183 research outputs found

    Online gendered interactions: exploring divergent perspectives

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    Internet Outreach / A Guide for Health Promoters & Peer Educators

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    This manual brings together the experiences of an Internet outreach project conducted by theWestern Australian AIDS Council (WAAC) and the Western Australian Centre for Health PromotionResearch (WACHPR) at Curtin University of Technology along with other selected research. It presents guidelines on the development and implementation of Internet outreach programs for health promotion practitioners and peer education workers.It is divided into sections for ease of navigation, including an overview of Internet outreach as a health promotion strategy and the CyberReach project (through the implementation of which the contents were produced). There are additional components to support agencies interested in learning more about whether Internet outreach may be a useful strategy for them in expanding the range of their current services.Who this manual is for: Anyone working in health service delivery with an interest in developing Internet-based health promotion outreach programs. Although based on a project targeting same sex attracted youth (SSAY) and men who have sex with men (MSM), we believe there are aspects applicable to health practitioners working with other groups in a range of health and human services areas

    Understanding Cyberbullying on social media for Youth in the Coastal Areas of Pematang Guntung Village

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    Many cases of cyberbullying happen to teenagers, but in Indonesia the empirical topic of cyberbullying has not been widely used, especially in rural adolescents in coastal areas, especially Pematang Guntung Village. This paper aims to analyze cases of cyberbullying in Pematang Gunung Village on social media. The method used in this research is qualitative. The research location in this study was carried out in the coastal area of ​​Pematang Guntung Village by determining which informants would be used to obtain data. The researcher used purposive sampling technique. The results showed that most of the teenagers in the coastal area of ​​Pematang Guntung Village knew about cyberbullying on social media. This is because the phenomenon of cyberbullying is not something new and they often encounter them on their social media accounts, especially on Facebook and Instagram. However, teenagers on the coast of Pematang Guntung Village still do not understand cyberbullying in the literature, starting from the definition of cyberbullying, the types of cyberbullying, and regulations regarding cyberbullying. This is because the phenomenon of cyberbullying is not new and they often encounter them on their social media accounts, especially on Facebook and Instagram

    Cyberspace and the Cyberdildo: Dislocations in Cenicienta en Chueca

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    Cenicienta en Chueca (Cinderella in Chueca) is a collection of short stories by Argentine exile María Felicitas Jaime, published by Spanish gay/lesbian press Odisea in 2003, that represent the neocolonial relations between the Americas, Spain, and the European Union in a globalized age. The stories foreground communication technologies—including type, e-mail, chats, and dialects—in order to highlight the discursive nature of sexuality and to reveal the social, ethnic, racial, nationalistic, economic, gendered tensions underlying linguistic exchange. This article focuses on the neocolonial relations between Spain and Latin America in three stories from this collection— Chateo (Chat), Ejecutivas (Women Executives), and Cenicienta en Chueca

    Types of Cyberbullying Experienced on Facebook by Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Universities

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    Cyberbullying is a form of bullying meted out online using digital devices and platforms. This study investigated the types of cyberbullying undergraduate students in Kenyan universities experience. Specifically, it sought to determine the students' presence on Facebook, establish how the students used Facebook, identify the types of cyberbullying they experienced, and recommend strategies of mitigating cyberbullying as a means of making Facebook safer for undergraduate students in Kenya. The study was conducted using mixed research methods. Data was collected from 4770 undergraduate students and 24 deans of students in 16 public and 8 private chartered universities in Kenya. Quantitative data was collected from the students' using questionnaires while qualitative data was collected from students using focus group discussions and deans of students using key informant interviews. Quantitative data was analysed statistically using STATA while qualitative data was analysed thematically using ATLAS.ti. The findings of the study confirm the popularity of Facebook among undergraduate students in Kenya. Students use the platform mainly for dating, business, academics and politics. The main types of cyberbullying experienced by the students on Facebook include shaming, impersonation, blackmail, exposure and cyberstalking. In dealing with cyberbullying, university authorities should create awareness about the vice among their students; the affected students should be counselled to overcome the effects of cyberbullying; and students should be advised to be vigilant in cyberspace. The findings of this study may be applied by universities to develop a students' support service model that makes it easy to detect and mitigate cyberbullying

    Developing a Framework Explaining Continuous Participation in Digitally Engaged Communities

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    Digitally engaged communities are virtual communities in the sense that they exist in a cyberspace connecting different people with shared interests. They provide real-world communities a place to come together using the Internet. The eventual success of digitally engaged communities cannot thrive without continuous users’ involvement and participation. Therefore, interests have been rising in studying the behaviour of continuous participation, and examining what influences the continuation of use of these communities. In this paper, we propose a framework explaining human behaviour and intentions of why would users continue or discontinue participating in digitally engaged communities and what sort of behaviours they might undertake. This framework is grounded on the decomposed theory of planned behaviour and consequently develops three main taxonomies along with their interrelationships: (1) the social influences affecting members’ attitudes, (2) the intentional value elements offered by the community, and (3) the behavioural roles played by members. Implications of the developed framework for theory and practice have been explained demonstrating its value and efficacy on helping decision and policy makers, service providers, users and developers in pertaining a successful operation of a community where value elements are offered, exchanged and met at the same time

    Effects of anonymity,media richness,and chat-room activeness on online chatting experience

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    This paper investigates the factors that affect users’ communication satisfaction within a virtual community, in particular, an online chat room. A research model consisting of 3 aspects—psychological, technological and environmental—is developed to examine effects of anonymity, media richness and activeness of chat room on social presence, privacy concern, and further communication satisfaction. We leverage on well established theories such as self awareness, SIDE model, social presence, and the institutional theory theories to make our arguments. Results from a survey conducted to test our model suggests that higher self anonymity decreases privacy concern, while higher others anonymity increase in privacy concern. We also confirm that richer media leads to an increase in social presence, which, in turn, influences privacy concern negatively. Lastly, results support that privacy concern and social presence are determinants of communication satisfaction in online chatting

    Personal branding and career success : an empirical investigation

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    Knowledge about personal branding, the development and sustaining of a personal brand and the link between personal branding and career success did not exist in a scientifically structured manner. The purpose of this study was to understand what the elements of personal branding are and what it takes to develop a personal brand in the corporate environment. It was also important to identify whether personal branding is key to career success. The systematic literature review procedure was used to identify, analyse and critically evaluate both empirical studies and popular literature relating to personal branding. The current body of knowledge was ill defined and a six step model detailing how to develop and maintain a personal brand was developed as a result of a content analysis of the available popular literature. A measure of a complete personal brand within the workplace was subsequently developed. In this study, the hypotheses of a possible relationship between personal branding and career success (performance appraisal score, 360 leadership evaluation and talent board placement) were tested. It was found that talent board placement was statistically significant and practically related to personal branding. The study was the first to provide a measurement tool as well as empirical evidence on the relationship between personal branding and career success and, as such contributed significantly to the body of knowledge. This study also opened avenues for further research.Daar was min kennis oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, die ontwikkeling en handhawing van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, en die verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses in die wetenskaplike domein beskikbaar. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die elemente van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te begryp, asook om te bepaal wat dit behels om ’n persoonlike handelsmerk in die korporatiewe omgewing te ontwikkel. Dit was ook belangrik om te bepaal of ’n persoonlike handelsmerk deurslaggewend is tot loopbaansukses. ‘n Sistematiese literatuuroorsig is gedoen om empiriese studies asook gewilde literatuur oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te identifiseer, te ontleed en krities te evalueer. Gegewe beperkte akademiese kennismateriaal, en na aanleiding van die inhoudsontleding van die beskikbare gewilde literatuur, is ’n sesstapmodel ontwikkel om aan te dui hoe ’n persoonlike handelsmerk ontwikkel en gehandhaaf kan word. Na aanleiding hiervan is ’n instrument ontwikkel om ’n person se handelsmerk omvattend in die werkplek te meet. Dit is gevolg deur hipoteses van ’n moontlike verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses (prestasiebeoordelingtelling, 360-leierskapevaluasie en talentplasing) te toets. Die studie het bevind dat ’n persoonlike handelsmerk statisties beduidend en prakties relevant is tot talentplasing. Hierdie navorsing lewer ’n omvattende meetinstrument vir die meting van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, asook empiriese bewyse rakende die verhouding tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses. Die studie maak in diĂ© opsig ‘n beduidende bydrae tot die gebrekkige akademiese kennismateriaal wat oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar is.Ulwazi nge-branding yomuntu siqu, ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokuqhubekela phambili kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuxhumana phakathi kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini bekuyizinto ebezingahlelekile ngendlela yesisayense. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe iyini imikhakha ye-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuthi yini okudingekayo ukwenza ibrand yomuntu siqu emkhakheni wezamabhizinisi. Bekubalulekile nokubheka ukuthi ngabe i-branding yomuntu siqu isemqoka kangakanani ekuphumeleleni emisebenzini. Inqubo yokubuyekeza imibhalo ngendlela ehlelekile iye yasetshenziswa ukuphawula, ukuhlaziya kanye nokuhlola izifundo ezinobufakazi ezenziwe kanye nemibhalo edumile maqondana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Imikhakha yolwazi ekhona ibingachazekile kahle, kanti kuye kwalandelwa imodeli yezinyathalo eziyisithupha echaza imininingwane ngokwenza kanye nokugcina i-brand yomuntu siqu, iye yenziwa ngakho-ke kwase kuhlaziywa ingqikithi yemibhalo edumile ekhona. Kwenziwe i-brand yomuntu siqu ephelele emkhakheni wezemisebenzi. Kulolu cwaningo, kuhlolwe i-hypotheses yobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini (amaphuzu ohlolo lokusebenza ngendlela efanele, uhlolo lobuholi obungu 360, kanye nokubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele) kuye kwahlolwa. Kutholakale ukuthi ukubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele yinto esemqoka ngokwamastatistiki kanti futhi kuhambisana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Ucwaningo belungolokuqala ukuhlinzeka ngethuluzi lokukala kanye nocwaningo obunobufakazi obubambekayo ngobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini, kanti-ke, lokhu yikho okuye kwaba nomthelela obabalukile kulwazi. Lolu cwaningo luvule imikhakha lapho okungenziwa khona ezinye izinhlobo nemikhakha yocwaningo.Business ManagementDB
