2,134 research outputs found

    Efficient learning methods to tune algorithm parameters

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    This thesis focuses on the algorithm configuration problem. In particular, three efficient learning configurators are introduced to tune parameters offline. The first looks into metaoptimization, where the algorithm is expected to solve similar problem instances within varying computational budgets. Standard meta-optimization techniques have to be repeated whenever the available computational budget changes, as the parameters that work well for small budgets, may not be suitable for larger ones. The proposed Flexible Budget method can, in a single run, identify the best parameter setting for all possible computational budgets less than a specified maximum, without compromising solution quality. Hence, a lot of time is saved. This will be shown experimentally. The second regards Racing algorithms which often do not fully utilize the available computational budget to find the best parameter setting, as they may terminate whenever a single parameter remains in the race. The proposed Racing with reset can overcome this issue, and at the same time adapt Racing’s hyper-parameter α online. Experiments will show that such adaptation enables the algorithm to achieve significantly lower failure rates, compared to any fixed α set by the user. The third extends on Racing with reset by allowing it to utilize all the information gathered previously when it adapts α, it also permits Racing algorithms in general to intelligently allocate the budget in each iteration, as opposed to equally allocating it. All developed Racing algorithms are compared to two budget allocators from the Simulation Optimization literature, OCBA and CBA, and to equal allocation to demonstrate under which conditions each performs best in terms of minimizing the probability of incorrect selection

    Instance-based Learning with Prototype Reduction for Real-Time Proportional Myocontrol: A Randomized User Study Demonstrating Accuracy-preserving Data Reduction for Prosthetic Embedded Systems

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    This work presents the design, implementation and validation of learning techniques based on the kNN scheme for gesture detection in prosthetic control. To cope with high computational demands in instance-based prediction, methods of dataset reduction are evaluated considering real-time determinism to allow for the reliable integration into battery-powered portable devices. The influence of parameterization and varying proportionality schemes is analyzed, utilizing an eight-channel-sEMG armband. Besides offline cross-validation accuracy, success rates in real-time pilot experiments (online target achievement tests) are determined. Based on the assessment of specific dataset reduction techniques' adequacy for embedded control applications regarding accuracy and timing behaviour, Decision Surface Mapping (DSM) proves itself promising when applying kNN on the reduced set. A randomized, double-blind user study was conducted to evaluate the respective methods (kNN and kNN with DSM-reduction) against Ridge Regression (RR) and RR with Random Fourier Features (RR-RFF). The kNN-based methods performed significantly better (p<0.0005) than the regression techniques. Between DSM-kNN and kNN, there was no statistically significant difference (significance level 0.05). This is remarkable in consideration of only one sample per class in the reduced set, thus yielding a reduction rate of over 99% while preserving success rate. The same behaviour could be confirmed in an extended user study. With k=1, which turned out to be an excellent choice, the runtime complexity of both kNN (in every prediction step) as well as DSM-kNN (in the training phase) becomes linear concerning the number of original samples, favouring dependable wearable prosthesis applications

    Stream-dashboard : a big data stream clustering framework with applications to social media streams.

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    Data mining is concerned with detecting patterns of data in raw datasets, which are then used to unearth knowledge that might not have been discovered using conventional querying or statistical methods. This discovered knowledge has been used to empower decision makers in countless applications spanning across many multi-disciplinary areas including business, education, astronomy, security and Information Retrieval to name a few. Many applications generate massive amounts of data continuously and at an increasing rate. This is the case for user activity over social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This flow of data has been termed, appropriately, a Data Stream, and it introduced a set of new challenges to discover its evolving patterns using data mining techniques. Data stream clustering is concerned with detecting evolving patterns in a data stream using only the similarities between the data points as they arrive without the use of any external information (i.e. unsupervised learning). In this dissertation, we propose a complete and generic framework to simultaneously mine, track and validate clusters in a big data stream (Stream-Dashboard). The proposed framework consists of three main components: an online data stream clustering algorithm, a component for tracking and validation of pattern behavior using regression analysis, and a component that uses the behavioral information about the detected patterns to improve the quality of the clustering algorithm. As a first component, we propose RINO-Streams, an online clustering algorithm that incrementally updates the clustering model using robust statistics and incremental optimization. The second component is a methodology that we call TRACER, which continuously performs a set of statistical tests using regression analysis to track the evolution of the detected clusters, their characteristics and quality metrics. For the last component, we propose a method to build some behavioral profiles for the clustering model over time, that can be used to improve the performance of the online clustering algorithm, such as adapting the initial values of the input parameters. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed framework were validated using extensive experiments, and its use was demonstrated on a challenging real word application, specifically unsupervised mining of evolving cluster stories in one pass from the Twitter social media streams

    Love at First Touch: How Swiping vs. Typing Changes Online Dating Decision-Making

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    Online dating is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. Due to its increasing popularity, various dimensions of online dating have been studied in recent years. However, no research has explored how the type of digital platforms used impacts online dating. In this research, we investigate how the use of different platforms (computers vs. smartphones) can influence customers’ decision-making process in the context of online dating. Through multiple studies, we demonstrate that while using their computers (vs. smartphones) to evaluate dating profiles, customers will prioritize the inner attributes of the person (e.g., personality and compatibility). Moreover, the effect of device type on customers’ online dating decision-making is moderated by customers’ gender. Finally, our results also exhibit a significant moderated mediation effect in that the device used by female participants moderates the indirect effect of inner attributes of dating profiles on customers evaluations through perceived psychological closeness. We further manipulated perceived psychological distance to dating profiles for females which reveals that when females use smartphones to look at dating profiles, the effect of psychological distance on participants\u27 rating is only significant when the profiles have attractive (vs. average) inner attributes. This research contributes to the literature on the use of computers vs. smartphones and the literature on gender differences in online dating. It also has important implications for online dating companies on how to design their websites and mobile applications more suited to customers’ preferences while also considering customers’ gender

    Using genetic algorithms to find cellular automata rule sets capable of generating maze-like game level layouts

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    The video game industry has grown substantially over the last decade and the quality of video games has also been advancing rapidly. In recent years, video games have been advancing to a point that the increased time required to manually create their content is making this process too costly. This has made procedural content generation a desirable option for game developers due to its speed of generating content, and the variety of content that a single PCG method can produced. The main purpose of this dissertation is to detail a new approach to procedurally generate video game level layouts, and to aid in further research in the area of procedural video game content generation. The new PCG approach investigated and developed in this study combined a genetic algorithm with cellular automata and a maze generation technique into a method for generating game level layouts with desired maze-like properties. The GA in this approach was utilized to evolve CA rules that, when applied to a maze configuration, would produce layouts with desired properties. This research discovered that CA rules could be evolved to generate level layouts with desired properties, and that there were a number of parameters which could affect the layouts these rules produced. These parameters include the number of cell states used in the CA, as well as the CA’s neighbourhood size and the number of times the CA rules were applied to their maze configurations. This research also discovered that the one factor that had the largest impact on the visual aspect of the generated layouts was the chosen chromosome representation

    A learning automata based multiobjective hyper-heuristic

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    Metaheuristics, being tailored to each particular domain by experts, have been successfully applied to many computationally hard optimisation problems. However, once implemented, their application to a new problem domain or a slight change in the problem description would often require additional expert intervention. There is a growing number of studies on reusable cross-domain search methodologies, such as, selection hyper-heuristics, which are applicable to problem instances from various domains, requiring minimal expert intervention or even none. This study introduces a new learning automata based selection hyper-heuristic controlling a set of multiobjective metaheuristics. The approach operates above three well-known multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and mixes them, exploiting the strengths of each algorithm. The performance and behaviour of two variants of the proposed selection hyper-heuristic, each utilising a different initialisation scheme are investigated across a range of unconstrained multiobjective mathematical benchmark functions from two different sets and the realworld problem of vehicle crashworthiness. The empirical results illustrate the effectiveness of our approach for cross-domain search, regardless of the initialisation scheme, on those problems when compared to each individual multiobjective algorithm. Moreover, both variants perform signicantly better than some previously proposed selection hyper-heuristics for multiobjective optimisation, thus signicantly enhancing the opportunities for improved multiobjective optimisation

    Incorporating Memory and Learning Mechanisms Into Meta-RaPS

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    Due to the rapid increase of dimensions and complexity of real life problems, it has become more difficult to find optimal solutions using only exact mathematical methods. The need to find near-optimal solutions in an acceptable amount of time is a challenge when developing more sophisticated approaches. A proper answer to this challenge can be through the implementation of metaheuristic approaches. However, a more powerful answer might be reached by incorporating intelligence into metaheuristics. Meta-RaPS (Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search) is a metaheuristic that creates high quality solutions for discrete optimization problems. It is proposed that incorporating memory and learning mechanisms into Meta-RaPS, which is currently classified as a memoryless metaheuristic, can help the algorithm produce higher quality results. The proposed Meta-RaPS versions were created by taking different perspectives of learning. The first approach taken is Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA), a stochastic learning technique that creates a probability distribution for each decision variable to generate new solutions. The second Meta-RaPS version was developed by utilizing a machine learning algorithm, Q Learning, which has been successfully applied to optimization problems whose output is a sequence of actions. In the third Meta-RaPS version, Path Relinking (PR) was implemented as a post-optimization method in which the new algorithm learns the good attributes by memorizing best solutions, and follows them to reach better solutions. The fourth proposed version of Meta-RaPS presented another form of learning with its ability to adaptively tune parameters. The efficiency of these approaches motivated us to redesign Meta-RaPS by removing the improvement phase and adding a more sophisticated Path Relinking method. The new Meta-RaPS could solve even the largest problems in much less time while keeping up the quality of its solutions. To evaluate their performance, all introduced versions were tested using the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MKP). After comparing the proposed algorithms, Meta-RaPS PR and Meta-RaPS Q Learning appeared to be the algorithms with the best and worst performance, respectively. On the other hand, they could all show superior performance than other approaches to the 0-1 MKP in the literature

    Hyper-heuristics İn Dynamic Environments

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014Son zamanlarda önerilen metotlar daha çok statik eniyileme problemleri için geliştirilmişlerdir. Fakat gerçek hayatta karşılaşılan eniyileme problemlerinin pek çoğu dinamik bir yapı göstermektedir. Dinamik bir ortamda, eniyileme yönteminin üzerinde çalışmaya başladığı ortamda zaman içinde değişimler olabilir. Ancak bu problemlerin çözümünde genelde bu dinamiklik göz ardı edilerek klasik eniyileme yaklaşımları uygulanmaktadır. Halbuki bu dinamikliği de göz önüne alarak çalışan bir eniyileme yaklaşımı, ortamdaki değişimleri hızlı bir şekilde izleyebilmeli ve bunlara uyum sağlayabilmek için adaptif olmalıdır. Eniyileme algoritması açısından bakıldığında problem ortamı, problemin tanımlı değerleri, eniyilemede kullanılan amaç fonksiyonları ve kısıtlardan oluşur. Ortamdaki dinamiklik, problem ortamını oluşturan bu parçalardan herhangi birisinde veya birkaçında meydana gelen tekil ya da eş zamanlı değişimlerden kaynaklanabilir. Farklı problemlerde bu değişimler de farklı özellikler göstermektedir. Bu özellikler  genelde  değişimlerin şiddetine, sıklığına, periyodik olup olmamasına göre sınıflandırılırlar. Ortamdaki dinamizmin özelliklerine göre farklı durumlarda farklı yaklaşımlar başarılı olmaktadır. Bu ise eniyileme yaklaşımını seçerken ortamdaki değişimlerin özelliklerinin bilinmesi anlamına gelir. Halbuki gerçek hayatta bu her zaman mümkün olmayabilir. Ayrıca ortamın gösterdiği değişimin özellikleri de zaman içinde değişebilir. Bu durumda başta seçilen yaklaşım, eniyilemenin ilerleyen aşamalarında başarılı olmayabilir.  Üst-sezgiseller problem uzayında problem ile etkileşim halinde olan ve aday çözümü güncelleyen alt seviyedeki sezgiseller aracılığı ile arama yapar. Alt seviyede kullanılan, probleme özel sezgiseller ise problemin çözüm uzayında arama yaparlar. Bu nedenle alt seviyedeki sezgiseller, üst-sezgiseller ile problemin çözüm uzayı arasında bir ara katman olarak düşünülebilir. Böylece problem uzayında aramayı alt sezgiseller yapmış olur. Bu özellik sayesinde bir üst-sezgisel, uygun alt sezgisellerin kullanılmasıyla, değiştirilmeden çeşitli problemlere uygulanabilir. Sezgisel seçen üst-sezgiseller konusunda yapılan araştırmaların temel hedefi, eniyilemenin genelleştirme seviyesini yükselterek pek çok farklı problem domeninde ve farklı özellikler gösteren ortamlarda uygulanabilir bir yaklaşım geliştirmektir. Bu nedenle üst-sezgiseller, doğaları gereği adaptif yapıdadırlar. Bu özellikleri sayesinde dinamik ortamlardaki değişimlere, herhangi bir dış müdahale gerektirmeden hızla uyum gösterip, etkin çözümler üretebilirler. Bu tezde öncelikle literatürde var olan üst-sezgisellerin dinamik ortamlar için uygunluğu üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler ışığında dinamik ortamlarda başarılı çözümler üretecek yeni üst-sezgisel yaklaşım geliştirilmiş ve başarımı ölçülmüştür. Tezin ilk aşamasında, otuz beş tek çözüm üreten sezgisel seçen üst-sezgisellerin başarımını, farklı değişim dinamikleri sergileyen sürekli dinamik eniyileme problemleri için değerlendirdik. Deneylerde üzerinde çalışmak için yapay oluşturulmuş test problemi (Moving Peaks Benchmark) kullanılmıştır. Ayrık eniyileme problemleri için sezgisel seçen üst-sezgisellerin birçok başarılı uygulamaları olmasına rağmen, bilgimiz dahilinde, bu çalışma reel değerli (sürekli) eniyileme problemleri için sezgisel seçen üst-sezgisellerin ilk uygulamalarından biridir. Bunun yanı sıra bu çalışma, bu teknikleri kullanarak dinamik eniyileme problemlerini ele alan çok az çalışma arasında yer almaktadır. Deneysel sonuçlar göstermiştir ki; uygun bileşenli öğrenme tabanlı üst-sezgiseller ortamdaki farklı tipteki değişimlere hızlı bir şekilde tepki gösterebilmekte ve onları takip edebilmektedir. Bu çalışma üst-sezgisellerin dinamik eniyileme problemlerini çözmek için uygun olduğunu göstermektedir.  İkinci aşamada, karınca kolonisi algoritmasından esinlenerek yeni öğrenme tabanlı üst-sezgisel yaklaşım, karınca tabanlı seçim, geliştirilmiştir. Önerilen üst-sezgisel düşük seviyeli bütün sezgisel çiftleri arasındaki feromon yoğunluklarının bir matrisini tutar. Her adımda bir sezgisel, önceden çağırılan sezgisel ile düşük seviyeli sezgisel kümesinden her bir eleman arasındaki feromon değerlerine göre seçilir. Bu çalışmada iyileştiren ve eşit hareket kabul yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Önerdiğimiz üst-sezgisel yönteminin başarımı yapay oluşturulmuş test problemi (Moving Peaks Benchmark) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Test sonuçlarına göre, önerilen yaklaşım daha önceden dinamik ortamlar için en iyi olarak belirlenen sezgisel seçme yöntemleri ile benzer sonuçlar vermiştir. Önerilen yaklaşım ortam değiştiğinde herhangi bir özel eyleme gerek duymamaktadır. Fakat hareket kabul yönteminin doğası gereği, her bir değişimden sonra üretilen ilk çözüm adayı niteliğine bakılmaksızın kabul edilmektedir. Bundan dolayı hareket kabul yöntemi ortamdaki değişikliği algılamak zorundadır. Bu çalışmada ortamdaki değişimleri algılamak için basit bir yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemde şu anki çözümün başarım değeri her adımda tekrardan hesaplanmaktadır. Eğer şu anki çözümün başarım değerinde bir değişiklik varsa ortam değişmiş demektir. Sezgisel seçme yöntemi olarak seçin fonksiyonu, destekli öğrenme ve karınca tabanlı seçim kullanılmıştır. Test sonuçlarına göre yeniden değerlendirme yöntemi bütün yaklaşımların başarımını azaltmıştır.  Bu çalışmada ayrıca önerilen yaklaşımın kapsamlı bir analizi yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla önerilen yaklaşımın adaptasyon yeteneği ve algoritmaların parametrelerinin başarıma etkisi incelenmiştir. Deneysel sonuçlara göre, önerilen yaklaşım hızlı bir şekilde değişimlere uyum sağlayabilmektedir. Önerilen yaklaşım parametre atamalarından çok fazla etkilenmemekte ve geniş aralıklı parametre değerleri için benzer sonuçlar vermektedir.     Tezin son aşamasında, önerilen yaklaşımın başarımı üç farklı uygulamada değerlendirilmiştir. Öncelikle, sezgisel seçen üst-sezgiseller çok popülasyonlu hibrid bir çerçeve içinde kullanılmışlardır. Bu çerçeve çevrimiçi ve çevrimdışı öğrenme mekanizmalarına dayanan üst-sezgiseller ile dağılım tahmini algoritmasının hibridleştirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. İyi çözümler üretmek için olasılık vektörlerinin listesi ilk aşamada çevrimdışı olarak öğrenilir. İkinci aşamada iki ayrı popülasyon ve her popülasyonun kendi olasılık vektörleri vardır. Bir alt popülasyon dağılım tahmini algoritması kullanarak örneklendirilirken, diğer alt popülasyon çevrimiçi olarak uygun olasılık vektörünü çevrimiçi aşamada öğrenilen olasılık vektörleri listesinden örneklemek için üst-sezgiselleri kullanır. Önerilen hidrid yöntemin başarımı farklı sezgisel seçme yöntemleri kullanılarak denenmiştir ve Rastgele Permütasyon metodunun daha başarılı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu hibrid yapı literatürde iyi bilinen benzer yaklaşımlarla  karşılaştırılmış ve bunlara göre daha iyi sonuç verdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Önerilen yöntem dinamik ortamlar için önerilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yöntemin statik ortamlardaki başarımını gözlemlemek için, ikinci uygulama olarak, önerilen metot HyFlex arayüzü üzerinde uygulanmıştır. HyFlex'in Java uygulaması CHeSC2011 yarışmasında kullanılmıştır. Bu uygulama altı statik problem domeni sağlamaktadır. Önerilen yaklaşımın başarımı yarışmadaki katılımcılarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Son uygulama olarak önerilen yaklaşımın başarısı gerçek dünya problemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapay oluşturulmuş test problemleri problem örneklerini yaratmak için kullanılan önemli araştırma araçları olup verilen domende bu örneklerin özelliklerini kontrol etmemizi sağlar. Bu problem örnekleri farklı algoritmaların başarımını karşılaştırmak için çoğunlukla kullanılmaktadırlar. Öte yandan, gerçek dünya problemleri yapay olarak oluşturulan örneklerden farklı olabilir. Yapay örnekleri kullanarak yapılan algoritmaların test edilmesi verilen algoritmanın gerçek dünya problemi üzerindeki asıl performansını  yansıtmayabilir. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmada, Dinamik Gezgin Satıcı Problemi olarak bilinen gerçek dünya problemi ele alınmış ve  önerilen yaklaşımın başarımı değerlendirilmiştir. Dinamik Gezgin Satıcı Problemi örneklerini oluşturmak için literatürde çokça kullanılan Gezgin Satıcı Problemi' nin örneklerine trafik faktörü eklenmiştir. Genel olarak, test edilen problemler üzerinde önerilen metodun iyi sonuç verdiği gözlemlenmiştir. En son yapılan testler üst-sezgisellerin genel bir yapı olduğunu vurgulamıştır. Üst-sezgiseller hiçbir değişikliğe ya da parametre ayarlarına gerek duymadan bu çalışmada kullanılan tüm eniyileme problemlerine uygulanmıştır.Current state-of-the-art methodologies are mostly developed for stationary optimization problems. However, many real world problems are dynamic in nature. To handle the complexity of dealing with the changes in the environment, an optimization algorithm needs to be adaptive and hence capable of following the change dynamics. From the point of view of an optimization algorithm, the problem environment consists of the instance, the objectives and the constraints. The dynamism may arise due to a change in any of the components of the problem environment. Existing search methodologies have been modified suitably with respect to the change properties, in order to tackle dynamic environment problems. Population based approaches, such as evolutionary algorithms are frequently used for solving dynamic environment problem.  Hyper-heuristics are high-level methodologies that perform search over the space of heuristics rather than solutions for solving computationally difficult problems. They operate at a higher level, communicating with the problem domain through a domain barrier. Any type of problem specific information is filtered through the domain barrier. Due to this feature, a hyper-heuristic can be directly employed in various problem domains without requiring any change, of course, through the use of appropriate domain specific low-level heuristics.  Selection hyper-heuristics are highly adaptive search methodologies that aim to raise the level of generality by providing solutions to a diverse set of problems having different characteristics. In this thesis, we investigate single point search based selection hyper-heuristics in dynamic environments. We first work on the applicability of selection hyper-heuristics proposed in literature for dynamic environments. Then, we propose a novel learning hyper-heuristic for dynamic environments and investigate the performance of the proposed hyper-heuristic and its variants.  In the first phase, the performances of thirty-five single point search based selection hyper-heuristics are investigated on continuous dynamic environments exhibiting various change dynamics, produced by the Moving Peaks Benchmark generator. Even though there are many successful applications of selection hyper-heuristics to discrete optimization problems, to the best of our knowledge, this study is one of the initial applications of selection hyper-heuristics to real-valued optimization as well as being among the very few which address dynamic optimization issues using these techniques. The empirical results indicate that learning selection hyper-heuristics which incorporate compatible components can react to different types of changes in the environment and are capable of tracking them. This study shows the suitability of selection hyper-heuristics as solvers in dynamic environments.  In the second phase, we propose a new learning hyper-heuristic, called the {\em Ant-based Selection} ({\em AbS}), for dynamic environments which is inspired from the ant colony optimization algorithm components. The proposed hyper-heuristic maintains a matrix of pheromone intensities (utility values) between all pairs of low-level heuristics. A heuristic is selected based on the utility values between the previously invoked heuristic and each heuristic from the set of low-level heuristics. For this study, we employ the generic Improving and Equal acceptance scheme. We explore the performance of the proposed hyper-heuristic and its variants using Moving Peaks Benchmark (MPB) generator. The empirical results indicate that the proposed heuristic selection scheme provides slightly better performance than the heuristic selection scheme that was previously reported to be the best in dynamic environments.   The proposed approach does not require any special actions whenever a change occurs in the environment. However, the first candidate solution generated after each change is accepted regardless of its quality. Therefore, the move acceptance needs to detect the change. In this study, we use a simple detection mechanism in which the current solution is re-evaluated at each step. If there is a change in the fitness of the current solution, a change is considered to be detected. We consider {\em Ant-based selection}, Choice Function and Reinforcement Learning as the heuristic selection methods. The results show that the re-evaluation process slightly deteriorates the performance of approaches for especially high frequency changes, however, the approach is suitable for cases where changes cannot be made known to the optimization algorithm. We then investigate the effect of the parameters of the proposed algorithm on overall performance. The results show that the settings of the parameters are not very sensitive  and similar results are obtained for a wide range of parameter values. In the third phase, we explore the performance of the proposed hyper-heuristic through three different applications. As the first application, the selection hyper-heuristics are used in a hybrid multi-population framework. We use a hybridization of the Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) with hyper-heuristics in the form of a two-phase framework. We investigate the influence of different heuristic selection methods. The empirical results show that a heuristic selection method that relies on a fixed permutation of the underlying low-level heuristics is more successful than the learning approaches across different dynamic environments produced by a well-known benchmark generator. The proposed approach also outperforms some of the top approaches in literature for dynamic environment problems. Ant-based selection is proposed for dynamic environments. However, to see its performance in a stationary environment, Ant-based Selection is applied to six stationary optimization problems provided in HyFlex as the  second application. The results are compared with the results of participants in CHeSC2011 competition. Finally, we present the performance of Ant-based Selection on a real-world optimization problem referred to as the Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem. The overall results show that the proposed approach delivers good performance on the tested optimization problems. These last set of experiments also emphasize the general nature of hyper-heuristics. For all optimization problems in this study, all hyper-heuristics are applied without requiring any modifications or parameter tuning.DoktoraPh