30,619 research outputs found

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)

    Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications

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    Proceedings of a conference held in Huntsville, Alabama, on November 15-16, 1988. The Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications brings together diverse technical and scientific work in order to help those who employ AI methods in space applications to identify common goals and to address issues of general interest in the AI community. Topics include the following: space applications of expert systems in fault diagnostics, in telemetry monitoring and data collection, in design and systems integration; and in planning and scheduling; knowledge representation, capture, verification, and management; robotics and vision; adaptive learning; and automatic programming

    Sensitivity analysis in a scoping review on police accountability : assessing the feasibility of reporting criteria in mixed studies reviews

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    In this paper, we report on the findings of a sensitivity analysis that was carried out within a previously conducted scoping review, hoping to contribute to the ongoing debate about how to assess the quality of research in mixed methods reviews. Previous sensitivity analyses mainly concluded that the exclusion of inadequately reported or lower quality studies did not have a significant effect on the results of the synthesis. In this study, we conducted a sensitivity analysis on the basis of reporting criteria with the aims of analysing its impact on the synthesis results and assessing its feasibility. Contrary to some previous studies, our analysis showed that the exclusion of inadequately reported studies had an impact on the results of the thematic synthesis. Initially, we also sought to propose a refinement of reporting criteria based on the literature and our own experiences. In this way, we aimed to facilitate the assessment of reporting criteria and enhance its consistency. However, based on the results of our sensitivity analysis, we opted not to make such a refinement since many publications included in this analysis did not sufficiently report on the methodology. As such, a refinement would not be useful considering that researchers would be unable to assess these (sub-)criteria

    Taiwan in comparative perspective

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    Focusing on Rich Brian’s β€œDat Stick”, Higher Brothers’ β€œMade in China”, and Keith Ape’s β€œIT G MA”

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    ν•™μœ„λ…Όλ¬Έ (석사) -- μ„œμšΈλŒ€ν•™κ΅ λŒ€ν•™μ› : μΈλ¬ΈλŒ€ν•™ ν˜‘λ™κ³Όμ • 비ꡐ문학전곡, 2021. 2. 김홍쀑.This thesis explores the essence and cultural connotations of β€œAsian cool” represented and promoted by the Asian cultural community 88rising which appeared in Western mainstream pop culture over the past five years. It tries to answer the following questions: what is β€œcool” in Asian cool? And, what is β€œAsian” in Asian cool? The concept of coolness is complex and changeable. Considering the attributes of the research subject, this study focuses on the concept of what is β€œcool” in the field of popular culture, focusing on the close relationship between cool and rebellion represented in popular culture. Through the analysis of the rebellious message as well as the reappearance of the local specificities and three β€œcool” personality traits in the respective works that 88rising representsβ€”namely, Rich Brian’s β€œDat Stick”, Keith Ape’s β€œIT G MA”, and Higher Brothers’ β€œMade in China”—I offer the following hypothesis: By sharing Asianness and utilizing hip-hop, an extended and vibrant culture that carries modern coolness, 88rising tries to express both an internal resistance to Asian stereotypes as well as the desire to establish new forms of Asian representation. In this case, 88rising is a vehicle for Pan-Asian unity, while Asian cool in hip-hop represents a powerful cultural movement initiated by the β€œcool new Asian” ideal of 88rising, which aims to help Asians and Asian Americans rebuild their representation and identity in the Western popular culture land-scape. However, it is the pan-Asian nature of this cultural movement that on the other hand also makes Asian cool offer an β€œoversimplified definition of Asia”. In other words, there is the potential for Asian cool to be a powerful cultural movement based on a radical, pan-Asian unity, but that potential cannot be realized if one looks at Asian culture from a homogenous perspective and dilutes it into neatly-packaged, marketable Asianness. Keywords: Asian cool, hip-hop culture, 88rising, stereotype, young Asian generation, pan-Asia unityλ³Έ λ…Όλ¬Έμ˜ λͺ©μ μ€ 졜근 5λ…„κ°„ μ„œμ–‘ λŒ€μ€‘λ¬Έν™”μ—μ„œ λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚œ 88라이징(88rising)으둜 λŒ€ν‘œλ˜λŠ” β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μΏ¨(Asian cool)β€™μ˜ λ³Έμ§ˆμ— λŒ€ν•΄ κ³ μ°°ν•˜κ³  μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μΏ¨(Asian cool) 쀑 β€˜μΏ¨(cool)’과 β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ(Asian)’ 각자의 문화적인 의미λ₯Ό νƒμƒ‰ν•˜λŠ” 데 μžˆλ‹€. 88라이징은 μ…˜ λ―Έμ•Όμ‹œλ‘œ(Sean Miyashiro)κ°€ μ°½λ¦½ν•œ 닀쀑 λ¬Έν™” 아이덴티티λ₯Ό 가지고 μžˆλŠ” μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ λ¬Έν™” 곡동체이닀. 2015λ…„ 창립 이래 88라이징은 μ•„μ‹œμ•„μΈ λž˜νΌμ™€ μ•Œμ•€λΉ„(R&B) κ°€μˆ˜λ“€μ„ λ°œκ΅΄ν•˜λŠ” 데 νž˜μ„ μŸμ•˜μœΌλ©°, 그듀이 λ―Έκ΅­μ—μ„œ μŒμ•… ν™œλ™μ„ ν•  수 있게 도와쀀 λ™μ‹œμ— μœ λ‘€μ—†λŠ” 성적을 μ–»μ—ˆλ‹€. β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨’은 88라이징이 λ°œμ „ν•˜λŠ” κ³Όμ • 쀑 ν•˜λ‚˜μ˜ ν‚€μ›Œλ“œλ‘œμ„œ, λ§Žμ€ μ„œμ–‘ 미디어에 μ˜ν•΄ 인용되고 88λΌμ΄μ§•μ˜ 예술적인 νŠΉμ„±μ„ λ¬˜μ‚¬ν•  λ•Œ 쓰인닀. 기쑴의 연ꡬ와 달리 연ꡬ λŒ€μƒμ˜ 속성을 κ³ λ €ν•˜μ—¬, λ³Έ μ—°κ΅¬λŠ” μš°μ„  β€˜λŒ€μ€‘λ¬Έν™” μ†μ—μ„œ μΏ¨λ‹ˆμŠ€(coolness)λž€ 무엇인가?’에 μ΄ˆμ μ„ λ‘˜ 것이닀. λŒ€μ€‘λ¬Έν™” λΆ„μ•Όμ—μ„œ μΏ¨λ‹ˆμŠ€μ˜ κ°œλ…μ΄ κ΄‘λ²”ν•˜κ²Œ μ •μ˜λ˜λ©΄ 이λ₯Ό 각쒅 μœ ν–‰ 문화와 νŠΉμ • λ¬Έν™” 아이덴티티인 μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆμ— μ–΄λ–»κ²Œ μ μš©ν•  것인지에 λŒ€ν•΄ ν•œμΈ΅ 더 깊이 κ²€ν† ν•  수 있기 λ•Œλ¬Έμ΄λ‹€. κ·Έ λ‹€μŒμœΌλ‘œ 와 두 책을 λ°”νƒ•μœΌλ‘œ ν•˜μ—¬ λŒ€μ€‘λ¬Έν™” λΆ„μ•Όμ—μ„œ 쿨의 λ°œμ „ 과정을 μ •λ¦¬ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. λ˜ν•œ μ€‘μ—μ„œ λ‚΄λ¦° 쿨의 μ •μ˜μΈ β€˜μ˜κ΅¬μ μΈ 사적 λ°˜λž€μ˜ μƒνƒœ(a permanent state of private rebellion)’λ₯Ό λ³Έ μ—°κ΅¬μ˜ 핡심 μ •μ˜λ‘œ ν•˜μ—¬, λŒ€μ€‘λ¬Έν™” 속에 μž¬ν˜„λ  λ•Œ 쿨의 κΆŒμœ„μ— λŒ€ν•œ λ°˜ν•­μ μΈ ν‘œν˜„μ— μ΄ˆμ μ„ λ§žμ·„λ‹€. μ΄μ—¬μ„œ 88λΌμ΄μ§•μ˜ μ„Έ νŒ€ μ˜ˆμˆ κ°€μ˜ λŒ€ν‘œ μž‘ν’ˆ(리치 λΈŒλΌμ΄μ–Έμ˜ β€œDat Stick”, ν•˜μ΄μ–΄ λΈŒλΌλ”μŠ€μ˜ β€œMade in China”, ν‚€μŠ€ μ—μ΄ν”„μ˜ β€œIT G MA”)을 μ€‘μ‹¬μœΌλ‘œ ν•˜μ—¬, μž‘ν’ˆ 속 β€˜λ°˜ν•­μ μΈ λ©”μ‹œβ€™μ— λŒ€ν•΄ λΆ„μ„ν•œλ‹€. 이 과정은 β€œμ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μΏ¨ μ€‘μ˜ β€˜μΏ¨β€™μ΄ 무엇인가?β€μ˜ 닡에 λŒ€ν•œ 고찰이기도 ν•˜λ‹€. 뢄석 κ²°κ³Όλ₯Ό μš”μ•½ν•˜λ©΄ μ„Έ νŒ€ μ•„ν‹°μŠ€νŠΈλŠ” 각자 λ‹€λ₯Έ μ „λž΅μ„ 톡해 μ„œμ–‘μ—μ„œ 온 인쒅차별적인 담둠에 λŒ€ν•΄ μ €ν•­ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. λ‹€μŒμœΌλ‘œ ν•„μžλŠ” μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨의 β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆβ€™μ— μ΄ˆμ μ„ λ§žμΆ”λ©°, 연ꡬ λŒ€μƒμ΄ μ†ν•œ νž™ν•© ν™˜κ²½κ³Ό μ‚¬νšŒ ν™˜κ²½ 두 가지 μΈ‘λ©΄μ—μ„œ β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆβ€™μ˜ 의미λ₯Ό νƒκ΅¬ν•œλ‹€. λ¨Όμ €, μ•„μ‹œμ•„ 각ꡭ νž™ν•© ν˜„μ§€ν™”μ˜ κ³Όμ • μ†μ—μ„œ λ³Έν†  νŠΉμƒ‰μ„ μ§€λ‹ˆκ³  μžˆλŠ” λ…νŠΉν•œ νž™ν•© 미학이 ν˜•μ„±λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ λ³Έν†  λ…νŠΉμ„±(local specificities)은 μ•„μ‹œμ•„ νž™ν•© ν˜„μ§€ν™”μ˜ 성과이며, λ³Έν†  λž˜νΌλ“€μ˜ μ°½μž‘μ— κΉŠμ€ 영ν–₯을 λΌμΉœλ‹€. β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨’ μ€‘μ˜ β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆβ€™μ€ 마침 λ³Έν†  νŠΉμˆ˜μ„±μ΄ μž‘ν’ˆ 속에 남아 μžˆλŠ” ν”μ μœΌλ‘œ ν‘œμΆœλœ 것이닀. λ˜ν•œ β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨’ μˆ™ β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆβ€™μ€ 88λΌμ΄μ§•μ˜ ꡬ성원과 같이 μ „ μ„ΈλŒ€μ™€ λ‹€λ₯Έ 인격 νŠΉμ„±μ„ 가진 μΏ¨ 뉴 μ•„μ‹œμ•„μΈ(cool new Asian)이닀. μ‚¬νšŒ ꡬ쑰의 λ³€ν™”λ‘œ 인해 μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μ‹  μ„ΈλŒ€λŠ” μ „ μ„ΈλŒ€κ°€ μΆ”κ΅¬ν•˜λ˜ κ°€μΉ˜μ²΄κ³„μ™€ 차이점이 있고, 인격 νŠΉμ„± 츑면에 β€˜μΏ¨μ˜ 인격적 νŠΉμ§•β€™μ— 더 가깝닀. μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ μΏ¨ νŠΉμ§•μ€ κ·Έλ“€μ˜ μž‘ν’ˆ μ†μ—μ„œλ„ λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚œλ‹€. μœ„ λΆ„μ„ν•˜λŠ” 것을 톡해 ν•„μžλŠ” λ‹€μŒκ³Ό 같은 결둠을 λ„μΆœν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆμ΄ μ˜€λž«λ™μ•ˆ μ„œμ–‘ λ―Έλ””μ–΄μ—μ„œ μ™œκ³‘λ˜κ³  μ„œμ–‘ μ£Όλ₯˜ λ¬Έν™” 속에 μž₯기적으둜 λ“±μž₯ν•˜μ§€ μ•ŠλŠ” 상황을 λ§ˆμ£Όν•  λ•Œ, 88λΌμ΄μ§•μœΌλ‘œ λŒ€ν‘œλ˜λŠ” μ•„μ‹œμ•„ μ‹ μ„ΈλŒ€λŠ” νž™ν•©μ΄λΌλŠ” ν˜„λŒ€ μΏ¨λ‹ˆμŠ€μ˜ λŒ€ν‘œ λ¬Έν™”λ₯Ό 톡해 μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ— κ΄€ν•œ 고정관념(stereotype)에 λŒ€ν•œ 내적 저항은 λ¬Όλ‘  μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ˜ λŒ€ν‘œ(Asian representation)λ₯Ό ν™•λ¦½ν•˜κ³ μž ν•˜λŠ” 열망을 ν‘œν˜„ν•˜λŠ” 것이닀. μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ μƒν™©μ—μ„œ 88라이징은 λ²”μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ μΈ 곡톡체(pan-Asian unity)와 λ”μš± λΉ„μŠ·ν•˜κ³ , β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨’은 88λΌμ΄μ§•μ΄λž€ μ•„μ‹œμ•„ μ‹  μ„ΈλŒ€κ°€ μΌμœΌν‚¨ 영ν–₯λ ₯이 μžˆλŠ” λ¬Έν™” μš΄λ™μ„ μ˜λ―Έν•˜λ©°, μ΄λŠ” 쿨의 ν™œμš©μΌ 뿐만 μ•„λ‹ˆλΌ 쿨에 λŒ€ν•œ μΌμ’…μ˜ κ³„μŠΉκ³Ό λ°œμ „μ΄κΈ°λ„ ν•˜λ‹€. κ·Έλ ‡μ§€λ§Œ μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ λ¬Έν™”μš΄λ™μ˜ λ²” μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ μΈ μ„±μ§ˆλ‘œ 인해 β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μΏ¨β€™μ˜ 또 λ‹€λ₯Έ 면이 β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ— λŒ€ν•œ μ§€λ‚˜μΉœ λ‹¨μˆœν™” 된 μ •μ˜(oversimplified definition of Asia)’ κ°€ λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. λ°”κΏ” 말해, 급진적이고 λ²”μ•„μ‹œμ•„μ μΈ 곡동체λ₯Ό λ°”νƒ•μœΌλ‘œ β€˜μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ 쿨’은 영ν–₯λ ₯이 μžˆλŠ” λ¬Έν™”μš΄λ™μ΄ 될 κ°€λŠ₯성이 μžˆμ§€λ§Œ, μ•„μ‹œμ•„ λ¬Έν™”λ₯Ό λ™μ§ˆμ μ΄κ³  λ‹¨μˆœν™”λœ μ‹œκ°μœΌλ‘œ 바라보면 κ·Έ 잠재λ ₯은 μ‹€ν˜„λ  수 μ—†λ‹€λŠ” 것이닀. μ£Όμš”μ–΄: μ•„μ‹œμ•ˆ μΏ¨(Asian cool), νž™ν•© λ¬Έν™”, 88라이징(88rising), 고정관념(stereotype), μ•„μ‹œμ•„ μ‹  μ„ΈλŒ€, λ²” μ•„μ‹œμ•„ 곡동체(pan-Asia unity)1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Constitution of the thesis 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Studies on "Asian cool" 5 2.2. Summary based on literature review 8 3. THEORY AND METHODOLOGY 11 3.1. Key concept of the study 11 3.1.1. Overall summary of research on "cool" 11 3.1.2. Exploring cool in postwar American popular culture 17 3.1.3. Defining cool in popular culture 27 3.2. Question& research materials 29 3.2.1. Research question 29 3.2.2. Research materials 30 3.3. Research methodology 33 4. ANALYSIS OF ASIAN COOL IN THE SAMPLE CASES 35 4.1. A common dilemma: the "crisis of racial authenticity" 35 4.2. 'Cool' in Asian cool: the rebellious content in 88rising artists 'works 43 4.2.1. Rich Brian: proof of Asian talent 43 4.2.2. Higher Brothers: redefinition of "Made in China" 50 4.2.3. Keith Ape: transcending K-pop and re-appropriated exoticism 60 4.3. What is 'Asian' in Asian cool 79 4.3.1 Question of identity: local specificities in Asian hip-hop 80 4.3.2."Cool New Asian": Asian generation with cool characteristics 97 4.4. Another aspect of "Asian cool": an oversimplified definition of Asia 112 5. CONCLUSION 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY 125 ABSTRACT IN KOREAN 131Maste
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