1,453 research outputs found

    Space robotics: Recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research

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    The Langley Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee (GNCTC) was one of six technical committees created in 1991 by the Chief Scientist, Dr. Michael F. Card. During the kickoff meeting Dr. Card charged the chairmen to: (1) establish a cross-Center committee; (2) support at least one workshop in a selected discipline; and (3) prepare a technical paper on recent accomplishments in the discipline and on opportunities for future research. The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Committee was formed and selected for focus on the discipline of Space robotics. This report is a summary of the committee's assessment of recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research. The report is organized as follows. First is an overview of the data sources used by the committee. Next is a description of technical needs identified by the committee followed by recent accomplishments. Opportunities for future research ends the main body of the report. It includes the primary recommendation of the committee that NASA establish a national space facility for the development of space automation and robotics, one element of which is a telerobotic research platform in space. References 1 and 2 are the proceedings of two workshops sponsored by the committee during its June 1991, through May 1992 term. The focus of the committee for the June 1992 - May 1993 term will be to further define to the recommended platform in space and to add an additional discipline which includes aircraft related GN&C issues. To the latter end members performing aircraft related research will be added to the committee. (A preliminary assessment of future opportunities in aircraft-related GN&C research has been included as appendix A.

    Limited Information Shared Control and its Applications to Large Vehicle Manipulators

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    Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der kooperativen Regelung einer mobilen Arbeitsmaschine, welche aus einem Nutzfahrzeug und einem oder mehreren hydraulischen Manipulatoren besteht. Solche Maschinen werden für Aufgaben in der Straßenunterhaltungsaufgaben eingesetzt. Die Arbeitsumgebung des Manipulators ist unstrukturiert, was die Bestimmung einer Referenztrajektorie erschwert oder unmöglich macht. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz vorgeschlagen, welcher nur das Fahrzeug automatisiert, während der menschliche Bediener ein Teil des Systems bleibt und den Manipulator steuert. Eine solche Teilautomatisierung des Gesamtsystems führt zu einer speziellen Klasse von Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen, welche in der Literatur noch nicht untersucht wurde: Eine kooperative Regelung zwischen zwei Teilsystemen, bei der die Automatisierung keine Informationen von dem vom Menschen gesteuerten Teilsystem hat. Deswegen wird in dieser Arbeit ein systematischer Ansatz der kooperativen Regelung mit begrenzter Information vorgestellt, der den menschlichen Bediener unterstützen kann, ohne die Referenzen oder die Systemzustände des Manipulators zu messen. Außerdem wird ein systematisches Entwurfskonzept für die kooperative Regelung mit begrenzter Information vorgestellt. Für diese Entwurfsmethode werden zwei neue Unterklassen der sogenannten Potenzialspiele eingeführt, die eine systematische Berechnung der Parameter der entwickelten kooperativen Regelung ohne manuelle Abstimmung ermöglichen. Schließlich wird das entwickelte Konzept der kooperativen Regelung am Beispiel einer großen mobilen Arbeitsmaschine angewandt, um seine Vorteile zu ermitteln und zu bewerten. Nach der Analyse in Simulationen wird die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Methode in drei Experimenten mit menschlichen Probanden an einem Simulator untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Überlegenheit des entwickelten kooperativen Regelungskonzepts gegenüber der manuellen Steuerung und der nicht-kooperativen Steuerung hinsichtlich sowohl der objektiven Performanz als auch der subjektiven Bewertung der Probanden. Somit zeigt diese Dissertation, dass die kooperative Regelung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen mit den entwickelten theoretischen Konzepten sowohl hilfreich als auch praktisch anwendbar ist

    Validation of a Limited Information Shared Controller: A Comparative Study

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    This paper presents the validation and the comparative study of a shared control concept for a large vehicle manipulator (LVM). The state-of-the-art controlling a LVM is manual control: The operator controls the manipulator to carry out a specific task and keeps the vehicle on the road. Easing the work for the operator, an automatic lane-keeping of the vehicle can be taken into account: An automation of the vehicle which keeps it on its reference, but without taking into consideration of the manipulator\u27s specific task. However, the operator has his specific task with the manipulator, and therefore, such automation may not be satisfying. Therefore, this paper presents the validation and compares the Limited Information Shared Controller (LISC) proposed previously with the manual control mode. This step is crucial, showing the concept\u27s applicability and benefits compared to the state-of-the-art solution. Thus, the LISC is compared with a non-cooperative controller (NCC) and the manual mode on a real-time simulator with test subjects. It has a more realistic experimental setup than in other studies because there is no predefined manipulator reference. The study results indicate that the NCC can lead to undesired motions of the overall system because the test subjects cannot carry out their specific task. On the other hand, the proposed the LISC of the vehicle can reduce the working load while supporting the operator in carrying out the manipulator\u27s specific task

    Study of the urban evolution of Brasilia with the use of LANDSAT data

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    The urban growth of Brasilia within the last ten years is analyzed with special emphasis on the utilization of remote sensing orbital data and automatic image processing. The urban spatial structure and the monitoring of its temporal changes were focused in a whole and dynamic way by the utilization of MSS-LANDSAT images for June 1973, 1978 and 1983. In order to aid data interpretation, a registration algorithm implemented at the Interactive Multispectral Image Analysis System (IMAGE-100) was utilized aiming at the overlap of multitemporal images. The utilization of suitable digital filters, combined with the images overlap, allowed a rapid identification of areas of possible urban growth and oriented the field work. The results obtained permitted an evaluation of the urban growth of Brasilia, taking as reference the proposed stated for the construction of the city

    Admittance-based adaptive cooperative control for multiple manipulators with output constraints

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    This paper proposes a novel adaptive control methodology based on the admittance model for multiple manipulators transporting a rigid object cooperatively along a predefined desired trajectory. First, an admittance model is creatively applied to generate reference trajectory online for each manipulator according to the desired path of the rigid object, which is the reference input of the controller. Then, an innovative integral barrier Lyapunov function is utilized to tackle the constraints due to the physical and environmental limits. Adaptive neural networks (NNs) are also employed to approximate the uncertainties of the manipulator dynamics. Different from the conventional NN approximation method, which is usually semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, a switching function is presented to guarantee the global stability of the closed loop. Finally, the simulation studies are conducted on planar two-link robot manipulators to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach