-ontologies, they are not resistant to errors and mistakes. This is especially true for more expressive and/or larger ontologies. In order to improve on this issue, we explore a variety of software engineering techniques that were re-purposed in order to aid ontology engineering. This exploration is driven by the construction of two light-weight ontologies, The Mitochondrial Disease Ontology and The Karyotype Ontology. These ontologies have speci c and useful computational goals, as well as providing exemplars for our methodology. This thesis discusses the modelling decisions undertaken as well as the overall success of each ontological model. Due to the added knowledge capture steps required for the mitochondrial knowledge, The Karyotype Ontology is further developed than The Mitochondrial Disease Ontology. Speci cally, this thesis explores the use of a pattern-driven and programmatic approach to bio-medical ontology engineering. During the engineering of our biomedical ontologies, we found many of the components of each model were similar in logical and textual de nitions. This was especially true for The Karyotype Ontology. In software engineering a common technique to avoid replication is to abstract through the use of patterns. Therefore we utilised localised patterns to model these highly repetitive models. There are a variety of possible tools for the encoding of these patterns, but we found ontology development using Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools to be time-consuming due to the necessity of manual GUI interaction when the ontology needed updating. With the development of Tawny- OWL, a programmatic tool for ontology construction, we are able to overcome this issue, with the added bene t of using a single syntax to express both simple and - i - patternised parts of the ontology. Lastly, we brie y discuss how other methodologies and tools from software engineering, namely unit tests, di ng, version control and Continuous Integration (CI) were re-purposed and how they aided the engineering of our two domain ontologies. Together, this knowledge increases our understanding in ontology engineering techniques. By re-purposing software engineering methodologies, we have aided construction, quality and maintainability of two novel ontologies, and have demonstrated their applicability more generally

    An ontology framework for developing platform-independent knowledge-based engineering systems in the aerospace industry

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    This paper presents the development of a novel knowledge-based engineering (KBE) framework for implementing platform-independent knowledge-enabled product design systems within the aerospace industry. The aim of the KBE framework is to strengthen the structure, reuse and portability of knowledge consumed within KBE systems in view of supporting the cost-effective and long-term preservation of knowledge within such systems. The proposed KBE framework uses an ontology-based approach for semantic knowledge management and adopts a model-driven architecture style from the software engineering discipline. Its phases are mainly (1) Capture knowledge required for KBE system; (2) Ontology model construct of KBE system; (3) Platform-independent model (PIM) technology selection and implementation and (4) Integration of PIM KBE knowledge with computer-aided design system. A rigorous methodology is employed which is comprised of five qualitative phases namely, requirement analysis for the KBE framework, identifying software and ontological engineering elements, integration of both elements, proof of concept prototype demonstrator and finally experts validation. A case study investigating four primitive three-dimensional geometry shapes is used to quantify the applicability of the KBE framework in the aerospace industry. Additionally, experts within the aerospace and software engineering sector validated the strengths/benefits and limitations of the KBE framework. The major benefits of the developed approach are in the reduction of man-hours required for developing KBE systems within the aerospace industry and the maintainability and abstraction of the knowledge required for developing KBE systems. This approach strengthens knowledge reuse and eliminates platform-specific approaches to developing KBE systems ensuring the preservation of KBE knowledge for the long term

    Ontology-Driven Information Integration

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    Ontology-driven information integration (ODII) is a method of computerized, automated sharing of information among specialists who have expertise in different domains and who are members of subdivisions of a large, complex enterprise (e.g., an engineering project, a government agency, or a business). In ODII, one uses rigorous mathematical techniques to develop computational models of engineering and/or business information and processes. These models are then used to develop software tools that support the reliable processing and exchange of information among the subdivisions of this enterprise or between this enterprise and other enterprises

    An overview: Towards ontology-driven software development

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    The Semantic Web and Software Engineering are two separate communities.Recent efforts in the context of Semantic Web vision have lead to a number of standards such as OWL and Web Services technologies.However, in the context of Software Engineering, most of software developers have little guidance on how to build a real-world Semantic Web application. In addition, most software developers are not aware of ontology concepts, which it is a backbone for the Semantic Web technologies. Therefore, recent research should be focused on creating a bridge between these two communities.This paper provides an overview on some backgrounds about ontology-driven software development particularly to review on recent efforts towards the development of real -world semantic web application. We outline a link between two separate communities by describing OMG’s efforts to bring MDA standard for ontology-driven software development. From the review, we agree that to give software developers a standard guidance on how to build real-world Semantic Web applications, the answer is OMG’s initiatives that lead to a standard in MDA- based where it can exploit current existing tools such as UML-based tool for developing ontology.Finally, we also try to point out some possible future works about the efforts

    A Novel Ontology and Machine Learning Driven Hybrid Clinical Decision Support Framework for Cardiovascular Preventative Care

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    Clinical risk assessment of chronic illnesses is a challenging and complex task which requires the utilisation of standardised clinical practice guidelines and documentation procedures in order to ensure consistent and efficient patient care. Conventional cardiovascular decision support systems have significant limitations, which include the inflexibility to deal with complex clinical processes, hard-wired rigid architectures based on branching logic and the inability to deal with legacy patient data without significant software engineering work. In light of these challenges, we are proposing a novel ontology and machine learning-driven hybrid clinical decision support framework for cardiovascular preventative care. An ontology-inspired approach provides a foundation for information collection, knowledge acquisition and decision support capabilities and aims to develop context sensitive decision support solutions based on ontology engineering principles. The proposed framework incorporates an ontology-driven clinical risk assessment and recommendation system (ODCRARS) and a Machine Learning Driven Prognostic System (MLDPS), integrated as a complete system to provide a cardiovascular preventative care solution. The proposed clinical decision support framework has been developed under the close supervision of clinical domain experts from both UK and US hospitals and is capable of handling multiple cardiovascular diseases. The proposed framework comprises of two novel key components: (1) ODCRARS (2) MLDPS. The ODCRARS is developed under the close supervision of consultant cardiologists Professor Calum MacRae from Harvard Medical School and Professor Stephen Leslie from Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, UK. The ODCRARS comprises of various components, which include: (a) Ontology-driven intelligent context-aware information collection for conducting patient interviews which are driven through a novel clinical questionnaire ontology. (b) A patient semantic profile, is generated using patient medical records which are collated during patient interviews (conducted through an ontology-driven context aware adaptive information collection component). The semantic transformation of patients’ medical data is carried out through a novel patient semantic profile ontology in order to give patient data an intrinsic meaning and alleviate interoperability issues with third party healthcare systems. (c) Ontology driven clinical decision support comprises of a recommendation ontology and a NICE/Expert driven clinical rules engine. The recommendation ontology is developed using clinical rules provided by the consultant cardiologist from the US hospital. The recommendation ontology utilises the patient semantic profile for lab tests and medication recommendation. A clinical rules engine is developed to implement a cardiac risk assessment mechanism for various cardiovascular conditions. The clinical rules engine is also utilised to control the patient flow within the integrated cardiovascular preventative care solution. The machine learning-driven prognostic system is developed in an iterative manner using state of the art feature selection and machine learning techniques. A prognostic model development process is exploited for the development of MLDPS based on clinical case studies in the cardiovascular domain. An additional clinical case study in the breast cancer domain is also carried out for the development and validation purposes. The prognostic model development process is general enough to handle a variety of healthcare datasets which will enable researchers to develop cost effective and evidence based clinical decision support systems. The proposed clinical decision support framework also provides a learning mechanism based on machine learning techniques. Learning mechanism is provided through exchange of patient data amongst the MLDPS and the ODCRARS. The machine learning-driven prognostic system is validated using Raigmore Hospital's RACPC, heart disease and breast cancer clinical case studies

    Use of UML 2.1 to model multi-agent systems based on a goal-driven software engineering ontology

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    In this paper, we present the use of UML 2.1 to model multi-agent systems based on a goal-driven software engineering ontology. The lack of an efficient standardized modeling language is evident. The uses of UML and stereotypes UML to model multi-agent systems have been proposed. However, there are still a number of issues with the existing approaches due to inconsistent semantics of the existing UML diagrams and unintuitive and complext notations. UML 2.1 allows representing more complex scenarios and introducing greater details into the modeling process enabling effective capture and representation of multi-agent actions and interactions. UML 2.1 has not only enabled the introduction of a notation for the Ontology based multi-agent systems, but also effective capture and representation of the dynamic processes associated with these Ontology based multi-agent systems

    An ontology of agile aspect oriented software development

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    Both agile methods and aspect oriented programming (AOP) have emerged in recent years as new paradigms in software development. Both promise to free the process of building software systems from some of the constraints of more traditional approaches. As a software engineering approach on the one hand, and a software development tool on the other, there is the potential for them to be used in conjunction. However, thus far, there has been little interplay between the two. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that there may be untapped synergies that may be exploited, if the appropriate approach is taken to integrating AOP with agile methods. This paper takes an ontological approach to supporting this integration, proposing ontology enabled development based on an analysis of existing ontologies of aspect oriented programming, a proposed ontology of agile methods, and a derived ontology of agile aspect oriented development