120 research outputs found

    Software Engineering Laboratory Series: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Software Engineering Workshop

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    The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC and created to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies when applied to the development of application software. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that includes this document

    SAVCBS 2004 Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems: Workshop Proceedings

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    This is the proceedings of the 2004 SAVCBS workshop. The workshop is concerned with how formal (i.e., mathematical) techniques can be or should be used to establish a suitable foundation for the specification and verification of component-based systems. Component-based systems are a growing concern for the software engineering community. Specification and reasoning techniques are urgently needed to permit composition of systems from components. Component-based specification and verification is also vital for scaling advanced verification techniques such as extended static analysis and model checking to the size of real systems. The workshop considers formalization of both functional and non-functional behavior, such as performance or reliability

    Composing Systemic Aspects into Component-Oriented DOC Middleware

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    The advent and maturation of component-based middleware frameworks have sim-plified the development of large-scale distributed applications by separating system devel-opment and configuration concerns into different aspects that can be specified and com-posed at various stages of the application development lifecycle. Conventional component middleware technologies, such as J2EE [73] and .NET [34], were designed to meet the quality of service (QoS) requirements of enterprise applications, which focus largely on scalability and reliability. Therefore, conventional component middleware specifications and implementations are not well suited for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) ap-plications with more stringent QoS requirements, such as low latency/jitter, timeliness, and online fault recovery. In the DRE system development community, a new generation of enhanced commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) middleware, such as Real-time CORBA 1.0 (RT-CORBA)[39], is increasingly gaining acceptance as (1) the cost and time required to develop and verify DRE applications precludes developers from implementing complex DRE applications from scratch and (2) implementations of standard COTS middleware specifications mature and encompass key QoS properties needed by DRE systems. However, although COTS middleware standardizes mechanisms to configure and control underlying OS support for an application’s QoS requirements, it does not yet provide sufficient abstractions to separate QoS policy configurations such as real-time performance requirements, from application functionality. Developers are therefore forced to configure QoS policies in an ad hoc way, and the code to configure these policies is often scattered throughout and tangled with other parts of a DRE system. As a result, it is hard for developers to configure, validate, modify, and evolve complex DRE systems consistently. It is therefore necessary to create a new generation of QoS-enabled component middleware that provides more comprehensive support for addressing QoS-related concerns modularly, so that they can be introduced and configured as separate systemic aspects. By analyzing and identifying the limitations of applying conventional middleware technologies for DRE applications, this dissertation presents a new design and its associated techniques for enhancing conventional component-oriented middleware to provide programmability of DRE relevant real-time QoS concerns. This design is realized in an implementation of the standard CORBA Component Model (CCM) [38], called the Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO). This dissertation also presents both architectural analysis and empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. This dissertation provides three contributions to the state of the art in composing systemic behaviors into component middleware frameworks. First, it illustrates how component middleware can simplify development and evolution of DRE applications while ensuring stringent QoS requirements by composing systemic QoS aspects. Second, it contributes to the design and implementation of QoS-enabled CCM by analyzing and documenting how systemic behaviors can be composed into component middleware. Finally, it presents empirical and analytical results to demonstrate the effectiveness and the advantage of composing systemic behaviors in component middleware. The work in this dissertation has a broader impact beyond the CCM in which it was developed, as it can be applied to other component-base middleware technologies which wish to support DRE applications

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Automated software systems generation for process-oriented organizations

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    Tese de doutoramento do Programa Doutoral em Tecnologias e Sistemas de InformaçãoCada vez mais, as organizações suportam as suas operações em sistemas de software. Torna-se, portanto, muito relevante o correto mapeamento das operações nos sistemas de software. Esta tese foca-se em organizações orientadas a processos de negócio, devido à relevância dada pelas normas de qualidade, pelos modelos de excelência, e pelos requisitos dos clientes, a esse tipo de estruturação interna das organizações. Nas organizações orientadas a processos de negócio existem diversos fatores, como o tempo envolvido nos projetos de implementação de processos de negócio em software, as diferenças existentes entre os modelos de processos de negócio e a sua implementação real, ou a quantidade e o tipo de recursos envolvidos nesses projetos, que fazem com que os projetos de desenvolvimento de software sejam demasiado dispendiosos, demorem demasiado tempo, e não garantam que o produto de software resultante seja o mais adequado à realidade da organização que o vai usar. Esta tese propõe que os sistemas de informação e de software devam ser desenvolvidos, desde o início, incorporando os modelos das organizações onde irão ser usados. Além disso, e como existem disponíveis modelos de referência de processos de negócio, esta tese também propõe o seu uso explícito aquando da recolha de requisitos. Assim, o objetivo principal da tese é propor uma metodologia que se inicie com modelos de processos de negócio e que termine com a geração de sistemas de software, para organizações orientadas a processos de negócio. A metodologia denomina-se BIM e é formalizada através do metamodelo EPF. Dada a abrangência dos temas a tratar, a tese foi conduzida tendo em atenção que o processo de desenvolvimento de software para suportar organizações orientadas a processos pode ser otimizado. Para melhor mostrar os diversos passos e resultados intermédios, usamos a metodologia de investigação Action Research. A tese propõe que as atividades de investigação sejam terminadas quando uma dada condição de paragem seja atingida, e para isso usa uma avaliação baseada num conjunto de indicadores para os resultados do produto e do processo, e uma adaptação do modelo de excelência EFQM para a forma como foi executado o processo de desenvolvimento. O foco das Action são os sistemas de software MES, essenciais na ligação entre sistemas de software embebido e sistemas ERP. Nesta tese, as Action iniciam-se com modelos de processos e com arquiteturas de software standard, e terminam com uma proposta de modelo de processo e com arquiteturas de software e tecnologias adaptadas à execução de processos de negócio. A tese propõe também alguns conceitos como IAvO (extensão de modelos de processos de negócio), OBO (componentes de software intermutáveis e não-proprietários), OA (aspetos organizacionais), e PF (framework de processos) para aumentarem a eficiência e eficácia na implementação em software de processos de negócio.Increasingly, organizations support their operations by using software systems, turning very relevant the proper mapping of operations into software systems. This thesis focuses on organizations oriented to business processes, due to the importance that quality norms, excellence models, and customer requirements put on this type of internal structures of organizations. Process-oriented organizations have characteristics, such as the time needed to implement business processes in software, the differences between the business process models and the real business processes, or the quantity and type of the required resources, that lead to development projects too expensive, taking too long to complete, and that do not assure that the resulting product is the most adequate to the reality of the client organization. This thesis proposes that the development of information and software system embodies, since the early stages, the models of the organization where they operate. In addition, and since business process reference models are available, the thesis also proposes to use explicitly such reference models by requirements collection time. Thus, the main goal of the thesis is to propose a methodology that picks business process reference models and ends with software systems, for process-oriented organizations. The methodology is denominated BIM and is formalized by using the EPF metamodel. Due to the wide scope of the studied areas, the thesis is tailored considering that the development process for processoriented organizations can be optimized. To express better the intermediate steps and results, we use the Action Research methodology. The thesis proposes that the research activities terminate when a stopping condition is met, based on a set of indicators for the product, and a tailoring of the EFQM model for the development process. The Actions are focused on MES, crucial for the linking of embedded software systems with ERP systems. In this thesis, the Actions start by using standard process models and software architectures, and end by using a proposed process model, and software architectures and technologies adapted to the execution of business software. The thesis also proposes new concepts like IAvO (extension to business process reference models), OBO (interchangeable and nonproprietary software components), AO (organizational aspects), and PF (process framework) to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the implementation of business processes in software

    Quarantine-mode based live patching for zero downtime safety-critical systems

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    150 p.En esta tesis se presenta una arquitectura y diseño de software, llamado Cetratus, que permite las actualizaciones en caliente en sistemas críticos, donde se efectúan actualizaciones dinámicas de los componentes de la aplicación. La característica principal es la ejecución y monitorización en modo cuarentena, donde la nueva versión del software es ejecutada y monitorizada hasta que se compruebe la confiabilidad de esta nueva versión. Esta característica también ofrece protección contra posibles fallos de software y actualización, así como la propagación de esos fallos a través del sistema. Para este propósito, se emplean técnicas de particionamiento. Aunque la actualización del software es iniciada por el usuario Updater, se necesita la ratificación del auditor para poder proceder y realizar la actualización dinámica. Estos usuarios son autenticados y registrados antes de continuar con la actualización. También se verifica la autenticidad e integridad del parche dinámico. Cetratus está alineado con las normativas de seguridad funcional y de ciber-seguridad industriales respecto a las actualizaciones de software.Se proporcionan dos casos de estudio. Por una parte, en el caso de uso de energía inteligente, se analiza una aplicación de gestión de energía eléctrica, compuesta por un sistema de gestión de energía (BEMS por sus siglas en ingles) y un servicio de optimización de energía en la nube (BEOS por sus siglas en ingles). El BEMS monitoriza y controla las instalaciones de energía eléctrica en un edificio residencial. Toda la información relacionada con la generación, consumo y ahorro es enviada al BEOS, que estima y optimiza el consumo general del edificio para reducir los costes y aumentar la eficiencia energética. En este caso de estudio se incorpora una nueva capa de ciberseguridad para aumentar la ciber-seguridad y privacidad de los datos de los clientes. Específicamente, se utiliza la criptografía homomorfica. Después de la actualización, todos los datos son enviados encriptados al BEOS.Por otro lado, se presenta un caso de estudio ferroviario. En este ejemplo se actualiza el componente Euroradio, que es la que habilita las comunicaciones entre el tren y el equipamiento instalado en las vías en el sistema de gestión de tráfico ferroviario en Europa (ERTMS por sus siglas en ingles). En el ejemplo se actualiza el algoritmo utilizado para el código de autenticación del mensaje (MAC por sus siglas en inglés) basado en el algoritmo de encriptación AES, debido a los fallos de seguridad del algoritmo actual

    Software Evolution for Industrial Automation Systems. Literature Overview

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    Strategies for the intelligent selection of components

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    It is becoming common to build applications as component-intensive systems - a mixture of fresh code and existing components. For application developers the selection of components to incorporate is key to overall system quality - so they want the `best\u27. For each selection task, the application developer will de ne requirements for the ideal component and use them to select the most suitable one. While many software selection processes exist there is a lack of repeatable, usable, exible, automated processes with tool support. This investigation has focussed on nding and implementing strategies to enhance the selection of software components. The study was built around four research elements, targeting characterisation, process, strategies and evaluation. A Post-positivist methodology was used with the Spiral Development Model structuring the investigation. Data for the study is generated using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods including a survey approach, a range of case studies and quasiexperiments to focus on the speci c tuning of tools and techniques. Evaluation and review are integral to the SDM: a Goal-Question-Metric (GQM)-based approach was applied to every Spiral