222 research outputs found

    LSSL-SSD: Social spammer detection with Laplacian score and semi-supervised learning

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. The rapid development of social networks makes it easy for people to communicate online. However, social networks usually suffer from social spammers due to their openness. Spammers deliver information for economic purposes, and they pose threats to the security of social networks. To maintain the long-term running of online social networks, many detection methods are proposed. But current methods normally use high dimension features with supervised learning algorithms to find spammers, resulting in low detection performance. To solve this problem, in this paper, we first apply the Laplacian score method, which is an unsupervised feature selection method, to obtain useful features. Based on the selected features, the semi-supervised ensemble learning is then used to train the detection model. Experimental results on the Twitter dataset show the efficiency of our approach after feature selection. Moreover, the proposed method remains high detection performance in the face of limited labeled data

    Contextual Outlier Interpretation

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    Outlier detection plays an essential role in many data-driven applications to identify isolated instances that are different from the majority. While many statistical learning and data mining techniques have been used for developing more effective outlier detection algorithms, the interpretation of detected outliers does not receive much attention. Interpretation is becoming increasingly important to help people trust and evaluate the developed models through providing intrinsic reasons why the certain outliers are chosen. It is difficult, if not impossible, to simply apply feature selection for explaining outliers due to the distinct characteristics of various detection models, complicated structures of data in certain applications, and imbalanced distribution of outliers and normal instances. In addition, the role of contrastive contexts where outliers locate, as well as the relation between outliers and contexts, are usually overlooked in interpretation. To tackle the issues above, in this paper, we propose a novel Contextual Outlier INterpretation (COIN) method to explain the abnormality of existing outliers spotted by detectors. The interpretability for an outlier is achieved from three aspects: outlierness score, attributes that contribute to the abnormality, and contextual description of its neighborhoods. Experimental results on various types of datasets demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with existing interpretation approaches

    Graph-based Security and Privacy Analytics via Collective Classification with Joint Weight Learning and Propagation

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    Many security and privacy problems can be modeled as a graph classification problem, where nodes in the graph are classified by collective classification simultaneously. State-of-the-art collective classification methods for such graph-based security and privacy analytics follow the following paradigm: assign weights to edges of the graph, iteratively propagate reputation scores of nodes among the weighted graph, and use the final reputation scores to classify nodes in the graph. The key challenge is to assign edge weights such that an edge has a large weight if the two corresponding nodes have the same label, and a small weight otherwise. Although collective classification has been studied and applied for security and privacy problems for more than a decade, how to address this challenge is still an open question. In this work, we propose a novel collective classification framework to address this long-standing challenge. We first formulate learning edge weights as an optimization problem, which quantifies the goals about the final reputation scores that we aim to achieve. However, it is computationally hard to solve the optimization problem because the final reputation scores depend on the edge weights in a very complex way. To address the computational challenge, we propose to jointly learn the edge weights and propagate the reputation scores, which is essentially an approximate solution to the optimization problem. We compare our framework with state-of-the-art methods for graph-based security and privacy analytics using four large-scale real-world datasets from various application scenarios such as Sybil detection in social networks, fake review detection in Yelp, and attribute inference attacks. Our results demonstrate that our framework achieves higher accuracies than state-of-the-art methods with an acceptable computational overhead.Comment: Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2019. Dataset link: http://gonglab.pratt.duke.edu/code-dat

    개인 사회망 네트워크 분석 기반 온라인 사회 공격자 탐지

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 컴퓨터공학부,2020. 2. 김종권.In the last decade we have witnessed the explosive growth of online social networking services (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and LinkedIn. While SNSs provide diverse benefits – for example, fostering inter-personal relationships, community formations and news propagation, they also attracted uninvited nuiance. Spammers abuse SNSs as vehicles to spread spams rapidly and widely. Spams, unsolicited or inappropriate messages, significantly impair the credibility and reliability of services. Therefore, detecting spammers has become an urgent and critical issue in SNSs. This paper deals with spamming in Twitter and Weibo. Instead of spreading annoying messages to the public, a spammer follows (subscribes to) normal users, and followed a normal user. Sometimes a spammer makes link farm to increase target accounts explicit influence. Based on the assumption that the online relationships of spammers are different from those of normal users, I proposed classification schemes that detect online social attackers including spammers. I firstly focused on ego-network social relations and devised two features, structural features based on Triad Significance Profile (TSP) and relational semantic features based on hierarchical homophily in an ego-network. Experiments on real Twitter and Weibo datasets demonstrated that the proposed approach is very practical. The proposed features are scalable because instead of analyzing the whole network, they inspect user-centered ego-networks. My performance study showed that proposed methods yield significantly better performance than prior scheme in terms of true positives and false positives.최근 우리는 Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, LinkedIn 등의 다양한 사회 관계망 서비스가 폭발적으로 성장하는 현상을 목격하였다. 하지만 사회 관계망 서비스가 개인과 개인간의 관계 및 커뮤니티 형성과 뉴스 전파 등의 여러 이점을 제공해 주고 있는데 반해 반갑지 않은 현상 역시 발생하고 있다. 스패머들은 사회 관계망 서비스를 동력 삼아 스팸을 매우 빠르고 넓게 전파하는 식으로 악용하고 있다. 스팸은 수신자가 원치 않는 메시지들을 일컽는데 이는 서비스의 신뢰도와 안정성을 크게 손상시킨다. 따라서, 스패머를 탐지하는 것이 현재 소셜 미디어에서 매우 긴급하고 중요한 문제가 되었다. 이 논문은 대표적인 사회 관계망 서비스들 중 Twitter와 Weibo에서 발생하는 스패밍을 다루고 있다. 이러한 유형의 스패밍들은 불특정 다수에게 메시지를 전파하는 대신에, 많은 일반 사용자들을 '팔로우(구독)'하고 이들로부터 '맞 팔로잉(맞 구독)'을 이끌어 내는 것을 목적으로 하기도 한다. 때로는 link farm을 이용해 특정 계정의 팔로워 수를 높이고 명시적 영향력을 증가시키기도 한다. 스패머의 온라인 관계망이 일반 사용자의 온라인 사회망과 다를 것이라는 가정 하에, 나는 스패머들을 포함한 일반적인 온라인 사회망 공격자들을 탐지하는 분류 방법을 제시한다. 나는 먼저 개인 사회망 내 사회 관계에 주목하고 두 가지 종류의 분류 특성을 제안하였다. 이들은 개인 사회망의 Triad Significance Profile (TSP)에 기반한 구조적 특성과 Hierarchical homophily에 기반한 관계 의미적 특성이다. 실제 Twitter와 Weibo 데이터셋에 대한 실험 결과는 제안한 방법이 매우 실용적이라는 것을 보여준다. 제안한 특성들은 전체 네트워크를 분석하지 않아도 개인 사회망만 분석하면 되기 때문에 scalable하게 측정될 수 있다. 나의 성능 분석 결과는 제안한 기법이 기존 방법에 비해 true positive와 false positive 측면에서 우수하다는 것을 보여준다.1 Introduction 1 2 Related Work 6 2.1 OSN Spammer Detection Approaches 6 2.1.1 Contents-based Approach 6 2.1.2 Social Network-based Approach 7 2.1.3 Subnetwork-based Approach 8 2.1.4 Behavior-based Approach 9 2.2 Link Spam Detection 10 2.3 Data mining schemes for Spammer Detection 10 2.4 Sybil Detection 12 3 Triad Significance Profile Analysis 14 3.1 Motivation 14 3.2 Twitter Dataset 18 3.3 Indegree and Outdegree of Dataset 20 3.4 Twitter spammer Detection with TSP 22 3.5 TSP-Filtering 27 3.6 Performance Evaluation of TSP-Filtering 29 4 Hierarchical Homophily Analysis 33 4.1 Motivation 33 4.2 Hierarchical Homophily in OSN 37 4.2.1 Basic Analysis of Datasets 39 4.2.2 Status gap distribution and Assortativity 44 4.2.3 Hierarchical gap distribution 49 4.3 Performance Evaluation of HH-Filtering 53 5 Overall Performance Evaluation 58 6 Conclusion 63 Bibliography 65Docto

    Detecting Social Spamming on Facebook Platform

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    Tänapäeval toimub väga suur osa kommunikatsioonist elektroonilistes suhtlusvõrgustikes. Ühest küljest lihtsustab see omavahelist suhtlemist ja uudiste levimist, teisest küljest loob see ideaalse pinnase sotsiaalse rämpsposti levikuks. Rohkem kui kahe miljardi kasutajaga Facebooki platvorm on hetkel rämpsposti levitajate üks põhilisi sihtmärke. Platvormi kasutajad puutuvad igapäevaselt kokku ohtude ja ebameeldivustega nagu pahavara levitavad lingid, vulgaarsused, vihakõned, kättemaksuks levitatav porno ja muu. Kuigi uurijad on esitanud erinevaid tehnikaid sotsiaalmeedias rämpspostituste vähendamiseks, on neid rakendatud eelkõige Twitteri platvormil ja vaid vähesed on seda teinud Facebookis. Pidevalt arenevate rämpspostitusmeetoditega võitlemiseks tuleb välja töötada järjest uusi rämpsposti avastamise viise. Käesolev magistritöö keskendub Facebook platvormile, kuhu on lõputöö raames paigutatud kümme „meepurki” (ingl honeypot), mille abil määratakse kindlaks väljakutsed rämpsposti tuvastamisel, et pakkuda tõhusamaid lahendusi. Kasutades kõiki sisendeid, kaasa arvatud varem mujal sotsiaalmeedias testitud meetodid ja informatsioon „meepurkidest”, luuakse andmekaeve ja masinõppe meetoditele tuginedes klassifikaator, mis suudab eristada rämpspostitaja profiili tavakasutaja profiilist. Nimetatu saavutamiseks vaadeldakse esmalt peamisi väljakutseid ja piiranguid rämpsposti tuvastamisel ning esitletakse varasemalt tehtud uuringuid koos tulemustega. Seejärel kirjeldatakse rakenduslikku protsessi, alustades „meepurgi” ehitusest, andmete kogumisest ja ettevalmistamisest kuni klassifikaatori ehitamiseni. Lõpuks esitatakse „meepurkidelt” saadud vaatlusandmed koos klassifikaatori tulemustega ning võrreldakse neid uurimistöödega teiste sotsiaalmeedia platvormide kohta. Selle lõputöö peamine panus on klassifikaator, mis suudab eristada Facebooki kasutaja profiilid spämmerite omast. Selle lõputöö originaalsus seisneb eesmärgis avastada erinevat sotsiaalset spämmi, mitte ainult pahavara levitajaid vaid ka neid, kes levitavad roppust, massiliselt sõnumeid, heakskiitmata sisu jne.OSNs (Online Social Networks) are dominating the human interaction nowadays, easing the communication and spreading of news on one hand and providing a global fertile soil to grow all different kinds of social spamming, on the other. Facebook platform, with its 2 billions current active users, is currently on the top of the spammers' targets. Its users are facing different kind of social threats everyday, including malicious links, profanity, hate speech, revenge porn and others. Although many researchers have presented their different techniques to defeat spam on social media, specially on Twitter platform, very few have targeted Facebook's.To fight the continuously evolving spam techniques, we have to constantly develop and enhance the spam detection methods. This research digs deeper in the Facebook platform, through 10 implemented honeypots, to state the challenges that slow the spam detection process, and ways to overcome it. Using all the given inputs, including the previous techniques tested on other social medias along with observations driven from the honeypots, the final product is a classifier that distinguish the spammer profiles from legitimate ones through data mining and machine learning techniques. To achieve this, the research first overviews the main challenges and limitations that obstruct the spam detection process, and presents the related researches with their results. It then, outlines the implementation steps, from the honeypot construction step, passing through the data collection and preparation and ending by building the classifier itself. Finally, it presents the observations driven from the honeypot and the results from the classifier and validates it against the results from previous researches on different social platforms. The main contribution of this thesis is the end classifier which will be able to distinguish between the legitimate Facebook profiles and the spammer ones. The originality of the research lies in its aim to detect all kind of social spammers, not only the spreading-malware spammers, but also spamming in its general context, e.g. the ones spreading profanity, bulk messages and unapproved contents

    Geotag propagation in social networks based on user trust model

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    In the past few years sharing photos within social networks has become very popular. In order to make these huge collections easier to explore, images are usually tagged with representative keywords such as persons, events, objects, and locations. In order to speed up the time consuming tag annotation process, tags can be propagated based on the similarity between image content and context. In this paper, we present a system for efficient geotag propagation based on a combination of object duplicate detection and user trust modeling. The geotags are propagated by training a graph based object model for each of the landmarks on a small tagged image set and finding its duplicates within a large untagged image set. Based on the established correspondences between these two image sets and the reliability of the user, tags are propagated from the tagged to the untagged images. The user trust modeling reduces the risk of propagating wrong tags caused by spamming or faulty annotation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through a set of experiments on an image database containing various landmark

    From past to present: spam detection and identifying opinion leaders in social networks

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    On microblogging sites, which are gaining more and more users every day, a wide range of ideas are quickly emerging, spreading, and creating interactive environments. In some cases, in Turkey as well as in the rest of the world, it was noticed that events were published on microblogging sites before appearing in visual, audio and printed news sources. Thanks to the rapid flow of information in social networks, it can reach millions of people in seconds. In this context, social media can be seen as one of the most important sources of information affecting public opinion. Since the information in social networks became accessible, research started to be conducted using the information on the social networks. While the studies about spam detection and identification of opinion leaders gained popularity, surveys about these topics began to be published. This study also shows the importance of spam detection and identification of opinion leaders in social networks. It is seen that the data collected from social platforms, especially in recent years, has sourced many state-of-art applications. There are independent surveys that focus on filtering the spam content and detecting influencers on social networks. This survey analyzes both spam detection studies and opinion leader identification and categorizes these studies by their methodologies. As far as we know there is no survey that contains approaches for both spam detection and opinion leader identification in social networks. This survey contains an overview of the past and recent advances in both spam detection and opinion leader identification studies in social networks. Furthermore, readers of this survey have the opportunity of understanding general aspects of different studies about spam detection and opinion leader identification while observing key points and comparisons of these studies.This work is supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through grant number 118E315 and grant number 120E187. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of TUBITAK.Publisher's VersionEmerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)Q4WOS:00080858480001