2,067 research outputs found

    Digital Signal Processing Research Program

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction, reports on twenty-two research projects and a list of publications.Sanders, a Lockheed-Martin Corporation Contract BZ4962U.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0001U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-93-1-0686National Science Foundation Grant MIP 95-02885U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-96-1-0930National Defense Science and Engineering FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0072U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-0362National Science Foundation Graduate Research FellowshipAT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Research FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0002National Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory/Advanced Sensors Federated Lab Program Contract DAAL01-96-2-000

    Signal Detection Techniques for Diagnostic Monitoring of Space Shuttle Main Engine Turbomachinery

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    An investigation to develop, implement, and evaluate signal analysis techniques for the detection and classification of incipient mechanical failures in turbomachinery is reviewed. A brief description of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) test/measurement program is presented. Signal analysis techniques available to describe dynamic measurement characteristics are reviewed. Time domain and spectral methods are described, and statistical classification in terms of moments is discussed. Several of these waveform analysis techniques have been implemented on a computer and applied to dynamc signals. A laboratory evaluation of the methods with respect to signal detection capability is described. A unique coherence function (the hyper-coherence) was developed through the course of this investigation, which appears promising as a diagnostic tool. This technique and several other non-linear methods of signal analysis are presented and illustrated by application. Software for application of these techniques has been installed on the signal processing system at the NASA/MSFC Systems Dynamics Laboratory

    The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report

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    This quarterly publication provides archival reports on developments in programs managed by JPL's Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate (TMOD), which now includes the former Telecommunications and Data Acquisition (TDA) Office. In space communications, radio navigation, radio science, and ground-based radio and radar astronomy, it reports on activities of the Deep Space Network (DSN) in planning, supporting research and technology, implementation, and operations. Also included are standards activity at JPL for space data and information systems and reimbursable DSN work performed for other space agencies through NASA. The preceding work is all performed for NASA's Office of Space Communications (OSC)

    Allocation designs for massive multiple access with interference cancellation

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    In the transition towards the next generation of wireless technology systems, the increasing number of devices curbs the potential of current wireless networks to cope with such increases in network density. Wireless communications via satellite constitute a cost effective option to achieve high transmission reliability in remote areas or to create resilient networks to be used in emergency situations. To counterbalance the growing network density, one of the main goals in the uplink is to increase the spectral efficiency of the network. By working on the application of non-orthogonal multiple access and the exploitation of the collision domain through interference cancellation, this dissertation tackles the problem of massive multiple access. A consensual scheme that meets the main goal and the aim of reducing the interaction between devices and the satellite in the control plane is Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA, which combines spreading-based short-packet transmissions with successive interference cancellation (SIC) on the receiver's side. This combination opens up several design avenues in terms of energy and code allocation to users when a certain amount of channel state information is available to them. Motivated by this scheme, this thesis studies the best allocation strategies when the SIC receiver operates nonideally: firstly, it investigates a system model for a receiver that, inspired by the demodulator adopted in the Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA system, deals with the problems of user ordering and iterative decoding with short packets; and secondly, it delves into the user-asymptotic regime and the application of the calculus of variations to derive the stationary point equations corresponding to the optimal allocation rules.The first part of this thesis investigates the impact of nonideal decoding and imperfect cancellation on the first iteration of a SIC receiver aided by redundancy-check error control. The system model characterises both non-idealities using known functions of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. The propagation of packet decoding success/failure events throughout the stages of the receiver is circumvented in the user-asymptotic regime, since the model takes a deterministic form. The asymptotically optimal energy and rate allocation is studied for a wide variety of cases. The second part of this thesis investigates an iterative SIC receiver and extends the allocation designs derived previously to iterations beyond the first. The derivation of a system model is challenging, since each iteration of the receiver operates with memory with respect to the previous ones, and due to the fact that the decoding operations for the same user in different iterations are statistically dependent. This thesis motivates and states a system model that solves said difficulties by adding minimal complexity to the one adopted previously. The user-asymptotic regime is investigated to reveal mathematical forms to the above model that allow for a thorough understanding of the adopted receiver. Finally, the chapter exploits the user-asymptotic model and conducts research to designing smooth allocation functions. The third part of this thesis studies the user-ordering problem for a SIC receiver to which the strengths received from all users are unknown. The thesis derives an accurate system model for a large-user SIC receiver, which proceeds to order users after estimating their symbol energies at the initial stage through preamble cross-correlations. Analytical findings are determined in the user-asymptotic regime. The asymptotically optimal energy allocation is shown to obey, in contrast to the practically exponential user-energy distributions obtained before, a piecewise constant function; fact that entails great computational advantages of its application.En la transició cap a la pròxima generació de sistemes tecnològics sense fils, el creixent nombre de dispositius frena el potencial de les xarxes sense fils actuals per fer front a tal augment en la densitat de xarxa. Les comunicacions sense fils via satèl·lit constitueixen una opció rentable per assolir una fiabilitat de transmissió alta en zones remotes o per crear xarxes que puguin ser utilitzades en situacions d'emergència. Per contrarestar la creixent densitat de xarxa, un dels objectius principals en l'enllaç ascendent és augmentar l'eficiència espectral d'aquesta. Aquesta tesi aborda el problema d'accés múltiple massiu combinant l'aplicació de tècniques d'accés múltiple no ortogonal amb esquemes de cancel·lació d’interferència. Un esquema consensuat que acompleix amb l’objectiu principal i amb la fita de reduir la interacció entre dispositius i satèl·lit en el pla de control és Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA, que combina transmissions de paquets curts basades en l'eixamplament del senyal amb la cancel·lació successiva d'interferències (SIC) en recepció. Aquesta combinació obre diverses vies per l'assignació d'energia i codi als diferents usuaris quan aquests disposen d’informació sobre l'estat del canal. Motivat per l'esquema anterior, aquesta tesi estudia les millors estratègies d'assignació quan s'adopta un receptor SIC no ideal: en primer lloc, investiga un model de sistema per un receptor SIC que, inspirat en el desmodulador adoptat en el sistema Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA, aborda els problemes d'ordenació d'usuaris i de descodificació iterativa amb paquets curts; i, en segon lloc, s’endinsa en el règim asimptòtic d'usuaris i en l'aplicació del càlcul de variacions per derivar les equacions de punt estacionari corresponents a les funcions d'assignació òptimes. La primera part d'aquesta tesi investiga l'impacte de la descodificació no ideal i de la cancel·lació imperfecta en la primera iteració d'un receptor SIC assistit per control d'errors. El model de sistema proposat caracteritza ambdues no idealitats fent ús de funcions conegudes de la relació senyal-a-soroll-més-interferència. La propagació dels esdeveniments d'èxit/fracàs en la descodificació de paquets al llarg de les etapes del receptor s'aborda en el règim asimptòtic d'usuaris, ja que el model pren forma determinista. Les funcions d'assignació s'estudien en el règim asimptòtic d'usuaris per varis casos. La segona part de la tesi investiga un receptor SIC iteratiu i estén les assignacions derivades en el capítol anterior per a iteracions del SIC més enllà de la primera. La derivació d'un model de sistema suposa un repte, ja que cada iteració del receptor opera amb memòria respecte a iteracions anteriors i degut a que les operacions de descodificació per a un mateix usuari en iteracions diferents són estadísticament dependents. Es proposa un model de sistema que resol tals dificultats afegint complexitat mínima al model adoptat anteriorment. S'investiga el règim asimptòtic d'usuaris amb l'objectiu d’evidenciar expressions matemàtiques del model que permetin la completa comprensió del receptor adoptat. Per últim, es dissenyen funcions d'assignació contínuament diferenciables fent ús del model asimptòtic anterior. La tercera i última part d'aquesta tesi estudia el problema d'ordenació d'usuaris aplicat a un receptor SIC que desconeix les potències rebudes de tots ells. Es deriva un model de sistema per un receptor que gestiona nombrosos usuaris i els ordena després d'estimar les energies de tots ells en l'etapa inicial mitjançant correlacions de preamble. Els resultats analítics s’obtenen en el règim asimptòtic d'usuaris. Es demostra que, contràriament a les distribucions pràcticament exponencials obtingudes anteriorment, l'assignació d'energia òptima derivada per a infinits usuaris presenta una estructura constant a trossos; fet que comporta grans avantatges computacionals en la seva aplicació.En la transición hacia la próxima generación de sistemas tecnológicos inalámbricos, el creciente número de dispositivos frena el potencial de las redes inalámbricas actuales para hacer frente a esos aumentos en la densidad de red. Impulsadas por las innovaciones en tecnología satelital, las comunicaciones inalámbricas vía satélite constituyen una opción rentable para lograr una alta fiabilidad de transmisión en zonas remotas o para crear redes reservadas para situaciones de emergencia. Para contrarrestar la creciente densidad de la red, uno de los objetivos principales en el enlace ascendente es aumentar la eficiencia espectral de la misma. En favor de este objetivo, se identifican tres técnicas no excluyentes: (i) la aplicación de técnicas de acceso múltiple no ortogonal, para hacer frente a la limitada disponibilidad de recursos ortogonales requeridos en el acceso múltiple convencional, (ii) la explotación del dominio de colisión por el receptor, mediante la cancelación de interferencias, y (iii) la utilización de satélites multihaz, que, usando la tecnología multiantena, permiten una reutilización más eficiente del dominio espacial. Esta tesis aborda el problema de acceso múltiple masivo trabajando en los dos primeros puntos. Un esquema consensuado que cumple con el objetivo principal y con el fin de reducir la interacción entre los dispositivos y el satélite en el plano de control es Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA, que combina transmisiones de paquetes cortos basadas en el ensanchamiento de la señal con la cancelación sucesiva de interferencias (SIC) en recepción. Esta combinación abre diversas vías para la asignación de energía y código a los usuarios cuando estos disponen de cierta información sobre el estado del canal. Motivado por el esquema anterior, esta tesis reexamina resultados previos bajo análisis teóricos de capacidad y cancelación perfecta, y estudia las mejores estrategias de asignación cuando el receptor SIC opera de forma no ideal. Los análisis anteriores se amplían en dos frentes: en primer lugar, adoptando políticas de decodificación y cancelación adaptadas para paquetes cortos; y, en segundo lugar, explorando el desequilibrio de energía, tasa de transmisión y fiabilidad. Con respecto al primer punto, esta tesis investiga un modelo de sistema para un receptor SIC que, inspirado en el demodulador adoptado en el sistema Enhanced Spread Spectrum ALOHA, aborda los problemas de ordenación de usuarios y decodificación iterativa con paquetes cortos. En cuanto al segundo punto, esta tesis se adentra en el régimen asintótico de usuarios y en la aplicación del cálculo de variaciones para derivar las ecuaciones de punto estacionario correspondientes a las funciones de asignación óptimas. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis es el descubrimiento de funciones discontinuas (continuamente diferenciables a trozos) como una clase de distribuciones de energía ordenada para maximizar la eficiencia espectral; un enfoque que ha demostrado ser abrumadoramente exitoso. En concreto, el modelo derivado en la presente tesis incorpora, progresivamente y a lo largo de tres capítulos independientes, aspectos prácticos del cancelador de interferencias adoptado: 1. La primera parte de esta tesis investiga el impacto de la decodificación no ideal y de la cancelación imperfecta en la primera iteración de un receptor SIC asistido por control de errores. El modelo de sistema caracteriza ambas no idealidades utilizando funciones conocidas de la relación señal-a-ruido-más-interferencia (SINR) bajo la suposición de interferencia gaussiana: las funciones tasa de error de paquete (PER) y energía residual. La propagación de los eventos de éxito/fracaso en la decodificación de paquetes a lo largo de las etapas del receptor SIC se sortea en el régimen asintótico de usuarios, puesto que el modelo de sistema adopta expresiones deterministas. La asignación de energía y código se estudia en el régimen asintótico de usuarios para una amplia variedad de casos, incluyendo conjuntos formados por un número finito o infinito de esquemas de modulación y corrección de errores para paquetes de longitud finita e infinita. 2. La segunda parte de esta tesis investiga un receptor SIC iterativo y extiende las asignaciones derivadas anteriormente para iteraciones del SIC más allá de la primera. La derivación de un modelo para tal sistema supone un reto, ya que cada iteración del receptor opera con memoria respecto a las anteriores y porque las operaciones de decodificación para un mismo usuario en distintas iteraciones son estadísticamente dependientes. Esta tesis propone justificadamente un modelo de sistema que resuelve dichas dificultades añadiendo complejidad mínima al adoptado con anterioridad. En concreto, el modelo usa funciones PER multivariable, cuyos argumentos corresponden a las SINRs que experimenta un usuario a lo largo de las iteraciones del receptor, y define biyecciones para relacionar los índices de los usuarios que permanecen decodificados sin éxito en cada iteración. Se investiga el régimen asintótico de usuarios para revelar expresiones matemáticas del modelo anterior que permitan un completo entendimiento del receptor adoptado. Por último, se investiga el diseño de funciones de asignación continuamente diferenciables con extremos libres haciendo uso del modelo asintótico anterior. 3. La tercera y última parte de esta tesis estudia el problema de ordenación de usuarios en un receptor SIC que desconoce las potencias recibidas de todos ellos. La tesis deriva un modelo de sistema para un receptor SIC que gestiona un gran número de usuarios y los ordena tras estimar sus energías en la etapa inicial mediante correlaciones de preámbulo. En el régimen asintótico de usuarios, se obtienen resultados analíticos en los que el rendimiento del sistema se rige por un kernel conocido. Se demuestra que, contrariamente a las distribuciones prácticamente exponenciales obtenidas anteriormente, la asignación óptima de energía derivada para un número infinito de usuarios obedece una función constante a trozos; hecho que conlleva grandes ventajas computacionales en su aplicación.Postprint (published version

    Mitigation of impulsive noise for SISO and MIMO G.fast system

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    To address the demand for high bandwidth data transmission over telephone transmission lines, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recently completed the fourth generation broadband (4GBB) copper access network technology, known as G.fast. Throughout this thesis, extensively investigates the wired broadband G.fast coding system and the novel impulsive noise reduction technique has been proposed to improve the performance of wired communications network in three different scenarios: single-line Discrete Multiple Tone (DMT)- G.fast system; a multiple input multiple-output (MIMO) DMTG.fast system, and MIMO G.fast system with different crosstalk cancellation methods. For each of these scenarios, however, Impulsive Noise (IN) is considered as the main limiting factor of performance system. In order to improve the performance of such systems, which use higher order QAM constellation such as G.fast system, this thesis examines the performance of DMT G.fast system over copper channel for six different higher signal constellations of M = 32, 128, 512, 2048, 8192 and 32768 in presence of IN modelled as the Middleton Class A (MCA) noise source. In contrast to existing work, this thesis presents and derives a novel equation of Optimal Threshold (OT) to improve the IN frequency domain mitigation methods applied to the G.fast standard over copper channel with higher QAM signal constellations. The second scenario, Multi-Line Copper Wire (MLCW) G.fast is adopted utilizing the proposed MLCW Chen model and is compared to a single line G-fast system by a comparative analysis in terms of Bit-Error-Rate(BER) performance of implementation of MLCW-DMT G.fast system. The third scenario, linear and non-linear crosstalk crosstalk interference cancellation methods are applied to MLCW G.fas and compared by a comparative analysis in terms of BER performance and the complexity of implementation.University of Technology for choosing me for their PhD scholarship and The Higher Committee For Education Development in Iraq(HCED

    Transmission strategies for broadband wireless systems with MMSE turbo equalization

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    This monograph details efficient transmission strategies for single-carrier wireless broadband communication systems employing iterative (turbo) equalization. In particular, the first part focuses on the design and analysis of low complexity and robust MMSE-based turbo equalizers operating in the frequency domain. Accordingly, several novel receiver schemes are presented which improve the convergence properties and error performance over the existing turbo equalizers. The second part discusses concepts and algorithms that aim to increase the power and spectral efficiency of the communication system by efficiently exploiting the available resources at the transmitter side based upon the channel conditions. The challenging issue encountered in this context is how the transmission rate and power can be optimized, while a specific convergence constraint of the turbo equalizer is guaranteed.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf und der Analyse von effizienten Übertragungs-konzepten für drahtlose, breitbandige Einträger-Kommunikationssysteme mit iterativer (Turbo-) Entzerrung und Kanaldekodierung. Dies beinhaltet einerseits die Entwicklung von empfängerseitigen Frequenzbereichs-entzerrern mit geringer Komplexität basierend auf dem Prinzip der Soft Interference Cancellation Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (SC-MMSE) Filterung und andererseits den Entwurf von senderseitigen Algorithmen, die durch Ausnutzung von Kanalzustandsinformationen die Bandbreiten- und Leistungseffizienz in Ein- und Mehrnutzersystemen mit Mehrfachantennen (sog. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)) verbessern. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz für Verfahren zur Turbo-Entzerrung nach dem Prinzip der linearen MMSE-Schätzung, der nichtlinearen MMSE-Schätzung sowie der kombinierten MMSE- und Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP)-Schätzung vorgestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zwei neue Empfängerkonzepte, die eine Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Verbesserung der Konvergenz in Bezug auf existierende SC-MMSE Turbo-Entzerrer in verschiedenen Kanalumgebungen erzielen, eingeführt. Der erste Empfänger - PDA SC-MMSE - stellt eine Kombination aus dem Probabilistic-Data-Association (PDA) Ansatz und dem bekannten SC-MMSE Entzerrer dar. Im Gegensatz zum SC-MMSE nutzt der PDA SC-MMSE eine interne Entscheidungsrückführung, so dass zur Unterdrückung von Interferenzen neben den a priori Informationen der Kanaldekodierung auch weiche Entscheidungen der vorherigen Detektions-schritte berücksichtigt werden. Durch die zusätzlich interne Entscheidungsrückführung erzielt der PDA SC-MMSE einen wesentlichen Gewinn an Performance in räumlich unkorrelierten MIMO-Kanälen gegenüber dem SC-MMSE, ohne dabei die Komplexität des Entzerrers wesentlich zu erhöhen. Der zweite Empfänger - hybrid SC-MMSE - bildet eine Verknüpfung von gruppenbasierter SC-MMSE Frequenzbereichsfilterung und MAP-Detektion. Dieser Empfänger besitzt eine skalierbare Berechnungskomplexität und weist eine hohe Robustheit gegenüber räumlichen Korrelationen in MIMO-Kanälen auf. Die numerischen Ergebnisse von Simulationen basierend auf Messungen mit einem Channel-Sounder in Mehrnutzerkanälen mit starken räumlichen Korrelationen zeigen eindrucksvoll die Überlegenheit des hybriden SC-MMSE-Ansatzes gegenüber dem konventionellen SC-MMSE-basiertem Empfänger. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von System- und Kanalmodellparametern auf die Konvergenzeigenschaften der vorgestellten iterativen Empfänger mit Hilfe sogenannter Korrelationsdiagramme untersucht. Durch semi-analytische Berechnungen der Entzerrer- und Kanaldecoder-Korrelationsfunktionen wird eine einfache Berechnungsvorschrift zur Vorhersage der Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von SC-MMSE und PDA SC-MMSE Turbo Entzerrern für MIMO-Fadingkanäle entwickelt. Des Weiteren werden zwei Fehlerschranken für die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit der Empfänger vorgestellt. Die semi-analytische Methode und die abgeleiteten Fehlerschranken ermöglichen eine aufwandsgeringe Abschätzung sowie Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des iterativen Systems. Im dritten und abschließenden Teil werden Strategien zur Raten- und Leistungszuweisung in Kommunikationssystemen mit konventionellen iterativen SC-MMSE Empfängern untersucht. Zunächst wird das Problem der Maximierung der instantanen Summendatenrate unter der Berücksichtigung der Konvergenz des iterativen Empfängers für einen Zweinutzerkanal mit fester Leistungsallokation betrachtet. Mit Hilfe des Flächentheorems von Extrinsic-Information-Transfer (EXIT)-Funktionen wird eine obere Schranke für die erreichbare Ratenregion hergeleitet. Auf Grundlage dieser Schranke wird ein einfacher Algorithmus entwickelt, der für jeden Nutzer aus einer Menge von vorgegebenen Kanalcodes mit verschiedenen Codierraten denjenigen auswählt, der den instantanen Datendurchsatz des Mehrnutzersystems verbessert. Neben der instantanen Ratenzuweisung wird auch ein ausfallbasierter Ansatz zur Ratenzuweisung entwickelt. Hierbei erfolgt die Auswahl der Kanalcodes für die Nutzer unter Berücksichtigung der Einhaltung einer bestimmten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit (outage probability) des iterativen Empfängers. Des Weiteren wird ein neues Entwurfskriterium für irreguläre Faltungscodes hergeleitet, das die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Turbo SC-MMSE Systemen verringert und somit die Zuverlässigkeit der Datenübertragung erhöht. Eine Reihe von Simulationsergebnissen von Kapazitäts- und Durchsatzberechnungen werden vorgestellt, die die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen und Optimierungsverfahren in Mehrnutzerkanälen belegen. Abschließend werden außerdem verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Sendeleistung in Einnutzersystemen mit senderseitiger Singular-Value-Decomposition (SVD)-basierter Vorcodierung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Methode, welche die Leistungspegel des Senders hinsichtlich der Bitfehlerrate des iterativen Empfängers optimiert, den konventionellen Verfahren zur Leistungszuweisung überlegen ist

    Bidirectional Neural Interface Circuits with On-Chip Stimulation Artifact Reduction Schemes

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    Bidirectional neural interfaces are tools designed to “communicate” with the brain via recording and modulation of neuronal activity. The bidirectional interface systems have been adopted for many applications. Neuroscientists employ them to map neuronal circuits through precise stimulation and recording. Medical doctors deploy them as adaptable medical devices which control therapeutic stimulation parameters based on monitoring real-time neural activity. Brain-machine-interface (BMI) researchers use neural interfaces to bypass the nervous system and directly control neuroprosthetics or brain-computer-interface (BCI) spellers. In bidirectional interfaces, the implantable transducers as well as the corresponding electronic circuits and systems face several challenges. A high channel count, low power consumption, and reduced system size are desirable for potential chronic deployment and wider applicability. Moreover, a neural interface designed for robust closed-loop operation requires the mitigation of stimulation artifacts which corrupt the recorded signals. This dissertation introduces several techniques targeting low power consumption, small size, and reduction of stimulation artifacts. These techniques are implemented for extracellular electrophysiological recording and two stimulation modalities: direct current stimulation for closed-loop control of seizure detection/quench and optical stimulation for optogenetic studies. While the two modalities differ in their mechanisms, hardware implementation, and applications, they share many crucial system-level challenges. The first method aims at solving the critical issue of stimulation artifacts saturating the preamplifier in the recording front-end. To prevent saturation, a novel mixed-signal stimulation artifact cancellation circuit is devised to subtract the artifact before amplification and maintain the standard input range of a power-hungry preamplifier. Additional novel techniques have been also implemented to lower the noise and power consumption. A common average referencing (CAR) front-end circuit eliminates the cross-channel common mode noise by averaging and subtracting it in analog domain. A range-adapting SAR ADC saves additional power by eliminating unnecessary conversion cycles when the input signal is small. Measurements of an integrated circuit (IC) prototype demonstrate the attenuation of stimulation artifacts by up to 42 dB and cross-channel noise suppression by up to 39.8 dB. The power consumption per channel is maintained at 330 nW, while the area per channel is only 0.17 mm2. The second system implements a compact headstage for closed-loop optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological recording. This design targets a miniaturized form factor, high channel count, and high-precision stimulation control suitable for rodent in-vivo optogenetic studies. Monolithically integrated optoelectrodes (which include 12 µLEDs for optical stimulation and 12 electrical recording sites) are combined with an off-the-shelf recording IC and a custom-designed high-precision LED driver. 32 recording and 12 stimulation channels can be individually accessed and controlled on a small headstage with dimensions of 2.16 x 2.38 x 0.35 cm and mass of 1.9 g. A third system prototype improves the optogenetic headstage prototype by furthering system integration and improving power efficiency facilitating wireless operation. The custom application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) combines recording and stimulation channels with a power management unit, allowing the system to be powered by an ultra-light Li-ion battery. Additionally, the µLED drivers include a high-resolution arbitrary waveform generation mode for shaping of µLED current pulses to preemptively reduce artifacts. A prototype IC occupies 7.66 mm2, consumes 3.04 mW under typical operating conditions, and the optical pulse shaping scheme can attenuate stimulation artifacts by up to 3x with a Gaussian-rise pulse rise time under 1 ms.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147674/1/mendrela_1.pd

    A Quantitative Measure of Mono-Componentness for Time-Frequency Analysis

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    Joint time-frequency (TF) analysis is an ideal method for analyzing non-stationary signals, but is challenging to use leading to it often being neglected. The exceptions being the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and spectrogram. Even then, the inability to have simultaneously high time and frequency resolution is a frustrating issue with the STFT and spectrogram. However, there is a family of joint TF analysis techniques that do have simultaneously high time and frequency resolution – the quadratic TF distribution (QTFD) family. Unfortunately, QTFDs are often more troublesome than beneficial. The issue is interference/cross-terms that causes these methods to become so difficult to use. They require that the “proper” joint distribution be selected based on information that is typically unavailable for real-world signals. However, QTFDs do not produce cross-terms when applied to a mono-component signal. Clearly, determining the mono-componentness of a signal provides a key piece of information. However, until now, the means for determining if a signal is a monocomponent or a multi-component has been to choose a QTFD, generate the TF representation (TFR), and visually examine it. The work presented here provides a method for quantitatively determining if a signal is a mono-component. This new capability provides an important step towards finally allowing QTFDs to be used on multi-component signals, while producing few to no interference terms through enabling the use of the quadratic superposition property. The focus of this work is on establishing the legitimacy for “measuring” mono-componentness along with its algorithmic implementation. Several applications are presented, such as quantifying the quality of the decomposition results produced by the blind decomposition algorithm, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The mono-componentness measure not only provides an objective means to validate the outcome of a decomposition algorithm, it also provides a practical, quantitative metric for their comparison. More importantly, this quantitative measurement encapsulates mono-componentness in a form which can actually be incorporated in the design of decomposition algorithms as a viable condition/constraint so that true mono-components could be extracted. Incorporating the mono-component measure into a decomposition algorithm will eventually allow interference free TFRs to be calculated from multi-component signals without requiring prior knowledge

    Adaptive non linear system identification and channel equalization usinf functional link artificial neural network

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    In system theory, characterization and identification are fundamental problems. When the plant behavior is completely unknown, it may be characterized using certain model and then, its identification may be carried out with some artificial neural networks(ANN) like multilayer perceptron(MLP) or functional link artificial neural network(FLANN) using some learning rules such as back propagation (BP) algorithm. They offer flexibility, adaptability and versatility, so that a variety of approaches may be used to meet a specific goal, depending upon the circumstances and the requirements of the design specifications. The primary aim of the present thesis is to provide a framework for the systematic design of adaptation laws for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. While constructing an artificial neural network the designer is often faced with the problem of choosing a network of the right size for the task. The advantages of using a smaller neural network are cheaper cost of computation and better generalization ability. However, a network which is too small may never solve the problem, while a larger network may even have the advantage of a faster learning rate. Thus it makes sense to start with a large network and then reduce its size. For this reason a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based pruning strategy is reported. GA is based upon the process of natural selection and does not require error gradient statistics. As a consequence, a GA is able to find a global error minimum. Transmission bandwidth is one of the most precious resources in digital communication systems. Communication channels are usually modeled as band-limited linear finite impulse response (FIR) filters with low pass frequency response. When the amplitude and the envelope delay response are not constant within the bandwidth of the filter, the channel distorts the transmitted signal causing intersymbol interference (ISI). The addition of noise during propagation also degrades the quality of the received signal. All the signal processing methods used at the receiver's end to compensate the introduced channel distortion and recover the transmitted symbols are referred as channel equalization techniques.When the nonlinearity associated with the system or the channel is more the number of branches in FLANN increases even some cases give poor performance. To decrease the number of branches and increase the performance a two stage FLANN called cascaded FLANN (CFLANN) is proposed.This thesis presents a comprehensive study covering artificial neural network (ANN) implementation for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. Three ANN structures, MLP, FLANN, CFLANN and their conventional gradient-descent training methods are extensively studied. Simulation results demonstrate that FLANN and CFLANN methods are directly applicable for a large class of nonlinear control systems and communication problems