889 research outputs found


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    Prior knowledge of the social aspects of prospective destinations can be very influential in making travel destination decisions, especially in instances where social concerns do exist about specific destinations. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an ontology-enabled Hybrid Destination Recommender System (HDRS) that leverages an ontological description of five specific social attributes of major Nigerian cities, and hybrid architecture of content-based and case-based filtering techniques to generate personalised top-n destination recommendations. An empirical usability test was conducted on the system, which revealed that the dependability of recommendations from Destination Recommender Systems (DRS) could be improved if the semantic representation of social attributes information of destinations is made a factor in the destination recommendation process

    Discovering the Impact of Knowledge in Recommender Systems: A Comparative Study

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    Recommender systems engage user profiles and appropriate filtering techniques to assist users in finding more relevant information over the large volume of information. User profiles play an important role in the success of recommendation process since they model and represent the actual user needs. However, a comprehensive literature review of recommender systems has demonstrated no concrete study on the role and impact of knowledge in user profiling and filtering approache. In this paper, we review the most prominent recommender systems in the literature and examine the impression of knowledge extracted from different sources. We then come up with this finding that semantic information from the user context has substantial impact on the performance of knowledge based recommender systems. Finally, some new clues for improvement the knowledge-based profiles have been proposed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 tables; International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 201

    Improving the Dependability of Destination Recommendations using Information on Social Aspects

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    Prior knowledge of the social aspects of prospective destinations can be very influential in making travel destination decisions, especially in instances where social concerns do exist about specific destinations. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an ontology-enabled Hybrid Destination Recommender System (HDRS) that leverages an ontological description of five specific social attributes of major Nigerian cities, and hybrid architecture of content-based and case-based filtering techniques to generate personalised top-n destination recommendations. An empirical usability test was conducted on the system, which revealed that the dependability of recommendations from Destination Recommender Systems (DRS) could be improved if the semantic representation of social attributes information of destinations is made a factor in the destination recommendation process.Content-based filtering; Recommender Systems; Ontology; Social Attributes, Destination recommendation

    Collaborative recommendations with content-based filters for cultural activities via a scalable event distribution platform

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    Nowadays, most people have limited leisure time and the offer of (cultural) activities to spend this time is enormous. Consequently, picking the most appropriate events becomes increasingly difficult for end-users. This complexity of choice reinforces the necessity of filtering systems that assist users in finding and selecting relevant events. Whereas traditional filtering tools enable e.g. the use of keyword-based or filtered searches, innovative recommender systems draw on user ratings, preferences, and metadata describing the events. Existing collaborative recommendation techniques, developed for suggesting web-shop products or audio-visual content, have difficulties with sparse rating data and can not cope at all with event-specific restrictions like availability, time, and location. Moreover, aggregating, enriching, and distributing these events are additional requisites for an optimal communication channel. In this paper, we propose a highly-scalable event recommendation platform which considers event-specific characteristics. Personal suggestions are generated by an advanced collaborative filtering algorithm, which is more robust on sparse data by extending user profiles with presumable future consumptions. The events, which are described using an RDF/OWL representation of the EventsML-G2 standard, are categorized and enriched via smart indexing and open linked data sets. This metadata model enables additional content-based filters, which consider event-specific characteristics, on the recommendation list. The integration of these different functionalities is realized by a scalable and extendable bus architecture. Finally, focus group conversations were organized with external experts, cultural mediators, and potential end-users to evaluate the event distribution platform and investigate the possible added value of recommendations for cultural participation

    Enhancing the ELECTRE decision support method with semantic data

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    Prendre una decisió quan les opcions es defineixen mitjançant un conjunt divers de criteris no és fàcil. Aqueta tesi es centra en ampliar la metodologia ELECTRE, que és el mètode del tipus "outranking" més utilitzat. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en problemes de decisió que involucren informació no numèrica, tal com els criteris semàntics multivaluats, que poden prendre com a valors els conceptes d'una ontologia de domini determinada. Primer proposo una nova manera de manipular els criteris semàntics per evitar l'agregació de les puntuacions numèriques abans del procediment de classificació. Aquest mètode, anomenat ELECTRE-SEM, segueix els mateixos principis que el clàssic ELECTRE però, en aquest cas, els índexs de concordança i discordança es defineixen en termes de la comparació per parelles de les puntuacions que indiquen l'interès de l'usuari sobre diferents conceptes de l'ontologia. En segon lloc, proposo crear un perfil d'usuari semàntic mitjançant el emmagatzemant de puntuacions de preferències a l'ontologia. Es vincula una puntuació d'interès numèrica als conceptes més específics, això permet distingir millor les preferències de l'usuari, i també s'incorpora un procediment d'agregació per inferir les preferències de l'usuari considerant les relacions taxonòmiques entre conceptes. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat en dos casos d’estudi: l'avaluació de plantes de generació d'energia i la recomanació d'activitats turístiques a Tarragona.Tomar una decisión cuando las opciones se definen sobre un conjunto diverso de criterios no es fácil. Esta tesis se centra en ampliar la metodología ELECTRE, que es el método del tipo "outranking" más utilizado. En esta tesis nos centramos en problemas de decisión que involucren información no numérica, tal como los criterios semánticos multi-valuados, que pueden tomar como valores los conceptos de una ontología de dominio determinada. Primero propongo una nueva forma de manejar los criterios semánticos para evitar la agregación de puntuaciones numéricas antes del procedimiento de clasificación. Este método, llamado ELECTRE-SEM, sigue los mismos principios que el clásico ELECTRE, pero en este caso los índices de concordancia y discordancia se definen en términos de la comparación por pares de unas puntuaciones que indican el interés del usuario sobre distintos conceptos de la ontología. En segundo lugar, propongo crear un perfil de usuario semántico mediante el almacenamiento de puntuaciones de preferencias en la ontología. Se asocian puntuaciones numéricas a los conceptos más específicos, lo cual permite distinguir mejor las preferencias del usuario, y se incorpora un proceso de agregación para inferir las preferencias del usuario mediante las relaciones taxonómicas entre conceptos. La metodología propuesta ha sido aplicada en dos casos de estudio: la evaluación de las plantas de generación de energía y la recomendación de actividades turísticas en Tarragona.Reach a decision when options are defined on a set of diverse criteria is not easy. This thesis is focused on improving the methodology ELECTRE, which is the most used outranking-based method. In this dissertation, we focus on decision problems involving non-numerical information, such as multi-valued semantic criteria, which may take as values the concepts of a given domain ontology. First, I propose a new way of handling semantic criteria to avoid the aggregation of the numerical scores before the ranking procedure. This method, called ELECTRE-SEM, follows the same principles than the classic ELECTRE but in this case the concordance and discordance indices are defined in terms of the pairwise comparison of the interest scores. Second, I also propose to create a semantic user profile by storing preference scores into the ontology. The numerical interest score attached to the most specific concepts permits to distinguish better the preferences of the user, improving the quality of the decision by the incorporation of an aggregation methodology to infer the user's preferences by considering taxonomic relations between concepts. The proposed methodology has been applied in two case studies: the assessment of power generation plants and the recommendation of touristic activities in Tarragona

    Recommender system for sport videos based on user audiovisual consumption

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    This paper describes a recommender system for sport videos, transmitted over the Internet and/or broadcast, in the context of large-scale events, which has been tested for the Olympic Games. The recommender is based on audiovisual consumption and does not depend on the number of users, running only on the client side. This avoids the concurrence, computation and privacy problems of central server approaches in scenarios with a large number of users, such as the Olympic Games. The system has been designed to take advantage of the information available in the videos, which is used along with the implicit information of the user and the modeling of his/her audiovisual content consumption. The system is thus transparent to the user, who does not need to take any specific action. Another important characteristic is that the system can produce recommendations for both live and recorded events. Testing has showed advantages compared to previous systems, as will be shown in the results

    Ontology-based personalized dietary recommendation for weightlifting

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    As pointed at LIVESTRONG.COM, Olympic weightlifters are quite possibly the strongest and most skilled lifters on earth. The ability to put nearly 300 kg over head or clean and jerk three times their bodyweight is feat of strength unmatched in other sports. While this takes years of dedicated training, diet is also critical as optimal nutrition is essential for peak performance. Nutritional misinformation can do as much harm to the ambitious athlete as good nutrition can help. In this study, we propose ontology-based personalized dietary recommendation for weightlifting to assist athletes meet their requirements. This paper describes a food and nutrition ontology working with a rule-based knowledge framework to provide specific menus for different times of the day and different training phases for the athlete's diary nutritional needs and personal preferences. The main components of this system are the food and nutrition ontology, the athletes' profiles and nutritional rules for sports athletes.This research is funded by Sports Science Centre, Sports Authority of Thailand

    Modelling trust in semantic web applications

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    This paper examines some of the barriers to the adoption of car-sharing, termed carpooling in the US, and develops a framework for trusted recommendations. The framework is established on a semantic modelling approach putting forward its suitability to resolving adoption barriers while also highlighting the characteristics of trust that can be exploited. Identification is made of potential vocabularies, ontologies and public social networks which can be used as the basis for deriving direct and indirect trust values in an implementation