397 research outputs found

    Advanced eGovernment Information Service Bus (eGov-Bus)

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    The eGov-Bus project provides citizens and businesses with improved access to virtual public services, which are based on existing national eGovernment Web services and which support cross-border life events. Requirements and specific rules of these life events are considered, and personalization of user preferences is supported. eGov-Bus is based on adaptable process management technologies, allowing for virtual services which are dynamically combined from existing national eGovernment services. In this way, a comprehensive workflow process is set up, allowing for service-level agreements, an audit trail and explanation of the process to the end user. The eGov-Bus process engine operates on top of a virtual repository, providing a high-level semantic view of information retrieved from heterogeneous information sources, such as eGovernment Web services. Further, eGov-Bus relies on a security framework to ensure all high-level security requirements are met. The eGov-Bus architecture is business oriented, it focuses on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts, asynchronously combining Web services and providing a Service Bus.Frameworks and Guidelines, eGovernment Ontologies, Admininistrative Process Design, Life Events, Web Services, Service Bus Integration

    A Business Ontology for supporting cross border cooperation between European Chambers of Commerce

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    The recent EU enlargement opens up new opportunities, but poses new issues to be addressed. In particular, in order to enable and support cooperation between firms from different countries, it is necessary to address interoperability issues. The LD-CAST project aims at enabling cross border cooperation between European chambers of commerce (CCs) for supporting the development of private company initiatives. The project objective is to build a European network of portals that will enable end users (mainly private companies) to access in a seamless mode services provided by public organizations registered in each portal. This paper briefly presents a cooperation framework for semantic interoperability mainly based on the following semantic technologies: ontology management, semantic annotation, and semantic search and discovery. Finally the business ontology produced in the course of the project is presented.The recent EU enlargement opens up new opportunities, but poses new issues to be addressed. In particular, in order to enable and support cooperation between firms from different countries, it is necessary to address interoperability issues. The LD-CAST project aims at enabling cross border cooperation between European chambers of commerce (CCs) for supporting the development of private company initiatives. The project objective is to build a European network of portals that will enable end users (mainly private companies) to access in a seamless mode services provided by public organizations registered in each portal. This paper briefly presents a cooperation framework for semantic interoperability mainly based on the following semantic technologies: ontology management, semantic annotation, and semantic search and discovery. Finally the business ontology produced in the course of the project is presented.Uninvited Submission

    eGovernment Competences revisited – A Literature Review on necessary Competences in a Digitalized Public Sector

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    With the growing proliferation of digital technologies, organizations at all levels are faced with a changing environment to which employees and leaders have to adapt. Digital competences can be considered a key factor for the successful implementation of digital technologies in organizations of all kinds. Public administrations are exemption from this trend and are the focus in this study as a special organizational form. Despite the importance of these competences, extensive research on this subject is yet missing. To better understand the shape of knowledge contributions made so far, a structured literature review is conducted to uncover the state of the art of research on these competences. Results of this study indicate that only very few scholars have so far researched public administration competences more closely. Besides functional competences, a focus on so-called soft skills and personality traits is unveiled. Based on the findings, directions for future research are derived

    An Ontology-based Inquiry Framework.

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    Quality of service (QoS) and citizens satisfaction are primary objectives for any eGovernment project. Quality can be inspected directly through measurements of speci¯c QoS indicators; in the midst of innovation processes it is however more convenient to estimate quality indirectly, through questionnaire submissions to the involved citizens. The eGovernment Inquiry Framework (eGif) has been designed as a key tool to keep innovation projects controlled also being the first component of an eGovernment service oriented architecture with semantic capabilities. Written in Java, based on well known open source libraries, exposed as a standard WSDL-defined web service, eGif helps survey campaign designers by keeping semantic information about the statistical variables used and interacting with servers for user identification. Questionnaire OWL-based ontologies are now investigated as a means to facilitate the creation of reusable survey knowledge base

    A Reference Model Catalog of Models for Business Process Analysis

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    When results of business processes cannot be measured, the application of numeric Key Performance Indicators fails. Process performance cannot easily be analyzed unless other indirect indicators are applied. So, other existing models for process analysis containing convenient solutions and indicators have to be assessed and validated in order to use them to sufficiently assess business processes. In this article, various existing models were reviewed in an empirical investigation, categorized in systems and put into context to relevant theories. The result of the research is a Reference Model Catalog of Models for Business Process Analysis that also incorporates indirect process performance aspects like soft goals, complexity, maturity or dependencies. It is enabling enterprises and researchers to select a convenient process analysis model for their specific performance problem. Moreover, it is offering a comprehensive overview of models and visualizes correlative voids in their scope

    Felsőoktatási portfolió kompetencia alapon történő tervezése = Design of Higher Education Portfolio

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    Mind nemzetközi, mind hazai szinten olyan tendenciák érzékelhetők, amelyek a felsőoktatás munkaerő-piaci igényeknek megfelelő átstrukturálását igénylik. A kutatás során kifejlesztett rendszer egy olyan megoldási lehetőségre világított rá, amely a felsőoktatás átstrukturálását érintő, jelenleg is aktuális közigazgatási döntés-előkészítési folyamatot más megközelítésből tudná támogatni, azaz a munkaerőpiac keresleti és kínálati oldalának képzettségre vonatkozó egyezőségeinek, illetve különbözőségeinek a feltárásával. A kompetenciára épülő modellek, valamint a képesítési keretrendszerek átláthatóbbá, tervezhetőbbé teszik mind a szervezeti tevékenységeket, mind a képzési programokat, ezért a kompetencia megfelelő alapot szolgáltat a munkaerőpiac két oldalán megjelenő szakma-, illetve foglalkozási struktúra összehasonlítására. Mivel a szakirodalomban a fogalomnak nincs egyezményes definíciója, attól függően kerül használatba, hogy milyen tevékenység (szerepkörhöz kapcsolódó feladat elvégzése, vagy tanulás) elvégzése érdekében kerül aktiválásra. Ezért a kutatásban, a mögöttes tartalmát legjobban reprezentáló tudás-képesség-attitűd hármasként lett interpretálva, amely valamilyen feladat elvégzéséhez kapcsolódik. A rendszer ontológia alapú megközelítésben történő fejlesztését támasztja alá, az hogy az ontológia konzisztens alapot biztosít az összehasonlításra, valamint az egyes, ugyanerre a kutatási területre irányuló, továbbfejleszteni kívánt rendszerek is ebben a szemléletben készültek el. A kutatás során egy prototípus került kidolgozásra, amely a BCE Gazdaságinformatikus képzésének, valamint a hozzá kapcsolódó IT munkakörök közül a Szoftverfejlesztő munkakör kompetenciatartalmait kívánta összehasonlítani. A rendszer fejlesztése a kétfázisú inkrementális rendszerfejlesztési módszertan lépéseit követi, vagyis minden egyes szakaszban kifejlesztett részrendszer értékelésre került, amelyhez kapcsolódóan, az eredeti követelményeket az ott felmerült igényekkel kiegészítve került sor a második részrendszer előállítására. A kutatás legvégén a jelenleg is zajló döntés-előkészítési folyamatba való beilleszthetőségét vizsgáltam meg