4,698 research outputs found

    Modelling Provenance of Sensor Data for Food Safety Compliance Checking

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    The research described here was funded by an award made by the RCUK IT as a Utility Network+ (EP/K003569/1) and the UK Food Standards Agency. We thank the owner and staff of Rye & Soda restaurant, Aberdeen for their support throughout the project.Postprin

    Exploration of alternative splicing events in ten different grapevine cultivars

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    Background: The complex dynamics of gene regulation in plants are still far from being fully understood. Among many factors involved, alternative splicing (AS) in particular is one of the least well documented. For many years, AS has been considered of less relevant in plants, especially when compared to animals, however, since the introduction of next generation sequencing techniques the number of plant genes believed to be alternatively spliced has increased exponentially. Results: Here, we performed a comprehensive high-throughput transcript sequencing of ten different grapevine cultivars, which resulted in the first high coverage atlas of the grape berry transcriptome. We also developed findAS, a software tool for the analysis of alternatively spliced junctions. We demonstrate that at least 44 % of multi-exonic genes undergo AS and a large number of low abundance splice variants is present within the 131.622 splice junctions we have annotated from Pinot noir. Conclusions: Our analysis shows that similar to 70 % of AS events have relatively low expression levels, furthermore alternative splice sites seem to be enriched near the constitutive ones in some extent showing the noise of the splicing mechanisms. However, AS seems to be extensively conserved among the 10 cultivars

    Local matching learning of large scale biomedical ontologies

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    Les larges ontologies biomédicales décrivent généralement le même domaine d'intérêt, mais en utilisant des modèles de modélisation et des vocabulaires différents. Aligner ces ontologies qui sont complexes et hétérogènes est une tâche fastidieuse. Les systèmes de matching doivent fournir des résultats de haute qualité en tenant compte de la grande taille de ces ressources. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies doivent résoudre deux problèmes: (i) intégrer la grande taille d'ontologies, (ii) automatiser le processus d'alignement. Le matching d'ontologies est une tâche difficile en raison de la large taille des ontologies. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies combinent différents types de matcher pour résoudre ces problèmes. Les principaux problèmes de l'alignement de larges ontologies biomédicales sont: l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle, l'espace de recherche élevé et la qualité réduite des alignements résultants. Les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies combinent différents matchers afin de réduire l'hétérogénéité. Cette combinaison devrait définir le choix des matchers à combiner et le poids. Différents matchers traitent différents types d'hétérogénéité. Par conséquent, le paramétrage d'un matcher devrait être automatisé par les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies afin d'obtenir une bonne qualité de correspondance. Nous avons proposé une approche appele "local matching learning" pour faire face à la fois à la grande taille des ontologies et au problème de l'automatisation. Nous divisons un gros problème d'alignement en un ensemble de problèmes d'alignement locaux plus petits. Chaque problème d'alignement local est indépendamment aligné par une approche d'apprentissage automatique. Nous réduisons l'énorme espace de recherche en un ensemble de taches de recherche de corresondances locales plus petites. Nous pouvons aligner efficacement chaque tache de recherche de corresondances locale pour obtenir une meilleure qualité de correspondance. Notre approche de partitionnement se base sur une nouvelle stratégie à découpes multiples générant des partitions non volumineuses et non isolées. Par conséquence, nous pouvons surmonter le problème de l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle. Le nouvel algorithme de partitionnement est basé sur le clustering hiérarchique par agglomération (CHA). Cette approche génère un ensemble de tâches de correspondance locale avec un taux de couverture suffisant avec aucune partition isolée. Chaque tâche d'alignement local est automatiquement alignée en se basant sur les techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Un classificateur local aligne une seule tâche d'alignement local. Les classificateurs locaux sont basés sur des features élémentaires et structurelles. L'attribut class de chaque set de donne d'apprentissage " training set" est automatiquement étiqueté à l'aide d'une base de connaissances externe. Nous avons appliqué une technique de sélection de features pour chaque classificateur local afin de sélectionner les matchers appropriés pour chaque tâche d'alignement local. Cette approche réduit la complexité d'alignement et augmente la précision globale par rapport aux méthodes d'apprentissage traditionnelles. Nous avons prouvé que l'approche de partitionnement est meilleure que les approches actuelles en terme de précision, de taux de couverture et d'absence de partitions isolées. Nous avons évalué l'approche d'apprentissage d'alignement local à l'aide de diverses expériences basées sur des jeux de données d'OAEI 2018. Nous avons déduit qu'il est avantageux de diviser une grande tâche d'alignement d'ontologies en un ensemble de tâches d'alignement locaux. L'espace de recherche est réduit, ce qui réduit le nombre de faux négatifs et de faux positifs. L'application de techniques de sélection de caractéristiques à chaque classificateur local augmente la valeur de rappel pour chaque tâche d'alignement local.Although a considerable body of research work has addressed the problem of ontology matching, few studies have tackled the large ontologies used in the biomedical domain. We introduce a fully automated local matching learning approach that breaks down a large ontology matching task into a set of independent local sub-matching tasks. This approach integrates a novel partitioning algorithm as well as a set of matching learning techniques. The partitioning method is based on hierarchical clustering and does not generate isolated partitions. The matching learning approach employs different techniques: (i) local matching tasks are independently and automatically aligned using their local classifiers, which are based on local training sets built from element level and structure level features, (ii) resampling techniques are used to balance each local training set, and (iii) feature selection techniques are used to automatically select the appropriate tuning parameters for each local matching context. Our local matching learning approach generates a set of combined alignments from each local matching task, and experiments show that a multiple local classifier approach outperforms conventional, state-of-the-art approaches: these use a single classifier for the whole ontology matching task. In addition, focusing on context-aware local training sets based on local feature selection and resampling techniques significantly enhances the obtained results

    Semantic technologies for supporting KDD processes

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    209 p.Achieving a comfortable thermal situation within buildings with an efficient use of energy remains still an open challenge for most buildings. In this regard, IoT (Internet of Things) and KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) processes may be combined to solve these problems, even though data analysts may feel overwhelmed by heterogeneity and volume of the data to be considered. Data analysts could benefit from an application assistant that supports them throughout the KDD process. This research work aims at supporting data analysts through the different KDD phases towards the achievement of energy efficiency and thermal comfort in tertiary buildings. To do so, the EEPSA (Energy Efficiency Prediction Semantic Assistant) is proposed, which aids data analysts discovering the most relevant variables for the matter at hand, and informs them about relationships among relevant data. This assistant leverages Semantic Technologies such as ontologies, ontology-driven rules and ontology-driven data access. More specifically, the EEPSA ontology is the cornerstone of the assistant. This ontology is developed on top of three ODPs (Ontology Design Patterns) and it is designed so that its customization to address similar problems in different types of buildings can be approached methodically

    ExtruOnt: An ontology for describing a type of manufacturing machine for Industry 4.0 systems

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    Semantically rich descriptions of manufacturing machines, offered in a machine-interpretable code, can provide interesting benefits in Industry 4.0 scenarios. However, the lack of that type of descriptions is evident. In this paper we present the development effort made to build an ontology, called ExtruOnt, for describing a type of manufacturing machine, more precisely, a type that performs an extrusion process (extruder). Although the scope of the ontology is restricted to a concrete domain, it could be used as a model for the development of other ontologies for describing manufacturing machines in Industry 4.0 scenarios. The terms of the ExtruOnt ontology provide different types of information related with an extruder, which are reflected in distinct modules that constitute the ontology. Thus, it contains classes and properties for expressing descriptions about components of an extruder, spatial connections, features, and 3D representations of those components, and finally the sensors used to capture indicators about the performance of this type of machine. The ontology development process has been carried out in close collaboration with domain experts.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number FEDER/TIN2016-78011-C4- 2R. The work of Víctor Julio Ramírez-Durán is funded by the contract with reference BES-2017-081193

    Bayesian nonparametric clusterings in relational and high-dimensional settings with applications in bioinformatics.

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    Recent advances in high throughput methodologies offer researchers the ability to understand complex systems via high dimensional and multi-relational data. One example is the realm of molecular biology where disparate data (such as gene sequence, gene expression, and interaction information) are available for various snapshots of biological systems. This type of high dimensional and multirelational data allows for unprecedented detailed analysis, but also presents challenges in accounting for all the variability. High dimensional data often has a multitude of underlying relationships, each represented by a separate clustering structure, where the number of structures is typically unknown a priori. To address the challenges faced by traditional clustering methods on high dimensional and multirelational data, we developed three feature selection and cross-clustering methods: 1) infinite relational model with feature selection (FIRM) which incorporates the rich information of multirelational data; 2) Bayesian Hierarchical Cross-Clustering (BHCC), a deterministic approximation to Cross Dirichlet Process mixture (CDPM) and to cross-clustering; and 3) randomized approximation (RBHCC), based on a truncated hierarchy. An extension of BHCC, Bayesian Congruence Measuring (BCM), is proposed to measure incongruence between genes and to identify sets of congruent loci with identical evolutionary histories. We adapt our BHCC algorithm to the inference of BCM, where the intended structure of each view (congruent loci) represents consistent evolutionary processes. We consider an application of FIRM on categorizing mRNA and microRNA. The model uses latent structures to encode the expression pattern and the gene ontology annotations. We also apply FIRM to recover the categories of ligands and proteins, and to predict unknown drug-target interactions, where latent categorization structure encodes drug-target interaction, chemical compound similarity, and amino acid sequence similarity. BHCC and RBHCC are shown to have improved predictive performance (both in terms of cluster membership and missing value prediction) compared to traditional clustering methods. Our results suggest that these novel approaches to integrating multi-relational information have a promising future in the biological sciences where incorporating data related to varying features is often regarded as a daunting task

    Observing LOD: Its Knowledge Domains and the Varying Behavior of Ontologies Across Them

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) is the largest, collaborative, distributed, and publicly-accessible Knowledge Graph (KG) uniformly encoded in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and formally represented according to the semantics of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). LOD provides researchers with a unique opportunity to study knowledge engineering as an empirical science: to observe existing modelling practices and possibly understanding how to improve knowledge engineering methodologies and knowledge representation formalisms. Following this perspective, several studies have analysed LOD to identify (mis-)use of OWL constructs or other modelling phenomena e.g. class or property usage, their alignment, the average depth of taxonomies. A question that remains open is whether there is a relation between observed modelling practices and knowledge domains (natural science, linguistics, etc.): do certain practices or phenomena change as the knowledge domain varies? Answering this question requires an assessment of the domains covered by LOD as well as a classification of its datasets. Existing approaches to classify LOD datasets provide partial and unaligned views, posing additional challenges. In this paper, we introduce a classification of knowledge domains, and a method for classifying LOD datasets and ontologies based on it. We classify a large portion of LOD and investigate whether a set of observed phenomena have a domain-specific character

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics