14,043 research outputs found

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Communication and control in small batch part manufacturing

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    This paper reports on the development of a real-time control network as an integrated part of a shop floor control system for small batch part manufacturing. The shop floor control system is called the production control system (PCS). The PCS aims at an improved control of small batch part manufacturing systems, enabling both a more flexible use of resources and a decrease in the economical batch size. For this, the PCS integrates various control functions such as scheduling, dispatching, workstation control and monitoring, whilst being connected on-line to the production equipment on the shop floor. The PCS can be applied irrespective of the level of automation on the shop floor. The control network is an essential part of the PCS, as it provides a real-time connection between the different modules (computers) of the PCS, which are geographically distributed over the shop floor. An overview of the requirements of such a control network is given. The description of the design includes the services developed, the protocols used and the physical layout of the network. A prototype of the PCS, including the control network, has been installed and tested in a pilot plant. The control network has proven that it can supply a manufacturing environment, consisting of equipment from different vendors with different levels of automation, with a reliable, low cost, real-time communication facility

    Advanced resource planning as decision support module to ERP.

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    In this paper, we show that the planning and decision-support capabilities of the MPC (Manufacturing Planning and Control) system, which forms the core of any ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) package, may be substantively enhanced by including a Decision Support Module (DSM) as an add-on at the midterm planning level. This DSM, called Advanced Resource Planning (ARP), serves as parameter setting process as well as tool for improving the structure of the ERP system itself. The ultimate goal of the DSM is to yield realistic information both for scheduling, sales and marketing, strategic and operational decision making and suppliers and customers.


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    Since they were first developed, lean methodologies have grown in importance and scope and have been applied in both manufacturing and service. However, determining how to transform a common manufacturing company into a lean one, as well as how to evaluate the future company, are challenges for both researchers and manufacturers. This paper presents a case study of a lean manufacturing implementation for the paint line system in a furniture company. A systematic method for execution is shown. In addition, a simulation model is constructed to evaluate the new system in comparison with the MRP system. The new system promises much improvement in terms of a resource’s utility and the system’s productivity.Lean Techniques, Simulation Model, Paint Line, Furniture Company.

    A method to support SMEs to optimize their manufacturing operations

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    In the last decades the gap between enterprise systems, like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and process control systems has been filled with the development of software systems, commonly referred to as Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM). The ISA-95 standard provides a detailed functional description of this intermediate layer in the CIM pyramid. This standard supports manufacturing companies, system integrators and software vendors by using the same terminology in their communication for integrating their enterprise and control systems. Most of the time, these software systems address bigger companies which are convinced of the strategic advantages for their MOM projects: reduction of risks, costs and errors. This paper introduces an analysis and justification method that reduces the barriers to adoption of MOM systems for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). By applying the method an SME gets an idea of the possible improvements for the materials and information flow required for the production of goods or services

    A holonic manufacturing architecture for line-less mobile assembly systems operations planning and control

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2022.O Line-Less Mobile Assembly Systems (LMAS) é um paradigma de fabricação que visa maximizar a resposta às tendências do mercado através de configurações adaptáveis de fábrica utilizando recursos de montagem móvel. Tais sistemas podem ser caracterizados como holonic manufacturing systems (HMS), cujas chamadas holonic control architecture (HCA) são recentemente retratadas como abordagens habilitadoras da Indústria 4.0 devido a suas relações de entidades temporárias (hierárquicas e/ou heterárquicas). Embora as estruturas de referência HCA como PROSA ou ADACOR/ADACOR² tenham sido muito discutidas na literatura, nenhuma delas pode ser aplicada diretamente ao contexto LMAS. Assim, esta dissertação visa responder à pergunta \"Como uma arquitetura de produção e sistema de controle LMAS precisa ser projetada?\" apresentando os modelos de projeto de arquitetura desenvolvidos de acordo com as etapas da metodologia para desenvolvimento de sistemas holônicos multi-agentes ANEMONA. A fase de análise da ANEMONA resulta em uma especificação do caso de uso, requisitos, objetivos do sistema, simplificações e suposições. A fase de projeto resulta nos modelos de organização, interação e agentes, seguido de uma breve análise de sua cobertura comportamental. O resultado da fase de implementação é um protótipo (realizado com o Robot Operation System) que implementa os modelos ANEMONA e uma ontologia LMAS, que reutiliza elementos de ontologias de referência do domínio de manufatura. A fim de testar o protótipo, um algoritmo para geração de dados para teste baseado na complexidade dos produtos e na flexibilidade do chão de fábrica é apresentado. A validação qualitativa dos modelos HCA é baseada em como o HCA proposto atende a critérios específicos para avaliar sistemas HCA. A validação é complementada por uma análise quantitativa considerando o comportamento dos modelos implementados durante a execução normal e a execução interrompida (e.g. equipamento defeituoso) em um ambiente simulado. A validação da execução normal concentra-se no desvio de tempo entre as agendas planejadas e executadas, o que provou ser em média irrelevante dentro do caso simulado considerando a ordem de magnitude das operações típicas demandadas. Posteriormente, durante a execução do caso interrompido, o sistema é testado sob a simulação de uma falha, onde duas estratégias são aplicadas, LOCAL\_FIX e REORGANIZATION, e seu resultado é comparado para decidir qual é a opção apropriada quando o objetivo é reduzir o tempo total de execução. Finalmente, é apresentada uma análise sobre a cobertura desta dissertação culminando em diretrizes que podem ser vistas como uma resposta possível (entre muitas outras) para a questão de pesquisa apresentada. Além disso, são apresentados pontos fortes e fracos dos modelos desenvolvidos, e possíveis melhorias e idéias para futuras contribuições para a implementação de sistemas de controle holônico para LMAS.Abstract: The Line-Less Mobile Assembly Systems (LMAS) is a manufacturing paradigm aiming to maximize responsiveness to market trends (product-individualization and ever-shortening product lifecycles) by adaptive factory configurations utilizing mobile assembly resources. Such responsive systems can be characterized as holonic manufacturing systems (HMS), whose so-called holonic control architectures (HCA) are recently portrayed as Industry 4.0-enabling approaches due to their mixed-hierarchical and -heterarchical temporary entity relationships. They are particularly suitable for distributed and flexible systems as the Line-Less Mobile Assembly or Matrix-Production, as they meet reconfigurability capabilities. Though HCA reference structures as PROSA or ADACOR/ADACOR² have been heavily discussed in the literature, neither can directly be applied to the LMAS context. Methodologies such as ANEMONA provide guidelines and best practices for the development of holonic multi-agent systems. Accordingly, this dissertation aims to answer the question \"How does an LMAS production and control system architecture need to be designed?\" presenting the architecture design models developed according to the steps of the ANEMONA methodology. The ANEMONA analysis phase results in a use case specification, requirements, system goals, simplifications, and assumptions. The design phase results in an LMAS architecture design consisting of the organization, interaction, and agent models followed by a brief analysis of its behavioral coverage. The implementation phase result is an LMAS ontology, which reuses elements from the widespread manufacturing domain ontologies MAnufacturing's Semantics Ontology (MASON) and Manufacturing Resource Capability Ontology (MaRCO) enriched with essential holonic concepts. The architecture approach and ontology are implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) robotic framework. In order to create test data sets validation, an algorithm for test generation based on the complexity of products and the shopfloor flexibility is presented considering a maximum number of operations per work station and the maximum number of simultaneous stations. The validation phase presents a two-folded validation: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative validation of the HCA models is based on how the proposed HCA attends specific criteria for evaluating HCA systems (e.g., modularity, integrability, diagnosability, fault tolerance, distributability, developer training requirements). The validation is complemented by a quantitative analysis considering the behavior of the implemented models during the normal execution and disrupted execution (e.g.; defective equipment) in a simulated environment (in the form of a software prototype). The normal execution validation focuses on the time drift between the planned and executed schedules, which has proved to be irrelevant within the simulated case considering the order of magnitude of the typical demanded operations. Subsequently, during the disrupted case execution, the system is tested under the simulation of a failure, where two strategies are applied, LOCAL\_FIX and REORGANIZATION, and their outcome is compared to decide which one is the appropriate option when the goal is to reduce the overall execution time. Ultimately, it is presented an analysis about the coverage of this dissertation culminating into guidelines that can be seen as one possible answer (among many others) for the presented research question. Furthermore, strong and weak points of the developed models are presented, and possible improvements and ideas for future contributions towards the implementation of holonic control systems for LMAS

    Shop floor planning and control in integrated manufacturing systems

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    The implementation of a shop floor planning and control system is a prerequisite in establishing an effective computer integrated manufacturing system. A shop floor control system integrates management production goals with the capabilities and limitations of the manufacturing plant. Shop floor planning begins with a long term rough cut capacity plan and evolves into near term, capacity requirements and input/output plans. Shop floor control provides a status of in-process operations and a measure of the plants success in executing the plan. Effective use of technology on shop floor increases the efficiency of the manufacturing plant. Simulation is an important tools in accomplishing this. The use of simulation for planning and control of shop floor activities is a natural out growth of its application for the design of systems. Simulation, when used for production planning and control, is a useful vehicle for providing the discipline necessary for effective shop floor control in integrated manufacturing systems
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