68 research outputs found


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    In 2012 a group of researchers proposed a basic research initiative to the German Research Foundation (DFG) as a special priority project (SPP) with the name: Wireless 100 Gbps and beyond. The main goal of this initiative was the investigation of architectures, technologies and methods to go well beyond the state of the art. The target of 100 Gbps was set far away from the (at that time) achievable 1 Gbps such that it was not possible to achieve promising results just by tuning some parameters. We wanted to find breakthrough solutions. When we started the work on the proposal we discussed the challenges to be addressed in order to advancing the wireless communication speed significantly. Having the fundamental Shannon boundary in mind we discussed how to achieve the 100 Gbps speed.Angesichts der rapiden Entwicklung der Funkkommunikation hat die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft im Jahr 2012 ein Schwerpunktprogramm mit dem Titel "Wireless 100 Gbps and beyound" (dt.: Drahtloskommunikation mit 100 Gbps und mehr) gestartet. Diese Initiative zielte auf neue Lösungen, Methoden und neues Wissen zur Lösung des Problems des kontinuierlichen Bedarfs an immer höheren Datenraten im Bereich der Funkkommunikation. Eine international besetze Jury hat etliche Projektvorschläge evaluiert, aus denen 11 Projekte ausgewählt und über zweimal 3 Jahre von Mitte 2013 bis Mitte 2019 gefördert wurden. Das vorliegende Buch versammelt die Ansätze, Architekturen und Erkenntnisse der Projekte. Es überspannt einen breiten Themenbereich, angefangen mit speziellen Fragen der physikalischen Übertragung, des Antennendesigns und der HF-Eingangs-Architekturen für unterschiedliche Frequenzbereiche bis 240 GHz. Darüber hinaus beschreibt das Buch Ansätze für Ultra-Hochgeschwindigkeits-Funksysteme, deren Basisbandverarbeitung, Kodierung sowie mögliche Umsetzungen. Nicht zuletzt wurden auch Fragen des Protokolldesigns behandelt, um eine enge Integration in moderne Computersysteme zu erleichtern

    Asymptotically optimal time synchronization in dense sensor networks

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    Nanosecond-Level Resilient GNSS-Based Time Synchronization in Telecommunication Networks Through WR-PTP HA

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    In recent years, the push for accurate and reliable time synchronization has gained momentum in critical infrastructures, especially in telecommunication networks, driven by the demands of 5G new radio and next-generation technologies that rely on submicrosecond timing accuracy for radio access network (RAN) nodes. Traditionally, atomic clocks paired with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) timing receivers have served as grand master clocks, supported by dedicated network timing protocols. However, this approach struggles to scale with the increasing numbers of RAN intermediate nodes. To address scalability and high-accuracy synchronization, a more cost-effective and capillary solution is needed. Standalone GNSS timing receivers leverage ubiquitous satellite signals to offer stable timing signals but can expose networks to radio-frequency attacks due to the consequent proliferation of GNSS antennas. Our research introduces a solution by combining the white rabbit precise time protocol with a backup timing source logic acting in case of timing disruptive attacks against GNSS for resilient GNSS-based network synchronization. It has been rigorously tested against common jamming, meaconing, and spoofing attacks, consistently maintaining 2 ns relative synchronization accuracy between nodes, all without the need for an atomic clock

    Near Real-Time Zigbee Device Discrimination Using CB-DNA Features

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    Currently, Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN) based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard are at risk due to open-source tools which allow bad actors to exploit unauthorized network access through various cyberattacks by falsifying bit-level credentials. This research investigates implementing a Radio Frequency (RF) air monitor to perform Near RealTime (NRT) discrimination of Zigbee devices using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The air monitor employed a Multiple Discriminant Analysis/Euclidean Distance classifier to discriminate Zigbee devices based upon Constellation-Based Distinct Native Attribute (CB-DNA) fingerprints. Through the use of CB-DNA fingerprints, Physical Layer (PHY) characteristics unique to each Zigbee device strengthen the native bit-level authentication process for LR-WPAN networks. Overall, the developed RF air monitor achieved an Average Cross-Class Percent Correct Classification of %Ctst = 99:24% during the testing of Ncls = 5 like-model BladeRF Software Defined Radios transmitting Zigbee protocol bursts. Additionally, to evaluate the NRT capability of the air monitor, a statistical analysis of Ntiming = 1000 Zigbee bursts determined the worst-case average runtime from burst detection to classification. The analysis concluded that the runtime was truntime fi 269 mSec. Ultimately, this research found that PHY characteristics provide an additional method of authentication NRT to enhance the inherent network security for Zigbee applications from cyberattacks

    A clustering approach in sensor network time synchronization

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    In recent years tremendous technological advances have led to the development of low-cost sensors capable of data processing activities. These sensor nodes are organized in to a network typically called wireless Sensor Network. WSN\u27s are based on the principle of Data Fusion where the data collected from each sensor node is condensed into one meaningful result: Data Fusion is achieved by exchanging messages between the sensors. These messages are time stamped by each sensor node\u27s local clock fuse reading. As noted in various references, Time Synchronization is a common feature used in networking in order to give the nodes a common time reference. Time Synchronization is an important middleware service in Wireless Sensor Networks, as physical time is needed to relate events to the physical world. WSN\u27s require a great deal of synchronization accuracy so that information from many nodes can be cohesively integrated without creating time skews in the data. State-of-the-art research has been investigating the sources of error in attempting to synchronize the nodes in a network. The objective of this thesis is to define a Time Synchronization protocol for a Hierarchical Cluster Head based Wireless Sensor Network. Thus, the goals of this thesis are three fold: We first analyze the shortcomings of existing time synchronization protocols and propose a novel time synchronization protocol based on cluster tree based routing. We perform hardware-based simulation using Mica motes, TinyOS operating system and NesC programming language. Finally, we estimate the various sources of time error in package transmission in a WSN through basic simulation using OMNET++

    Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The Road from Separation to Integration

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    Radar and communications (R&C) as key utilities of electromagnetic (EM) waves have fundamentally shaped human society and triggered the modern information age. Although R&C have been historically progressing separately, in recent decades they have been moving from separation to integration, forming integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, which find extensive applications in next-generation wireless networks and future radar systems. To better understand the essence of ISAC systems, this paper provides a systematic overview on the historical development of R&C from a signal processing (SP) perspective. We first interpret the duality between R&C as signals and systems, followed by an introduction of their fundamental principles. We then elaborate on the two main trends in their technological evolution, namely, the increase of frequencies and bandwidths, and the expansion of antenna arrays. Moreover, we show how the intertwined narratives of R\&C evolved into ISAC, and discuss the resultant SP framework. Finally, we overview future research directions in this field