43 research outputs found

    Lightly synchronized Multipacket Reception in Machine-Type Communications Networks

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    Machine Type Communication (MTC) applications were designed to monitor and control elements of our surroundings and environment. MTC applications have a different set of requirements compared to the traditional communication devices, with Machine to Machine (M2M) data being mostly short, asynchronous, bursty and sometimes requiring end-to-end delays below 1ms. With the growth of MTC, the new generation of mobile communications has to be able to present different types of services with very different requirements, i.e. the same network has to be capable of "supplying" connection to the user that just wants to download a video or use social media, allowing at the same time MTC that has completely different requirements, without deteriorating both experiences. The challenges associated to the implementation of MTC require disruptive changes at the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers, that lead to a better use of the spectrum available. The orthogonality and synchronization requirements of the PHY layer of current Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) radio access network (based on glsofdm and Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE)) are obstacles for this new 5th Generation (5G) architecture. Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) and other modulation techniques were proposed as candidates for the 5G PHY layer, however they also suffer from visible degradation when the transmitter and receiver are not synchronized, leading to a poor performance when collisions occur in an asynchronous MAC layer. This dissertation addresses the requirements of M2M traffic at the MAC layer applying multipacket reception (MPR) techniques to handle the bursty nature of the traffic and synchronization tones and optimized back-off approaches to reduce the delay. It proposes a new MAC protocol and analyses its performance analytically considering an SC-FDE modulation. The models are validated using a system level cross-layer simulator developed in MATLAB, which implements the MAC protocol and applies PHY layer performance models. The results show that the MAC’s latency depends mainly on the number of users and the load of each user, and can be controlled using these two parameters

    Filtered multi-carrier modulations for industrial wireless communications based on cognitive radio

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    Doktoretza-tesi honetako helburu nagusia, hari gabeko komunikazio industrialetarako fidagarritasun maila onargarria eman dezakeen maila fisikoko modulazio bat aurkitzea da. Eremu industrialetako radio bidezko kanaletan ematen diren komunikazioetarako baldintza bereziki aurkakoak direla eta, helburu hori lortzea benetako erronkatzat jo liteke. Gainera, modulazio horrek \Radio Cognitiva" deritzoten teknikekin bateragarria izan beharra dauka, hauek hari gabeko komunikazioen fidagarritasuna hobetzeko gaitasuna baitute. Bibliografian oinarrituz, gaur egungo baliabideekin hari gabeko komunikazio industrial kasu ugariri konponbidea emateko aukera badela ondoriozta genezake, baina ez kasu guztiei ordea. Hari gabeko kanalen egoera bereziki aurkakoa denerako eta komunikazio sistemek denbora muga bereziki zorrotzak bete behar dituztenerako, ezta erantzun nahikoa ona eman lezakeen hari gabeko komunikazio sistema industrialik bibliografia zientifikoan. Hori dela eta, doktoretza tesi honetan, \Radio Cognitiva" delakoa eta 5G-rako aurreikusita dauden filtro bankuetan oinarrituriko modulazio multigarraiatzaileak bezalako teknologia hasiberrietara jotzen dugu, aurrez aipaturiko arazoari konponbide berriak bilatu nahian. Bibliografian dauden filtro bankuetan oinarrituriko modulazio multi-garraiatzaileak aztertu eta ondoren beraien egokitasuna ebaluatzen dugu, kanal dispertsiboen aurkako sendotasuna eta \Radio Cognitiva" teknikekin izan lezaketen bateragarritasuna irizpide hartuz. Ebaluaketa horretan oinarrituz, doktoretza-tesi honetan \Radio Cognitiva" teknikekin bateragarria den WCP-COQAM proposatzen dugu modulazio industrial gisa. Modulazio teknika berau erakusteaz gain, bibliografian eskuragarri ez dauden WCP-COQAM-rentzat sinkronizazio eta kanal estimazio teknikak ere aurkezten ditugu.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral consiste en encontrar una modulación de capa física capaz de proporcionar robustez y fiabilidad suficientes a sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas industriales. Esto supone un desafío, dadas las adversas condiciones del canal inalámbrico propias de entornos industriales. Además, dicha modulación debería presentar una alta compatibilidad con las técnicas de Radio Cognitiva, debido al potencial de éstas para mejorar la fiabilidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas. Basándonos en la bibliografía, concluimos que las soluciones presentes en el estado del arte actual cubren una amplia variedad de escenarios dentro de las comunicaciones inalámbricas industriales, pero no todas. Para los escenarios con canales altamente dispersivos y requerimientos de tiempo especialmente estrictos, no existe ninguna solución en la industria ni dentro de la bibliografía científica. En esta tesis doctoral nos centramos en tecnologías incipientes como la Radio Cognitiva y las modulaciones multi-portadora con bancos de filtros para 5G para tratar de buscar nuevas soluciones al problema anteriormente descrito. Por lo tanto, analizamos algunas de las técnicas multi-portadora con bancos de filtros presentes en la bibliografía científica y las evaluamos basándonos en su robustez frente a canales altamente dispersivos y su compatibilidad con la Radio Cognitiva. Basándonos en dicha evaluación, proponemosWCP-COQAM como posible candidata a modulación industrial compatible con Radio Cognitiva. Además de la propia técnica de modulación, presentamos métodos de sincronización y estimación de canal para la misma que no se encuentran presentes en el estado del arte.The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to find a physical layer modulation able to provide high enough robustness and reliability levels for wireless industrial communications systems. Considering the harsh wireless channel conditions of industrial environments, that goal implies a considerable challenge. Besides, this modulation should be highly compatible with Cognitive Radio techniques, due to their potential to improve the reliability of wireless communications. Based on the bibliography, we conclude that the existent solutions in the current state of the art cover a wide range of wireless industrial communications scenarios, but not all of them. There is no solution, neither in the industry nor in the scientific bibliography, for those scenarios involving highly dispersive wireless channels and particularly stringent timeliness requirements. In this doctoral thesis, we focus on upcoming technologies such as Cognitive Radio and multi-carrier modulations based on filter banks for 5G, in order to search new solutions for the aforementioned problem. Therefore, we analyse some of the multi-carrier modulations based on filter banks of the scientific bibliography and we evaluate them in terms of robustness against highly dispersive channels and in terms of compatibility with Cognitive Radio. In this doctoral thesis we propose the modulation WCP-COQAM as possible candidate for industrial wireless modulation and compatible with Cognitive Radio. In addition to the modulation technique itself, we also introduce some synchronization and channel estimation techniques which are not present in the state of the art

    Filter bank multicarrier waveforms for future wireless networks: interference analysis and cancellation

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    Billions of devices are expected to connect to future wireless networks. Although conventional orthogonal division multiplexing (OFDM) has proven to be an effective physical layer waveform for enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), it experiences various challenges. For example, OFDM experiences high out-of-band (OOB) emission caused by the use of rectangular filters. This causes interference to adjacent frequency bands and make OFDM highly sensitive to asynchronous transmissions. Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems have emerged as a promising waveform candidate to satisfy the requirements of future wireless networks. They employ prototype filters with faster spectral decay, which results in better OOB emission and spectral efficiency compared to OFDM. Also, FBMC systems support asynchronous transmissions, which can reduce the signaling overhead in future applications. However, in FBMC systems there is no subcarriers orthogonality, resulting in intrinsic interference. The purpose of this thesis is to address the intrinsic interference problem to make FBMC a viable option for practical application in future wireless networks. In this thesis, iterative interference cancellation (IIC) receivers are developed for FBMC systems to improve their performance and applicability in future applications. First, an IIC receiver is studied for uncoded FBMC with quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-QAM) systems. To improve the decoding performance, bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) is incorporated into the IIC receiver design and the technique of extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis is used to track the convergence of the IIC-based BICM-ID receiver. Furthermore, the energy harvesting capabilities of FBMC is considered. Particularly, FBMC is integrated with a simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) technique. Finally, an interference cancellation receiver is investigated for asynchronous FBMC systems in both single and mixed numerology systems. Analytical expressions are derived for the various schemes and simulations results are shown to verify the performance of the different FBMC systems

    Enabling Technology in Optical Fiber Communications: From Device, System to Networking

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    This book explores the enabling technology in optical fiber communications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art advances from fundamental theories, devices, and subsystems to networking applications as well as future perspectives of optical fiber communications. The topics cover include integrated photonics, fiber optics, fiber and free-space optical communications, and optical networking

    Analog radio over fiber solutions for multi-band 5g systems

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    This study presents radio over fiber (RoF) solutions for the fifth-generation (5G) of wireless networks. After the state of the art and a technical background review, four main contributions are reported. The first one is proposing and investigating a RoF technique based on a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DD-MZM) for multi-band mobile fronthauls, in which two radiofrequency (RF) signals in the predicted 5G bands individually feed an arm of the optical modulator. Experimental results demonstrate the approach enhances the RF interference mitigation and can prevail over traditional methods. The second contribution comprises the integration of a 5G transceiver, previously developed by our group, in a passive optical network (PON) using RoF technology and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay. The proposed architecture innovates by employing DD-MZM and enables to simultaneously transport baseband and 5G candidate RF signals in the same PON infrastructure. The proof-of-concept includes the transmission of a generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) signal generated by the 5G transceiver in the 700 MHz band, a 26 GHz digitally modulated signal as a millimeter-waves 5G band, and a baseband signal from an gigabit PON (GPON). Experimental results demonstrate the 5G transceiver digital performance when using RoF technology for distributing the GFDM signal, as well as Gbit/s throughput at 26 GHz. The third contribution is the implementation of a flexible-waveform and multi-application fiber-wireless (FiWi) system toward 5G. Such system includes the FiWi transmission of the GFDM and filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) signals at 788 MHz, toward long-range cells for remote or rural mobile access, as well as the recently launched 5G NR standard in microwave and mm-waves, aiming enhanced mobile broadband indoor and outdoor applications. Digital signal processing (DSP) is used for selecting the waveform and linearizing the RoF link. Experimental results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed solution to address 5G scenarios and requirements, besides the applicability of using existent fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks from Internet service providers for implementing 5G systems. Finally, the fourth contribution is the implementation of a multi-band 5G NR system with photonic-assisted RF amplification (PAA). The approach takes advantage of a novel PAA technique, based on RoF technology and four-wave mixing effect, that allows straightforward integration to the transport networks. Experimental results demonstrate iv uniform and stable 15 dB wideband gain for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and three 5G signals, distributed in the frequency range from 780 MHz to 26 GHz and coexisting in the mobile fronthaul. The obtained digital performance has efficiently met the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) requirements, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for using fiber-optic links to distribute and jointly amplify LTE and 5G signals in the optical domain.Agência 1Este trabalho apresenta soluções de rádio sobre fibra (RoF) para aplicações em redes sem fio de quinta geração (5G), e inclui quatro contribuições principais. A primeira delas refere-se à proposta e investigação de uma técnica de RoF baseada no modulador eletroóptico de braço duplo, dual-drive Mach-Zehnder (DD-MZM), para a transmissão simultânea de sinais de radiofrequência (RF) em bandas previstas para redes 5G. Resultados experimentais demonstram que o uso do DD-MZM favorece a ausência de interferência entre os sinais de RF transmitidos. A segunda contribuição trata da integração de um transceptor de RF, desenvolvido para aplicações 5G e apto a prover a forma de onda conhecida como generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), em uma rede óptica passiva (PON) ao utilizar RoF e multiplexação por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM). A arquitetura proposta permite transportar, na mesma infraestrutura de rede, sinais em banda base e de radiofrequência nas faixas do espectro candidatas para 5G. A prova de conceito inclui a distribuição conjunta de três tipos de sinais: um sinal GFDM na banda de 700 MHz, proveniente do transceptor desenvolvido; um sinal digital na frequência de 26 GHz, assumindo a faixa de ondas milimétricas; sinais em banda base provenientes de uma PON dedicada ao serviço de Internet. Resultados experimentais demonstram o desempenho do transceptor de RF ao utilizar a referida arquitetura para distribuir sinais GFDM, além de taxas de transmissão de dados da ordem de Gbit/s na faixa de 26 GHz. A terceira contribuição corresponde à implementação de um sistema fibra/rádio potencial para redes 5G, operando inclusive com o padrão ―5G New Radio (5G NR)‖ nas faixas de micro-ondas e ondas milimétricas. Tal sistema é capaz de prover macro células na banda de 700 MHz para aplicações de longo alcance e/ou rurais, utilizando sinais GFDM ou filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM), assim como femto células na banda de 26 GHz, destinada a altas taxas de transmissão de dados para comunicações de curto alcance. Resultados experimentais demonstram a aplicabilidade da solução proposta para redes 5G, além da viabilidade de utilizar redes ópticas pertencentes a provedores de Internet para favorecer sistemas de nova geração. Por fim, a quarta contribuição trata da implementação de um sistema 5G NR multibanda, assistido por amplificação de RF no domínio óptico. Esse sistema faz uso de um novo método de amplificação, baseado no efeito não linear da mistura de quatro ondas, que vi permite integração direta em redes de transporte envolvendo rádio sobre fibra. Resultados experimentais demonstram ganho de RF igual a 15 dB em uma ampla faixa de frequências (700 MHz até 26 GHz), atendendo simultaneamente tecnologias de quarta e quinta geração. O desempenho digital obtido atendeu aos requisitos estabelecidos pela 3GPP (Third-Generation Partnership Project), indicando a aplicabilidade da solução em questão para distribuir e conjuntamente amplificar sinais de RF em enlaces de fibra óptica

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin

    Architectures and Key Technical Challenges for 5G Systems Incorporating Satellites

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    Satellite Communication systems are a promising solution to extend and complement terrestrial networks in unserved or under-served areas. This aspect is reflected by recent commercial and standardisation endeavours. In particular, 3GPP recently initiated a Study Item for New Radio-based, i.e., 5G, Non-Terrestrial Networks aimed at deploying satellite systems either as a stand-alone solution or as an integration to terrestrial networks in mobile broadband and machine-type communication scenarios. However, typical satellite channel impairments, as large path losses, delays, and Doppler shifts, pose severe challenges to the realisation of a satellite-based NR network. In this paper, based on the architecture options currently being discussed in the standardisation fora, we discuss and assess the impact of the satellite channel characteristics on the physical and Medium Access Control layers, both in terms of transmitted waveforms and procedures for enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) and NarrowBand-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) applications. The proposed analysis shows that the main technical challenges are related to the PHY/MAC procedures, in particular Random Access (RA), Timing Advance (TA), and Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) and, depending on the considered service and architecture, different solutions are proposed.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, April 201

    Proceedings of the 35th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux and the 4th joint WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Eindhoven, the Netherlands May 12-13, 2014

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    Compressive sensing (CS) as an approach for data acquisition has recently received much attention. In CS, the signal recovery problem from the observed data requires the solution of a sparse vector from an underdetermined system of equations. The underlying sparse signal recovery problem is quite general with many applications and is the focus of this talk. The main emphasis will be on Bayesian approaches for sparse signal recovery. We will examine sparse priors such as the super-Gaussian and student-t priors and appropriate MAP estimation methods. In particular, re-weighted l2 and re-weighted l1 methods developed to solve the optimization problem will be discussed. The talk will also examine a hierarchical Bayesian framework and then study in detail an empirical Bayesian method, the Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) method. If time permits, we will also discuss Bayesian methods for sparse recovery problems with structure; Intra-vector correlation in the context of the block sparse model and inter-vector correlation in the context of the multiple measurement vector problem

    Device-to-Device Communication in 5G Cellular Networks

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    Owing to the unprecedented and continuous growth in the number of connected users and networked devices, the next-generation 5G cellular networks are envisaged to support enormous number of simultaneously connected users and devices with access to numerous services and applications by providing networks with highly improved data rate, higher capacity, lower end-to-end latency, improved spectral efficiency, at lower power consumption. D2D communication underlaying cellular networks has been proposed as one of the key components of the 5G technology as a means of providing efficient spectrum reuse for improved spectral efficiency and take advantage of proximity between devices for reduced latency, improved user throughput, and reduced power consumption. Although D2D communication underlaying cellular networks promises lots of potentials, unlike the conventional cellular network architecture, there are new design issues and technical challenges that must be addressed for proper implementation of the technology. These include new device discovery procedures, physical layer architecture and radio resource management schemes. This thesis explores the potentials of D2D communication as an underlay to 5G cellular networks and focuses on efficient interference management solutions through mode selection, resource allocation and power control schemes. In this work, a joint admission control, resource allocation, and power control scheme was implemented for D2D communication underlaying 5G cellular networks. The performance of the system was evaluated, and comparisons were made with similar schemes.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format