1,219 research outputs found

    Unravelling the Influence of Online Social Context on Consumer Health Information Technology (CHIT) Implementations

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    While health information technology research has examined a variety of topics (e.g., adoption and assimilation of technology within healthcare organizations, critical success factors), it has remained unclear how the uniqueness of the online context (e.g., users connecting with strangers for social and emotional support) influences consumer health information technology (CHIT) implementations. Towards this goal, this dissertation examines the influence of online social context on CHIT implementations and outcomes. Using theories from social psychology, this dissertation encompasses two empirical research essays. The first essay draws on the environmental enrichment concept to examine the influential role of the online social context of a gamified CHIT on its success. By surveying existing fitness technology users, we demonstrate the influence of the social context enabled by CHITs on behavioral adherence to exercise. The second essay draws on construal level theory to examine the influence of textual information (such as race, geographic location) in online patient communities on a user’s trust of the community and the system as well as their intentions to participate in them. Using randomized experiments, we identify some of the propinquity-related factors that influence a user’s trust in online patient communities. The key contribution of this dissertation is the advancement of our understanding of the important role played by the social context enabled by the CHITs

    Peran Pembelajaran Berbasis Gamifikasi Menggunakan Wordwall dan Quizizz di SMP Negeri 1 Candi Sidoarjo

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    This research is motivated by the problem of student saturation in the learning process due to the monotonous teaching strategy. This study aims to determine gamification in BTQ learning and the role of this gamification-based learning. The subjects in this study were all grades VII and VIII, totaling 19 classes at SMPN 1 Candi. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of this study are Gamification in learning lies in the development of effective strategies in the learning process implied in the depth of analysis of the conditions and available learning tools. The role of gamification in learning is able to associate feelings of fun, form collective knowledge for students, increase student motivation in doing assignments and be able to increase the tendency to actively work on assignments even with reduced accuracy due to time in games. Keywords        :           Gamification, Wordwall, Quizizz, Game-based learning.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan kejenuhan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dikarenakan strategi mengajar yang monoton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gamifikasi dalam pembelajaran BTQ dan peran dari pembelajaran berbasis gamifikasi ini. Subjek pada penelitian ini yakni seluruh Kelas VII dan VIII yang berjumlah 19 kelas di SMPN 1 Candi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni Gamifikasi pada pembelajaran terletak pada pengembangan strategi yang efektif dalam proses pembelajaran tersirat pada kedalaman analisis kondisi dan perangkat pembelajaran yang tersedia. Peran gamifikasi dalam pembelajaran mampu mengasosiasikan perasaan fun, membentuk pengetahuan kolektif bagi siswa, meningkat motivasi siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas dan mampu meningkatkan kecenderungan aktif mengerjakan tugas meski dengan berkurangnya ketelitian karena time in game. Kata Kunci   : Gamifikasi, Wordwall, Quizizz, Pembelajaran berbasis game

    Fostering sustainable nutrition behavior through gamification

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    The food choices consumers make have considerable consequences for the environment. In the Western world, about one-third of all negative environmental impact is directly related to food consumption. Although many consumers are concerned about environmental issues, this frequently has little effect on actual nutritional behavior and new approaches are needed to convert good intentions into action. Gamification could be a possible way to encourage both self-efficacy on the part of the consumer as well as normalizing such behavior socially. In this paper, central elements of the behavioral change model HAPA (health action process approach) are introduced to a gamification concept. The underlying frameworks of both concepts are then analyzed in order to develop propositions for use in the design of an effective gamification setting to promote sustainable nutritional behavior (SNB)

    Gamification for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

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    This book provides a research-based overview of the use of games to facilitate learning in innovation/entrepreneurship and draws on work in several European institutions and well-known companies. Also, it provides a review of experiences in using games, a typology and a model for introducing games into course design. Examples include games specifically designed and developed within the project plus signpost links to an online library of games

    Gamification, Online Learning and Motivation: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Higher Education

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    As a motivational teaching practice, gamification does not always work as expected. This paper supports these findings and adds the factor of online teaching analyzing the results of an experiment carried out in an online higher education context to test the relevance and motivational efficacy of ludic methodologies using learning and knowledge technology. Three groups of students (n=78, n=64, and n=74) participated in gamified experiences in the same subject. These groups were offered different approaches to the experiences, only one of which included a reward. Neither of the gamified experiences was compulsory. The results show how the use of technologies and gamification is not as appealing as it may seem and how other aspects—such as teacher-student relationship and interaction, rewards, and the sense of alienation generated by online teaching—influence student participation. The low rate of participation indicates that teachers must consider not only those students who participate but also those who do not. The main conclusion is that not only the methodology is important, but also the performance and the fact that student-teacher relationship in online education is more demanding, affectively speaking. Thus, those students who were in direct contact with the teacher during the execution of the gamified experience present a higher level of involvement. This is a factor to consider for the motivational needs of online university students where intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and direct interaction play essential roles

    Gamification for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

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    This book provides a research-based overview of the use of games to facilitate learning in innovation/entrepreneurship and draws on work in several European institutions and well-known companies. Also, it provides a review of experiences in using games, a typology and a model for introducing games into course design. Examples include games specifically designed and developed within the project plus signpost links to an online library of games

    Game mechanics and aesthetics differences for tangible and intangible goods provided via social media

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    Companies aspire to fulfil consumers’ needs, wants and desires by offering products and services. Due to globalization and digitization, the world became a small village by facilitating the obtainability of products/services across the globe. Furthermore, the online purchasing via social platforms mirrors the traditional purchasing process. Gamification, game techniques and elements have been employed in the different domain for engaging and motivating consumers, students, end-users in numerous countries and cultures. Gamification is considered the appliance of game techniques and game elements in the non-game environment. It’s been adjusted in different models founded as a need to explore and explain variables, phenomena and theories. Game mechanics as one of the game elements are applied in different disciplines to achieve better performance, fruitful collaboration, active and enthusiastic participation, creating enjoyable, pleasurable and entertaining environment. Aesthetics are described as the sensory part that game evoke within the player. To identify the differences within consumers who purchase via social media when game mechanics and aesthetics are applied, the chi-square test for independence has been employed. The results estimate that the association between products and services as variables is not statistically significant and the relationship between them is weak or moderated. The findings of this research are useful for private companies and other interested stakeholders. © 2019, Sciendo. All rights reserved.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2018/2020
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