172 research outputs found

    Big Data for Traffic Estimation and Prediction: A Survey of Data and Tools

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    Big data has been used widely in many areas including the transportation industry. Using various data sources, traffic states can be well estimated and further predicted for improving the overall operation efficiency. Combined with this trend, this study presents an up-to-date survey of open data and big data tools used for traffic estimation and prediction. Different data types are categorized and the off-the-shelf tools are introduced. To further promote the use of big data for traffic estimation and prediction tasks, challenges and future directions are given for future studies

    Point Cloud Processing for Environmental Analysis in Autonomous Driving using Deep Learning

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    Autonomous self-driving cars need a very precise perception system of their environment, working for every conceivable scenario. Therefore, different kinds of sensor types, such as lidar scanners, are in use. This thesis contributes highly efficient algorithms for 3D object recognition to the scientific community. It provides a Deep Neural Network with specific layers and a novel loss to safely localize and estimate the orientation of objects from point clouds originating from lidar sensors. First, a single-shot 3D object detector is developed that outputs dense predictions in only one forward pass. Next, this detector is refined by fusing complementary semantic features from cameras and joint probabilistic tracking to stabilize predictions and filter outliers. The last part presents an evaluation of data from automotive-grade lidar scanners. A Generative Adversarial Network is also being developed as an alternative for target-specific artificial data generation.One of the main objectives of leading automotive companies is autonomous self-driving cars. They need a very precise perception system of their environment, working for every conceivable scenario. Therefore, different kinds of sensor types are in use. Besides cameras, lidar scanners became very important. The development in that field is significant for future applications and system integration because lidar offers a more accurate depth representation, independent from environmental illumination. Especially algorithms and machine learning approaches, including Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence based on raw laser scanner data, are very important due to the long range and three-dimensional resolution of the measured point clouds. Consequently, a broad field of research with many challenges and unsolved tasks has been established. This thesis aims to address this deficit and contribute highly efficient algorithms for 3D object recognition to the scientific community. It provides a Deep Neural Network with specific layers and a novel loss to safely localize and estimate the orientation of objects from point clouds. First, a single shot 3D object detector is developed that outputs dense predictions in only one forward pass. Next, this detector is refined by fusing complementary semantic features from cameras and a joint probabilistic tracking to stabilize predictions and filter outliers. In the last part, a concept for deployment into an existing test vehicle focuses on the semi-automated generation of a suitable dataset. Subsequently, an evaluation of data from automotive-grade lidar scanners is presented. A Generative Adversarial Network is also being developed as an alternative for target-specific artificial data generation. Experiments on the acquired application-specific and benchmark datasets show that the presented methods compete with a variety of state-of-the-art algorithms while being trimmed down to efficiency for use in self-driving cars. Furthermore, they include an extensive set of standard evaluation metrics and results to form a solid baseline for future research.Eines der Hauptziele führender Automobilhersteller sind autonome Fahrzeuge. Sie benötigen ein sehr präzises System für die Wahrnehmung der Umgebung, dass für jedes denkbare Szenario überall auf der Welt funktioniert. Daher sind verschiedene Arten von Sensoren im Einsatz, sodass neben Kameras u. a. auch Lidar Sensoren ein wichtiger Bestandteil sind. Die Entwicklung auf diesem Gebiet ist für künftige Anwendungen von höchster Bedeutung, da Lidare eine genauere, von der Umgebungsbeleuchtung unabhängige, Tiefendarstellung bieten. Insbesondere Algorithmen und maschinelle Lernansätze wie Deep Learning, die Rohdaten über Lernzprozesse direkt verarbeiten können, sind aufgrund der großen Reichweite und der dreidimensionalen Auflösung der gemessenen Punktwolken sehr wichtig. Somit hat sich ein weites Forschungsfeld mit vielen Herausforderungen und ungelösten Problemen etabliert. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, dieses Defizit zu verringern und effiziente Algorithmen zur 3D-Objekterkennung zu entwickeln. Sie stellt ein tiefes Neuronales Netzwerk mit spezifischen Schichten und einer neuartigen Fehlerfunktion zur sicheren Lokalisierung und Schätzung der Orientierung von Objekten aus Punktwolken bereit. Zunächst wird ein 3D-Detektor entwickelt, der in nur einem Vorwärtsdurchlauf aus einer Punktwolke alle Objekte detektiert. Anschließend wird dieser Detektor durch die Fusion von komplementären semantischen Merkmalen aus Kamerabildern und einem gemeinsamen probabilistischen Tracking verfeinert, um die Detektionen zu stabilisieren und Ausreißer zu filtern. Im letzten Teil wird ein Konzept für den Einsatz in einem bestehenden Testfahrzeug vorgestellt, das sich auf die halbautomatische Generierung eines geeigneten Datensatzes konzentriert. Hierbei wird eine Auswertung auf Daten von Automotive-Lidaren vorgestellt. Als Alternative zur zielgerichteten künstlichen Datengenerierung wird ein weiteres generatives Neuronales Netzwerk untersucht. Experimente mit den erzeugten anwendungsspezifischen- und Benchmark-Datensätzen zeigen, dass sich die vorgestellten Methoden mit dem Stand der Technik messen können und gleichzeitig auf Effizienz für den Einsatz in selbstfahrenden Autos optimiert sind. Darüber hinaus enthalten sie einen umfangreichen Satz an Evaluierungsmetriken und -ergebnissen, die eine solide Grundlage für die zukünftige Forschung bilden

    Denoising MAX6675 reading using Kalman filter and factorial design

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    This paper aims to tune the Kalman filter (KF) input variables, namely measurement error and process noise, based on two-level factorial design. Kalman filter then was applied in inexpensive temperature-acquisition utilizing MAX6675 and K-type thermocouple with Arduino as its microprocessor. Two levels for each input variable, respectively, 0.1 and 0.9, were selected and applied to four K-type thermocouples mounted on MAX6675. Each sensor with a different combination of input variables was used to measure the temperature of ambient-water, boiling water, and sudden temperature drops in the system. The measurement results which consisted of the original and KF readings were evaluated to determine the optimum combination of input variables. It was found that the optimum combination of input variables was highly dependent on the system's dynamics. For systems with relatively constant dynamics, a large value of measurement error and small value of process noise results in higher precision readings. Nevertheless, for fast dynamic systems, the previous input variables' combination is less optimal because it produced a time-gap, which made the KF reading differ from the original measurement. The selection of the optimum input combination using two-level factorial design eased the KF tuning process, resulting in a more precise yet low-cost sensor