738,287 research outputs found

    Relevant Issues Regarding The Delivery Of Database Courses Through Distance Education

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    This paper discusses the issues that were involved in the development of two online database courses at The Metropolitan State College of Denver.  These courses are CMS 3060 Database Management Systems and CMS 4060 Advanced Database Management Systems.  In addition to the issues apparent in the development of regular courses, technology driven courses provide a special set of problems.  This paper examines the integration of a remote relational database management system (Oracle) into an online course.  Also, the paper discusses the use of the PC based Oracle Developer 2000 product in an online course


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    This paper proposed Final Year Project Online Management System to replace the current manual system. This Web-based system will emerge the paradigm of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS management. The manual system is messy and time consuming with lack in efficiency. The main objective of this project is to engage all parties in one collaborative online system systematically as a medium in exchanging information for Final Year Project. Developing the system involves the knowledge of web design, web setup, database design, database setup and server setup. FYP Online Management System will be developed in an open source environment. Using Linux operating system on the server platform, the system will utilize MySQL as its database system and Apache as the Web server. The scripting language on server side is PHP while HTML with JavaScript is written on client side. Considering three user groups for FYP Online Management System, there will be different interface and function for each group. Administrator will be managing the system with the task of handling user registrations and accounts. User verification will secure the system. This web enabled project management and its associated features are strongly worth, feasible and relevance in fulfilling the endeavours of the parties concerned


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    Final Year Project (FYP) is the most important course in university. Every student will be taking FYP courses in their final year studies in university. It will be troublesome for student if the management system of FYP continue to be manually instead of online systems. Online systems provide a very important part in the life of every student upon entering universities, submission of project and enroll the subject or title to lecturer. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire organization. Therefore FYPOS is proposed. FYPOS stands for Final Year Project Online System. FYPOS is online systems that make the students and lecturer to register, submit report and view it online. FYPOS will make the student and lecturer life easier and faster than before (manually management system). The objectives of the FYPOS to enhanced the management system to be online by design, develop and testing the database. Currently, the manually system have limited storage, troublesome and no proper record. Hence, the scope of study covers all the server design, database design and also monitoring the data that undergo the database (testing). This project consists of introduction of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), Entity-relationship Diagram (ER-Diagram) and PHPmyAdmin. For further information are the detailed explanations of what are RDBMS, ER-Diagram and also PHPmyAdmin. All of the information is extracted from trustworthy website and books

    An open database of productivity in Vietnam's social sciences and humanities for public use

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    This study presents a description of an open database on scientific output of Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities, one that corrects for the shortcomings in current research publication databases such as data duplication, slow update, and a substantial cost of doing science. Here, using scientists’ self-reports, open online sources and cross-checking with Scopus database, we introduce a manual system and its semi-automated version of the database on the profiles of 657 Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities who have published in Scopus-indexed journals from 2008 to 2018. The final system also records 973 foreign co-authors, 1,289 papers, and 789 affiliations. The data collection method, highly applicable for other sources, could be replicated in other developing countries while its content be used in cross-section, multivariate, and network data analyses. The open database is expected to help Vietnam revamp its research capacity and meet the public demand for greater transparency in science management

    Bioinformatics tools @ NBBNet: online infrastructure for the management and analysis of biological data

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    The use of informatics tools for the management and analysis of sequences for nucleic acids and proteins has resulted better throughout capability of wet lab research work to infer biological data to functional biological information. The field of computational biological information management and analysis is generally known as bioinformatics. We discuss some tools and processes which have been developed or integrated into a data management and information presentation pipeline by the Malaysian National Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Network. Central to this is the Bioinformatics Tools @ NBBnet online infrastructure system. This infrastructure system utilizes grid computing technology. In addition, the deployment of niche databases and database shells for research applying specific datasets such as a particular protein function, protein family or genomes have been discussed

    Online Examination System for Introduction to Management course

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    Online Exam System for introduction to management is an application that designed and developed for students and lecturers. The system helps students to take examination online. It helps also lecturers to upload the questions and answers in the database and they can see the students who fail or pass the exam. The software is developed using Java programming language and database. In the software we can register as a user and users are of two categories which are Lecturer and Student. Before using the system both users need to register and after that they must login with their username and password in order to enter the system. The online examination system for introduction to management is constituted of different components for instance login function, insertion of data in the database, extraction of data from the database. The problem with the current system is that students take their exam manually. This outdated system will take long time utilization; the manual procedure used for conducting exam is time consuming process. More time being used for lecturers to bring the questions papers and answer sheets and also more time is needed for students in order to write their exam


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    DanuHermawan, 2010. SISTEMUJIANONLINEBERBASISWEBSEBAGAI APLIKASIDATABASEMANAGEMENTSYSTEM(DBMS). FakultasMatematika danIlmuPengetahuanAlam,UniversitasSebelasMaret. Sistemujianonline merupakanbagiandari sisteminformasi pendidikanjarak jauh melalui media teknologi elektronik internet atau e-learning. Media teknologi informasi sangat erat kaitannyadengansistembasis datasebagai mediamasukandan penyimpanandata yangsesuai dengankebutuhanpara penggunanya. Sebagai aplikasi teknologi informasi, sistemujianonlineberbasiswebmerupakanperangkat lunakyang menerapkandatabasemanagement system(DBMS) dalammenangani perintah-perintah danpermintaan penggunasistemterhadapbasisdata. Dalamperencanaansistemujian onlinedigunakananalisis terstruktur yangterdiri dari tigakomponenyaitu, dataflow diagram(DFD), kamusdatadanspesifikasi proses. Basisdatasistemujianonlinedibuat berdasarkanpadatahapananalisissistemsampaidengannormalisasibasisdata.Informasi dataujianonlinediperolehdariprosespelaksanaanujiansecarakonvensional. Untukpengembanganperangkat lunakdiperlukanpengetahuantentanganalisis algoritma. Analisis algoritmaadalahuntukmenentukankompleksitas waktualgoritma. Kompleksitas waktudisimbolkandalamfungsi T(n) yangdiukur dari jumlahtahapan komputasi yangdibutuhkanuntukmenjalankanalgoritma sebagai fungsi dari ukuran input data n. Notasi O(dibaca Big O) merupakan notasi dari fungsi pertumbuhan kompleksitaswaktu. Kompleksitas waktu T(n) proses randomisasi soal dihitungberdasarkan pada operasi dari jumlahndatasoal denganfungsi script phpyaitusrand. Padapengiriman pilihanjawaban ujian, kompleksitas waktu T(n) dihitungdari jumlah n data pilihan jawabanyangdikirimolehpesertaujianonlinedenganoperasi aritmatikapenilaianujian adalahnilai=(100*bobot_benar/total_bobot)


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    Muhammad Aji Darussalam, 2013. Development on Online Exam Application for University. Diploma III in Information Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Online examination system is part of the distance learning information system through the medium of internet technology. The concept of online exams \ud that are not limited by space and time, can be a solution to the problems that exist in the conventional test methods. This system aims to facilitate lecturers and students in examinations. Correction exam answer process that directly conducted by the system, makes the test more effective and efficient. Students can view the results at the end of test execution directly. The study was conducted by observing the system directly to obtain the results of the analysis of system requirements. As a basis and reference for making an online exam system, the literature study was conducted and then created a system and database design using DFD and ERD. The programming language was used PHP and MySQL as the database. In this system there are 3 levels of user : Administrator, Lecturers and Students. There are 4 types of questions options MCSA (Multiple Choice Single Answer), MCMA (Multiple Choice Multiple Answer), Essay and Ordering Answer. It can be concluded that the online exam application has been completed and has several main features, including the user data management, course management, news management, exam management, exam questions management and exam results management. Keywords : Online Exam, PHP, MySQL Muhammad Aji Darussalam, 2013. Pembuatan Aplikasi Ujian Online Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Program Diploma III Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Sistem ujian online merupakan salah satu bagian sistem informasi pendidikan jarak jauh melalui media teknologi internet. Konsep ujian online yang tidak terbatas oleh ruang dan waktu, dapat menjadi solusi atas kendala yang ada pada metode ujian secara konvensional. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah dosen dan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan ujian. Proses pengkoreksian jawaban ujian yang langsung dilakukan oleh sistem, dapat membuat ujian menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Mahasiswa dapat mengetahui hasil ujiannya secara langsung diakhir pelaksanaan ujian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati sistem secara langsung sehingga didapatkan hasil analisis mengenai kebutuhan sistem. Sebagai dasar dan acuan untuk membuat sistem ujian online, dilakukan studi pustaka dan kemudian membuat perancangan sistem dan database menggunakan DFD dan ERD. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Pada sistem ini terdapat 3 level user : Administrator, Dosen dan Mahasiswa. Terdapat 4 pilihan tipe soal yaitu MCSA (Multiple Choice Single Answer), MCMA (Multiple Choice Multiple Answer), Essay dan Ordering Answer. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ujian online ini telah selesai dibuat dan mempunyai beberapa fitur utama, diantaranya yaitu manajemen data user, manajemen matakuliah, manajemen berita, manajemen ujian, manajemen soal ujian dan manajemen hasil ujian. Kata kunci : Ujian Online, PHP, MySQ

    Cooperative Extension Service Online Registration Service

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    Prior to the development of this project, the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service did not have an online registration system. Workshop participants registered manually; by telephone, by mail or at the door. This was an inefficient use of employee time and other resources. It was also inconvenient for participants. To answer this need, an online registration system was developed. ColdFusion was used as a database-to-web gateway. This database driven system allows the workshop manager to setup and manage the registration pages. The manager and the administrator pages are located on the Extension Services private intranet site. These include workshop management pages and participant management pages. The public pages are located the internet site and include the workshop search page and the individual registration pages
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