694 research outputs found

    Observability of Path Loss Parameters in WLAN-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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    Indoor positioning by means of received signal strengths has been gathering much interest since the massive presence of wireless local area networks (WLANs) in buildings. Theoretical approaches rely on the perfect knowledge of the APs' positions and propagation conditions; since this is unrealistic in real world, we estimate such knowledge as well as the building map from data by applying Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). In this paper we address the joint estimation of the path loss parameters, namely the transmitted power and the path loss exponent, this latter being usually approximated in the literature by the free space value. We provide examples that show the relevance of estimating both parameters and analyze observability issues from the point of view of estimation theory. The integration of the parameter estimation in a WLAN based SLAM algorithm - WiSLAM - has been carried out and the results are discussed

    Performance Evaluation of Mobile U-Navigation based on GPS/WLAN Hybridization

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    This paper present our mobile u-navigation system. This approach utilizes hybridization of wireless local area network and Global Positioning System internal sensor which to receive signal strength from access point and the same time retrieve Global Navigation System Satellite signal. This positioning information will be switched based on type of environment in order to ensure the ubiquity of positioning system. Finally we present our results to illustrate the performance of the localization system for an indoor/ outdoor environment set-up.Comment: Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT

    RF Localization in Indoor Environment

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    In this paper indoor localization system based on the RF power measurements of the Received Signal Strength (RSS) in WLAN environment is presented. Today, the most viable solution for localization is the RSS fingerprinting based approach, where in order to establish a relationship between RSS values and location, different machine learning approaches are used. The advantage of this approach based on WLAN technology is that it does not need new infrastructure (it reuses already and widely deployed equipment), and the RSS measurement is part of the normal operating mode of wireless equipment. We derive the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) of localization accuracy for RSS measurements. In analysis of the bound we give insight in localization performance and deployment issues of a localization system, which could help designing an efficient localization system. To compare different machine learning approaches we developed a localization system based on an artificial neural network, k-nearest neighbors, probabilistic method based on the Gaussian kernel and the histogram method. We tested the developed system in real world WLAN indoor environment, where realistic RSS measurements were collected. Experimental comparison of the results has been investigated and average location estimation error of around 2 meters was obtained

    Utilizing artificial neural networks for WLAN positioning

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    Short range wireless technologies such as WLAN, Bluetooth, RFID, ultrasound and IrDA can be used to supply location information in indoor areas in which their coverage is assured. With respect to outdoor techniques, these technologies are more accurate but with smaller covering areas. In this paper, we present the comparison of the existing location techniques in WLAN networks and a novel approach of utilizing artificial neural networks for positioning purposes. In addition to estimating WLAN client's position, neural networks have been employed to estimate the room and type of the room the client resides in. Extensive measurements were conducted to evaluate these approaches and the obtained results indicate performances sufficient for real case use

    Design of Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Location Fingerprinting Technique

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    Positioning systems enable location-awareness for mobile computers in ubiquitous and pervasive wireless computing. By utilizing location information, location-aware computers can render location-based services possible for mobile users. Indoor positioning systems based on location fingerprints of wireless local area networks have been suggested as a viable solution where the global positioning system does not work well. Instead of depending on accurate estimations of angle or distance in order to derive the location with geometry, the fingerprinting technique associates location-dependent characteristics such as received signal strength to a location and uses these characteristics to infer the location. The advantage of this technique is that it is simple to deploy with no specialized hardware required at the mobile station except the wireless network interface card. Any existing wireless local area network infrastructure can be reused for this kind of positioning system. While empirical results and performance studies of such positioning systems are presented in the literature, analytical models that can be used as a framework for efficiently designing the positioning systems are not available. This dissertation develops an analytical model as a design tool and recommends a design guideline for such positioning systems in order to expedite the deployment process. A system designer can use this framework to strike a balance between the accuracy, the precision, the location granularity, the number of access points, and the location spacing. A systematic study is used to analyze the location fingerprint and discover its unique properties. The location fingerprint based on the received signal strength is investigated. Both deterministic and probabilistic approaches of location fingerprint representations are considered. The main objectives of this work are to predict the performance of such systems using a suitable model and perform sensitivity analyses that are useful for selecting proper system parameters such as number of access points and minimum spacing between any two different locations

    WLAN-paikannuksen elinkaaren tukeminen

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    The advent of GPS positioning at the turn of the millennium provided consumers with worldwide access to outdoor location information. For the purposes of indoor positioning, however, the GPS signal rarely penetrates buildings well enough to maintain the same level of positioning granularity as outdoors. Arriving around the same time, wireless local area networks (WLAN) have gained widespread support both in terms of infrastructure deployments and client proliferation. A promising approach to bridge the location context then has been positioning based on WLAN signals. In addition to being readily available in most environments needing support for location information, the adoption of a WLAN positioning system is financially low-cost compared to dedicated infrastructure approaches, partly due to operating on an unlicensed frequency band. Furthermore, the accuracy provided by this approach is enough for a wide range of location-based services, such as navigation and location-aware advertisements. In spite of this attractive proposition and extensive research in both academia and industry, WLAN positioning has yet to become the de facto choice for indoor positioning. This is despite over 20 000 publications and the foundation of several companies. The main reasons for this include: (i) the cost of deployment, and re-deployment, which is often significant, if not prohibitive, in terms of work hours; (ii) the complex propagation of the wireless signal, which -- through interaction with the environment -- renders it inherently stochastic; (iii) the use of an unlicensed frequency band, which means the wireless medium faces fierce competition by other technologies, and even unintentional radiators, that can impair traffic in unforeseen ways and impact positioning accuracy. This thesis addresses these issues by developing novel solutions for reducing the effort of deployment, including optimizing the indoor location topology for the use of WLAN positioning, as well as automatically detecting sources of cross-technology interference. These contributions pave the way for WLAN positioning to become as ubiquitous as the underlying technology.GPS-paikannus avattiin julkiseen käyttöön vuosituhannen vaihteessa, jonka jälkeen sitä on voinut käyttää sijainnin paikantamiseen ulkotiloissa kaikkialla maailmassa. Sisätiloissa GPS-signaali kuitenkin harvoin läpäisee rakennuksia kyllin hyvin voidakseen tarjota vastaavaa paikannustarkkuutta. Langattomat lähiverkot (WLAN), mukaan lukien tukiasemat ja käyttölaitteet, yleistyivät nopeasti samoihin aikoihin. Näiden verkkojen signaalien käyttö on siksi alusta asti tarjonnut lupaavia mahdollisuuksia sisätilapaikannukseen. Useimmissa ympäristöissä on jo valmiit WLAN-verkot, joten paikannuksen käyttöönotto on edullista verrattuna järjestelmiin, jotka vaativat erillisen laitteiston. Tämä johtuu osittain lisenssivapaasta taajuusalueesta, joka mahdollistaa kohtuuhintaiset päätelaitteet. WLAN-paikannuksen tarjoama tarkkuus on lisäksi riittävä monille sijaintipohjaisille palveluille, kuten suunnistamiselle ja paikkatietoisille mainoksille. Näistä lupaavista alkuasetelmista ja laajasta tutkimuksesta huolimatta WLAN-paikannus ei ole kuitenkaan pystynyt lunastamaan paikkaansa pääasiallisena sisätilapaikannusmenetelmänä. Vaivannäöstä ei ole puutetta; vuosien saatossa on julkaistu yli 20 000 tieteellistä artikkelia sekä perustettu useita yrityksiä. Syitä tähän kehitykseen on useita. Ensinnäkin, paikannuksen pystyttäminen ja ylläpito vaativat aikaa ja vaivaa. Toiseksi, langattoman signaalin eteneminen ja vuorovaikutus ympäristön kanssa on hyvin monimutkaista, mikä tekee mallintamisesta vaikeaa. Kolmanneksi, eri teknologiat ja laitteet kilpailevat lisenssivapaan taajuusalueen käytöstä, mikä johtaa satunnaisiin paikannustarkkuuteen vaikuttaviin tietoliikennehäiriöihin. Väitöskirja esittelee uusia menetelmiä joilla voidaan merkittävästi pienentää paikannusjärjestelmän asennuskustannuksia, jakaa ympäristö automaattisesti osiin WLAN-paikannusta varten, sekä tunnistaa mahdolliset langattomat häiriölähteet. Nämä kehitysaskeleet edesauttavat WLAN-paikannuksen yleistymistä jokapäiväiseen käyttöön