215 research outputs found

    An assessment of the Egyptian government\u27s use of public service announcements for development communication

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    Mass media has long been used as a tool for communicating national development. It is through the use of public service announcements (PSAs) that nations could com-municate to the masses their development goals. This study examines the use of Pub-lic service announcements by the Egyptian government in order to communicate its 2030 development goals. A content analysis of television PSAs (N=69) has been con-ducted assessing the content and context of those PSAs comparing them to the crite-ria of effective PSAs. The categories analyzed in the PSAs were PSA Approach, PSA Message, PSA Appeal, PSA Source Characteristics, Personal Relevance, Message quality, Message understandability, Motivational incentives and Messenger attributes. Following the content analysis, in depth interviews were also conducted with experts in the fields of media, communication and development to gain richer information regarding the government\u27s use of public service announcements in Egypt. Findings from the study have shown that while the content of the PSAs analyzed matched the criteria of effective PSAs, results from the interviews have showed that PSAs still did not have the required impact

    Nike marketing plan: the launch of Nike Academy in Portugal

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    In this master project, the objective is to develop a strategic and operational marketing plan to support the launching of a football academy, designed to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional welfare of its athletes. This football academy will be launched in Portugal, by Nike, during the summer of 2021. In this project, we have identified the potential participants, sponsors and fans, and studied the advantages that this initiative may bring to Nike. To achieve these conclusions, we made a strategic and operational study, that will allow to evaluate the impact the new service for the brand and what resources will be needed to implement this project. We studied the reality in which the current football academies are being developed, to construct terms of comparisons between them, and to understand what the good practices are, and what can be improved in this industry. We defined a marketing strategy and designed marketing-mix components, with the goal of creating a football academy that fulfills the young athletes’ needs, and not only the agents’ and managers’ needs. Our goal was to construct a model of an academy that could be followed by other football clubs, demonstrating the importance that the mental wellbeing of the players has for themselves and for their futures, but also for the clubs where they play in.Este projeto de mestrado tem como objetivo, desenvolver um plano estratégico e operacional de marketing, para apoiar o lançamento de uma academia de futebol, desenvolvida com o intuito de garantir o bem-estar físico, psicológico e emocional dos seus atletas. Esta academia de futebol será lançada em Portugal, pela Nike, durante o verão de 2021. Neste projeto, identificamos os potenciais participantes, patrocinadores e fãs, e estudamos as vantagens que esta iniciativa pode trazer para a Nike. Para chegar a estas conclusões, realizamos um estudo estratégico e operacional, que permitirá avaliar o impacto do novo serviço para a marca e quais os recursos necessários para implementar este projeto. Estudamos a realidade em que as atuais academias de futebol estão a ser desenvolvidas, para elaborar termos de comparação entre elas e para entender quais são as boas práticas e o que pode ser melhorado neste setor. Definimos uma estratégia de marketing e projetamos componentes de marketing-mix, com o objetivo de criar uma academia de futebol que atenda às necessidades dos jovens atletas, e não apenas às necessidades dos agentes e diretores desportivos. O nosso objetivo passou por construir um modelo de academia de futebol que pudesse ser seguido por outros clubes de futebol, demonstrando a importância que o bem-estar mental dos jogadores tem para o presente e para o futuro deles, mas também para os clubes onde jogam
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