59,025 research outputs found

    In search of a third place: a telecollaborative model for languaculture learning

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    This thesis presents a five-year, global classroom project, in which French and American students study the same texts (literature, film remakes, works of sociology and anthropology), while corresponding using ICTs. Their reflections provide the basis for the development of conceptual and perceptual toolkits, containing consciousness-raising activities on individual and culturally-biased semantic and perceptual differences and similarities. Students compare home culture images and the corresponding images from the other culture(s), in an attempt to arrive at a "third place" (Kramsch 1993), as an intercultural speaker (Byraml995; 1997). Feedback and transcripts from participants are used to assess the effectiveness of this pedagogy of languaculture in broadening discourse options and educational opportunities, and of the role of telecollaboration in student motivation and engagement. The analytical framework draws on insights of Bakhtin, Vygotsky and Flarre and Gillet, focussing on the learner as agent, and language as fundamentally dialogic in nature. Telecollaboration provides access to multiple discursive perspectives and negotiation of meaning, whereby students, especially the more motivated, ask real questions and receive real answers. The global classroom leads to a change in the locus of control, increasing motivation and encouraging students to appropriate their own learning. Significant individual, group and cross-cultural differences emerge in the interpretation and degree of appropriation of the materials and opportunities for intercultural communication. This thesis provides research-informed, pedagogical guidelines for developing similar intercultural telecollaborative courses and makes a creative contribution, both to the dialogic teaching of language as culture and to the integration of new technologies into the curriculum

    The representation of modal meaning of French sentence adverbs in a qualitative and quantitative approach

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    Our aim is to give a representation of the modal contribution of sentence adverbs in comparison to other forms conveying modal meaning, such as tenses and modal verbs. Our analysis will focus on modal sentence adverbs conveying epistemic meaning. These will be compared with the modal verbs pouvoir (can) and devoir (must) as well as with some uses of the future tense (called epistemic uses), with the purpose to present a model allowing to apprehend modal meanings transmitted by lexical and grammatical forms in order to differentiate their functioning. We will then substantiate our qualitative analysis by quantitative studies on the collocates that the modal sentence adverbs co-occur with in contemporary corpora constituted of 21st century newspapers, as well as in two other corpora representing two different genres and time periods: Universalis Encyclopedia and the digital edition of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert

    The BibliothÚque raisonnée Review of Volume 3 of the Treatise: Authorship, Text, and Translation

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    The review of volume 3 of Hume’s Treatise, a review that appeared in the BibliothĂšque raisonnĂ©e in the spring of 1741, was the first published responseto Hume’s ethical theory. This review is also of interest because of questions that have arisen about its authorship and that of the earlier review of volume 1 of the Treatise in the same journal. In Part 1 of this paper we attribute to Pierre Des Maizeaux the notice of vols. 1 and 2 of the Treatise published in the spring 1739 issue of the BibliothĂšque raisonnĂ©e. We then focus on the question of the authorship of the review of vol. 3. In Part 2 of our paper we provide a transcription of the French text of this review. Part 3 is a new English translation of the review. Part 4 provides comparisons between passages from the textof the Treatise, the French translations of these passages in the BibliothĂšque raisonnĂ©e review, and our back-translations of these same passages. We alsoprovide brief comparisons between our translation of passages from this review and an earlier translation of these passages

    The metamorphoses of innocence in Racine's Esther

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    The purpose of this article is to question this uncontroversial viewpoint. While accepting that there are reasons why notions of ‘poetry’ and ‘innocence’ have predominated, it will nonetheless suggest that each of these elements needs to be treated with caution. It will attempt to show that Esther is truly dramatic in nature, and that the ‘innocence’ it projects contains a degree of moral ambiguity, enough to call into question what has been called‘Racine’s utopic attempt to make God and truth manifest on stage.


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    Traduction du code civil français, dans sa version en vigueur le 1er juillet 2013, en anglais, version bilingue alignĂ©e, accompagnĂ©e du lexique des Ă©quivalences terminologiques retenues par les traducteurs et les experts scientifiquesDepuis 1999, le Gouvernement français fait procĂ©der Ă  la traduction des grands codes français en anglais et en espagnol aux fins de publication sur le site http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr. Pour assurer leur qualitĂ©, ces traductions font l'objet d'un accompagnement scientifique associant des experts, juristes bilingues, spĂ©cialistes de la discipline qui fait l'objet du texte traduit, et une ingĂ©nierie spĂ©cialisĂ©e, une juriste-linguiste, spĂ©cialiste de traduction et de terminologie juridique. La juriste-linguiste a pour mission de faciliter la collaboration et les Ă©changes entre les linguistes et les juristes, dont les approches mĂ©thodologiques et conceptuelles diffĂšrent. Sa connaissance des deux domaines scientifiques facilite le rapprochement des points de vue et le travail transdisciplinaire.La traduction est prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e d'opĂ©rations de prĂ©-traduction menĂ©es par l'ingĂ©nieur qui conduisent notamment Ă  Ă©laborer un lexique d'Ă©quivalences terminologiques validĂ© conjointement par les experts et les traducteurs de la combinaison linguistique retenue. Cet outil est indispensable Ă  la traduction d'un texte long intĂ©grĂ© dans un programme comportant plus de 10 codes, qui fait par ailleurs l'objet de mises Ă  jour.La traduction rĂ©alisĂ©e est soumise Ă  l'expertise des juristes et au contrĂŽle qualitĂ© de l'ingĂ©nieur spĂ©cialisĂ©. AprĂšs discussion et Ă©changes scientifiques, la version dĂ©finitive de la traduction est adoptĂ©e, la mĂ©moire de traduction nettoyĂ©e, ainsi que le lexique des Ă©quivalences terminologiques.En 2013-2014, les traductions du code civil et du code de commerce français en anglais et en espagnol ont Ă©tĂ© mises Ă  jour.Pour favoriser l’analyse et le dĂ©bat scientifique autour de ces traductions, et conformĂ©ment Ă  la politique de diffusion en accĂšs ouvert des donnĂ©es de la recherche produites sur fonds publics, la version bilingue de la traduction du code civil en anglais est ici mise Ă  disposition de la communautĂ© scientifique, accompagnĂ©e du lexique d'Ă©quivalences terminologiques. Ce travail de traduction a Ă©tĂ© conduit en parallĂšle de la traduction en anglais des entrĂ©es de droit civil du Vocabulaire juridique, dirigĂ© par GĂ©rard Cornu, publiĂ© sous le titre Vocabulary of the Civil Code

    Quebec hypnotherapists' social representations of hypnosis and power

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    Hypnosis appears as a practice that features practitioners who deliberately display their power and the power of their technique. During a therapeutic interaction, the actors involved will mobilize representations and knowledge related to their membership groups. The aim of this research was to highlight the hypnotherapist’s social representations of hypnosis and power. A qualitative research was carried out based on semi-structured interviews with hypnotherapist (n = 21) in private practice in Quebec (Canada). According to our data, we observed and interpreted hypnosis as a staging, where power games take place between the practitioner and client. A common hypnotic dialectic is articulated including words, representations and a narrative discourse of the hypnotic experience, definition and categorization of the hypnotic phenomenon. Also the results revealed three conceptions of power: a) power-resource; b) power-substance; and c) egalitarian power. Legitimacy is a prerequisite for the exercise of power by individuals and appeared as a central element of the research study on power. The search for legitimacy is carried out through strategies, games of power, that take place in the interaction at several levels of interaction. Legitimacy appears not as an objective fact, but rather as a feeling. In fact, not feeling legitimate fits into the intersubjective space and could be thought of in terms of an absence of recognition. The discourses of practitioners have proved relevant in the development of themes and have allowed for an original interpretation of hypnosis and power relations. This study can serve as a starting point for expanding and animating discussions on power, hypnosis, and on psychotherapeutic practices in general

    René de Saussure and the theory of word formation

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    This volume presents two works elaborating a general theory of words and their structure written by René de Saussure, younger brother of Ferdinand de Saussure. Although originating in René de Saussure's concerns for the structure of Esperanto, these essays are clearly intended to articulate a general account of word formation in natural language. They appear here in the French original with facing English translations, accompanied by some remarks on René de Saussure's life and followed by essays on the Esperantist background of his analysis (by Marc van Oostendorp), the contemporary relevance of his morphological theory (by Stephen Anderson), and the semantic theory of words underlying his analysis (by Louis de Saussure). These two works have remained essentially unknown to the community of scholars in general linguistics since their publication in 1911 and 1919, respectively, although Esperantists have been aware of them. They develop in quite explicit form a theory of what would later be called morphemic analysis, based primarily on data from French (with some material from German and English, as well as occasional examples from other Indo-European languages). In its fundamental aspect, René's view of word formation differed significantly from that of his brother, who saw the structure of complex words as revealed not through their decomposition into smaller "atomic" units but rather in the relations between words, relations which could be presented in analogical form and which anticipate rule-based theories of morphological structure. The contrast between the two brothers' views thus anticipates basic issues in current theorizing about word structure
